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S05.E09: In Summer Time To Simply Be

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Charley grows closer to Davis, Ralph Angel decides about Blue's future, and Nova is confronted with a devastating truth.

Please let the devastating truth be Nova's family telling her how badly she treated them and a demand for the $10K that has been conveniently forgotten.  What? Just me? 

Original air date 2021.04.13

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On 4/10/2021 at 8:29 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Please let the devastating truth be Nova's family telling her how badly she treated them and a demand for the $10K that has been conveniently forgotten.  What? Just me? 

Original air date 2021.04.13

I have not and will never forget that $10K.

Davis and Charley are a gorgeous couple. I know they’re not a couple but they look great together.

Welp, there goes Calvin!

Vi really does overstep as the matriarch of the family. I know how much she cares for Blue, but basically casting out her son because he wants to send his kid to a school the kid is excited about going to is beyond.

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Pass on a Davis & Charley reunion. She has more chem with him than Romero, which isn't saying much, but her going back to him even if he has changed from the piece of shit he was for decades seems like such a major step down for Charley. 

Vi stays overstepping. That phone call with Ralph Angel was ugly. Vi annoyed me cause she was making it about her feelings then tried to shame and hurt Ralph Angel over her selfish feelings. 

Well, I guess Nova & Calvin aren't going to get married. I run hot and cold with Nova (I also haven't forgotten the $10k and I am still mad about the book + Remy) but I did enjoy those two together as they have crazy mad chemistry. 

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14 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Vi really does overstep as the matriarch of the family. I know how much she cares for Blue, but basically casting out her son because he wants to send his kid to a school the kid is excited about going to is beyond.

RA is not her son, he's her nephew. To me is even worse because she is overstepping big time. She was downright vicious talking about putting up with RA and Darla's shit. Wow, where did that come from? I wish Hollywood would have been standing in the doorway listening to that conversation. Somebody needs to shut her down. 

I wish Charley would stop staring in to space because she can't believe Davis is being nice to her. 

14 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Welp, there goes Calvin!

One can only hope. UO here but I have never been a fan of the Calvin and Nova love story. 

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6 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

RA is not her son, he's her nephew. To me is even worse because she is overstepping big time. She was downright vicious talking about putting up with RA and Darla's shit. Wow, where did that come from? I wish Hollywood would have been standing in the doorway listening to that conversation. Somebody needs to shut her down. 

I wish Charley would stop staring in to space because she can't believe Davis is being nice to her. 

One can only hope. UO here but I have never been a fan of the Calvin and Nova love story. 

Charley is shell shocked over Davis behavior after all she's been through with him. I always liked them as a couple. Nova and her man, not so much. Aunt Vi,  lord lady give it a rest , Darla should never have included her in this. Darla and Ralph Angel are responsible for Blue. I know Vi loves him very much but she needs to step off on this one.  

On 4/10/2021 at 7:29 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Please let the devastating truth be Nova's family telling her how badly she treated them and a demand for the $10K that has been conveniently forgotten.  What? Just me? 

Original air date 2021.04.13

Drama will be a lot more interesting next week.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

RA is not her son, he's her nephew. To me is even worse because she is overstepping big time. She was downright vicious talking about putting up with RA and Darla's shit. Wow, where did that come from? I wish Hollywood would have been standing in the doorway listening to that conversation. Somebody needs to shut her down. 

Yeah, I know but I think RA sees her as a mother figure because his mother passed when he was young. Regardless, she was completely out of line. She can miss Blue all she wants but to act like anybody did this out of spite for her is beyond. The vitriol she was spewing was crazy - their father would be ashamed of him? For carefully turning over the decision with people in his life (that conversation with Micah was important), asking Blue what he wants to do, and making a decision that was his and his wife's to make? GTFOH, Vi. If it doesn't work out, he'll come back - but he was excited about going, and she should put her feelings aside and be excited for him.

50 minutes ago, byrd said:

Charley is shell shocked over Davis behavior after all she's been through with him. I

That, and I think she's really not used to being taken care of because nobody does that for her. But I think a lot of it was "this man put me through hell and now he's making me soup. What is life?"

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

One can only hope. UO here but I have never been a fan of the Calvin and Nova love story.

That was some heavy-handed foreshadowing when she knocked over the picture.

Edited by Empress1
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This whole Calvin thing was pretty easy to see coming from last week. At least for those of us who've ever seen a Lifetime movie! A little too "oooooh a twist" for my tastes on this show, but also it's just going to make Nova even more exhausting.

