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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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If true - and I doubt Dr. C, for all his raging ineptitude, would make up something like that - this would seem to be a coffin nail in Sean and Davina's relationship. I say that because I have a hard time believing that Sean would move further from work after receiving that promotion, and we know that Davina is all about Manhattan. 

If true - and I doubt Dr. C, for all his raging ineptitude, would make up something like that - this would seem to be a coffin nail in Sean and Davina's relationship. I say that because I have a hard time believing that Sean would move further from work after receiving that promotion, and we know that Davina is all about Manhattan. 


That's kind of what I thought too- on both points- seems so specific that it would be kind of shocking if it wasn't true, and it means Sean did not move to Manhattan.

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i had read somewhere about Sean's promotion before seeing this post of Dr. C's although at that time it was just an unsubstantiated rumor on that "Bachelor" chat board.  I guess now we know it's true.  The way Dr. C. talks about Sean you'd think the two of them are now a couple.  That wouldn't surprise me as I could see Sean going both ways.  But seriously how is anyone 100% sure that this is the REAL Dr. C. posting?  Why on earth would he be posting on some obscure baby chat board?

i had read somewhere about Sean's promotion before seeing this post of Dr. C's although at that time it was just an unsubstantiated rumor on that "Bachelor" chat board.  I guess now we know it's true.  The way Dr. C. talks about Sean you'd think the two of them are now a couple.  That wouldn't surprise me as I could see Sean going both ways.  But seriously how is anyone 100% sure that this is the REAL Dr. C. posting?  Why on earth would he be posting on some obscure baby chat board?


These are valid  questions. I only recently discovered that thread where he posts- it seems as if he may have started posting there last year based on some posts by the regular posters.


Assuming it is him, it is a very interesting question as to why he is on a baby/mommy forum!! He made a post a week or two ago saying that the baby/mommy forum suddenly had a lot more participants than it used to. Maybe he thought it was a "safe" small internet audience where everyone would just lap up everything he said and stroke his ego (which is my impression of the posts there), and now that the forum is being linked all over the place, a bunch of new people are posting and its not so warm and fuzzy anymore.

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To give a little credit to Dr C he did post his actual homework to Jess and Ryan on that baby forum - and when you read it, its clearly a very appropriate intervention to help them improve the way they argue with each other.  Its more in-depth than what is shown on the episode. I can imagine that it would be very frustrating to be in Dr C's shoes and to know that he was doing a lot more with the couples than the audience will ever see-- but he should know exactly what he's gotten himself into by now, so I don't feel too  sorry for him on that point.

I realize that this is a reality TV show and so some of the normal conventions don't apply, but how does he get away with posting stuff about the couples and what he's done with them that they may not have consented to him talking about?  What they consent to air on TV under contract is one thing but what he says about their personal business on a chat board is another.  Did they sign away all their rights to client confidentiality?  Or is he not technically acting in a professional role with them and so he gets around confidentiality?  It just feels smarmy and unethical to me.  I can't believe he's that stupid that he thinks the world wouldn't catch up to his posts on that board, too.

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There is no way that the filming they do on that show (or any reality show) with a therapist, psychologist, etc, is going to be considered actual therapy and thus fall under HIPAA guildelines. It just would never happen. It would fall under all of the legal agreements the participants sign when they agree to be filmed for the show.


That aside, I do find myself wondering WHY he is on that particular forum and why he shares so much information about his assessments of the inner workings of the participant's personalities. I would feel uncomfortable about his posts if I were on the show, as he is sharing much more than is actually on the show.


I've noticed though that this season, the overwhelming majority of his posts which delve into the personality of the contestants is about Sean and Davina. When the forum blew up about Jess and Ryan and Ryan's anger problems, Dr C was nowhere to be found. Whereas for Sean and Davina, he has made many multiple-paragraph posts about the inner workings of their personalities. He seems to have a need to make viewers "understand" Sean and Davina rather than judge them.  He seems like he needs to defend them for some reason.

