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All Creatures Great And Small (2021) - General Discussion

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Oookay... Two episodes in, I have to say I'm not really feeling this season. The writers seem to be phoning it in. Judging from the music and the overacting in certain scenes, I guess I'm supposed to find the Miss Harbottle scenes funny... and they should have been... but they weren't.

This was the first ep where I actually looked at the clock in the hopes it would soon be over, but wasn't even half over!

They've flanderized Siegfried, and his character was already so eccentric that he's now just ridiculous. They also keep repeating the same story with him, over and over, with the result that atm I like Gerald better than my second favorite character!

Like... when he first spotted Miss H., he gaped as if he had a) seen a ghost or b) met the love of his life or c) was having a heart attack, and frankly, each of these options would have been preferable to the rest of this episode.

Btw, who are you and what have you done to Audrey?! Because not in a million years would Mrs Hall have given an inch to Miss Harbottle, especially about ousting the rat.

And look, I get we needed a little something for Gerald to start thinking about getting serious (I expect him to address marriage soon, mark my words!), but it made no sense whatsoever for Miss H. to assume the housekeeper was married. Married women wouldn't be housekeepers. Don't be lazy, authors.

I think I might be getting over this show, and that makes me a bit sad.

Edited by ofmd
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Yeah, I wasn't feeling this one too. Utterly predictable from the moment Miss H entered the scene. I hate paperwork and anyone who'd take it out of my hands would get royal treatment from me. Not to mention that they are actually in dire need of administrative restructuring if they want to stay afloat. Instead of having characters act like adults and find some good middle ground they turned Miss H into an Umbridge light and Siegfried and Co into idiots. The writing was ridiculously over-the-top and ultimately nothing got resolved. I know these characters live in some sort of fantasy land where money is only an issue when it serves the plot and the war is far, far away but it's getting ridiculous.

Also: What is Helen doing all day long? I thought she was responsible for paperwork? Yeah, she screwed up last week but maybe giving the person responsible for office-work an actual office instead of have them keep on top of things between dining room and kitchen would be a good idea? Even it's a suggestion by Miss H.

Sheesh, I had a grumpy day and just wanted some comfort tv!

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On 10/14/2023 at 12:42 AM, MissLucas said:

What is Helen doing all day long? I thought she was responsible for paperwork? Yeah, she screwed up last week but maybe giving the person responsible for office-work an actual office instead of have them keep on top of things between dining room and kitchen would be a good idea? Even it's a suggestion by Miss H.

Sheesh, I had a grumpy day and just wanted some comfort tv!

Indeed. The way this iteration of ACGAS has characterized Helen, I find it hard to believe she only lives to fuss over her husband (and her future children). Maybe she helps out regularly on the farm, but they don't make that clear.

Last season, she was shown to be competent at accounting, and she gave it a crack. Ofc Siegfried blew that up. But it would really make sense if she did the paperwork from now on.

I get a feeling that this season, they don't know what to do with their characters. As noted, James always gets the same story in some form or other, and for Siegfried, they always tell the same story now: He does something really dumb/ callous, then comes to his senses and realizes that family/ the animals/ whatever is really the most important thing.

I hope they'll remember to hit some different notes... or at least use them to write a different melody this next episode.

Edited by ofmd
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GAH, the


impaled horse!

Well, this was better than last week's offering.

Still, with all our protagonists sans Mrs Hall being either ridiculous and/ or annoying (the James/ Helen drama seeming particularly manufactured), I'm actually starting to come around to Gerald! I mean, not that there was something specifically wrong with him, except for the ridiculous moustache (seems he's working on that), excessive dullness, and not being Siegfried. But at least he and Audrey interacting feels real, and he seems to really see her as a person. I half expected him to throw a jealous temper tantrum, but he was reasonable and explained his feelings.

The final conversation between Siegfried and the horse owner was nice.

Also, nice to see


Mrs Pumphrey and Tricky-Woo


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I've resigned myself to the fact that this show is now just... fine, for me. Nice background.

And that Siegfried and Mrs Hall have been relegated to supporting actors.

On the plus side, I like Carmody.

Btw, did we just see the farmer's wife put her hand on her belly for about 10 times? If she's pregnant, did nobody suggest a test for her?

That's all.

Edited by ofmd
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Pet-peeve alert: Man, I wish my laundry came out of the washing machine dried and ironed - so that I could just hang it on the washing line for cottage-core  purposes. I also wish this show would have someone around consulting on simple household management issues - last season we had manure stained scrubs in the hall perfuming the whole house and now we have two women putting dry and probably brand new pieces of fabric on a washing line.

