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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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I agree if the "Juicy Show" is actually happening (and enough out there from reliable sources so I tend to think it's probably true), it's a trial balloon to see if bringing back Teresa to RHNJ would be worth it.

I also don't think Jaq was "setting" Teresa up with the deck conversation either, though probably instigated at the producer's request. Teresa was publicly up to her eyeballs in financial shenanigans at that point, but was still prancing around (and spending) like she hadn't a care in the world. Refused to say anything on camera (or privately to her supposed "best friend"), but was willing to do paid tabloid bullshit articles about it.

Teresa was selling stories to the tabloids.  It was part of the concealment she plead guilty to-the rest of the women had had enough of Teresa playing victim and having negative things about them.  Even drunken Joe admitted to it in Napa.    I didn;t blame the Manzos or Lauritas for bringing it up.  The worst had to be the "apologies" Teresa was paid or and then proceeded to stab the others in the back.  Prison is a good place for her.

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FFS here she goes again suing her attorney for her incarceration:  http://www.etonline.com/news/168963_teresa_giudice_files_malpractice_suit_blames_lawyer_for_her_incarceration/


This attorney is such a fame whore.


Here is what her former attorney had to say back in April: http://allaboutthetea.com/2015/04/08/teresa-giudice-bankruptcy-lawsuit-james-kridel-interview/




I guess her ace attorney decided to refile in New Jersey.  Another reason this woman should not be allowed back on Bravo.  I can't wait until she is served up with a big fat order paying Kridel's legal fees.

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I don't understand this story at all (suing her bankruptcy attorney). It's as if ET decided to run with a story from last December. This suit was just dismissed by the NY courts two days ago. Did she re-file in NJ, as zoeysmom surmised? In any event, this ridiculous lawsuit should put to rest any notion that Teresa is in any way repentant and taking responsibility for her situation.

The interview with the attorney is also great reading for anyone interested in this case. It lays out all the ways in which Teresa was fully involved and aware of everything that was going on for years.

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I don't understand this story at all (suing her bankruptcy attorney). It's as if ET decided to run with a story from last December. This suit was just dismissed by the NY courts two days ago. Did she re-file in NJ, as zoeysmom surmised? In any event, this ridiculous lawsuit should put to rest any notion that Teresa is in any way repentant and taking responsibility for her situation.

The interview with the attorney is also great reading for anyone interested in this case. It lays out all the ways in which Teresa was fully involved and aware of everything that was going on for years.

I noticed the ex-parte order expired today for extension of service.  I would have thought it was a recycled story except the nimrod attorney gave a press conference.


As soon as I read Teresa was suing her attorney, I thought excellent, she has just waived privilege. 


I just figured no one will buy a Teresa prison memoir book-I mean how many pages can you read of, "I miss my girls,"  "I miss Joe," "we had mac and cheese for dinner," perhaps if she got beat up or someone shaved her head it would be interesting.

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I noticed the ex-parte order expired today for extension of service.  I would have thought it was a recycled story except the nimrod attorney gave a press conference.


As soon as I read Teresa was suing her attorney, I thought excellent, she has just waived privilege.

You were right - I just read that they dismissed the case in NY only to re-file in NJ. So she's still going forward. I can't understand how the new lawyer can claim that Teresa is only incarcerated today because of the bankruptcy lawyer's malpractice. As the BK lawyer (the defendant) said - Teresa is in jail because of crimes she committed before she even filed for bankruptcy! And you don't have to take his word for it - Teresa pled guilty and admitted all responsibility to the judge at sentencing for said crimes. I don't see how this has any merit.

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You were right - I just read that they dismissed the case in NY only to re-file in NJ. So she's still going forward. I can't understand how the new lawyer can claim that Teresa is only incarcerated today because of the bankruptcy lawyer's malpractice. As the BK lawyer (the defendant) said - Teresa is in jail because of crimes she committed before she even filed for bankruptcy! And you don't have to take his word for it - Teresa pled guilty and admitted all responsibility to the judge at sentencing for said crimes. I don't see how this has any merit.

Thanks Lotus--I expect this will be in the news cycle for two or three weeks.  Teresa's attorney wants to milk it.  I think this was planned for a discovery schedule. . . no one wants to have their client deposed in prison.  It will be interesting to see if Teresa fully understands the oath prior to starting her deposition.  The one that contains the perjury clause.

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I'm very confused.  