Vi was just awful acting like Darla and RA owed her a child who does what she wants. Her little story about the person who's on their way to manager at the grocery store was... a lot. There's zero shame in being a grocery store manager, but if it's this clear that something bigger is a better fit for this kid's future, give the kid a fighting chance, (And she should probably remember that both Charley's wealth and Hollywood's settlement were strokes of fortune that allow her and her family to come closer to living the lives they want, let's not pretend she'd be happy at a grocery store.) We've already got the impending end of one couple on this show, this is going to be tough on another one.

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24 minutes ago, gesundheit said:

And she should probably remember that both Charley's wealth and Hollywood's settlement were strokes of fortune that allow her and her family to come closer to living the lives they want, let's not pretend she'd be happy at a grocery store.)

She’s a business owner! She was excited to be able to go from waitress to business owner! Vi’s Prized Pies was her dream. There was nothing wrong with being a server but when she could do better, she did. She should want that for Blue - for her whole family.

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Oh dear, to my shame I must admit I have totally forgotten about the $10,000.  Who gave Nova that and why?  

Aunt Vi is totally out of control.  Treating Ralph Angel as if he were shit and trying to claim Blue as her son was appalling.  I used to really like her.

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25 minutes ago, MBayGal said:

Oh dear, to my shame I must admit I have totally forgotten about the $10,000.  Who gave Nova that and why?  

Aunt Vi is totally out of control.  Treating Ralph Angel as if he were shit and trying to claim Blue as her son was appalling.  I used to really like her.

No one gave it to her. She stole it from Charley after their father died, to bail a kid out of jail who got busted with weed she sold him. I think it was an account Charley had opened to fund the farm.

And when Charley confronted her about it, she insisted that she’d done the right thing. She has never apologized for it. I love my brother. He is one of my favorite people. I would fight any one of y’all over him. If he stole ten grand from me, though? I would wear his ass out.

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Thank you Empress1.  I now remember the kid Nova bailed out.  You might think she would have repaid Charley with the royalties from her massively successful -- but yet hugely appalling -- book. But this is Nova.

It seems a coincidence too far that Nova investigating a 20-year-old crime would discover that Mr. Perfect actually was a vicious, racist cop, but I'll take it if it pulls the rug out from her "perfect" life.  

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RA is not her son, he's her nephew. To me is even worse because she is overstepping big time. She was downright vicious talking about putting up with RA and Darla's shit. Wow, where did that come from? I wish Hollywood would have been standing in the doorway listening to that conversation. Somebody needs to shut her down. 

Ugh, Vi was on one, but it's on brand. She thinks way too small. Her business got started because she felt some kind of way when she was catching up with friends at the High Yellow and they were going on about the big jobs that they have, but Vi was still waitressing. There's nothing wrong with being a waitress, but it clearly bothered Vi. Then Hollywood pushed her to open her business because everyone knows that her pies are the best in the parish. You'd think that she would realize to take chances when they come to you, but she's OK with stifling Blue. It also didn't help matters that she gave the worse example ever of that neighbor whose daughter didn't get into LSU and now she's on track to be the manager at the Piggly Wiggly. Again, there's nothing wrong with that, but there's also no shame in wanting more.

Nova and Calvin were on the verge of a breakup anyway, but who didn't see this coming? Calvin has always been bad for her brand. I'm surprised that they even had a moment of happiness.

It was nice to see Davis get some act right in him, but I'm not about any type of reconciliation with him and Charley. The best punishment for him is realizing that he had a real one, but he was a donkey and ruined everything. At best, he'll get Charley's friendship, but that's it.

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I cant believe I forgot about Nova taking that $10K, I think it got lost in the rest of Nova's bullshit. Nova of course acted like she was totally in the right and never apologized, because she's Nova so therefore is totally in the right. She can cry all dramatic about this kids story, but not a fuck is given about her nephew finding out that his father isnt biologically his father at school. I was wondering if that "devastating" secret would be something about the book, but obviously we can never talk about that ever again, its just some melodrama about Calvin, who were just going to break up anyway. No way could they work long term, even if he didnt have some dark past of police brutality. What a coincidence that he paralyzed the kid she just randomly decided to investigate, just as her picture of them broke just in time for symbolism to give her a call. 

Aunt Vi sure came in hot with the "your father would be ashamed" phone call, and it just got worse from there. Vi was so out of line, RA and Darla are Blue's parents, its up to them where they send Blue, they cant do something that they don't think is in their sons best interest just because Vi never wants Blue to leave St. Joes. She got way too personal way too fast, insulting and disrespecting RA and Darla for daring to not do what she wants them to do, instead of just talking about why she thinks this is a bad idea. Really, Darla had more legit reasons not to send him away then Vi did. Darla was actually worried about how being in a really intense academic environment where he would be one of few people of color around would affect Blue, plus being sad at the idea of sending him away, but she is putting that aside because this is what Blue wants and what is best for him. Vi apparently just wants Blue to stay around forever because she doesent want him gone, which is terribly selfish. This is about Blue, not her. This is overstepping even by her standards, I hope that Hollywood can give her a reality check. 