As for the rest: I was also thinking someone should have talked to the farmer's wife. And maybe to the community at large - there were several women joining in the disinfecting work. It would also be helpful knowledge for the future even if the disease was rare.

I liked Siegfried trying to tutor social skills - bit ironic but it did work in the end.

I don't believe for one minute that Mrs Hall's divorce will proceed without a hitch.

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The James and Helen scenes dragged on and on. Not to make light of their situation, but their scenes just failed to convey any real emotions for me.

Good thing that Helen's hand seemed permanently glued to her belly, lest we forget she is PREGNANT. Who is directing this stuff now?! It's as subtle as a sledgehammer.

And did Siegfried just tell Carmody to keep driving straight into that Rolls Royce because reasons, and then everyone pretended it was Carmody's fault and tried to blame the cat's injuries on him?! Geeze.

I know I said Gerald didn't seem so bad compared to season 4 Siegfried (and everyone else), but I changed my mind. They're all terrible. Mrs Hall, you deserve better! But if you go, at least take Jess with you! He really loves you!

Of course she'll stay (or return after 5 minutes), but I hope it will be because she wants to, not just because of her "duty" to mother Helen and everyone else, in times of war, etc etc.

I miss season 3. And season 2. And season 1.

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Geez, did I just see three vets wonder at a cat in distress purring? *headdesk*

And yes, the James-Helen drama dragged on forever. I might have got a headache from all the subtle metaphors slamming into my brain as if Carmody had been driving their car. I know I've complained about the show not acknowledging the war but I was more thinking about rationing, black-market dealings, evacuated kids etc.

Also: somewhere Tristan - who's in one of the branches of the armed forces with the highest mortality rate - might mumble something that suspiciously sounds like 'chopped liver'.

And why can't Gerald's sister move in with him? Given the times that would have been the much more likely scenario. And it might still happen, because that would give the writers so many more options to torment Mrs H further -  I'd bet good money said sister is a horrible character who does not want her brother to get happy.

I watch this show for great landscape shots, curmudgeonly farmers and their salty wives and the occasional bit of personal drama for the main characters. But right now that ratio has been upturned.

PS: I guess Scotland had only one famous poet?

Edited by MissLucas
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On 11/5/2023 at 12:15 AM, MissLucas said:

And yes, the James-Helen drama dragged on forever. I might have got a headache from all the subtle metaphors slamming into my brain as if Carmody had been driving their car. I know I've complained about the show not acknowledging the war but I was more thinking about rationing, black-market dealings, evacuated kids etc.

I can only imagine what this year's Christmas special will be like... I think I'm scared now. Saccharine on top  of saccharine... Without the substance of a good meal that the former seasons used to be.

You mean daily life and stuff, like, actually happening? Now that's crazy talk!

On 11/5/2023 at 12:15 AM, MissLucas said:

And why can't Gerald's sister move in with him? Given the times that would have been the much more likely scenario. And it might still happen, because that would give the writers so many more options to torment Mrs H further -  I'd bet good money said sister is a horrible character who does not want her brother to get happy.

Or who idealizes/ adores her brother and no woman is good enough for him.

I thought Mrs Hall will end up being the sister's caretaker somehow... Hey, let's combine your idea and mine. Torture plus, so to speak!

On 11/5/2023 at 12:15 AM, MissLucas said:

I watch this show for great landscape shots, curmudgeonly farmers and their salty wives and the occasional bit of personal drama for the main characters. But right now that ratio has been upturned.

PS: I guess Scotland had only one famous poet?

Yeah, they're really short on animal and farmer stories this season, and when they appear, it's only to further the PREGNANCY storyline. Because did you know? Helen is pregnant! So was the farmer's wife a couple eps ago, but who cares for anyone besides James and Helen, amirite?

I mean, I did watch for good, usually subtle drama, too ... and for epic rows of sarcasm between Siegfried and Mrs Hall... and a bit of humour... But not melodrama and bad attempts at slapstick.

As for Scotland... It's a small country!

I'm curious as to what the funny Vulture ACGAF critic/ recapper will think...

Btw, this thread has become quiet compared to earlier seasons. Not counting those on the US schedule ofc, but there used to be many more commenters even on the British timeline.

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On 11/7/2023 at 9:06 PM, ofmd said:

Btw, this thread has become quiet compared to earlier seasons. Not counting those on the US schedule ofc, but there used to be many more commenters even on the British timeline.

I'm one that usually comments along at UK pace, but I've not seen a single episode yet this season - I'm way behind on my viewing schedule! I'll have to see if I can catch up...although from the comments here, I'm not feeling overly inspired to do so.

