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Escaping Alaska - General Discussion

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I'm watching, I found watching life as a teen in Alaska pretty interesting.  I couldn't live without a street light, trees, a movie theater or a mall - and the other guy who lives somewhere that you can't drive in and out of, that you have to fly to get anywhere ... and $9.99 a gallon of milk and $13.99 a pound for romaine lettuce - YIKES!

I've always been fascinated by Alaska.  Sarah Palin murdered that interest, but I think I'll be more interested in their return.  The girl in Barrow Alaska was interesting.  That's supposed to be the most harsh place in the US, and it was the setting of 30 Days of Night (the sun set for 30 days, at which point a pack of vampires come to kill everyone).


I can't take it at face value at this point because it's TLC, and they always manipulate.  I think TLC found these kids online, rather than they found each other.  I also found it implausible that they were sneaking around in the dark in extreme below zero temperatures.  I think the trailing camera crew would draw attention.


I like all the kids, but the one claiming he has telekinesis seems a little shady.  The girl who thinks she will become an actress is a little delusional.  There's very few parts for indigenous folks, and even fewer for overweight females.  Maybe she was inspired by the local who won the part in the Northern Exposure from the 1990s - except she probably wasn't even alive then.

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These titles for this show on here are a little odd.  They don't have anything to do with the show discussion. Is this the episodes thread? Or is Eskimos Kissing episode discussion?


So far, it's pretty much any TLC show of Escaping/Breaking/Bringing/Returning/Finding. Full of fluff. Found this and pretty much what I assumed. These kids have been around the block already. At least the 2 pretty girls have been, they've modeled. And in the comments of one of the articles I've read Nuala's already lived in Arizona with family before.


However, I do try to forget all that and watch the show as entertainment the way it was created.  Still not super dramatic. Q is a little creepy. And the poor young girl, how old is she? I would guess about 14-15.  She wants to be the next Jennifer Lawrence and that's sweet, but I don't know if she knows what it's like to really have to make it.

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So far, it's pretty much any TLC show of Escaping/Breaking/Bringing/Returning/Finding. Full of fluff. Found this and pretty much what I assumed. These kids have been around the block already. At least the 2 pretty girls have been, they've modeled. And in the comments of one of the articles I've read Nuala's already lived in Arizona with family before.




That is disappointing to find out that this show has been manipulated too. I thought MAYBE TLC would make a real reality show, but no. Now I want to know if the elders were on to this as well. I wonder if any of these kids are related to the people on the numerous other Alaskan shows.


After I found out about the Amish kids, I stopped watching that farce. Might have to do it with this show too....:(

Edited by peaceknit
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I actually like this show, even if it is fake. I think each of the five chosen are pretty interesting people. When they went to the beach in episode 2, I couldn't help but laugh at their happiness. I'll be tuning in, that's for sure.

I will be disappointed, though, if this is totally fake. I'm more emotionally invested in these kids (who are actually my age or older!) than I have been in any other tv show in a long time, especially a TLC one to boot!

Real or not, I hope they find what  they're looking for.

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Q is an ASSHOLE!!!  She should have called the cops on him ?  Blaming it on steroids is lame!  He just a bad seed.  Mary hit it on the head when he said that Q liked Nuala.  100%!!

Wow, what a major d-bag. All that lone wolf stuff or the steroids excuse is just a cover. He has isolated himself from the group. He has no social skills whatsoever. I agree that he has a serious crush on her and got jealous when he saw her flirting with the Asian guy. His reaction was way over the top, even the cops where like WTF? And that apology was wack.

He just needs to confess his feelings, but since he doesn't hang out with people around his own age he has no idea how to. Almost feel sad for him. Perhaps the little people will talk some sense into him.

Oh my God, Q is just an ASS. He's so socially retarded. Irene totally just wanted her five minutes of fame.


I like the girls a lot. They seem very sweet, and it's easy to empathize with the things they're dealing with. Tamara is cute, but she needs to take some acting classes.


I don't really care if they're fake. It's still pulling me in.

