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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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Lulz! They haven't even been in Knoxville for two weeks and they're already fleeing town. Per Katie's stories, Travis surprised her with a vacation. They stayed at Lawson's tonight and are flying out of Nashville in the morning. She didn't say where they were going. 

So much for Travis concentrating on his music, lol. 

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53 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Most underwhelming non-surprise ever. Should we take bets on how soon they buy a house? No way they're staying in that apartment with two kids and a big dog. 

I wonder if they have a lease or are month to month? 

Because she's due sometime in October, based on finding out she was pregnant back in early February. And if she goes a couple of weeks early, like she did with Hailey, we:re talking late September. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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5 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Let's see how she does with a newborn this time. I hope she is not depending on Mama B to spend the night so that she can sleep uninterrupted.  And forget those casseroles and dinners that Mama C dropped off that they enjoyed.  

Rude awakening for Katie, coming right up. She's an idiot and deserves what she gets. 

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I think 18 months to 2 1/2 years are the best ages for firstborns to "welcome" a younger sibling. They are too young to really contemplate how much their worlds will change, and they haven't been an only for too long. Heading towards 3 years and up, kids have a better idea of what to expect and wilder imaginations. They can end up acting out long before the next kid is even born.

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1 hour ago, 3 is enough said:

My first reaction was feeling bad for Hailey. She will only be 19 months old when the baby arrives. Her world is going to change so much.

My kids are 2 years apart- I know it’s only a 5 month difference but they mature a lot in those 5 months. 

I think if they'd stayed in New Jersey, Hailey would've had an easier transition. The Clarks would've still doted on her while giving attention to the new baby. With the Bates, they're only about the latest and greatest, the rest of the grandkids blend together in an indistinguishable horde. Katie may not notice because it's what she's used to, but Travis surely will. 

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I think 18 months to 2 1/2 years are the best ages for firstborns to "welcome" a younger sibling. They are too young to really contemplate how much their worlds will change, and they haven't been an only for too long. Heading towards 3 years and up, kids have a better idea of what to expect and wilder imaginations. They can end up acting out long before the next kid is even born.

This is true- my nephew was 2 1/2 when his sister was born and he was not a happy camper. Meanwhile my kids were fine with the new arrivals. Of course when # 3 came along the first two had each other. The transition from 1 to 2 definitely is the most difficult. Katie will surely miss her in-laws. They are actually helpful and doted on Hailey.

Edited by 3 is enough
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It seems Travis' music stuff in Nashville will involve his parents coming down.  Maybe they are in on the venture with Travis.  So perhaps Katie and Travis moving to TN and leaving his parents won't be as harsh, if his parents come to Nashville some too.  Maybe Mama Clark will come down when #2 is born and keep Haley for them while Kelly comes and goes with gifts and sweet words.  

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2 hours ago, ranchgirl said:

It seems Travis' music stuff in Nashville will involve his parents coming down.  Maybe they are in on the venture with Travis.  So perhaps Katie and Travis moving to TN and leaving his parents won't be as harsh, if his parents come to Nashville some too.  Maybe Mama Clark will come down when #2 is born and keep Haley for them while Kelly comes and goes with gifts and sweet words.  

they were in Asheville nc...recording...and they just announced Travis is going on tour .... and leaving Katie at home...he will be traveling out of nashville and opening for someone I have not heard of....

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Normally I'd say it's great Travis is actually pursuing his music, but I don't think Katie will be able to manage on her own, pregnant, with a toddler and large dog. I'm assuming Remi has to be walked several times a day. It's not like Katie can leave Hailey by herself in the apartment to take the dog out, and trying to wrangle the two at the same time will be difficult. I predict they'll be moving into a house before long. 

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Normally I'd say it's great Travis is actually pursuing his music, but I don't think Katie will be able to manage on her own, pregnant, with a toddler and large dog. I'm assuming Remi has to be walked several times a day. It's not like Katie can leave Hailey by herself in the apartment to take the dog out, and trying to wrangle the two at the same time will be difficult. I predict they'll be moving into a house before long. 

Her southern accent is much thicker already...so I say she will just continue to spend time with family...looks like she is in thick with Whit....and I assume Carlin once they are back from Mama Jane's....

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15 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Normally I'd say it's great Travis is actually pursuing his music, but I don't think Katie will be able to manage on her own, pregnant, with a toddler and large dog. I'm assuming Remi has to be walked several times a day. It's not like Katie can leave Hailey by herself in the apartment to take the dog out, and trying to wrangle the two at the same time will be difficult. I predict they'll be moving into a house before long. 