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Oh, FFS!!!

I'm getting the impression this show tries to pull off a Call the Midwife - and not just because of the Pregnancy (it deserves the capital p) - but its writers room lacks the necessary skills. Which is quite a feat considering that they have plenty of source material (like CTMW) to work with. Instead we get a Yorkshire spin-off of Full House.

And why are they turning Carmody into Sheldon Cooper? The shtick of him taking everything literally - even well-known phrases - is getting old pretty fast. 

I'm starting to keep a veterinary tally: one blocked stomach and one unbalanced testicle. Both cases tied to the main characters and their drama. 

Edited by MissLucas
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On 11/11/2023 at 3:16 AM, MissLucas said:

Oh, FFS!!!

I'm getting the impression this show tries to pull off a Call the Midwife - and not just because of the Pregnancy (it deserves the capital p) - but its writers room lacks the necessary skills. Which is quite a feat considering that they have plenty of source material (like CTMW) to work with. Instead we get a Yorkshire spin-off of Full House.

And why are they turning Carmody into Sheldon Cooper? The shtick of him taking everything literally - even well-known phrases - is getting old pretty fast. 

I'm starting to keep a veterinary tally: one blocked stomach and one unbalanced testicle. Both cases tied to the main characters and their drama. 

Idk what pulling off a Call the Midwife means - haven't watched it - but second the FFS!

BUT, aren't you really excited about the CS now?

@Llywela, I remember your posts always being very positive and forgiving, so don't let our snark keep you from watching. You may enjoy it just fine!

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Well I quite liked it!

Miss Harbottle might be needed at the practice, but she was in the 70s series too, so I assume she's out of the books. Quite why Helen didn't take her job (especially after James - not unreasonably - insisted on her being kept away from potential xenoviruses) when she's already at a lose end is a mystery to me, though. I also wondered where she was going when  she first thought she was pregnant, since it's well before commercial pregnancy tests existed (I did wonder if the practice might have some sort of animal pregnancy test she was planning to use, though calibrating it for a woman would be something of a challenge), though since they were trying for a child it does make sense she'd be monitoring her cycle. I thought the interaction with her father over her mother's miscarriage was believable too.

Really missed Tristan this season, though Carmody grew on me. He reminded me a bit of JD from Scrubs, in that he's knowledgable about animals but inexperienced with people. Once he's learned to deal with the clients and stand his ground, he should be a good vet.

I never thought Mrs Hall would actually leave, but there was a lot of stiff upper lippery going on there, with everyone bottling up their real feelings like true Yorkshirefolk should! Loved the fact that while Gerald asked her to leave his home, he still came round to have his dog treated and fixed the pipe while he was there. I also wondered why his sister didn't come to stay with him, especially since Darrowby is considerably less likely to be bombed than Bradford (I think that was where they said she was living). Maybe we're too early into the war to consider the threat from bombing raids, given France has only just fallen, though I can easily imagine a call out to a farm where a stray bomb has landed that injures an animal coming up next season

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Better than the s3 Christmas special at least. I think Mrs. Hall slow-mo running towards Gerald has been forever seared into my brain, unfortunately.

I'm gonna miss Tristan this season. :(

Glad Mrs. Hall is finally going thru with a divorce. It's time for her to move on.

I hope Wesley's dog makes it. I don't know if we'll be returning to his character, so we'll see. Curious about how long of a walk it is from town to that one guy's farm tho bc now I'm thinking about that great-grandmother that may or may not have been ditched.


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1 hour ago, HoodlumSheep said:


now I'm thinking about that great-grandmother that may or may not have been ditched.


Yeah, that was an unanswered question that really needed an answer. If the kid lives at the sheep farm now, does she go with him to live there? Or is he "commuting" back and forth?? 

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Young Wesley  was a natural  with animals, I'm so glad he went to help Mr Farnon. He probably  gets paid a little, and can help his grandmother  out. I doubt we'll see him again. I just loved the baby lamb.Thats why I watch  , for the animals. 

I'm happy Mrs Hall has started divorce  proceedings,  I just hope her husband  doesn't  show up! 

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The latest incident, in what may be the most drawn-out romantic tease in the history of television, can be seen here, @~34:20.

Audrey (trying to complete the divorce application): “… On Sunday I’ll be in church, on the earliest day of the year, with Gerald beside me.”

Siegfried (audibly and visibly distraught): “I’m not sure I’d considered his intentions towards you before now.”

Audrey: “Gerald?! Oh, no, it’s not that. I have no intention of leaving, Mr. Farnon, if that’s what you …”

Siegfried (interrupting, embarrassed): “That’s not what I meant.”

