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S16.E01: Auditions 1

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Variety of acts and contestants of all ages audition for the chance to win the $1 million prize. The Golden Buzzer is back, allowing select lucky acts the chance to go directly to the live shows to compete for America's vote. Judges Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, and Sofia Vergara are back, along with host Terry Crews.

Original airdate: 6/1/21

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  • Simon in shorts? I don't know if I can handle this level of change...
  • dog-Howie is adorable. (Bow-wowie Mandel and Simon Howl! 😆)
  • Shouldn't dog-Heidi be a German Shepherd?
  • Not sure I would complain about an all-dog AGT.
  • 16yo aerialist looks like Tom Holland. And now I am dizzy. But I feel like Simon and Howie's faces were from watching a different act that slightly horrified and/or confused them.
  • [Time passes]
  • Um...I forgot I was taking notes...lots of stupid stuff happened. And the obligatory golden buzzer choir.
  • Kid comedian is, indeed, as cute as his dimples. Needs to work on his delivery, though. But he's only 7 so I'll cut him some slack.
  • One Accord should sing more and talk less.
  • Magician guy needs to move it along. Points for working the sob story into the act.
  • "My name is Sethward"... again? Why?
  • "You're not a bloody peacock!" Let him try to fly and he will be...
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At this point, I have to assume Sethward either has compromising photos of Simon, or is related to one of the producers. 

I'm a little embarrassed that it took me up until they started their song for me to realize the choir were getting the Golden Buzzer. 

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Ugh to the return of a studio audience. The now obligatory dog act. Nurse's choir was going to go through without the buzzer, they really need to stop letting sentimentality decide who gets that. The three college guys, there's a lot of potential there but I don't know that a TV competition is the best way to nurture it. Father and son comedians, eh. They were both mildly entertaining but nothing great. Pretty much par for the course with comedians on this show.

If they pass Sethward through he becomes ineligible for another season, I hope?

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2 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Ugh to the return of a studio audience. The now obligatory dog act. Nurse's choir was going to go through without the buzzer.

If they pass Sethward through he becomes ineligible for another season, I hope?

The auidence was not real. I wonder if it will be at some point because Vegas is reopening so much right now. I wonder if the final shows will be filmed there. It seems like some Tv shows have turned to Vegas over CA or NY because of the strict rules there. 

I thought the nurses Choir was okay but not buzzer worthy. I would like them to give the buzzer to acts other then singing so we can know there will be some non-singing acts in the finale. 

I also do not get this new type of magic with I will guess what you picked. There seems to be some tech tricks not magic? Was the email sent to Teri on a google drive and   changed by the wife? I was trying to figuring it out but it just does ot wow me like Shin Lin. 

Comedy dad and son, I liked the dad more then the son.

Was Sethward there as the peacock as an NBC ad for the streaming? I hope that was all but I guess we will see him for filler in the future. 

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The auidence was not real. I wonder if it will be at some point because Vegas is reopening so much right now. I wonder if the final shows will be filmed there. It seems like some Tv shows have turned to Vegas over CA or NY because of the strict rules there. 

I've heard that the plan is to have an actual studio audience at some point--possibly at the time of the live shows, since a lot of places are opening up more.

I think (as my closed captioning called them) 1Achord was pausing for the judges to say "Ok, now sing", but that didn't happen until they finished their story.  That said, points for them showing a group that wasn't defined by their sob story.  (That sounds like the beginning of a dark comedy:  "No, you don't have a sob story YET...but you're going to want to return that text message.")

I think if you break a world record, you should go through for another round.

I liked the father-son comedian team; it doesn't bother me if someone else is writing material, because lots of comedians use other people's material.

I liked the choir, and I thought they and the magician were playing hard to what the show rewards.  The magician might have been disappointed he wasn't GBd, but maybe he'll get paid an extra week of appearance fees, so that could work out.








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The magician's long mawkish story about adopting his kid was told entirely to give his assistant backstage time to enter all the answers in the photos, which were on a drive that could be altered and then accessed by Terry. The cards that Heidi used to pick the puppy picture are rigged with uneven sizes so that when you lift from the sides to cut the deck, you'll always end up with the puppy. And how likely is it that a court adoption procedure happened at 7:04 am or pm?

And I hate, hate, hate a performer using a sad story or a "I love my kid so much!" story in his act. I'm sure he does love his kid and the adoption day was special, but using it in your performance with that fake choking back tears just debases it.

I'm so over the choirs. Please, no more choirs of very special people.

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10 minutes ago, Tango64 said:

And how likely is it that a court adoption procedure happened at 7:04 am or pm?