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OK, I'll believe it's fake to some extent, but Q's insanity, I don't know about that.  I don't think the producers are that sophisticated that they could manufacture a guy to act that out of his mind.  The way Nuala reacted seemed totally genuine.  I would have done the exact same thing in her shoes at her age.  I agree that Irene wanted her 5 minutes of fame.  NO WAY would she have gone on a second date with this guy after hearing what he did in real life.  I don't know if I'll buy any future reconciliation between him and Nuala either, provided the whole situation wasn't staged in the first place.  But like I say, it creeped me out so much I can't believe Q's attitude was staged.  This guy is textbook.

Q reminds me (in looks) of Lizzie's brother Samuel in Breaking Amish.


Really? I see zero resemblance. Maybe they're both tall, but that's all I see.


I laughed when the cop asked how old he was and he said 32. The cop: 32? I can't stand men like that. His cough was hella fake. It was only present when they were talking about it.  When he was walking "clearing his head" he didn't cough once. I know they're kind of the same (but not really), but does he think he was taking like bodybuilding steroids and was 'roid raging?


I feel bad for the chubby girl.  I think she wants to be famous. I think she wants to look like Jennifer Lawrence and wants to date Prince Harry but doesn't really want to actually act.  She wants to be instantly famous and doesn't want to actually learn drama.

Q reminds me (in looks) of Lizzie's brother Samuel in Breaking Amish.



Funny that you say that because Tamara reminds my husband and I of Katie Ann in Breaking Amish, although only in personality, not looks!


Funny y'all both say that because I think y'all are both crazy (or all 3 of you, including your husband Intuition). I'm kidding of course, but I don't see any of this!  No Q and Samuel. Tamara and Katie Ann only because they're both sort of the outcasts who are in over their head on a TV show, but I think Tamara is more animated than Katie Ann, but isn't really that animated to begin with. KA could be a statue for all I know. You can barely hear her talk, she has zero personality and sometimes I wonder if she has any business being on TV. When Tamara yelled, "The Eskimos have arrived in LA!" I could never, ever see KA doing that!


Where's the show? I haven't checked this Sunday yet (I'm at work so can't check right now), but last Sunday they just reran Leah Remini's show. It wasn't like something special was on and they couldn't air this.  Wonder if it bit the dust already?  Maybe people are over this type of fake programming.


ETA: I did some Googling. It's moving to Thursday nights starting August 21 (2 days).  I think this Thursday they are showing the first episode again, but the next will be the next episode.


Also, found this interview with Q.

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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I couldn't believe Q. I think he's such an asshole. And what's he doing travelling around with these young kids? Of course he's not going to like the way they act - they're over a decade younger! He blows my mind. And Irene is so fake. I can't look at her. Boo.


I liked seeing the girls' relationship with one another. After the Q incident where they all hugged, they could be any group of teen BFFs. They seem to genuinely like each other and get along. I feel like all of them, except Q, get along and I would most definitely hang out with them IRL.


I liked the random dude that drove them to LA and back. That was so nice of him, though I'm sure he got paid.


Tamara's acting was kind of painful to watch. I agree with PP - I don't think she really wants to act, just wants to be famous.


Mary and Frank are still my fave. I wonder what's going down with Mary's BF. Guess we shall see.

I don't know?  I read it was moving to Thursday nights, but last Thursday and tomorrow are repeats.  And it's not like they moved it for anything special.  Last week they put reruns of Leah Remini's show in it's place.  Maybe trying to kill it slowly?  I just tried to Google and didn't find anything.  I can see on the Google results that someone asked about it on the TLC Facebook page, but I'm at work and Facebook is blocked.


I don't know if this will work, but this is the page that was blocked, maybe someone else can see it?

Maybe they got complaints after Q's verbal assault of Nuala.  It was certainly disturbing to watch a 32 year old man attack a 19 year old girl with so much venom.


But really, with the proliferation of DVR's, I don't know if it really matter what time a show is on anymore, especially something on cable.  Personally, I never watch anything except sporting events in real time (and reality competitions, but even those I start late so I can skip the commercials).

