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What Did We Eat Today?

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Your dinner is better than my Lite beer. Though equal results can be achieved.

Never thought of giving prosecco the sangria treatment. Yum! Got a bottle in the fridge right now. 

Hmmm. Tomorrow night is my Friday night. Might be a plan! Thanks for sharing.


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I had spaghetti for dinner with some water to drink.  However, all of this talk about sangria reminds me that I have a bottle of wine in the fridge that now seems to be calling my name.

Edited by BooksRule
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Recently on vacation I had a great cocktail made with champagne, byrrh (an aperitif made with red wine, mistelle, and quinine) and a dash of lemon juice. Quof's talk of prosecco reminded me I had an unopened bottle in the fridge and a bottle of byrrh (I had to track some down when I got back). Now I have a half a bottle of prosecco and a mild buzz. 

Oh, and I made a flatbread with caramelized onions, dried figs, bacon and Gorgonzola.

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6 hours ago, Quof said:

I just made some awesome sangria.  Someone gave me a bottle of prosecco ages ago, and I don't like white wines, sparkling or otherwise, so it has just been sitting.   So I hunted down a recipe that includes orange liqueur and grapefruit soda. Delish.

Oh, sorry, should this not be my dinner?  It's got fruit in it.

I was thinking about taking sangria to my BFF's fireworks party next Sunday. Would you please share the recipe? I found one on the web that sounds like an old one I used to make that has brandy in it and it was good. But I am intrigued by the citrus flavor of yours. Thanks!

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Tonight I made a fritatta, tossing in leftover cold cuts, a few cooked potato cubes, and some diced green bell pepper, plus some cheeses.  It was quite good.  I haven't made one in a long time.  I never liked the crust in a quiche so fritattas are best for me.

Edited by annzeepark914
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So I found this recipe for the ultimate pizza crust. You had to soak the quinoa which I did and put into the refrigerator.  When it was time to make the crust it could not be found. In the meantime, I'd sauteed the zucchini, yellow peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes.  Giving the fridge one more unsuccessful look I finally just grabbed the pot of brown rice and heated. My dinner was sauteed veggies over brown rice.

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13 minutes ago, ethalfrida said:

So I found this recipe for the ultimate pizza crust. You had to soak the quinoa which I did and put into the refrigerator.  When it was time to make the crust it could not be found. In the meantime, I'd sauteed the zucchini, yellow peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes.  Giving the fridge one more unsuccessful look I finally just grabbed the pot of brown rice and heated. My dinner was sauteed veggies over brown rice.

You've got quinoa thieves in your house? ;-)

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35 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

You've got quinoa thieves in your house? ;-)


19 minutes ago, Quof said:

Did you check the freezer? The microwave? The cupboard?

That's God punishing you for bastardizing pizza crust with quinoa.

Okay. I found the bowl in the dishwasher. The Quinoa had been transferred to a glass jar and was hiding in the fridge in back of the other jars holding stuff. It probably was better that I ate the brown rice anyway. (still laughing at my silly self)

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I was going to bake some chicken for dinner, but the oven was in use (chocolate sheet cake), so I had two tomato sandwiches for dinner (homegrown tomatoes, white bread, mayo and a sprinkle of salt).  I love fresh tomato season!  

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My tomatoes are probably still six weeks out, and are probably the entire reason I have a garden.

There was a call for meatballs and spaghetti this week, so I think I'll go ahead and pull a frozen container of meatballs out and do that tonight.  That's the entire reason for making big batches of the stuff on weekends, isn't it?

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I found a brick of leftover lasagna in the freezer.  It is cool-ish today so I thought I would have it before the weather turns hot again.  I love lasagna, but for some reason it just doesn't seem right in hot weather.

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Damned straight, scriggle. I just tried Haagen Daaz pineapple coconut for the first time.  I couldn't bring myself to pay $8, but found it on sale for $5 so I had to buy it, didn't I?

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52 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

I went gourmet: A tuna fish sandwich.  :-P


43 minutes ago, Rick Kitchen said:

But, was it toasted?

Or better yet, grilled?

I shouldn't come in to this thread when I'm hungry 'cuz now I'm hungry for everything!

With a prosecco-sangria chaser.

Edited by NewDigs
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I can't remember if I posted that I made a Cubano sandwich for the first time (never had one in a restaurant either).  I just remembered some of the ingredients (meats,cheese and a pickle) so I used some leftover cold cuts, 2 slices of Swiss cheese, sliced vertically a few cornichons, used aioli and some Dijon mustard on the Portuguese roll and then put it in the grillade using the panini sides and smooshed it.  Geeze laweeze that was very good & so easy!  I'd never had Portuguese rolls before but had heard of them.  They're delicious & remind me (a little) of the hard rolls we used to get in bakeries in NYS back in the day.  So now I've had a Cubano...who knew they were so good?

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Your sandwich recipe is in a cookbook I have called White Trash Cooking. And now I have dinner envy.

I have that cookbook!  It's a hoot!  (but I do have to say that I've eaten some of that type of cooking--although in a nicer setting than some of the places shown in the book).  