The time was on a clock on the bookcase in the picture of the baby playing in a box, not the courthouse picture. Though you're probably right about the rest. I usually get so bored with these acts that I don't even bother to wonder how they do it.

Baby was cute, though.

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Not. Sethward. AGAIN!!!!!  I had to watch him get gonged on the Gong Show too.  (Well, I didn't HAVE to, but I stupidly did.)  He had a big sob story about how his father didn't approve.  Sethward, he didn't approve because you suck!!!

I have been debating whether or not the movement non-dancing guy was a brilliant comic or actually that geeky. 

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Welcome back everyone!

May this season of AGT go smoothly and also for this forum. 


AGT started on a bumpy path already, giving an all nurse choir the golden buzzer and advancing them to the live shows. Years ago when the golden buzzer first was used, the judges gave it to the act that had an outstanding performance and impressed them so much, they advanced them to the lives. Now, the last couple of years or so, it's the act that "inspires" the judges. In other words, what sob stories will get the most tears flowing and you have your golden buzzer act. What a shame!

The father and son comedians were ok. The dad was funny but the son fell "flat". I give the son credit for going up there in front of millions of viewers.

The magician was just "meh". Nothing special.


I just wonder if they were to have the contestants go on stage without the backstories, how different the show would be. How many winners would not have won. Hmm   

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At least there weren't TOO many singers.  I renew my complaint that I'd rather see the variety acts - if I wanted to see tons of singers I'd watch one of the singing competitions.  

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17 minutes ago, rr2911 said:

The father and son comedians were ok. The dad was funny but the son fell "flat". I give the son credit for going up there in front of millions of viewers.

Hey, he did better than I would have, and I'm almost 40 years older! I felt bad for him that he blanked but he handled it pretty well for such a young kid.

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1 hour ago, Cowgirl said:

I have been debating whether or not the movement non-dancing guy was a brilliant comic or actually that geeky. 

He's a comic. He's playing a character. I thought he was entertaining. 

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13 hours ago, silverspoons said:

The auidence was not real. I wonder if it will be at some point because Vegas is reopening so much right now.

Well, now I'm ashamed at myself for falling for it. As of June 1 Clark County, where Las Vegas is located, returned to pre-pandemic standards. Which effectively means no restrictions on anything. If they want to do the lives from one of the big casinos they will all be happy to have them.

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18 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Well, now I'm ashamed at myself for falling for it. As of June 1 Clark County, where Las Vegas is located, returned to pre-pandemic standards. Which effectively means no restrictions on anything. If they want to do the lives from one of the big casinos they will all be happy to have them.

I was a bit confused until I saw the very end where there was a message to this effect: Due to COVID restrictions, both real and virtual audiences were used, including previous season audiences. I watched it again (with my kid, I'm not that dedicated to this crap) and there was no actual shots of the hosts with the audience. I'm guessing all the sounds were added in post. I also noticed the hosts stayed distant from the acts. 

The live shows should be different. 

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18 hours ago, silverspoons said:

The audience was not real.

I kept trying to see how the "audience" was all CGI'd in since I figured it was fake. Every once in a while I'd get a glimpse of a big empty behind the judges. I was glad audience was fake though, which meant we didn't get close ups of those old lady twins they show every episode. Or, used to.

I was doing so many other things during this show that I missed most of the nuances, although when the choir came on with its gigantic sob story and then Howie stood up, I had a gigantic deja vu flashback to last year. And the year before. And probably the year before that. Some bunch of people who do good deeds get together and sing some songs and voilá, they're going to finals on this show.

I didn't know the guy singer was a little kid until I looked over at the teevee. And thought well, that's possibly the winner of this whole thing. Once he beats out the GB choir that is. This show loves little kid singers.

My favorite of the night was the "dancer." I actually and quite literally started laughing out loud and didn't stop until he did. I don't know, it just struck me as hilarious and I laughed hard. Go ahead and judge me.

Unfortunately, the peacock guy took my good humor away STAT. I couldn't get him off my teevee fast enough, but he kept staying and staying and staying and staying ... Gah, plus now he's going to be back on a later episode.

Someone kill me now.

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Maybe because I never had kids I didn't really relate to the "father" comedian.  I didn't think anything he did was particularly funny.  The little kid has potential - really good stage presence and good timing.  However, I HATE that children are kind of given a pass because they are "good for their age."  I think that kid will actually be a successful comedian when he's older and not relying on the cuteness factor, but for now, all the "awws" kind of grate.  The little kid singer was OK but was really only relying on glory notes - the quiet parts were a little pitchy.  Also, not his fault, but why can't these shows ever credit the correct singer/songwriter?  Eric Carmen originally did "All By Myself" - Celine Dion only sang it later.