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Thank you for finding the new time! I've been looking everywhere for it and all I came up with were rehashes of Q's attack on Nuala. I actually love this show and I'm so relieved it wasn't cancelled, though I'm a little annoyed at the switch (because now I have to wait longer!).


You're very welcome.  I enjoy the show, too, and was glad to see that it wasn't cancelled.

After a couple of weeks of repeats on Thursday nights I see my DVR is set to record a new episode this week, which is great.  But seeing that it's been moved so late on a Thursday night and left hanging for a couple of weeks makes me think they're just showing the remainder of the eps. that have already been filmed but aren't really interested in continuing with the show.

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After a couple of weeks of repeats on Thursday nights I see my DVR is set to record a new episode this week, which is great.  But seeing that it's been moved so late on a Thursday night and left hanging for a couple of weeks makes me think they're just showing the remainder of the eps. that have already been filmed but aren't really interested in continuing with the show.

Also think this Thursday is a repeat. My DVR is set to record only first runs and it doesn't show anything for Escaping Alaska.

Q is horrid.  That episode was completely out of control.  1) Q has a huge crush on Naula and since he is so socially backwards, the only way he could get her attention was attacking her for "giving him bad vibes" ??!!  (Much like a third grader) and 2) His attack and later Video "Confessionals" about it reminded me of a sociopath.  He was completely non-repentant for his actions and said "I would do it again."  Really?  Call the cops on her?  Yell horrid things at her and abuse everyone within hearing distance?  He has absolutely no redeeming qualities.

After he went ON AND ON with Irene (?) on their first date -- there is No Way she would Ever see him again if he were not in front of a camera.  Ostensibly, he is attractive, but once he opens his mouth (and will not shut it)...he is completely unappealing.  


The premise of this show is weird.  Follow their dreams?  Really?  What dream does Q have?  He is Mr. Grumpy who hates everything. WHY did he leave his village?  Was he thrown out?  

It appears that they were given a Free Trip to LA and did not want to pass it up.  The other guy needs to get a JOB...and the calls from his "friend" pressuring him while he's out and about are so ridiculous.  I hope The Show pays them so that they can go back home and put some money in the home coffers.  


I hope that Q continues to get the edit he deserves.  Also think it is Such A Bad Idea to have a grumpy old 32 yr old with a bunch of teenagers/20-somethings = Bad combo. 

I hope that Q continues to get the edit he deserves.  Also think it is Such A Bad Idea to have a grumpy old 32 yr old with a bunch of teenagers/20-somethings = Bad combo. 


I think Q is far worse than a "grumpy 32 year old" who is socially backwards.  I think he's a grumpy psycho case.  It has nothing to do with his age. If anything he is immature and should fit in with the younger crowd.  But he can't because he's just a really scary psychologically deranged guy.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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This Thursday's episode was new.  I think it was a mistake to start over the series after people had already gotten into it.  I almost thought it had been cancelled.  Now I see another new episode scheduled for next Thursday at 11:00 p.m.   I liked seeing the girls get a makeover.  Tamara looked very cute.  What a confidence booster for her, and she needed one in a big way.  It looks like Q is genuinely sorry for his awful behavior.  I recently had a bad reaction from taking a hormone and turned from a Dr. Jekyl into a Mr. Hyde, so I'm willing to give him another chance.  I think he's a bit of a douche anyway, though.

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So next week is the finale.  I feel like this show has been stumbling through a whole 6 episodes and is barely squeezing out the last one.  The poor little show that could.  I do have to admit that while I liked it, it was kind of low-drama.  It was all the typical TLC script of the whole fish out of water with "this is so different than being Alaskan/Amish/Country/Religion".  And they missed home way too much.


And I wrote this yesterday and forgot to push enter.

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Does anyone else think this show is going to turn into some kind of spin-off show, with Nuala trying to make it in the big city?  I'd watch, although I'd much rather see everyday life for them in their hometowns.  We lived in Alaska in the 90's.  The cost of living was expensive then, so I can't imagine how much it has gone up since then.

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