I see one person with a dog and a stroller all the time. Katie should be able to handle it. If not, she's not ready for a second kid. 

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14 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I see one person with a dog and a stroller all the time. Katie should be able to handle it. If not, she's not ready for a second kid. 

But doesn't she live on the second floor? Hopefully she leaves the stroller in the car so she's not trying carry a stroller and kid and pulling a dog on a leash going down the stairs.

But... she'll likely have a rotation of the youngest 3 sisters with her most of the time. So no worries.

Totally makes sense why they moved Katie back to TN.

Haven’t watched their video but I’m laughing at the idea of Trav touring. His woman has openly said she gets jealous when the female employee at Sbux dares smiles or says - nice weather today huh - to Trav, to the point that she has to hold up her hand to show her ring and be all “MY husband.” Good luck to her dealing with a tour. I’m sure she’ll try to be with him 24-7 but reality is he’ll get plenty of time with whoever he’s touring with, their staff, staff at event spaces. I mean it’s inevitable that Hailey will need to nap which means he goes to afternoon rehearsal or sound checks alone. Even if she dumps H on Addie/Ellie, what is she gonna do - stand backstage 1 foot from the curtain at all times making sure Trav isn’t laughing or joking around with any female with the tour or event space, ever?

And Trav like Bobby may start to realize he married entirely too young and rather enjoys hanging out and talking to others without his clingy wife around.

Can’t imagine Katie isn’t worried about this in her heart if hearts. Wonder how similar she really is to Carlin - are we gonna hear that she wakes up at 6 am crying daily begging Trav not to go?

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Maybe Katie will stay at Carlin's on the days that Travis is away? In a  weird way, it's a win-win for everyone. Evan and Carlin hate being alone together, so Katie will provide a buffer. Hailey can play with Layla and Zade. Remi can play with Izzy in the Stews' huge, fenced yard. Travis can rest easy knowing his wife won't be crying her eyes out every day, or even worse: begging to tag along. Katie won't have the anxiety of being alone in their apartment and having to adult for the first time in her life.  Everybody ends up happy!

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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Maybe Katie will stay at Carlin's on the days that Travis is away? In a  weird way, it's a win-win for everyone. Evan and Carlin hate being alone together, so Katie will provide a buffer. Hailey can play with Layla and Zade. Remi can play with Izzy in the Stews' huge, fenced yard. Travis can rest easy knowing his wife won't be crying her eyes out every day, or even worse: begging to tag along. Katie won't have the anxiety of being alone in their apartment and having to adult for the first time in her life.  Everybody ends up happy!

This would also solve C&E's need to party party -- i.e. have someone else around at all times. Plus it'd let Trav pretend he is a regular 23 year old - out doing his own thing rather than toting along a wife and 2 kids. Yet it doesn't solve Katie's problem. Sure she wouldn't have to be an adult alone in her own home with her own kid BUT what if her man is out there laughing it up with other females who happen to work for the tour or event spaces??? What if he like Bobby realizes that there was noooo need for him to marry and saddle himself down so young and regrets doing that?

FWIW I wasn't wishing health problems on Katie or anyone. BUT I do think A LOT of these girls have anxiety probably just due to how they were raised. They have exactly nothing of their own - no education that could support them/their kids; no jobs; no wisdom or ability to handle adult life; no life experience. The ONLY thing they have is their men and any little thing that threatens that "stability" is going to be anxiety inducing - in Katie's case it was anxiety inducing to have her husband talk to the Sbux employee!? I mean they aren't normal women who had boyfriends while both they and boyfriend went to college/held jobs -- i.e. you were in class for your major, your bf for his, one or both of you worked jobs or internships while going to school, and you didn't get to see each other until nighttime bc you were busy all day and [gasp] maybe there were even some days where you didn't see each other -- but you fully trusted each other and your relationship.

I remain convinced that at its core Carlin's desperate need to have Evan home and the reason she was boohooing at 6 am for 4 years of electrician school was that in her mind - he was out there 40+ hrs/wk talking to women, and what if he got interested in someone else? I think for the first 2 or so years he was able to convince her that all he did was sit in a classroom and that was NBD because it was all guys. But once apprenticeship hit and he was assigned to a company building a building at a local hospital, I think Carlin lost it. Suddenly she was picturing Evan on coffee breaks, lunch breaks, etc. at the hospital cafeteria and all these cute nurses were talking to HER MAN. And now I bet Carlin feels 1000% validated that she hasn't let Evan out of her sight in 2 years bc look what happened with Ethan (Evan's brother) - his wife dared let him have a job outside the home and he cheated . . . . And I can't imagine Carlin and esp. Kelly WON'T get into Katie's head with all this re the tour -- i.e. look what Bobby did when allowed out of the house, look what Ethan did, do you think this is a good idea??