I'm also really over the "feel good" choir getting the golden buzzer.  While almost all of them have some very talented singers, most of the time there are so many voices that the overall effect doesn't showcase any of them - they're all pretty much lost in the shuffle.  (Rather than acting as backup the rest of the choir simply drowns the featured singer out.)  And are there REALLY that many people who go to Vegas, have their choice of shows/entertainment and say "Yup, what came here to see is a choir"?  

While I think the dancer is very talented, it's hard for those types of acts to demonstrate variety.  There's no more "surprise" factor and there are only so many steps/moves he can do - and yes, I realize singers do the same thing over and over but maybe it seems different because it's auditory, not visual.

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AGT has really gone to the dogs.  And I love them!  Since I'm a dog show lover, the show got off to a good start for me.  My favorite act was the aerial artist Aiden Bryant.  He got extra points from me for using a Tears For Fears song, re-recorded by another artist.  I appreciated the fact that this teen didn't get flashy with tight pants or shorts and went with modest casual longish shorts.  I want to see 1aChord, the trio of singers, again.  Peter the 10-year-old singer was impressive and adorable, in the not cutesy way, and I usually hate kid singers.  I want him to have a chance.

Being a healthcare worker or nurse, or adopting a kid, is not a sob story.  Enough with the heroes, just sing.  They were OK but not GB material.  Please congratulate us for adopting a cute little baby boy while we hail the birth mother the hero was too much for me.  If he comes back, what's he gonna do?  Have us relive his wedding?  Thanks to Tango64 for the reveal so I don't have to wonder what trickery was used.

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18 hours ago, rr2911 said:

I just wonder if they were to have the contestants go on stage without the backstories, how different the show would be. How many winners would not have won. Hmm   

I agree! I'm so over watching shows that highlight backstories, which is why I'm going to pass on AGT this season and just read the comments here, their more entertaining anyways :-)


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The best part about this show being back is this thread is once again alive with some great posts and posters. Reading here is a highlight and best part of AGT for me.

I agree that the "dancer," the one that had me LOL so hard, will be not so hilarious when he comes back. I was trying to think what he would do next time and couldn't come up with anything that would wow me like his first time. But I guess I'll find out.

It seems unanimous that we all hate the sob back stories, but every single reality show dwells heavily on them, and winners typically have the sobbiest sob stories. From The Bachelor to Pooch Perfect to American Ninja Warrior, we can't get away from them. But if you fast forward through them, then when the sob person wins, you'll be all WTH? and not know why.

I also liked the aerialist Aiden and I guess his backstory sort of got to me and helped me like him more. If his last name was Wallenda he'd be just another aerialist. So I guess ignore what I wrote above about sob stories. I identify with people who do not conform to "the normal," so there's that.

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I wish they had let Mr. Cherry move on to the next round.  I'd take him over a singer any day. (Wel, the only singer I have liked is Darci Lynn.) Is it weird that I want to know what his pants pockets were made of, to protect his heinie from the hard walnut shells?

I wonder if they had an official there from Guiness to document the record?

Edited by Cowgirl
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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Pooch Perfect 

lol...I have literally only watched Pooch Perfect on mute (and only a few times) because it was on between two other shows. I gather it was a British Bake Off-style format with a theme for each grooming followed by a runway-show-style reveal..? All I know of the contestants is that one pair was friends and another was mother/son, because I happened to glance up at the TV when their IDs were on it. Cute dogs, though.

2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

The best part about this show being back is this thread is once again alive with some great posts and posters. Reading here is a highlight and best part of AGT for me.

Sometimes I think this place is the only reason I watch some shows at this point.

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2 hours ago, Cowgirl said:

I wish they had let Mr. Cherry move on to the next round.  I'd take him over a singer any day.

Agree. And I'll take him over Peacock Guy every day of the week. Of course he was wearing "iron undies" to smash the walnuts. Sofia trying it while just wearing regular Spanx was ... well, I guess it was good teevee, or at least TPTB thought so. Most people knew she wasn't going to make it work. Good time killer, plus this show is all about the judges so there's that.

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15 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

Being a healthcare worker or nurse, or adopting a kid, is not a sob story. 

While I applaud the healthcare workers' performance, I don't think it was GB worthy either, BUT, in light of everything they've gone through during the pandemic, I thought it was a nice thing for Howie to do.  I think it was more of a salute to the entire medical profession.  The guy in the group said that they just wanted to give other healthcare workers some encouragement.  I spoke to a nurse who's been working on the Covid floor of our local hospital for the past year and she said that for a long time there were 3-4 people dying every single day from Covid.   They had to see the worst of what Covid could do to people.  The entire medical profession gets a big pat on the back from me!  Kudos to this group for just trying to bring a little cheer to people. 