Edited by ChristmasJones
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There is no way that the filming they do on that show (or any reality show) with a therapist, psychologist, etc, is going to be considered actual therapy and thus fall under HIPAA guildelines. It just would never happen. It would fall under all of the legal agreements the participants sign when they agree to be filmed for the show.


Yes but what he is revealing on that board was not necessarily a part of the filming nor the actual show.  I find it hard to wrap my mind around a therapist who is somehow not acting in the role of a therapist but is actually performing therapy on the show.  Where does this person's ethical responsibility to confidentiality begin and end?  It reminds me of an old episode of Frasier where he refuses to endorse a product on the show because he didn't want people thinking that he was recommending it as a therapist.  So even though he was not technically performing therapy he still felt bound by the ethics of the profession because of public perception.  And it's been a long time since I knew about these things but I was under the impression that therapists are kind of like priests in that even when they're "off duty" they are still expected to adhere to the same ethical standards as if they were on duty, especially if they are acting publicly.  And even if it technically wasn't a violation of ethics it could still be frowned upon by the profession.  Someone please clarify or correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I imagine Cilona intently googling himself after the first episode last year, then latching onto the one board that had posters praising him. He certainly skedaddled out of here right away. What I don't understand is why the network allows it -- you'd think all participants would be given official blogs on the FYI site to drive traffic there.

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Dr. Phil goes on shows, like The Insider to talk about people, he wouldn't shut up about Bobby Kristina's boyfriends intervention and conversations with his mother not long ago. Dr. C may be a doctor but the MAFS people are seeking "help" from him not only on camera but for the purpose of the show. Even though Phil is a talk show people see him about things in their lives and take it to him, if it weren't for the show Ryan and Jessica would not be seeking/needing help with their issues because they wouldn't know each other, and the sessions are part of what they signed up for. I imagine that gives Dr. C a lot of leeway in not having to stick to privacy. Plus I'm sure they all signed wavers for the show/"experts" to do what they want.


Yeah, I don't know, my sense of internal ethics says it's wrong for a therapist to act as a therapist on TV and reveal in other places people's personal business that was told to them in private that did not air on TV.  All the signed waivers in the world won't convince me it's right.  And "Dr." Phil can only call himself that because he has a PhD, not because he is licensed to practice psychotherapy.  He was forced to give up his license due to ethical violations years ago.  But you don't need a license to practice "psychotherapy" on TV.  So that just goes to show you how "bound" by any professional code of ethics Dr. Phil is.  It makes me wonder if so-called Dr. Cilona is not similar.  The problem is that anyone can advertise themselves as a "therapist" or "counselor" and even though states require licensure for anyone to call themselves a "Licensed Professional Counselor" or a "Licensed Mental Health Counselor" it seems that one can still say they practice "psychotherapy" without such a license nor the credentials necessary to get that license.   So it seems like anyone who goes on TV posing as an "expert" who does not have a license can still get away with practicing "psychotherapy" even if they don't technically have to adhere to any professional ethics that's monitored by any professional board.  There's a lot of gray area there.





Edited by Snarklepuss
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Which do you find more unsettling, an "in your face" personality disorder a la NeNe (RHWOA) or a more hidden/masked personality disorder a la Kim R (RHWOBH) who is all turtles and sunshine until the mask slips or intoxication takes over? LOL, just kidding

I'm not sure if I believe anonymous "sources" and even if legit it is still biased. I only read that page (page 25 or something like that) where that quote came from and YES it does make me pause. However I'm not ready to lynch him (not that you are). I'm biased in favor of anyone who goes into a career that helps people (health care) however I also realize that everyone has flaws~especially people on reality tv;-)

I'm not a fan of any of the couples and don't think they were matched well from a relationship or entertainment standpoint. However I am still watching so I must find something entertaining or I like to finish my commitments or I am hate watching the show now.


ITA.  I seek to find something interesting and likable about every reality show and contestants.  When the posts on any give show reach a fever pitch of hate,  I usually back away.  