I thought that when you accept a plea you take responsibility.  Like, officially, in court, before the judge.  You get a reduced sentence, the government can feel satisfied it's putting someone guilty in jail.  So...is she now saying that she's not in fact guilty?  If so maybe they should just let her out and resume the full trial on all counts so this can be adjudicated thoroughly.  


Or is the idea that without the bankruptcy lawyers malpractice she could have gotten away with the other crimes?


This all just seems...I wish she'd have to reimburse the court system for this is what it seems.


On the bright side, at least she's committed to throwing money at lawyers.  

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I think Teresa is positing that ALTHOUGH she et al. committed said crimes, the prison sentence is due to the attorney's both imprecise and lack of paperwork...required by Salas. Therefore, if not for these omissions..., she would not be imprisoned. It is NOT the crime=prison. It IS the lawyers lack of preparation...=prison.

Needless to say Teresa's "postulations" are not only unfounded, but also, ridiculous.

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I think Teresa is positing that ALTHOUGH she et al. committed said crimes, the prison sentence is due to the attorney's both imprecise and lack of paperwork...required by Salas. Therefore, if not for these omissions..., she would not be imprisoned. It is NOT the crime=prison. It IS the lawyers lack of preparation...=prison.

Needless to say Teresa's "postulations" are not only unfounded, but also, ridiculous.

The attorney Teresa is suing is not the one that represented her in front of Salas.  What Teresa is trying to get $5 million dollars for is she is claiming the original bankruptcy attorney Kridel didn't do his job at the time she filed bankruptcy and throughout his representation as a result she went to prison.  She claims for the most part she never met with him and he of course has billing records that show otherwise.


Kridel gives an excellent interview he refutes the allegations in the complaint and gives specific examples of how he and his office went over and above in the zealous representation of Teresa.  He in fact told Teresa she needed to hire a criminal defense attorney when it became obvious she continued to lie and the bankruptcy had no chance of being discharged.  Kridel even mentions the incredibly poor decision of Teresa's of post petition deciding to spend $60,000.00 on new items for the mansion.  Apparently, the judge was pretty upset with Teresa and her choices.


Most important when Teresa plead guilty she plead guilty to mortgage and bankruptcy fraud which had nothing to do with Kridel.  Teresa really doesn't want to open this can of worms.  For those who feel she was given a raw deal this matter will just how incredibly dishonest and duplicitous she is and always has been.

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This bitch is unbelievable. I've never seen anyone so incapable of accepting responsibility for their own actions.


This is yet another Hail Mary attempt from Teresa to access money she is not entitled to. Apparently she is far too stupid to realize she has no chance in winning or settling such a suit when the law clearly is not on her side. Of course she manages to find another unethical attorney who has no qualms about fleecing her for such a suit.

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This bitch is unbelievable. I've never seen anyone so incapable of accepting responsibility for their own actions.


This is yet another Hail Mary attempt from Teresa to access money she is not entitled to. Apparently she is far too stupid to realize she has no chance in winning or settling such a suit when the law clearly is not on her side. Of course she manages to find another unethical attorney who has no qualms about fleecing her for such a suit.

 I don't believe the criminal defense attorney or the bankruptcy attorney hired by Teresa were unethical. Their client was and is still a liar.  The present one suing for malpractice and the one who now speaks on her behalf from prison are pretty much bottom feeders.  You get what you pay for.


Wait until Teresa loses and his handed a big bill for Kridel's attorneys fees and costs-we will see where her new found attorneys line up then.  BTW my guess is Kridel is using counsel provided by his malpractice carrier-so he might not have a say in whether or not to waive reimbursement for his attorneys fees and costs.

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My unethical remark was aimed at her newest hire (as well as the previous one) who filed the malpractice suit. Any half way decent lawyer would have advised her against this course of action.

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Yeah. Teresa is completely unable to grasp the fact that they have no money. She refuses to acknowledge this fact-- NEVER Did They Have Wealth.

☆ It is actually both horrorifyingly fascinating and repulsive to observe her...attempts to "hold on" to something that never existed.☆

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Teresa is a horrible person.  She is probably getting a lot of good tips in prison for how to legally get "easy" money through lawsuits when she gets out. She has not learned a thing.


I read the recent US Weekly article online.  It says she emails her daughters all the time.  How does she get to email anyone, much less "all the time"? She's in prison. That really frosts me.

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Teresa is a horrible person.  She is probably getting a lot of good tips in prison for how to legally get "easy" money through lawsuits when she gets out. She has not learned a thing.


