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Piggybacking on the Anna/paternity thing...They lived close enough that April was able to ride her bike to Stars Hollow, I find it hard to believe that Luke had zero inkling that Anna was pregnant. People talk, word gets around, you run into people. He never saw Anna after he got her pregnant? Even if whatever relationship they had was on the skids at the time, it often takes people time to truly move on. It seems like they were intimate enough to be having sex (i.e. it doesn't sound like they were a one night stand) that if they broke off whatever relationship they had, they would have been in touch a little, don't you think?

  • Love 3

I am rewatching again with refreshed eyes and also skipping annoying bits since netflix makes it sooo easy (thank you netflix!)   




so Rory's birthday parties from season 1 has always been in my top 20, but like just watching it now and...is it just me or do the gifts that Lorelai mentions to Emily...do they sound more like gifts *Lorelai* would want than Rory would want? Can you really picture season one Rory with a hot pink guitar purse or a glittery Farrah Fawcett shirt? I almost think she'd like the Mont Blanc pen better, or perhaps the sweater set :P

Edited by JayInChicago
  • Love 6

Sorry if this has already been covered, but why are they blaming Christopher's lack of an education on Rory's being born? He wasn't pregnant, and he didn't stick around to help raise her. 


 Because she existed and threw Christopher's life out of balance the way Straube and Francine wanted him to be. That's what everyone always did, gave Chris and excuse instead of: "It takes two to make a baby and then you didn't even bother trying to be more in her life." "That's all on you." But nope, Rory's fault which was how Straube went to his grave. It was everyone else's fault but Chris.

  • Love 4

so Rory's birthday parties from season 1 has always been in my top 20, but like just watching it now and...is it just me or do the gifts that Lorelai mentions to Emily...do they sound more like gifts *Lorelai* would want than Rory would want? Can you really picture season one Rory with a hot pink guitar purse or a glittery Farrah Fawcett shirt? I almost think she'd like the Mont Blanc pen better, or perhaps the sweater set :P


It's not just you.  The more I watch this show and examine it as a whole, the more I realize that part of the subtle overall arc is that Lorelai didn't "get" Rory nearly as well as she thought she did, and also that in many ways Lorelai did exactly the same thing to her own daughter that she always accused her parents of doing to her (namely, projecting her desires and wishes onto Rory).  I really believe Rory's late teens and early 20s were a wakeup call to Lorelai, that parenting is a lot harder than she thought, and maybe - just maybe - her parents really were just trying to do the best they could too.

  • Love 12

It's not just you.  The more I watch this show and examine it as a whole, the more I realize that part of the subtle overall arc is that Lorelai didn't "get" Rory nearly as well as she thought she did, and also that in many ways Lorelai did exactly the same thing to her own daughter that she always accused her parents of doing to her (namely, projecting her desires and wishes onto Rory).  I really believe Rory's late teens and early 20s were a wakeup call to Lorelai, that parenting is a lot harder than she thought, and maybe - just maybe - her parents really were just trying to do the best they could too.


I wanted that to be Lorelai and Emily and Richard's wake up call with Rory in those last two seasons. You can't force your child to be what you want them to be but at the same time, you can't be their best friend and not say: "This isn't a good thing to do." Especially when you watch the series as a whole from beginning to end. Everything was there and sadly the characters didn't grow or learn from it. Same goes with the supporting cast members. Taylor got more and more with his way or hte highway even when could have gotten people killed. Luke was turned into a doormat who was too afraid to speak about what was bothering him. Kirk did things that could have gotten himself arrested. Sookie became more and more demanding of everything when it didn't meet her view of things. Emily felt she had to control the world with her view or it would fall apart. Don't get me started on Dean, Paris and Christopher. I could be here all day.

  • Love 5

With respect, I'd be more inclined to think if Lorelai projected her own desires and wishes  in the parenting of her child rather than having taken the lead from the raw material she was given,  the Rory we met in Season 1 would have been a boy crazy, music mad, pop culture enthusiast.  A lot like  Lane, perhaps.  Instead we were presented with an intellectual and ambitious bookworm, with a wide range of interests.