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Bella, on 16 May 2015 - 11:45 AM, said:

    If true - and I doubt Dr. C, for all his raging ineptitude, would make up something like that - this would seem to be a coffin nail in Sean and Davina's relationship. I say that because I have a hard time believing that Sean would move further from work after receiving that promotion, and we know that Davina is all about Manhattan.



That's kind of what I thought too- on both points- seems so specific that it would be kind of shocking if it wasn't true, and it means Sean did not move to Manhattan.



So, this means the experts are idiots who did not consider that a person recently promoted would not want to move to far out of their commuting zone or Sean just said what he needed to get on she show.  I doubt if this promotion was a total surprise and the in depth super amazing "instruments" should have zeroed in that this could be potentially a relationship killer with someone who only wants to live in Manhattan.


I wonder if Dr. C realizes that in so vigorously defending Sean, he is only making himself look bad?  In the same manner, I hope Davina starts to understand that trashing Sean in social media only makes her look petty.

Edited by qtpye
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There were coworkers that went on the bachelor forum and said the promotion was a lie. They said there weren't even 100 employees on staff in their ER. Just food for throught


I found myself skeptical that there could be 100 people who work in a single  ER......even at a big hospital

Edited by ChristmasJones
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gimipizzauoldtroll, on 13 May 2015 - 6:44 PM, said:


    Why? And don't most reality TV folks have a touch of narcissism?

That is not a mental illness. 

But, Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental illness.  I'm not saying that all reality tv people have it but it would be interesting to put all of the participants in these shows through real psychiatric examinations.  I'll bet many would fall into the "state" as well as quite a few who fall into the "trait."



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Did anyone on the show, or Dr. C on that board, say it was an off camera session? It could it be that it was filmed and just didn't make ithe cut to be in the episode, making Ryan/Jessica directly Ok the session public knowledge ? I think all these TV "therapist" who continue to talk about people they've "counciled" are doing it for self promotion/attention, but legally I don't think anyone would have a case for any legal violation because I'm sure they've made sure they're not illegally violating anything.. But of course being legal doesn't mean its something people should do.


Wondering if anyone else saw this post by Dr. Cilona about Sean's career:

"Sean is VERY confident, secure, skilled, and successful in his own right when it comes to his career. In fact, very shorlty after filming for the show concluded, Sean was awarded a very siginifcant promotion that had been in the works for several years. He is now the head adminstator for the ER and has manages more than 100 staff members"

This was cut and pasted from http://community.babycenter.com/post/a55825153/married_at_first_sight_season_two?cpg=90- all typos are from the original post by Dr. C

That post written by Joseph C just proves to me how he blindly accepted and lapped up every nonsensical thing Sean fed him.

Dr C has proven himself to be super naive and dangerously trusting of everything Sean spouts. It's annoying to me. Joseph C shows no discernment when it comes to Sean.

FWIW, I don't believe that description of Sean's "promotion" he was "awarded" (in the works for SEVERAL YEARS! Lol); and how would Dr C be able to attest to Sean being VERY skilled? Other than, of course, Sean tellng him that?

Edited by sleekandchic
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There were coworkers that went on the bachelor forum and said the promotion was a lie. They said there weren't even 100 employees on staff in their ER. Just food for throught


I saw those posts on that forum too.  I wonder if Dr. C. just believes everything Sean tells him and then posts on that baby board to defend him.  If so, what a schmuck Dr. C. is.  I think he has a crush on Sean the way he acts about him.  He has lost all objectivity.  He is less reliable as a source than anonymous 3rd hand information on a chat board.

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Kind of off topic: I watched the Australian version of MAFS but can I say, I prefer the editing by far. The "contestants" seem way more genuine too. Even the "experts" are better.


Was it on YouTube or somewhere else?


Corollary: if there's interest during the off-season, we can set up an international thread and maybe watch another country's version together. But I need to get past the first 3 weeks in June before I even think about that.