Audrey: “Will there be anything else?”

Yes, there will, you beautiful, oblivious dope, but not until next season, at the earliest.

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8 hours ago, possibilities said:

Yeah, that was an unanswered question that really needed an answer. If the kid lives at the sheep farm now, does she go with him to live there? Or is he "commuting" back and forth?? 


7 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

Young Wesley  was a natural  with animals, I'm so glad he went to help Mr Farnon. He probably  gets paid a little, and can help his grandmother  out. I doubt we'll see him again. I just loved the baby lamb.Thats why I watch  , for the animals. 

I'm happy Mrs Hall has started divorce  proceedings,  I just hope her husband  doesn't  show up! 

None of it seemed unusual to me. The “commute”, as was typical at the time would be on foot and I’m thinking the farmer probably lets him stay over during bad weather or times of additional work load. Never for a moment thought he abandoned his gg, but it’s not like she was an invalid, either.

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3 hours ago, Daff said:


None of it seemed unusual to me. The “commute”, as was typical at the time would be on foot and I’m thinking the farmer probably lets him stay over during bad weather or times of additional work load. Never for a moment thought he abandoned his gg, but it’s not like she was an invalid, either.

Same thoughts here. She wasn't  keen on the dog.

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No Tristan this season? I miss him.  You are never going to convince me that Audrey is supposed to be with Gerald. Give it up, show! If you didn't want me to ship Siegfried/Audrey you shouldn't have written the housekeeper as a beautiful younger woman with lovely chemistry with Siegfried and given her the first name of real life Siegfried's real life wife.  There comes a point when playing coy becomes tiresome.  Come on!

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8 hours ago, Doublemint said:

Just watched episode 1 and thought it was terrible.   Where are the customers?  Wonder how they can stay in business with James spending all his time with non-paying Wesley and Sigfried only visiting a sheep farmer.  Really miss the OLD show - it was entertaining.

It has been mentioned in the “behind the scenes” bits that today’s show is quite limited as to what they can actually capture on film with the vets and animals. The writers have chosen to leave us with the impression of a busy practice. All the animals in the shed have been treated and are awaiting return to their owners. We’re to assume the vets are busy with farm calls, else why the need for an extra vet? I agree, it’s light on the actual work, even compared to the earlier seasons, but there are restrictions.

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4 hours ago, Daff said:

It has been mentioned in the “behind the scenes” bits that today’s show is quite limited as to what they can actually capture on film with the vets and animals. The writers have chosen to leave us with the impression of a busy practice. All the animals in the shed have been treated and are awaiting return to their owners. We’re to assume the vets are busy with farm calls, else why the need for an extra vet? I agree, it’s light on the actual work, even compared to the earlier seasons, but there are restrictions.

Why the restrictions?

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

Why the restrictions?

I haven't seen the behind the scenes segments mentioned above, but I would imagine related to health, safety and the wellbeing of the animals. Times have changed a lot since the earlier adaptation was filmed in the 80s. There are lots of rules and regulations around working with animals on film sets, and a show like this only has so much budget to spare.

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I find "the impression of a busy practice" entirely unconvincing. There's no one in the waiting room,. There are no patients. Both vets are at home most of the episode. Having Siegfried be stressed doesn't make him look busy, especially when they go out of their way to say it's because he's craving his pipe. They don't even mention the names of clients, or appear to be coming and going from calls.

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It's just the first episode so I think we need to keep an open mind and see how it all shakes out. I anticipate more vet practice scenes when the new vet shows up.

I loved the "boxes of dressing" display that Sigfried made.  He has now apparently found every secret hiding place in the house!

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1 minute ago, DonnaMae said:

Is Wesley going to be working for the sheep farmer?  He certainly is a different boy than the nasty one we saw in the beginning of the episode.

That's what it seems.  Not sure if we will see him again, though, it might just have been a single episode storyline.

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1 hour ago, DanaK said:

We can now create a Season 4 thread or separate threads for each Season 4 episode. Is there a preference?

I'll go ahead and create a media thread

I always feel like Season threads are easier t follow but that's just my preference. If I want to go back and read about something from a past season I know where to start as opposed to scrolling backwards endlessly.

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2 hours ago, Llywela said:

I haven't seen the behind the scenes segments mentioned above, but I would imagine related to health, safety and the wellbeing of the animals. Times have changed a lot since the earlier adaptation was filmed in the 80s. There are lots of rules and regulations around working with animals on film sets, and a show like this only has so much budget to spare.

But times haven't changed that much since last season. They seemed a lot more involved with going out to the farms in previous seasons.

