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S08.E03: 16 Ounces

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1 hour ago, milkyaqua said:

Lizzie being done with Red again....and just place on repeat.  I'm probably going to forget to post again after tonight's episode because, you know.

Or, we can all just copy our posts from the episode thread the last time Liz was done w/ Red.

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I was so bored,  I stopped watching half way through.  The first 10 minutes were just repeats upon repeats of Katarina's conversation with Reddington.  Listening/seeing it once was plenty -- don't they pay actual writers to, you know, write an actual story.

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This has to be the last season?

Is Red slipping? His goons took Liz from the park and just dropped her off at her apartment (so she can plot to kill him)!!! 

Cooper has to call in "favors" to locate his (so so) agent Liz?? Has this man forgotten he is the deputy director of the FBI. He can order many agents to go out an find her.

Cooper did have a look of disgust when Liz arrived at this office. I think he was hoping she would be missing for a while.

Best line from Cooper to Liz: "I will not have you lecture me on professional ethics".

FBI just hands out explosives with ease. Liz didn't have to go through all that subterfuge, just saying "pretty please" would have worked on that guy!

Red has "cleaners" show up in 5 seconds after shooting Katarina at the park, but somehow his doctor (who's probably paid well) can't drop whatever he's doing to help him? Dembe and Red have to go to the hospital like common people. So embarrassing for Red to be treated this way!

Where were these US Marshalls looking for Red all this time? Montana? He has been walking around in public for years. 

Second consecutive episode Liz has made Dembe look  like a complete fool. When Red  stops coughing up blood, he needs to consider a change in staff.

All that planning to move Red and he's still at the hospital after the explosion.

Did Ressler leave his handcuffs and gun at the office? He tells Liz "we will have to come after you". Is right now not a good time Donald??????? Liz shows up, bats her eyes, fakes remorse and his briefs drop to the floor. You suck at your job you thirsty moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merrit isn't concerned Agnes is always at her house? 

Now roles are reversed and Liz is on the Blacklist!!!!!!!!!  She wants to be a master criminal and is relying on Esi to do her bidding. She won't be on the list long. I hope she knows what she's doing. She gave up her great FBI benefits. Good luck finding good medical, dental and eye care.

Edited by mxc90
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Finally watched the back half of the episode and the disappointment continues.

Red's security teams are just getting sloppy -- did they even bother to really search Esi's purse ? 
Seriously, did they think the 16 ounce lump in Esi's purse was a Dagwood sandwich.  WTF ?

I'm so sick of Lizzie getting all high and mighty that Reddington needs to die because he killed 86 people, including her mother (but who's kidding who I'm still convinced Reddington is her mother), and got away with it.  Lizzie killed the ATTORNEY GENERAL and got away with it so what is she complaining about.

Lizzie's tough talk will last about an episode and then she'll go back to normal, but not before a booty call with Ressler.

While at least we got a reference to Agnes, still no sign or mention of the dogs or Robert Vesco's cat.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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So, 16 Ounces... that's the amount of weed one must smoke in a sitting for this plot to start to make sense right?

Lizzie tried to pull a Heisenberg with the bedside bomb but Heisenberg she is not. I wonder if Reddington actually knew she'd try something like this the whole time and let her do it to get it out of her system. Otherwise I don't see how Red's security guys missed a giant brick of explosives in Esi's purse. Also, we are to believe that Red's team fell for the exact same trick they use every other episode where they send security on a wild goose chase.

Boo to Aram for falling for Lizzie's terrible social engineering. Oops, I accidentally spilled your empty coffee cup! Run and fetch towels for me, we can't have a messy office! Once Lizzie said she wasn't coming back, Aram should have told her to get the fuck away from his work station. The office I work in has better security than that and I don't work for the goddamned FBI!

Lizzie checked out some explosives (and wired them herself because she can totally do that) but if she had just gone with a hand grenade instead she could have chucked it at Red while he was bent over coughing and that would have been it for him. Judging by the state he was in for their meeting she probably could have killed him with a good fart. But trust Lizzie to go with the plan that has too many moving parts.

What's the deal with Ressler all of a sudden becoming the FBI's Most Lusted After? I've never had the impression that Agent Park found him charming in any way and now she sees him with no shirt and she swoons? If they're going to do that they should have went all the way. When Lizzie stopped by for a booty call we should have seen Agent Park coming out of Ressler's bedroom all sweaty and disheveled and wearing nothing but a black bra and a leather miniskirt. I would have paid actual money to see that. Wait Lizzie, come back! You can sleep on the couch!