Edited by dustylil
  • Love 1

I don't know.....I think in many ways Rory was ALL of that, in ways that sometimes surprised Lorelai.  Lorelai never expected her to enjoy hanging with Richard at the club in KMN, and was surprised (and hurt) when she did.


I never meant that Lorelai somehow formed who Rory became, just that she didn't always recognize that Rory was more than just her mini-me.

  • Love 6

Yeah, it's a well they go back to a few times, the "you're me" of when Rory briefly wants to stay at Stars Hollow High for a boy and Lorelai is right about the idea but wrong about the specifics--and the very uncomfortable for Lorelai "you're me" of whether she and Emily are wayyyy more similar than she'd like to think.  It's a good thing in this show--probably one of the major arcs that keeps me coming back.

  • Love 4

I'm a new viewer of GG.  Always heard about it and knew it was beloved by many but never watched until Netflix made it easy (thank you, Netflix!).  Anyway, there's quite a few things to nitpick but I'm currently churning my way through season six and am mystified by Nora, member of Emily's DAR chapter.  Nora sports a very distinct and rather cultured British accent, so I'm curious about her status as a descendant of a Revolutionary War participant.  I assume the only way this can be made to work is if she is born in the US but whisked away to England by her parents before she learns to talk and doesn't come back to the US to live until she's an adult, at which point she decides to join the local chapter of DAR.  I suppose it could happen or Nora has just assumed the accent like Madonna did.  It bugs me so qualifies as a nitpick.


In the episode, "We've Got Magic to Do," Nora says something about marching to Mount Vernon and doing "something foul on George Washington's grave."  George Washington isn't in a grave.  He's in a stone crypt, alongside Martha, which is visible behind a gate that is fairly heavily guarded.  I suppose one might say that the term "grave" is relative but it implies that the person is buried under six feet of dirt and since this is a nitpicky thread, the word "grave" is incorrect.  Research, writers, research.


Loving the show, by the way!! 

Edited by limecoke
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To become a member of the DAR one has to prove lineal descent from someone who helped the winning side of the Revolutionary War.  I write this as one who is descended from an individual on the losing side ;)

There is no requirement that the family of the member  live or have lived in the United States since the late eighteenth century. And it was not unknown for people to move back and forth between North America and their ancestral  homes as well as to other countries over the decades and centuries.

So for Nora to have had a British accent was perhaps unusual for the Hartford Connecticut DAR (and a mildly entertaining oral gag by ASP), but her membership was  plausible.

  • Love 3

Personally, I never understood why ASP chose the DAR in the first place. As opposed to using her fervid imagination to make up a comparable group for Emily and her parochial and snobbish friends. Certainly the DAR itself does good work in education and historical preservation.  However, if the organization comes to mind at all in popular memory and imagination, the usual recollection is that jarring episode several decades back when in 1939 it barred the distinguished contralto Marian Anderson from performing before an integrated audience in their Constitution Hall. That decision caused quite an uproar. Thousands of DAR members - including Eleanor Roosevelt - resigned from the group in protest.

  • Love 2

Personally, I never understood why ASP chose the DAR in the first place. As opposed to using her fervid imagination to make up a comparable group for Emily and her parochial and snobbish friends. Certainly the DAR itself does good work in education and historical preservation.  However, if the organization comes to mind at all in popular memory and imagination, the usual recollection is that jarring episode several decades back when in 1939 it barred the distinguished contralto Marian Anderson from performing before an integrated audience in their Constitution Hall. That decision caused quite an uproar. Thousands of DAR members - including Eleanor Roosevelt - resigned from the group in protest.