I liked the 3 young men from North or South Carolina (I don't remember which one it was).  I thought their harmonies were just beautiful.  I hope they go far in this competition.   

I forgot to mention the dog show at the beginning of the show!  What a clever idea to have the dogs be the judges watching contestants with dogs.  Super creative!  I'm not sure how far they can take that, but hopefully they'll come up with something equally funny.

Edited by ChitChat
another thought
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Oh yeah, Mr. Cherry. That was silly but entertaining. I will take him over Sethward any day. I also liked the Japanese act that made sound effect with their bodies in a previous season [shrug]. Maybe he can come back as a wild card act.

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Brilliant open with the dog jidges.  The execution was a bit clunky (how could it not be?) but the warm humor was clever. 

This grouping of jidges is my favorite on AGT.  

It was good to see Simon back.  It was sad to see him weakened.  

Lord, deliver me from virtue message choirs.  Not that I had any real hope that the GB would be about actual talent after the travesty of last year's.  The dog's confetti wasn't the real thing.  More's the pity.

AI taking over magic.  It'll get us all, eventually.

Horrendous "comedians" again.  There's a wonderful bossa nova piece called, "One Note Samba."  Maybe we could just have Sofia perform it in lieu of the one-note and lame comics.

Sethward is actually subversive.  He ultimately mocks the AGT conventions.  His "mating ritual" for Sofia was silly on the surface, but underneath (pun intended) it was disrespectful and insulting.  The (assumed) bare butt being shown the jidges?  A time-honored and universal F U.  He also used a device Miss Piggy relies upon.  All sweetness and light in attitude and voice until he does not get the reaction he wants.  Then, his voice abruptly changes/sharpens and serious sarcasm is spewed.  Certainly, he is not a cup of Earl Grey for most.  For me, he provided real laughs and blew away the supposed comedians.  

Maybe/Perhaps the most difficult backstory in AGT histoire?  The Filipino singer.  Sooooo many Filipina's sought work in the Middle East, including the UAE, only to be horribly abused.  Was he the product of such?  He does have a huge voice.  Will he learn to refine it?  He already has the (in)famous Cowell, "It factor." I wish him the best.  

No more Dunkin' Save?  Is it now the Sonic Sux, in honor of their really good slurpies?



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On 6/3/2021 at 2:55 AM, CrystalBlue said:


Being a healthcare worker or nurse, or adopting a kid, is not a sob story. 

It is not a sob story, but it was used to springboard the choir. If the Howie didn't know about their profession, would he have pressed the GB? Probably not. They were good enough to go through, but not GB material by any means.

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Re the magician.  I understand the phone shenanigans that makes the trick work.  It’s just the adoptive mother holding up a sign that says power doesn’t even go along with the narrative.  But if course that’s the word Terry chose.  It would have worked better with love, compassion,etc.  But at least he didn’t choose money or fame.

hate to be cynical but do you think that Was actually the birth mom ?  It’s possible if it’s an open adoption but sounds like the child was not in a good situation at 2 months.

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4 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

Re the magician.  I understand the phone shenanigans that makes the trick work.  It’s just the adoptive mother holding up a sign that says power doesn’t even go along with the narrative.  But if course that’s the word Terry chose.  It would have worked better with love, compassion,etc.  But at least he didn’t choose money or fame.

hate to be cynical but do you think that Was actually the birth mom ?  It’s possible if it’s an open adoption but sounds like the child was not in a good situation at 2 months.

I don't think the adoptive father would pose with the birth mother; why wouldn't his wife/adoptive mother be there?  The baby being in a bad situation was probably made-up drama for the show.  Power was an odd word to choose and doesn't go along with the story, I agree.

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On 6/1/2021 at 10:21 PM, Superclam said:

At this point, I have to assume Sethward either has compromising photos of Simon, or is related to one of the producers. 

I'm a little embarrassed that it took me up until they started their song for me to realize the choir were getting the Golden Buzzer. 

As soon as they were introduced, I knew this would be the pandering choir going to the finale. At least we don't have to hear this barely  average group sing again until the live show. 


Edited by Gabs66
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12 minutes ago, Gabs66 said:

As soon as they were introduced, I new this would be the pandering choir going to the finale. At least we don't have to hear this barely  average group sing again until the live show. 


Don't forget the inevitable season recap show. We saw "Listen to the Sound of the Sidewalk" at least 3 times before the live show last year. 

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