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My post above certainly didn't age well.  Haha.  I just knew something was off with the move. Now I know.  

I think it didn't hit Carlin how often Evan was around other women until they married and he probably came home from his day and told her what he did.  Then she got super possessive.  

On another note, Katie doesn't seem sick with this pregnancy.  When pregnant with Haley she was like Aylssa and was sick from early on until giving birth.  

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2 hours ago, ranchgirl said:

I think it didn't hit Carlin how often Evan was around other women until they married and he probably came home from his day and told her what he did.  Then she got super possessive.  


I think that's probably true of all these girls. They came from this worldview of you only ever look at your future husband and he only ever looks at you, period - you NEVER have a coworker of the opposite sex, let alone a friend. Hell I imagine Katie, Carlin, Alyssa, Josie would have a HUGE problem with their man being seen by a female doctor; the men I guess are ok with their wives seeing male drs. bc usually these drs are pulling the child out of the birth canal and/or there are life altering issues like cardiac problems for Alyssa where you can't sit and wait for a female cardiologist to become available.

They were suddenly in this world of courting and they probably at some point in dating noticed things like - Evan or Trav smiled and said thank you to some waitress; some waitress made small talk with their man; Evan ran into some female coworker while out on a date with Carlin and said hi and introduced Carlin - and gasp turns out that coworker did not have a man etc. - and the Bates girls DID NOT LIKE IT. Suddenly they felt like OMG there are SOOOOO many hussies out there, all trying to make a play for MY man, I need to lock this up. But they didn't say anything or act jealous or possessive at the time bc they didn't want their man to think they were a weirdo. So instead the Bates' girls and Mama B's solution was to badger the man into proposing ASAP and RUN down the aisle. And THEN the true possessiveness could begin. THEN if Trav talked to a woman from church or at the Sbux drive thru, Katie could go full bitch mode and be all like "MY husband." THEN if Evan came home and told some funny story from work that involved a female coworker, Carlin could make known how she doesn't like him eating lunch with a group of people including women and how he should be lunching in the car and being on the phone with her [which he used to do 🙄] and THEN Carlin could make a big enough fuss about him working outside the home and "showing" him all the "work" he could do from home by her side 24-7 for the next 50 yrs, that he would quit and be home.

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Katie and Travis  posted on their weekly youtube video that they are starting to look for a house in Tennessee. They said  they would like to keep the house in New Jersey and rent it out. I forgot that Zack is a real estate agent. He showed them 3 houses. I guess this is free advertisement for him.  This says to me they are pretty much in Tennessee for good. 

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These two can't keep their lies and half-truths straight. I could've sworn they said they'd already rented their NJ house in their moving vlog, and now it isn't rented? Just like the variety of stories they've told as to why they've returned to the hive. It's so unnecessary, just be honest. 

I'm not surprised they're looking for houses. Travis pretty much admitted to hating apartment living before their suitcases were unpacked. With two kids and a large dog, they really need a fenced yard. 

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I thought Travis said they were renting out the NJ house back when they moved.  I guess I misunderstood that.  How very nice to be 22 and be able to have a home in NJ and TN.  And definitely a big advertisement for Zach the realtor.  

ETA: I guess @BitterApple heard what I heard back when they moved, that they had rented out the NJ home.  

Edited by ranchgirl
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3 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

I still can’t see Daddy Clark and Grandpa Clark, who own and run a school, thinking that Katie Bates will do a good job homeschooling. They probably don’t care about Hailey but baby boy Clark is a different story. 

Maybe they'll nudge Travis to enroll the kids in a private Christian school? Although in fairness to Katie, I don't think the Clarks' school is any great shakes. Deven Clark is a teacher there and her social media posts are riddled with spelling and grammar errors. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

These two can't keep their lies and half-truths straight. I could've sworn they said they'd already rented their NJ house in their moving vlog, and now it isn't rented? Just like the variety of stories they've told as to why they've returned to the hive. It's so unnecessary, just be honest. 

I'm not surprised they're looking for houses. Travis pretty much admitted to hating apartment living before their suitcases were unpacked. With two kids and a large dog, they really need a fenced yard. 

They 100% said their house in NJ was rented. That's why they were frantically packing and leaving on x day bc their renter was moving in the next day. So I guess that was just made for YT and really they could've left 3 days later?