 How very true and since those times, many DAR groups have stepped away from that type of decision making. Like I have mentioned, we have several chapters around where I live and I have known friend who have family members in them. They were also GG watchers and said that the choice for the DAR for Emily made no sense since they don't do half the things she did on the show. If Emily would have been shown to do more music, arts and education movements and only her and her mini circle of friends were snobs, it would have made sense. However, on the show they acted like the DAR controlled Hartford. Richard could have cared less about the group and when Luke or others asked with the DAR did. Emily and the women would laugh at them like they were the biggest morons on the planet. I one time mentioned it to my nephews and they had no idea who they were and their mom did but she never saw the point of really explaining what they are or who they were.

There is no requirement that the family of the member  live or have lived in the United States since the late eighteenth century.

Oh, I understand that as I have a couple of aunts who are always after me to join but I never have and probably never will.  Where Nora might have lived is not an issue, I was just curious as to how an obvious Brit could be descended from an American Revolution Patriot and was looking for possible scenarios as it's more likely she descended from a Loyalist who went back home after the war which would not qualify her to be in DAR.  I tend to agree with the poster who said it was just an attempt to have a posh-sounding member of Emily's DAR group but not carefully thought through. 




Definitely going to check S6 at some point to hear Nora's accent. But is it possible that it's one of those "cultured NE accents"?

Katherine Hepburn was a daughter of privilege from Connecticut and had an accent of sorts, but Nora's sounds distinctly British - at least to me.  It's just a tiny nitpick but I did think it seemed odd.

Edited by limecoke

If Nora had been descended from a Loyalist, there  are groups comparable  to the DAR that she might have joined. Of course, she could have been a mole in the DAR :)

I have seen the actress Jane Carr who played Nora in a number of programs over the years and she has generally played a Brit. My own favourite was the late eighties, British inspired sitcom Dear John in which she played  a facilitator for a group of newly single individuals. Were there any sexual problems ? was her catchphrase. 

Edited by dustylil

This is such a tiny nitpick, but I heard a line in an episode I saw recently that struck me as out of character. I forget the exact scene, it may have been when Jason and Richard are talking about taking their clients to Atlantic City (or I could be wrong on that) but anyway Emily says something about how he's in insurance, "he's not running a rap label." Sorry if I 'm getting the context wrong but I just remember thinking that Emily would have no idea what a rap label even is, or what those guys would even look or act like. It's a funny line, but would've made more sense coming from Lorelei.


desertflower,  I agree with you concerning Emily and the rap label. This is after all  a woman who did not know the name of one of the Beatles. Now she may not have enjoyed their music. However,  they were prominent figures in popular music and culture all of her adult life.

That this particular genre of popular music - rap - would in any way be on the radar of Emily beggars belief. To me, anyway.

Edited by dustylil

desertflower,  I agree with you concerning Emily and the rap label. This is after all  a woman who did not know the name of one of the Beatles. Now she may not have enjoyed their music. However,  they were prominent figures in popular music and culture all of her adult life.

That this particular genre of popular music - rap - would in any way be on the radar of Emily beggars belief. To me, anyway.


 Not to mention a woman who didn't know what Google was when Richard made the comment or even wondering how Rory could carry such a big cellphone like the Sidekick II when they were popular at the time. The Rap line while funny was out of place with Emily saying it.

This is such a tiny nitpick, but I heard a line in an episode I saw recently that struck me as out of character. I forget the exact scene, it may have been when Jason and Richard are talking about taking their clients to Atlantic City (or I could be wrong on that) but anyway Emily says something about how he's in insurance, "he's not running a rap label." Sorry if I 'm getting the context wrong but I just remember thinking that Emily would have no idea what a rap label even is, or what those guys would even look or act like. It's a funny line, but would've made more sense coming from Lorelei.

I actually disagree with that. Emily may have been a bit clueless at times but rap has been around for years... got very popular in the 80's. Quite possibly lorelai used to be pounding down their walls with rap music just to piss her parents off. So while i don't think she may have been very knowledgeable on the ins and outs of rap music, it's not fair to say she wouldn't know what it was or anything related to it.