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Quof, I got a great deal on the B&J's. It was 2/$5 plus $1coupon on 2.   

Damn you.  I'm in Canada, we get very few flavours of Ben & Jerry's or Haagen Daaz, and they are rarely less than $8 Canadian for a pint.  Ice cream is my favourite food on earth, and when I'm in the US I go to grocery stores just to linger in the ice cream aisle.

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I was being a couch potato tonight, so I had a weird 'whatever I could find in the kitchen'-type of dinner.  Part of a bag of 'Stacy's Simply Naked' pita chips, two pieces of BBQ chicken and a piece of chocolate cake.

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The humidity was at like 497% today and the A/C is busted, so I had an English muffin (Ok, two) with soy nut butter and jam. It was about all I could muster up the strength to fix myself.

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Firing up the (gas) grill to make Sweet Chili Chicken and also grill some corn on the cob.  I don't use chilies (don't know nuthin' 'bout chilies) so I use dried red pepper flakes.  Also making pilaf (shortcut tonight...making from Near East brand's Rice Pilaf Wild Mushroom & Herb). + a tossed salad leftover from last night.

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This thread is hell on my diet.

I remember the first time I had a properly pressed Cuban sandwich and thought I had a little piece of heaven in my mouth. We always smoosh 'em good at home and have found that Publix makes a dandy Cuban. Mmmm.

Edited by NewDigs
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I'm doing some yard work while two chicken thighs bake in the oven (with a big sprinkle of Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning on each).  I was going to fix a green salad, but my energy level is getting really low, so I'll probably just zap some veggies in the microwave for a side.  I just came in to turn the chicken and the house smells really good.  

Edited by BooksRule
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On June 29, 2016 at 0:46 AM, annzeepark914 said:

I'd never had Portuguese rolls before but had heard of them.  They're delicious & remind me (a little) of the hard rolls we used to get in bakeries in NYS back in the day.

Kimmelweck? Beef on wick! Hate caraway, love horseradish, and beef au jus is always a win, so a bit of a draw for me. But it's not a kimmelweck without the "Kümmel."

We had tri-color pasta sauces - spicy tomato, dolce gorgonzola and rocket pesto with gnocchi and penne in honor of the footie match I was forced to watch that.would.not.end. Food was good though. 

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Damn I make good potato salad. Honestly I do.  I keep carbs at a minimum but this weekend demands them.  Step away from the bowl, just step away, NOW. 

Edited by wings707
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I could eat potato salad and nothing but potato salad for a meal (which is why I rarely make it--it's too tempting to eat far too much).

I'm having oven-BBQd chicken and a baked potato for dinner.  I had a healthy salad for lunch, so I'm skipping the green veggies for dinner.

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I could eat potato salad and nothing but potato salad for a meal (which is why I rarely make it--it's too tempting to eat far too much).

I'm having oven-BBQd chicken and a baked potato for dinner.  I had a healthy salad for lunch, so I'm skipping the green veggies for dinner.

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I don't know which one, but one of my neighbors is frying some kind of meat for their dinner.  I was working in the backyard, and I could smell steak frying (or maybe pork chops).  It smelled really good.  It reminded me of when I lived in an apartment complex, someone in my building would cook with what smelled like teriyaki sauce at least once or twice a week.  The whole breezeway would smell like it--it almost made me start knocking on doors so I could invite myself to dinner.

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Had the charcoal grill up and running a couple times this weekend (the fourth of July and all, seemed like the thing to do.)

Smoked some chicken breasts on Saturday which came out really tender, which was not easy to do. I have a couple leftover that I need to figure out what to do with for dinner tonight.  

Yesterday was a big old flank steak I bought when it was on sale and put in the freezer a couple months ago.  That went really well.  The charcoal is absolutely the way to go as opposed to my gas grill.  The steak marinated about eight hours first in a basic balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, olive oil and some herbs mix. Then I grilled it about four minutes on each side directly over the ridiculously hot coals (so long hair on the back of my fingers!) Then because my family prefers it to be medium/medium-rare, I moved it over to the other side away from the fire and put the lid on the grill for another four minutes. 

Served it with corn on the cob, watermelon, potato salad. Very 4th of July type meal.

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Oh, glory be, JTMacc99...I'm salivating reading about that flank steak (and when the heck does flank steak ever go on sale?  Not around here!) I have a real little charcoal grill that I need to buy some charcoal for and fire it up for a steak and burgers one of these days.  You've inspired me.  Gas grills are great for easy grilling but they can't compete with charcoal grills for that wonderful flavor (and aroma).

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39 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

Oh, glory be, JTMacc99...I'm salivating reading about that flank steak (and when the heck does flank steak ever go on sale?  Not around here!) I have a real little charcoal grill that I need to buy some charcoal for and fire it up for a steak and burgers one of these days.  You've inspired me.  Gas grills are great for easy grilling but they can't compete with charcoal grills for that wonderful flavor (and aroma).

Must have been in March, because during prime grilling season, it's been full priced. I knew enough back then to jump on it and put it in the freezer.

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