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12 hours ago, mxc90 said:

FBI just hands out explosives with ease.

So requesting a pound of Semtex is not something Cooper would need to do? Liz should also have requested a million bucks and 5 keys of heroin while she was there.....

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2 hours ago, paigow said:

So requesting a pound of Semtex is not something Cooper would need to do? Liz should also have requested a million bucks and 5 keys of heroin while she was there.....

.........And acting lessons too. They are 8 seasons in but it's never too late to improve.

I would have been impressed if Liz had used any confiscated weapon/device from previous Black listers on Red. 

I was hoping once during the many times she was testing the car door.... the bomb would go off! Dare to be bold writers!!!!

If Cooper isn't used to requesting explosives and the clerk (whom we'll never see again) is nonchalant passing them out. Who is authorizing these requests under Cooper's nose? Cooper's Post Office is not in order.

Edited by mxc90
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11 hours ago, dwmarch said:

So, 16 Ounces... that's the amount of weed one must smoke in a sitting for this plot to start to make sense right?

Okay, I have to say this made me laugh.

I needed to read here to find out what happened in this episode because while I was watching live, it was so painful I kept getting up and leaving. Gotta let the dogs out, gotta go outside with them. Even though it's 10 degrees out there, that was more enjoyable that sitting still to make it through this episode without a dozen breaks.

Best line of the night for me, from what I saw, Cooper telling Lizzie that now she should call him Harold. The guy has had the hots for her since forever and she keeps dissing him. Yet he keeps trying. "You can do or kill anyone you want, Elizabeth, just come back home to your Harold."

I totally didn't get the car-door bomb thing. I really didn't get how exploding a hospital room wasn't a pure dumbass thing. Lizzie doesn't own a gun?

Red is STILL going to leave everything to Lizzie in his will? If I were Dembe, I'd try killing Red myself since he gets nothing after being by Red's side all these decades.

I don't have a clue what's up with Ressler, the guy who had to hire a paid escort to go with him to some function a few seasons ago, and had to use a dating service to even find someone to go to dinner with. WTH is up with these writers. Or are there any writers.

Lizzie is all verklempt about Red shooting the woman who CLAIMED to be her mother. I don't remember there being any proof of that. And I'm in the camp that believes Red is Lizzie's mother, so this whole you-killed-mom subplot is just nonsense IMO.

Of course, this episode was all nonsense too. I wonder what distractions I'll have to dig up to make it through next Friday night from 7 to 8 p.m. At least you posters are fun because this show sure is not.

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It's fascinating seeing Marvin become this extreme devoted member of Reddington's crew. I imagine it is partly due to the tragic loss of Clark Middleton, and thus no more Glen for the stories. Stevens is such a strong actor that it really works well. 

And yeah, now that it's obvious that Reddington is Liz' mother, these episodes are just EXTRA painful. When there was a possibility of him NOT being Katarina, there was at least some mystery. Now that it's painfully obvious, it's, just, like, get it the fuck over with already. 

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Ugh this show is working on my last thread of patience with Liz's "righteousness" and Red's patience with her. Unless the secret is so deadly that if it's revealed that it will get Liz and her daughter guaranteed killed, no secret is worth the drag. And the secret reveal better be devestating for Liz to find out because I'm getting tired of her believing that the secret was worth finding out/justified of her actions/a moral victory, because I'm not cheering for her to find out.

It's weird how easily Liz splits her morality, pretending to be pleasant to her daughter on the phone and then within a blink celebrating the death of Red. Also one minute she has this tunnel vision to kill Red to the point that it could harm/injure/kill anyone in the hospital and then the next she supposedly looks stricken when Ressler was injured. She's just as much of a sociopath/narcissist that she accused Red  of being. But the clues were there in season 1 so it was bound to happen.

Are they making Liz reliving Katerina's life as a fugitive? And her showing up to Ressler's place stinks of her using him (again). And she's not really remorseful of manipulating Aram (again). I don't know how Aram ever saw her as a trusted friend when he's been more supportive/understanding to her. But I guess if this is the final season she's burning every bridge.


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You guys have already covered it.  I'm like another couple of posters who didn't watch this straight through.  I flipped back and forth so I missed the scene at Dom's and the failed car bomb and the hook-up w/Ressler but once I saw her come to his door I flipped because I knew what was coming and have no interest.