You're right - this is nothing more than a money grab. You're also right that she is the same old Teresa, a lying, deceitful, unapologetic and unrepentant person, and hasn't learned a thing. If this isn't the nail in the coffin to the return of Teresa to reality TV stories, I don't know what is. If she refuse to portray herself as a changed woman, then what's her TV "character" or persona? Loving, old-fashioned Italian wife and mother? That ship has sailed. One online comment I read was interesting - the poster wrote that just when they were starting to feel some empathy for Teresa, she goes and does this. I think she has dashed any remaining sympathy that might have been out there for her - all in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

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Teresa always had the option of going to trial.

This is a great point. If her whole case rests on the premise that it was her bankruptcy attorney's incompetence, not her crimes, that led to her incarceration, then why didn't she take the case to trial and make her case?

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You're right - this is nothing more than a money grab. You're also right that she is the same old Teresa, a lying, deceitful, unapologetic and unrepentant person, and hasn't learned a thing. If this isn't the nail in the coffin to the return of Teresa to reality TV stories, I don't know what is. If she refuse to portray herself as a changed woman, then what's her TV "character" or persona? Loving, old-fashioned Italian wife and mother? That ship has sailed. One online comment I read was interesting - the poster wrote that just when they were starting to feel some empathy for Teresa, she goes and does this. I think she has dashed any remaining sympathy that might have been out there for her - all in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

Let's not overestimate Theresa.

She still has her girls to pimp out.

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My unethical remark was aimed at her newest hire (as well as the previous one) who filed the malpractice suit. Any half way decent lawyer would have advised her against this course of action.

I guess I am confused as to your  (as well as the previous one) in your reply.  I felt like Klingman, her criminal defense attorney was ethical and represented her zealously, and I tend to believe Kridel that he did what he was suppose to do, Stacy Bincomano-was hired (unnecessarily) to ask the judge for a certain prison, the ones I see as having questionable ethics are Leonard and the guy who filed the malpractice lawsuit http://www.northjersey.com/news/housewives-star-teresa-giudice-s-new-reality-prison-1.1185713.  I firmly believe Teresa was represented fairly and ethically by her BK and criminal defense attorneys.  It was the attorneys having to deal with such a liar that made their jobs tough.

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This is a great point. If her whole case rests on the premise that it was her bankruptcy attorney's incompetence, not her crimes, that led to her incarceration, then why didn't she take the case to trial and make her case?

My favorite part is how she lied for months to her attorneys about not filing income tax returns and then tried to present unfiled ones to the court.  What is an attorney to do with someone who thinks they are so slick as to submit unfiled income tax returns to the court.  What did they think the court was like their real estate lenders and didn't or couldn't check if they were filed?

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You're right - this is nothing more than a money grab. You're also right that she is the same old Teresa, a lying, deceitful, unapologetic and unrepentant person, and hasn't learned a thing. If this isn't the nail in the coffin to the return of Teresa to reality TV stories, I don't know what is. If she refuse to portray herself as a changed woman, then what's her TV "character" or persona? Loving, old-fashioned Italian wife and mother? That ship has sailed. One online comment I read was interesting - the poster wrote that just when they were starting to feel some empathy for Teresa, she goes and does this. I think she has dashed any remaining sympathy that might have been out there for her - all in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

Teresa is believing her own BS-she and Joe were never wealthy and should have never risen above their linoleum floored home in Patterson.  The grey market Maserati said it all parked in front of what is now the rental.  They bought a house for $500,000.00 under false pretenses and then spent a million fixing it up under false pretenses and somewhere along the way stumbled into a reality show and Teresa somehow believes her present popularity should pay for her previous life-it doesn't work that way not even on reality TV.  Now because of her notoriety she expects a $5 million pay out so she can live and ride in style for while Joe is in prison and awaiting deportment.  Good gravy a mansion in New Jersey and a villa in Italy --because she is a reality star that flipped a table?

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I guess I am confused as to your  (as well as the previous one) in your reply.  I felt like Klingman, her criminal defense attorney was ethical and represented her zealously, and I tend to believe Kridel that he did what he was suppose to do, Stacy Bincomano-was hired (unnecessarily) to ask the judge for a certain prison, the ones I see as having questionable ethics are Leonard and the guy who filed the malpractice lawsuit http://www.northjersey.com/news/housewives-star-teresa-giudice-s-new-reality-prison-1.1185713.  I firmly believe Teresa was represented fairly

and ethically by her BK and criminal defense attorneys.  It was the attorneys having to deal with such a liar that made their jobs tough.