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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

I find "the impression of a busy practice" entirely unconvincing. There's no one in the waiting room,. There are no patients. Both vets are at home most of the episode. Having Siegfried be stressed doesn't make him look busy, especially when they go out of their way to say it's because he's craving his pipe. They don't even mention the names of clients, or appear to be coming and going from calls.

YES, YES, THIS!   This is exactly what I was thinking.  OK they can't show procedures on the animals, but where are the customers??

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4 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Why the restrictions?


25 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

But times haven't changed that much since last season. They seemed a lot more involved with going out to the farms in previous seasons.

They actually made a point of the current era limitations/restrictions, and explained in detail the amount of work that went into constructing the fake horse for the birth of the foal. Also talked about the camera angles and actor placement-difficult because what they constructed was basically only a horse’s a$$. Besides, in the earlier series I kind of got tired of seeing vets up to their armpits in cow butt (a weekly occurrence). Liability has to play a part as well. At any moment those old show actors could have been seriously injured. They’re not risking that in today’s climate. Why they choose not to show surgery, waiting room, flow of walk-ins is anyone’s guess. I miss it too. 

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1 hour ago, DanaK said:

We can now create a Season 4 thread or separate threads for each Season 4 episode. Is there a preference?

I'll go ahead and create a media thread

Season threads seem more appropriate, as two separate groups (UK before Xmas, US after) come at different times to comment. (I’m assuming it’s not going to be canceled…but based on reactions?).

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2 hours ago, DonnaMae said:

Is Wesley going to be working for the sheep farmer?  He certainly is a different boy than the nasty one we saw in the beginning of the episode.

He was afraid , someone  would take his dog away. His love of animals  changed his disposition. I loved this episode,  just looking  at the outdoors makes me happy, and the baby lamb.

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1 hour ago, Daff said:

Why they choose not to show surgery, waiting room, flow of walk-ins is anyone’s guess. I miss it too. 

A season or two ago I'd have said covid filming restrictions, but as it is, I guess that could be a budget thing, in these times of economic hardship when everyone is feeling the pinch and there is less money to go around. Even extras cost money to employ. Whoever is running the show decided to deploy their budget on other things, I suppose.

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I don't need to see actors with their arms inside a cow, or even a cow prosthetic, but they could do external exams, and other fake procedures, or have camera angles that don't show anything impractical but show the presence of animals. There are lots of ways to show animals without violating safety. They could TALK about cases, even.

They could also have had a bottle episode only at the clinic with the "family" by claiming they were snowed in by a blizzard, whilst taking phone calls from distressed clients who they coached over the phone, maybe? I know not everyone had phone then, but they do show theirs ringing from time to time.

I am not ready to say the entire season will be like this after only one episode, but I thought it was extremely noticeable that they kept saying they were very busy when they seemed much LESS busy than even prior seasons.

I do think they are interested in portraying the human dramas and other historical conditions (divorce, the war, interpersonal romances) as much as they are interested in portraying animals or veterinary practice. Whether that's a choice based on interest or budget, I don't know. But I do think it's been more and more the case as time's gone on.

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5 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I don't need to see actors with their arms inside a cow, or even a cow prosthetic, but they could do external exams, and other fake procedures, or have camera angles that don't show anything impractical but show the presence of animals. There are lots of ways to show animals without violating safety. They could TALK about cases, even.

They could also have had a bottle episode only at the clinic with the "family" by claiming they were snowed in by a blizzard, whilst taking phone calls from distressed clients who they coached over the phone, maybe? I know not everyone had phone then, but they do show theirs ringing from time to time.

I am not ready to say the entire season will be like this after only one episode, but I thought it was extremely noticeable that they kept saying they were very busy when they seemed much LESS busy than even prior seasons.

I do think they are interested in portraying the human dramas and other historical conditions (divorce, the war, interpersonal romances) as much as they are interested in portraying animals or veterinary practice. Whether that's a choice based on interest or budget, I don't know. But I do think it's been more and more the case as time's gone on.

Agreed. During the break, I re-read all of the books. They are so much funnier and more heartfelt than the show. It's a pity, really. I feel like they're wasting a fantastic opportunity to showcase these wonderful stories and instead the're turning them into a soap opera. 

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For those in the USA - ever watch Dr Pol?  Every problem is shown. So are the "restrictions" in Britten severe, or are these writers just wanting to deal with the people? It's supposed to be about vets, and a large part of the books dealt with the animals and their owners, sometimes it was funny, sometimes sad but wide-ranging.  This show takes place in Skeldale House for 90% of the time.

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