I don't get Cooper or Aram or for that matter Ressler always making excuses for Liz though Aram at least seems to be over it and gotten a clue but who knows how long that will last?

Liz ropes Esi into her plan and what is in it for Esi except a bullet in the head when Red's people get ahold of her?

Once again Agnes is mentioned but that's all.  The lady keeping her should call DCSS.

I'd wondered about Liz's phone after the last episode thinking that it wouldn't be that easy for Liz to hear the conversation.  Because really, why would Liz go back to that warehouse?  But once again, logic has no place here.

I find it hard to believe that at this point anyone could have any patience with Liz.  I get her not wanting to hurt others (or so she says) but if she wants to kill Red that badly, she needs to accept collateral damage or better yet go on a suicide mission and put herself out of our misery.  Somehow, with Liz's luck, Red will survive.

Red and Cooper have decided to push her to the top of the list.  Oh, joy.  Bokenkamp needs to figure out how to wrap this up already.  He can just throw darts at a board and come up with a finale because it's obvious no one has a clue or even cares anymore.

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My dream ending is for Lizzie to be taken out by (an unknown but we suspect who it is) sniper, and while Harold and Ressler are at her funeral, the camera pans to The Triumvirate of Glen, Dom and Mr. Kaplan, and Dembe to the side who says, "Thank the gods we are out of that misery."

While Red lives to do -- whatever -- another day.

Fade to black, and out of our memory.

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21 hours ago, dwmarch said:

What's the deal with Ressler all of a sudden becoming the FBI's Most Lusted After? I've never had the impression that Agent Park found him charming in any way and now she sees him with no shirt and she swoons? If they're going to do that they should have went all the way. When Lizzie stopped by for a booty call we should have seen Agent Park coming out of Ressler's bedroom all sweaty and disheveled and wearing nothing but a black bra and a leather miniskirt. I would have paid actual money to see that. Wait Lizzie, come back! You can sleep on the couch!

For a moment, I genuinely thought Park was going to show up behind Ressler.

I'm waiting for someone to kill off Lizzie. Her character is useless.


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14 hours ago, saber5055 said:

My dream ending is for Lizzie to be taken out by (an unknown but we suspect who it is) sniper, and while Harold and Ressler are at her funeral, the camera pans to The Triumvirate of Glen, Dom and Mr. Kaplan, and Dembe to the side who says, "Thank the gods we are out of that misery."

I'm just hoping that Lizzie gets the ultimate indignity -- she dies off screen in a tragic yet hilarious blimp accident, and no one cares.

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1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I'm just hoping that Lizzie gets the ultimate indignity -- she dies off screen in a tragic yet hilarious blimp accident, and no one cares.

Maybe the best solution for her "fans" would be to have her "pandemicKed"

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1 hour ago, paigow said:

What kind of "Blacklist" works like the Billboard Hot 100? This week we have a new #1??? Who was #1 before Liz???

I'm Casey Kasem, here with your Blacklist Top 40.  This week we have a letter from a long-time listener, it goes as follows:

"Dear Casey,

My mommy is making a complete mess of an otherwise enjoyable TV show.  She completely ignores me, and our dogs, and Robert Vesco's cat.  She goes around killing people and getting away with it, and then chastising others for doing the exact same thing.

I'd like to make a request that my mommy be moved up to the top of the Blacklist.



Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Casey Kasem is Lizzie's real mother!

That's a twist I never saw coming.

And the sniper who killed Lizzie has been identified as Agnes, who gets up from her sniper spot after taking out Ms. Keen with one shot, packs up her rifle and walks away into the sunset, followed by three dogs and a cat.

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16 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Heck, I'm starting to think that maybe Reddington is his own mother.  :)

Red is actually from Jurassic Park, not Russia, so asexual reproduction is the norm.....

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Is this show ending? Because I don't see how they go back to their regular formula of catching bad guys after all this. Unless they just write off Liz and have Redington work with the rest of the team. But having Liz come back to the FBI would be ridiculous and having her be a master criminal that works against them is not compelling TV.

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10 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

Is this show ending? 

Likely, Red spitting up blood without an accompanying gunshot / stab wound is never a good sign...

There will probably be a Cheers / Frasier type spin-off - e.g. Marvin and The New Highway Kings; Modern Cooper Family Ties - to run another 8 years....

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1 hour ago, paigow said:

Likely, Red spitting up blood without an accompanying gunshot / stab wound is never a good sign...