Honestly, I don't know the names of Teressa's innumerable and various attorneys. I don't care to learn them and can't keep them straight.


My point was that the attorneys helping Teressa file for malpractice against her bankruptcy counselor (first in NY, now refiled in NJ) were wrong to do so because this case has no legs. Clearly this is just another calculated cash grab from a desperate woman who is making a mockery of the justice system.

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Honestly, I don't know the names of Teressa's innumerable and various attorneys. I don't care to learn them and can't keep them straight.


My point was that the attorneys helping Teressa file for malpractice against her bankruptcy counselor (first in NY, now refiled in NJ) were wrong to do so because this case has no legs. Clearly this is just another calculated cash grab from a desperate woman who is making a mockery of the justice system.

Thanks for the clarification. 

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If she refuse to portray herself as a changed woman, then what's her TV "character" or persona? Loving, old-fashioned Italian wife and mother? That ship has sailed.

And this is why I will never watch "I Love Theresa" or whatever the show on Bravo will be called.  The only truly interesting thing about her is the fact that she stole all the money and conned so many people.  And it's "interesting" in the that's-not-a-way-most-people-live-their-life kind of way.   Without out that, she and Joe just can't carry their own show.

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If this suit isn't the nail in her coffin with Bravo, I don't know what is. She has the nerve to accuse her bankruptcy lawyer of appearing on RHONJ for publicity and fame. He, of course, countered that Teresa asked him to appear on the show to help her, as her reputation and credibility was damaged by the widespread reports of their debt and bankruptcy filing. Teresa and RHONJ producers will then have to testify on this aspect of the negligence claim, and we've seen how Bravo feels about getting sucked into legal battles: Kim's lawsuit over her son Kingsley - they fire Kim; Joanna's lawsuit against Brandi over her WWHL comments - they fire Brandi.

Bye Teresa. They don't want any part if this.

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I think Teresa's fine on Bravo unless she doesn't give them her first post-prison interview (or she calls out the show's fakeness).  That said, I think homegirl's ego will drive her to set that bridge on fire as she seeks solo fame elsewhere- after an obligatory 30-60 days at home alone with the girls she misses so much, of course.  If she takes that short break, I think she can successfully reset herself as Strong Single Mom.  Most people don't pay attention like we do, or they forget, and the whole Strong Single Mom thing is a really powerful attractant for some people.


Plus she has kids who are a good mix of cute, moody, and sassy.  If I were a reality show producer it'd be really hard for me to let that go.


She'd be smart to go off Bravo, though.  Bravo would make her include her brother and/or Melissa at some point.  Other networks won't care so she can just bring in Random Friend or Newly-Hired Nanny.

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Eh, the Manzos have the DR suit and they're still around, right?


That suit was settled before Teresa even got indicted and who started the whole thing. . . Teresa.  I think the bean counters sit around and figure if the talent is worth the cost of litigation.  The was a production rich lawsuit and involved Bravo and the government of Punta Canta paying off the plaintiff for a release.  Ugly business.

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Eh, the Manzos have the DR suit and they're still around, right?

That's a fair point, and I thought of that. But I agree with Zoeysmom that Bravo must have decided they were involved (I know next to nothing about that case, but it was settled, right?), and thought paying the settlement was worth it in order to keep the talent (pre-indictment Teresa, the Manzos....). Is Brandi worth it? Kim Richsrds? Inmate #24601, a/k/a present-day Teresa? I don't think so.

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That's a fair point, and I thought of that. But I agree with Zoeysmom that Bravo must have decided they were involved (I know next to nothing about that case, but it was settled, right?), and thought paying the settlement was worth it in order to keep the talent (pre-indictment Teresa, the Manzos....). Is Brandi worth it? Kim Richsrds? Inmate #24601, a/k/a present-day Teresa? I don't think so.

Today I was reading who was set for depositions in the Krupa v. Glanville  a long list indeed with a Bravo producer in California.  They haven't even scratched the surface of the NY group.   I will be interested to see if Brandi draws any fame hungry attorneys to represent her pro bono.


Bravo settled on behalf of the other defendants.  I think the hotel settled as well.

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Ugh, I can't see how it's worth keeping around this violent bunch because of potential liability. Are they considered independent contractors or something?