  • Love 1
so Rory's birthday parties from season 1 has always been in my top 20, but like just watching it now and...is it just me or do the gifts that Lorelai mentions to Emily...do they sound more like gifts *Lorelai* would want than Rory would want? Can you really picture season one Rory with a hot pink guitar purse or a glittery Farrah Fawcett shirt? I almost think she'd like the Mont Blanc pen better, or perhaps the sweater set :P


Wow - good catch! I never thought of that exactly, but do remember thinking when I last rewachted the episode "is Rory really that into technicolor accessories? I never see her with any!" Makes you wonder who is worse when it comes to trying to live through Rory: Emily or Lorelai.


My personal gripe, though I get why it happened, is that none of the Stars Hollow annual events were ever revisited. By the time we got six seasons in, I was asking myself where the pilgrims were, and what happened to the Fire Light festival. I know it would have been repetitive to have the same festivals every season, but still - some consistency would have been nice.

  • Love 4

Home, sick right now and rewatched some S1 episodes to see what LG and AB were talking about in regards to LG dragging AB to hit the marks. While I did notice it a few times, one thing that stands out to me is Chilton's weird class schedule.


In Paris is Burning, Lorelai goes to Parents Day at Chilton the first class is with Max. From the deer episode, we know that class starts at 8. Lorelai stays after to give Max his book back and they share their kiss. The next scene is Lorelai meeting Rory in the cafeteria and it's lunch time at Chilton. Paris tells Rory that Max was just seen kissing a mother. Rory asks Lorelai in the stairwell if Lorelai just kissed Max. With that chronology, that means Chilton has lunch at around 9AM.

  • Love 2

Today I saw the episode where Lorelai gets a letter from Yale that Rory doesn't qualify for financial aid. I'm sure this has been covered, but what bullshit. First of all, a school like Yale likely gives nearly everyone some sort of scholarship. Two, there are special circumstance petitions and a one time increase in income that Lorelai got could easily be documented as an aberration in her income and not likely to happen in subsequent years. They would review her tax returns and see what her income usually is. Third, Lorelai is a single mom and probably doesn't have a huge income. Rory would have qualified for something. At the very least, she would have gotten some sort of merit scholarship based on her GPA and class standing. Lastly, Rory could have taken out some loans like the rest of us!


I also watched the episode where Taylor sends Lorelai a letter about changes to the Dragonfly needing to be ok'd by the historical society--this is one of the episodes that make me want to punch that annoying fucker right in the balls. He is especially annoying in this episode.

  • Love 2
Rory could have taken out some loans like the rest of us!


lottiedottie, Rory did take out a loan. She borrowed from her grandparents. The weekly interest payment was a continuation of the Friday Night dinners. Now later on - in the sixth season - we were given to understand that the senior Gilmores were paying for Yale. But for the fourth season and much of the fifth certainly, the arrangement was similar to the terms  of the Chilton loan. But this time, it was Rory, not Lorelai, who was the debtor.


In Paris is Burning, Lorelai goes to Parents Day at Chilton the first class is with Max. From the deer episode, we know that class starts at 8. Lorelai stays after to give Max his book back and they share their kiss. The next scene is Lorelai meeting Rory in the cafeteria and it's lunch time at Chilton. Paris tells Rory that Max was just seen kissing a mother. Rory asks Lorelai in the stairwell if Lorelai just kissed Max. With that chronology, that means Chilton has lunch at around 9AM.

This always drives me crazy too, solo trek!


Today I was watching Hammers and Veils and in the diner scene with the ketchup bottles it looks like one or more of the bottles on top/being drained are almost full...which is exactly the opposite of how you do that particular task. Maybe it's just that the ketchup is along the sides or something but it looked weird to me....

  • Love 2

This is a character rather than a timeline nitpick for Paris is Burning - the news is all over the school that Max and Lorelai were seen kissing. This story has replaced the Geller divorce as school gossip, a juicy tidbit that had been making the rounds and that Lorelai herself had heard from sweet natured Rory.