There will probably be a Cheers / Frasier type spin-off - e.g. Marvin and The New Highway Kings; Modern Cooper Family Ties - to run another 8 years....

Or they could spin it off to the Cooking Channel as perhaps "The Shopping List" or "Worst Crooks In America" 

Edited by preeya
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39 minutes ago, preeya said:

Or they could spin it off to the Cooking Channel as perhaps "The Shopping List" or "Worst Crooks In America" 

Guy Fieri - Listers, Losers & Lackeys

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9 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Is this show ending? Because I don't see how they go back to their regular formula of catching bad guys after all this. Unless they just write off Liz and have Redington work with the rest of the team. But having Liz come back to the FBI would be ridiculous and having her be a master criminal that works against them is not compelling TV.


8 hours ago, paigow said:

Likely, Red spitting up blood without an accompanying gunshot / stab wound is never a good sign...

There will probably be a Cheers / Frasier type spin-off - e.g. Marvin and The New Highway Kings; Modern Cooper Family Ties - to run another 8 years....


While some shows, after eight seasons and over 150 episodes, might seem close to ending their run, Lennix doesn't necessarily think that's the case for The Blacklist. "There have been shows where I couldn't wait to have them done," he said. "But not this. I hope it goes for, you know, another 12 seasons.


If you don’t know, ‘The Blacklist’ is produced by Sony Pictures Television and Universal Television in association with Davis Entertainment. The series is pulling huge revenues for NBC and Sony. There’s no point in cancelling the series at this time. No information regarding the cancellation of ‘The Blacklist’ after season 8 has been announced. Any news on social media related to the cancellation of ‘The Blacklist’, is an attention-grabbing rumour.

Having said that...

This episode was weird to say the least. It was like the show was ending tomorrow with Red having health issues again, Keen basically removing herself from the FBI and now be "on the top" of the blacklist, some of Red's people turning on him etc. 

However, if all this is true it doesn't seem to be the case and NBC has already released a press release for the next two episodes.

Also the fact they played the "She doesn't know who you are, I'm her mother." line again just proves again :

"Katarina" = Not the mother

Edited by anthonyd46
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3 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:


While some shows, after eight seasons and over 150 episodes, might seem close to ending their run, Lennix doesn't necessarily think that's the case for The Blacklist. "There have been shows where I couldn't wait to have them done," he said. "But not this. I hope it goes for, you know, another 12 seasons.

Obviously Lennix has never been forced to actually watch this show.

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14 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Obviously Lennix has never been forced to actually watch this show.

The producers obviously have access to Winter Soldier level memory wiping technology or he would realize that his dialogue has not changed in years...

ETA: "What do all these victims have in common?"

"Where does Reddington fit into this?"

"Ressler, get on the next flight to New York!"

Edited by paigow
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10 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Obviously Lennix has never been forced to actually watch this show.


13 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:

"There have been shows where I couldn't wait to have them done," he said. "But not this. I hope it goes for, you know, another 12 seasons.

If I were him, I'd want it to go on, too -- just keep recycling your scripts, putting zero thought into what's happening, but collect the paychecks? Nice work if you can get it, lol.

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I used to tolerate this show and shut my mind off and enjoyed watching it mainly because of Reddington and Dembe. But man, this episode was really bad with the whole Liz plot, I still don't know why she is so obsessed with her mother, she never did anything good for her, and she took all her stories/words at face value as if they were true. And now she is on a murdering rampage almost. Time to end the show.

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So now that this is official what was that episode? It seemed like the show would be ending soon, but we now have at least another what 40 episodes of this show? I have no idea what direction his show is going at this point.

Edited by anthonyd46
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On 1/24/2021 at 2:47 PM, KaveDweller said:

Is this show ending? Because I don't see how they go back to their regular formula of catching bad guys after all this. Unless they just write off Liz and have Redington work with the rest of the team. But having Liz come back to the FBI would be ridiculous and having her be a master criminal that works against them is not compelling TV.

It has been renewed. Read here:  https://tinyurl.com/y2p8jrf4

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14 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Why are all these men so in love with Liz and making excuses for her?!

I'm hoping that will be revealed next season, how everyone on The Team is related to Liz and it's not a real FBI branch after all but it's Glen, Mr. Kaplan and Liz's step dad, all of whom had facial reconstruction from the same guy who gave Red the sex change.

Not counting on it though. Or counting on anything that makes sense.

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