I had the same thought - the "indignity" of apartment life is getting to Travis and it's below his station in life as richy rich. I mean every time he is on YT he is somehow complaining about apartment life but covering with "but it's interesting . . . ." It's always like other people walk their dogs in the morning and that makes our dog bark early in the morning or when we're filming an IG ad even if I pulled the shade, how dare they disturb us. Or other people are going in and out of their apartments, how dare they. Uh sorry Katie and Trav other people don't keep the Bates family - get your day started at 10 am - schedule. People walk their dogs at 7 am bc they leave for work at 8 am, thus you hear people, dogs, and doors opening and closing. You wouldn't understand that given that your jobs = hawking products on the internet + going on "tour" - i.e. playing 1 show/month. Other people have places they need to be daily for many hours per day.

And unlike normal 23 year olds, he WANTS to be a middle aged suburban dad worrying about weeding the flower beds. I mean most 23 year olds see apartment life as freedom - lock the door and go and live an actual life whether school, work, friends  - without having to worry about needing to mow the lawn on Saturday or the random bees hive that popped up in the siding or calling the termite guy or whatever. But then most guys aren't marrying at age 20 and producing a baby at age 21 and a second baby at age 23. 

I do wonder if buying will be more of a struggle that he realizes. He's had everything in life handed to him - including his house in NJ. IDK that Daddy Clark is going to buy him a house in Tenn. free and clear bc obviously he and Mama Clark want Trav & Katie and grandkids back in NJ, going to the family school etc. So why would they financially enable them to stay in Tenn forever. So if Daddy Clark isn't buying, that now involves a mortgage - which these days is around 6-7%. Didn't watch the YT but Reddit people were saying that Trav was commenting that the houses Zach was showing were out of budget - houses prices haven't really fallen as interest rates have gone up. Sure they have IG/YT income + rental income after monthly property taxes/maintenance costs in NJ + Trav's monthly paycheck from the school (which he denies but give me a break) BUT unless Trav's monthly check from the school is sizeable, qualifying for a mortgage will be harder than they think. IG/YouTubers as well as real business owners complain about it - that banks often turn them down in favor of holders of W2 gigs bc banks see IG/YT income or any kind of self employment as unstable.

I mean I'm sure they'll get a mortgage somewhere but I think looking at house prices + monthly payments at 7% is about to smack Mr. I Bought a House at Age 20 and Only Wear Ralph Lauren and Only Drive Luxury Cars - in the head bc this could be the first time he really has to consider a budget.

  • Applause 8
3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

These two can't keep their lies and half-truths straight. I could've sworn they said they'd already rented their NJ house in their moving vlog, and now it isn't rented? Just like the variety of stories they've told as to why they've returned to the hive. It's so unnecessary, just be honest. 

I'm not surprised they're looking for houses. Travis pretty much admitted to hating apartment living before their suitcases were unpacked. With two kids and a large dog, they really need a fenced yard. 

Apartment living must be a big change for the scion of the Clark family, who went from Mommy and Daddy's house to "his own" (bought by Mommy and Daddy) at the age of 20 and never lived in an apartment before. Or lived alone. 

These people have so little in common with reality. 

Edited by Heathen
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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

These two can't keep their lies and half-truths straight. I could've sworn they said they'd already rented their NJ house in their moving vlog, and now it isn't rented? Just like the variety of stories they've told as to why they've returned to the hive. It's so unnecessary, just be honest. 

I'm not surprised they're looking for houses. Travis pretty much admitted to hating apartment living before their suitcases were unpacked. With two kids and a large dog, they really need a fenced yard. 

They are nothing but grifting liars who lie. And exploit their very young kids. It’s a shame people keep watching them 🥲

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They did not say that the house in New jersey was not currently rented. Travis said that they would like to have a house in New jersey and one in Tennessee. He said they could rent the house in NJ and use the rental income to offset the mortgage on the Tennessee house.  Or they could sell the NJ house and invest that money in a house in Tennessee. But I didn't get the impression that the NJ house is just sitting vacant. But I don't know.

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8 hours ago, 65mickey said:

They did not say that the house in New jersey was not currently rented. Travis said that they would like to have a house in New jersey and one in Tennessee. He said they could rent the house in NJ and use the rental income to offset the mortgage on the Tennessee house.  Or they could sell the NJ house and invest that money in a house in Tennessee. But I didn't get the impression that the NJ house is just sitting vacant. But I don't know.

i just signed on to say exactly the same thing and saw that you already had. The house tour starts around 8 minutes in. At 15:54 their financial discussion begins. He never says anything about whether or not the NJ house is currently rented. The conversation is about future options.

She needs to rein in her excitability. She interrupts him and finishes his thoughts constantly.

Edited by Dehumidifier
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