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Trying to catch up after exams ,graduating and getting ready to relocate. I am starting to think maybe Ryan & Jessica are still together. Still think Ryan D & Jac a Go and Sean & Davina a No! This season seems to drag. Read some of Ryan D's FB wall. He has some posts that indicate he can take the heat better than he had been.

Trying to catch up after exams ,graduating and getting ready to relocate. I am starting to think maybe Ryan & Jessica are still together. Still think Ryan D & Jac a Go and Sean & Davina a No! This season seems to drag. Read some of Ryan D's FB wall. He has some posts that indicate he can take the heat better than he had been.

Congratulations Happily!

I agree w/you on Ryan R. & Jaclyn, but disagree on Jessica & Douche.

Not sure how I feel on the two weirdos, though Social Media seems to indicate a big ole 'No!'

So, this means the experts are idiots who did not consider that a person recently promoted would not want to move to far out of their commuting zone or Sean just said what he needed to get on she show.  I doubt if this promotion was a total surprise and the in depth super amazing "instruments" should have zeroed in that this could be potentially a relationship killer with someone who only wants to live in Manhattan.


I wonder if Dr. C realizes that in so vigorously defending Sean, he is only making himself look bad?  In the same manner, I hope Davina starts to understand that trashing Sean in social media only makes her look petty.

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I wonder if Dr. C realizes that in so vigorously defending Sean, he is only making himself look bad?  In the same manner, I hope Davina starts to understand that trashing Sean in social media only makes her look petty.


Sean Varricchio is riding a classic wave of narcissistic destruction.  Dr. Cilona is continuing to compromise his professional reputation because he bought into Sean's web of lies, and he can't reconcile the fact that he got played.  Davina is recovering from 6 weeks of being emotionally manipulated by someone she knew wasn't on the up and up, but couldn't quite place because she had never dealt with someone like that before.  Sean quickly assessed that Davina was too intelligent for him to fool for the long-term, and he checked out early since it was too risky for his ego.  This is textbook narcissism.


Dr. Cilona is just as much a victim as Davina.  He will hopefully realize this once Sean's reality-defying lies reach a level he can no longer deny.

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Just read this interview with Dr. Cilona and it gives a lot of detail about what actually goes into the show. It answers many of the questions posted in the forum - like how the experts could possibly have matched certain couples. Interesting to learn that the experts don't see any of the footage until the show airs and that it is sometimes shocking when they do, as the incidences depicted were not brought up by either partner during their meetings/phone calls. Good to learn that Jess & Ryan were offered therapy paid for by the show at least 6 different times throughout the experiment due to the volatility of their pairing. Enjoy!



Reading this is making me see the experts in a whole new light.  Knowing that they don't see the footage until we do and only have what the couples share with them verbally to go on shows that they are working from limited knowledge during the experiment, more limited than the audience's.  Then again the audience is also working from limited knowledge because he says that there is a lot to their sessions with the experts that we don't see.  He specifically mentioned Dr. Pepper's Skype session, which he says lasted 3 hours long of which we only saw a few minutes that made her look like an idiot.  I also thought it was relevant to mention that what we are seeing is not in "real time" and that what happened in 6 weeks is expanded out over 14 weeks, so it can look like things are not progressing and that the experts are not present soon enough when they were, it's just that the show didn't present that until what seems like a lot later.


And wow, I can't believe that Jessica and Ryan didn't discuss the true intensity of their blowouts with Dr. C and that he was shocked to see them aired on TV.  He said Ryan D.'s behavior crossed lines that should never be crossed, but he blamed the "experiment" for exacerbating his short temper.  Ummm.....Sorry, Dr. C., it may have been your lack of foresight into his character that made you miss things about him, so don't go blaming the experiment for bringing things out in him.  He actually admitted to being blindsided by some of what he saw aired on the show in season 2 and that it has given them all cause to try to use that hindsight to improve future seasons.  I also found it interesting and perhaps most telling that production offered each of the couples free therapy after the filming ended but none have accepted.  Wow, just wow, thanks for posting!