Yes they are independent contractors.  They are called talent, they are not employees, there is no withholding from their checks, no Workers' Comp, no matching FICA or health insurance.   I don't think Caroline and Albert were actively involved in the slugfest, Albie, Christopher and Greg Bennet were sued, as were Teresa and Joe.  As long as there is Bravo and the Tre-huggers the Giudice will be haunting the halls of Bravo.  Bravo and its production company, the hotel were sued and paid the settlement. 

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That's a fair point, and I thought of that. But I agree with Zoeysmom that Bravo must have decided they were involved (I know next to nothing about that case, but it was settled, right?), and thought paying the settlement was worth it in order to keep the talent (pre-indictment Teresa, the Manzos....). Is Brandi worth it? Kim Richsrds? Inmate #24601, a/k/a present-day Teresa? I don't think so.

Lol, I bet Teresa thinks of herself as #24601 too. Wrongly imprisoned for trying to steal a piece of bread to feed her family.

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Lol, I bet Teresa thinks of herself as #24601 too. Wrongly imprisoned for trying to steal a piece of bread to feed her family.

I didn't even think of that! I was just too lazy to look up her BOP inmate number, so I used the only one I could think of. But it totally fits! Teresa, Jean Valjean - just trying to feed her family... Word of advice to anyone who might see her post-prison - hide the silver!

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My favorite part is how she lied for months to her attorneys about not filing income tax returns and then tried to present unfiled ones to the court.  What is an attorney to do with someone who thinks they are so slick as to submit unfiled income tax returns to the court.  What did they think the court was like their real estate lenders and didn't or couldn't check if they were filed?

That's always been my favorite too. Who files fake (sorry "unfiled") tax returns to the federal BK court? Oh wait - the Guidice's...

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Beach house still around, huh? And no word on foreclosure movement on the main house?


The beach house auction was pushed back to later this month.   I forgot the date though.


So far I haven't heard anything about the tacky mansion's sale date.

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Any thoughts on whether US Weekly's news about Teresa's return is true? I contend that without honesty and full contrition she is not interesting. Can we stand another season of her denials and lollipop land living??

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Juicey is the gift that keeps on giving.  TMZ is reporting the police were called to the Guidice's beach house today when Joe and a neighbor got into a shouting match.


TMZ Joe Giudice


"A rep for Joe says the whole thing started because Joe was having a party and the neighbor felt it was inappropriate for children to be around."


Hmmm?  I wonder what kind of party that was.


Apparently Joe wants to use that house right up until the minute it's auctioned off (scheduled for Friday, August 21st).

Edited by AnnA
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...and how many of us want in the betting pool that the house is going to be trashed and filthy just like all of the foreclosure houses on TV we see pre-flip?

I am wondering if they ever finished it or just kept the insurance  money.



Juicey is the gift that keeps on giving.  TMZ is reporting the police were called to the Guidice's beach house today when Joe and a neighbor got into a shouting match.


TMZ Joe Giudice


"A rep for Joe says the whole thing started because Joe was having a party and the neighbor felt it was inappropriate for children to be around."


Hmmm?  I wonder what kind of party that was.


Apparently Joe wants to use that house right up until the minute it's auctioned off (scheduled for Friday, August 21st).

Gia being locked out is interesting. . . I wonder where the rest of the kids were and if they visited Teresa this weekend?

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Gia being locked out is interesting. . . I wonder where the rest of the kids were and if they visited Teresa this weekend?

The article says that the "girls" we're begging police not to arrest their father so I assume they were all there. I'd bet they did not visit Teresa over the weekend. If Joe was having a party on Sunday on the Jersey shore, I doubt he drove to Connecticut on Saturday and rushed back to stock up on booze for Sunday's party. Oh wait! His license was suspended so he can't drive. Now my question is how did he get to the Jersey shore?

Edited by AnnA
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Well, AnnA, the law actually doesn't apply to anyone with the last name of Guidice.  And if someone tries to apply the law to them, they are just a hater trying to capitalize on their fame.  So Joe can drive himself wherever he wants in whatever condition he wants and everyone else can just "fuggadaboutit".

Edited by Kerrey92
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IIRC tomorrow, August 21st is the day the Guidice's beach house is supposed to be auction off.


We'll see if it really happens.

Girl, where've you been? The auction happened the other day. There were no bids, which means it's now the bank's property. From what I understand, they have 30 days to vacate.

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Girl, where've you been? The auction happened the other day. There were no bids, which means it's now the bank's property. From what I understand, they have 30 days to vacate.

Ha Ha! I guess I've been slacking off on doing my HW homework.

No bids? The place must be a real dump.

I don't know why but I had 8/21 stuck in in my head.

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