FND comes along and Lorelai is dumbfounded that Emily - keen follower of Chilton events large and small, a woman who socializes with the Headmaster and his wife and someone who saw herself as Rory's moral guardian and protector  - has learned of her amorous adventures with Mr. Medina. It would have been more astonishing if Emily had not known of it

  • Love 1

lottiedottie, Rory did take out a loan. She borrowed from her grandparents. The weekly interest payment was a continuation of the Friday Night dinners. Now later on - in the sixth season - we were given to understand that the senior Gilmores were paying for Yale. But for the fourth season and much of the fifth certainly, the arrangement was similar to the terms  of the Chilton loan. But this time, it was Rory, not Lorelai, who was the debtor.

Yes, I am aware of that. I was referring to federal loans--At the very least, Rory would have gotten an award letter stating her eligibility for federal student loans. That's always part of a person's financial aid award.


Even if Ivy League schools don't give out merit scholarships, a person like Rory would have applied for a bunch of outside scholarships. I know she got the Kiwanis (?) scholarship for $250 but I'm sure she would have gotten others. The valedictorian for my brother's podunk public high school received $800k in scholarship offers alone (he applied to several colleges, the $800k is obviously not from just one school! LOL). I can't believe a valedictorian from an exclusive private school whose mother has limited financial means wouldn't have had more offers. I get why they did it this way, but it was a lazy way to keep her obligated to FND.

  • Love 1
Yes, I am aware of that. I was referring to federal loans--At the very least, Rory would have gotten an award letter stating her eligibility for federal student loans. That's always part of a person's financial aid award.


I knew what you meant Lottie.  You are right.  In reality, Rory likely would have been much more on the ball regarding student loans and scholarships.  It was very odd that she and Lorelai were entirely unprepared for a scenario where financial aid didn't come through.  Heck, even if Lorelai hadn't gotten the sudden cash infusion, what if their aid hadn't been as much as they were expecting?  What would have happened then? 

It was very odd that she and Lorelai were entirely unprepared for a scenario where financial aid didn't come through.  Heck, even if Lorelai hadn't gotten the sudden cash infusion, what if their aid hadn't been as much as they were expecting?  What would have happened then?


It kind of went hand in hand with Lorelai's myopia in regards to college applications. "You have to apply to more than one school?" followed by a meltdown. I assume Rory figured that Lorelai would handle the financial aspect of everything, similar to how it seemed like Rory only had a vague idea that Chilton must cost a lot of money in the pilot episode.

  • Love 4
It kind of went hand in hand with Lorelai's myopia in regards to college applications. "You have to apply to more than one school?" followed by a meltdown.


Yeah, I can't even get started on how a person whose long term dream was for her daughter to go to an Ivy League school apparently never did any kind of research into the college admissions process.  I mean, it wouldn't have shocked me if Lorelai honestly believed that Yale or Harvard would just randomly call Rory and offer her admission without any kind of application.    

  • Love 9

solotrek with respect, and I know I have posted about this before,  why should it have been Lorelai's responsibility to know what was required to apply to the Ivies? She was a community college graduate, living in a small town. She had no personal experience of  elite universities. Surely the onus should have largely been on Rory herself who had apparently been collecting Harvard information and calendars since grade school. It was her dream and her education. Let her figure it out. 

Or for that matter, why weren't the guidance counsellors at that fancy-shmancy prep school she attended making sure Rory (and her mother) were fully apprised of the processes involved?

  • Love 2

Or for that matter, why weren't the guidance counsellors at that fancy-shmancy prep school she attended making sure Rory (and her mother) were fully apprised of the processes involved?


Rory was fully apprised, that's why she applied to so many other schools. As the onus was on Rory (as you said), she seemed to be completely on the ball in terms of applications, essays, which school she needed that were equal to Harvard and which schools would be good backups.


why should it have been Lorelai's responsibility to know what was required to apply to the Ivies?