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I had read the Dr. C interview yesterday and it is an interesting read.  I'm still really, really, really perplexed that in today's age that NO ONE did a social media check on any of the potential brides/grooms as 30 seconds on Instagram would have totally eliminated Ryan D from consideration.   At least for it seems like they have learned their lesson.  I think.


Davina /her friends are out of control!!!!


Someone posted this on Davina's FB page

I'm glad she didn't stay with Sean. I have a suspicious feeling that he's gay.


And Davina's friend (who was at the wedding) answered this:

He's probably out banging Dr. Joseph Cilona, no one else finds their relationship odd

Edited by moonxyz
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In the very beginning - I said based on Twitter accounts on the day of the first episode - that Jessica and Ryan D and Davina and Sean would end up divorced as none of them were following one another on day 1 of the the season. Jessica's account was very old as was Ryan D's. I stand firm in this feeling after 9 episodes


In the very beginning - I said based on Twitter accounts on the day of the first episode - that Jessica and Ryan D and Davina and Sean would end up divorced as none of them were following one another on day 1 of the the season. Jessica's account was very old as was Ryan D's. I stand firm in this feeling after 9 episodes


I remember you posting that when the season began and agree that its the main clue that Ryan/Jessica didn't stay together.   Well besides the fact that Ryan seems to totally dislike Jessica while married to her for six weeks. And Davina's behavior on social media since the season began is the biggest clue that they imploded as a couple.


Besides following each other, I've always felt one of the main social media clues that Jaclyn & Ryan did stay together was his tweet the first night when he asked everyone to go easy on Jac.     Oh, also FYI is promoting their upcoming craft session with Kayla as "a new family" on their facebook page.    Would they really bring this kid on the show at this point if Jaclyn & Ryan weren't together!?   Compassionate me says that they wouldn't do so if they had broken up but I guess all is fair in TV land for ratings so who knows. 

Edited by CindyBee
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This guys is on a roll!


Someone posts: Disgusting! Showing no respect for your husband IF you are still married!


Davina's friend: & if she isn't? Is she still disgusting.. You know what else is disgusting, is when males (in your case a bitch) comes on a females page that you don't know, & disrespects them.. Watch your mouth loser!


Answer: Are you upset because you are one of the guys groping another mans wife? You should be ashamed of yourself LOSER!!

I bet it felt good having her lay down on your balls eh, I bet you wouldnt be smiling if that was your wife laying on so many dudes!

Edited by moonxyz
I have a feeling this is the same angry friend who was rudly posting on the bachelor board and made sure to let us know that Davina bought a "near-million dollar" apartment.



I totally hate Sean and think he might have a sex dungeon in his house filled with glow in the dark stars after that Christian Grey comment, but what the hells does this have to do with anything?  We get it Davina's friend...she is the best pharm rep ever and makes tons of money...none of us are impressed.  Are you saying that she is a better person because she has money or are you justifying her reasons not to move out of the Upper East Side?  In any case, comments like that do not increase our sympathy for Davina.  No matter how much money she has, the girl came on a third rate reality show to get married.  As the Countess from Real Housewives of New York says "Money can't buy you class".

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So Jaclyn put up a pic of her and Kayla on social media today with the caption "Finally we get to see this little cuite!  Love Kayla #girltime #crazyaunt".   Of course that has made all the Jaclyn/Ryan fans happy, hoping that they're still together.   


At this point I'd like to think that she wouldn't post pics of her and Kayla if things had ended..

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So Jaclyn put up a pic of her and Kayla on social media today with the caption "Finally we get to see this little cuite!  Love Kayla #girltime #crazyaunt".   Of course that has made all the Jaclyn/Ryan fans happy, hoping that they're still together.   


At this point I'd like to think that she wouldn't post pics of her and Kayla if things had ended..

The picture she posted on Instagram was obviously taken when this episode was filmed as they are wearing the same clothes (minus Jaclyn's scarf) and are sitting in the same vehicle with the sunroof open.  But I think you are right, she wouldn't post that about the niece if they were not still together.

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