It is funny that RA seemed to be partially convinced that he should consider the school due to his families meddling and lecturing and getting all on his case. He was pretty much over the school before Nova got on her Nova high horse about it and Vi got all mad at him even considering it and then made the very questionable choice of trying to sell Blue staying in St. Joes forever with a story about a woman not getting into college and instead becoming a manager at a grocery store. Not that there is any shame in being a store manager, but that is clearly not the future RA is thinking of for Blue, and suddenly RA can only see keeping Blue here as holding him back from his full potential. RA also seemed just a tad annoyed with Nova, he kept interrupting her clearly prepared speech about Blue not going to a fancy school (didnt you go to Tulane?) and how Blue is just being accepted to fill a quota (you don't think he's smart enough on his own?) and it makes me laugh that RA was maybe thinking "well if Nova is against this, maybe I should think about it again..." 

Charlie and Davis do have chemistry, but I don't ever want to see them get back together. They can maybe become friends for real, but after all the crap he's pulled, that should be it. 

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I assume that Blue's storyline means he will go away to Sidwell Friends then return to the show SORASed.

(For those who don't know, SORAS stands for Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome.)

This time next year, Blue will be Micah's age.

Edited by marceline
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Vi's "Your father would be ashamed of you" just irked my soul. I hate when people used the memory of deceased folks to manipulate other people's feelings. There is no way that RA's father would feel anything but extremely proud of Blue getting into this school. I think he would join RA and Hollywood in telling Vi she needs to have several seats. I get that she raised Blue in his early days when his parents couldn't, but Blue isn't a baby anymore and all she needs to do is sit back and be proud of helping him get this far. Also, a grocery store manager, Vi, really? You really thought that would work, LOL?

I don't care about Calvin or Nova, I really don't.

Davis owes Charley, that's it. Charley, please don't catch feelings over his being nice for a few days.

6 hours ago, marceline said:

This time next year, Blue will be Micah's age.

I'm betting you are right....maybe not his age but definitely a teenager. They can't age up too much because Kofi is only 27 and Bianca's never aging ass (yes, I'm jealous af) still looks 27.

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On 4/15/2021 at 3:59 PM, marceline said:

I assume that Blue's storyline means he will go away to Sidwell Friends then return to the show SORASed.

(For those who don't know, SORAS stands for Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome.)

This time next year, Blue will be Micah's age.

I'm actually hoping for that, myself. The going away part, anyway.

I don't care how (or if) he returns.

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I'm glad this show has finally moved SOMEWHERE. It was basically a 2020 rehash of covid and protests. 

Unfortunately I see Hollywood and Vi severely butting heads. The honeymoon is over between these two and they've been couped up on the same house too long. Hollywood ain't gonna hold his tongue about what Vi said to RA. And I can see a nasty fight coming. Worse than Calvin and Nova.  Which won't really be a fight. It'll be Nova screeching and Calvin claiming born again wokeness.  Oh well, maybe Reagen Gomez Preston is available. 

I don't see Charley falling for Davis.  Charley looks forward, not back. She's probably wondering " Is this man REALLY the same dude that had Goldie on his payroll?"  And yeah Davis realizes that Charley was a real woman and he pissed that away.  He feels the least he can do is show up in time of need.

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Blue was really mature and adult in that family meeting.  Nova being even invited to anything that has to do with Blue annoys me after what she did. 

I thought Charlie would ask Davis to stay there at the end before he walked out the door.

Vi was really out of line on that phone call.

I always preferred Calvin over Nova, this seems like a shock considering all we've seen of him these years.

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Arriving late to the party...

Aunt Vi and her crabs in a bucket mentality. I can't with her. She just wants to make sure Blue doesn't become what she perceives as "better" than them.

Davis was Phi Beta Kappa. Huh. Brawn and brains. This is my surprised face.

Micah got quite a tongue-bath this episode. What was that all about?

Thank goodness RA and Darla came to their senses. Why hold Blue back when he has such a rare opportunity? My only hesitance is Darla's mommy. She could be an extremely bad influence on Blue.

Vi is straight up mentally ill. Hopefully it's temporary. Meanwhile, Blue and RA and Darla shouldn't have to suffer for whatever her problem is.

WAIT WHAT? Calvin, no! Guess that's it for him on Queen Sugar because I don't see how Nova forgives him. Wow.

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