If she doesn't know what's required, then she shouldn't throw childish temper tantrums when people who DO know what's required try to explain it to her. It was also pretty clear that Rory didn't try to have a discussion because she knew her mother would throw a hissy fit.


As a mother who desperately wanted her daughter to go to Harvard but did no research about Harvard admissions or any Ivy admissions, she was insanely myopic. And worse, she didn't care and/or refused to learn about things she didn't know about.

Edited by solotrek
  • Love 4
why should it have been Lorelai's responsibility to know what was required to apply to the Ivies? She was a community college graduate, living in a small town. She had no personal experience of  elite universities. Surely the onus should have largely been on Rory herself who had apparently been collecting Harvard information and calendars since grade school. It was her dream and her education. Let her figure it out.


I think Lorelai would be smart enough to research the college application process if she wanted to.  It's not like living in a small town or graduating community college renders you unable to learn about applying to an Ivy League college.  To me, it would be really strange if Lorelai apparently worked to get Rory into Chilton (in part so Rory could have a leg up in applying to Harvard), only to then abandon the kid with a "figure it out yourself" when it came to actually applying to colleges.  I'm not saying Lorelai should be completing applications or writing essays for Rory, but at least for me, I don't know any families where the parents don't at least involve themselves in the process, if only to make sure their kid is applying to realistic schools. 

Edited by txhorns79
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My personal gripe, though I get why it happened, is that none of the Stars Hollow annual events were ever revisited. By the time we got six seasons in, I was asking myself where the pilgrims were, and what happened to the Fire Light festival. I know it would have been repetitive to have the same festivals every season, but still - some consistency would have been nice.

Backtracking a few posts to agree with this! I love all the festivals and events but it is odd they don't get mentioned again, even just in passing. Especially the dance-a-thon, since they mention it's Dean's "first one" and how intent Lorelai is to beat Kirk. I'm surprised they didn't revisit that rivalry at some point.

Not sure if this is a nitpick or if I simply missed something, but I remember Luke buying a house for him and Lorelai to live in after they got married and he ended up giving it up because she didn't want to leave her place. Same thing she did to Max previously and Christopher later on. So they chose to fix up her house instead. Yet, when she found out that Emily & Richard were buying them a house, WHY DIDN'T SHE OBJECT TO THAT?!?!?! All of a sudden it was such a sweet thing for them to do and "boo hoo, we aren't getting married"? It just doesn't make sense to me. At no point in their Friday night dinners did it come up that Luke was renovating their house? I also remember when Emily was telling her about the new house they were buying, she mentioned being able to grease Taylor's hand so she can get a Stars Hollow address, which implies that Emily knew Lorelai wanted to stay in Stars Hollow. Where was the objection to that move?!?!?

  • Love 2

I think Lorelai was dumbfounded by the genuine thoughtfulness of the gesture.  It was such a lovely property and so suitable for the both of them. It was not the sort of thing that she expected of her parents and it showed they had fully accepted her forthcoming marriage. That it came at a time when she felt Luke had now lost interest in her and their relationship just as he she had seen him do  with Rachel and Nicole, made the situation sadly ironic. Hence the tears.


As to the previous potential marital home, Luke had bought - and unbought - the Twickham House before they even discussed  marriage.


 Not to pile on regarding an earlier nitpick, but  in Season 6's Driving Miss Gilmore,  I noticed that Emily had no idea as to who Jay Z  was. Given his considerable and long-term prominence, that makes her purported familiarity with rap - or rap labels - even more unlikely.

Edited by dustylil
Not to pile on regarding an earlier nitpick, but  in Season 6's Driving Miss Gilmore,  I noticed that Emily had no idea as to who Jay Z  was. Given his considerable and long-term prominence, that makes her purported familiarity with rap - or rap labels - even more unlikely.


I think you could likely know generally about a genre of music without being able to name a specific artist who performs in that style. 

Edited by txhorns79
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