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Season 19 Discussion

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I said Corey is an awful actor because he’s pretending to be Kris squeeze and failing. Not that I think he’s a professional actor. I guess what I mean is that he’s an unconvincing man ho. And when did the poor thing grow child bearing hips? 

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On 10/10/2020 at 9:07 PM, itsadryheat said:

"Kris Jenner is currently 62, while Corey is 37. Quick math: there's a 25-year difference between them. But hey! Love has no age limit."


"When the show first aired, Kylie Jenner was just 10 years old. Now, she's 23." 


Reality shows need subtitles.

According to Google, Kris Jenner was born on 11/5/55, which would have her less than a month away from being 65. The Cosmo article is almost 2 1/2 years old.  The age difference would remain the same, though.

Edited by Alexis R.
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On 10/8/2020 at 8:10 PM, Marley said:

Lmao I’m supposed to believe one of Kourtneys outfits fit Kylie? Kylie with her weird shaped huge butt lol.

Khloe needs to just shut the fuck up.

Kylie is annoying. She sounds like she can barely put a sentence together too lol.

Kendall is annoying too she seems like eeyore.

Why was it such a big deal to drive Kendall home?

Kylie and Corey almost seem a little too close lol.


Right Kourtney is barely 5 foot and Kylie is probably 5’9” or taller like the pants would fit length wise! 

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It was really uncomfortable watching a pregnant girl in a casino just weeks before lockdown.  Yikes!  

Why was Kylie flipping out about driving Kendall “over the hill”???  Kylie wasn’t driving anyone anywhere, her driver was!  She was likely going to be passed out anyway.  All she had to do was sleep a bit longer, no?  I mean, I get when you want to get home you want to be home, but it’s not like SHE had to stay awake and do the driving.  Why did it matter once she was dropped off that her driver then drove Kendall over the hill to her home?   The whole thing was weird anyway, that they all wanted to drive 2 hours home to LA after the bar.  

Edited by geauxaway
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44 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

It was really uncomfortable watching a pregnant girl in a casino just weeks before lockdown.  Yikes!  

Why was Kylie flipping out about driving Kendall “over the hill”???  Kylie wasn’t driving anyone anywhere, her driver was!  She was likely going to be passed out anyway.  All she had to do was sleep a bit longer, no?  I mean, I get when you want to get home you want to be home, but it’s not like SHE had to stay awake and do the driving.  Why did it matter once she was dropped off that her driver then drove Kendall over the hill to her home?   The whole thing was weird anyway, that they all wanted to drive 2 hours home to LA after the bar.  

I think the whole fight was a set-up storyline.  I do not believe ANYTHING that comes out of ANY of their mouths.  

Maybe Corey asked to have a juicy storyline this year, and asked to play the villain?  He will probably "redeem" himself soon.


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5 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I think the whole fight was a set-up storyline.  I do not believe ANYTHING that comes out of ANY of their mouths.  

Maybe Corey asked to have a juicy storyline this year, and asked to play the villain?  He will probably "redeem" himself soon.


Ugh you are probably right.  He suddenly has talking heads, too.  And not just with Kris, some are solo.  🤦🏻‍♀️

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3 hours ago, stacyasp said:

Right Kourtney is barely 5 foot and Kylie is probably 5’9” or taller like the pants would fit length wise! 

I think you're thinking of Kendall, she's 5'10. Kylie is 5'6"

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2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Didn't Khloe admit years ago that whole "trying to have a baby with Lamar" storyline was bullshit?  Because in last week's episode she said she did IVF in her 20's.  Can they not keep their lies straight?

She said she was pretending to want a child with Lamar, but she didn't really want one or something like that. She implied that it was how things were IRL,not that the show had written it.

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I wonder how Kourtney feels about them having an entire hour devoted to Kim's 40th plus E! Nightly Pop devoted an episode to it too & all she got was them showing her sobbing because she was turning 40.

Edited by GaT
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Kourtney whining about the car, reminded me of growing up and wanting a specific doll for Christmas, my mom would make us circle our "wish list" in the Sears catalogue - I had circled it so many times, wrote "please, please" underneath it. Christmas came and my sister got the doll instead of me. I cried and whined..but I was 6


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2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Kourtney whining about the car, reminded me of growing up and wanting a specific doll for Christmas, my mom would make us circle our "wish list" in the Sears catalogue - I had circled it so many times, wrote "please, please" underneath it. Christmas came and my sister got the doll instead of me. I cried and whined..but I was 6


Seems like something to cry about - was your mom being intentionally cruel, or just thoughtless?

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I guess this was filmed and they didn't care about the other plots. When did. Tristan is already back together with Khloe obviously in this, Kylie and Kendall are fine together. They slipped in clip of Kanye hugging the dictator.

No Caitlyn? 

Edited by Artsda
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23 hours ago, nexxie said:

Seems like something to cry about - was your mom being intentionally cruel, or just thoughtless?

Honestly, I think they just forgot which daughter wanted it, I am one of 6 kids and Christmas Eve was probably hectic for them and add in the spiked egg nog. 

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15 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Honestly, I think they just forgot which daughter wanted it, I am one of 6 kids and Christmas Eve was probably hectic for them and add in the spiked egg nog. 

I see. Well, I still feel for your heartbroken six-year-old self!

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The whole Palm Springs episode was so confusing to me.  Where did Kylie *think* Kendall was going as they were all driving away together?  Did Kylie expect her to walk the rest of the way from her house?  Or did she think she was spending the night?  Why would Kendall just get into the car without confirming where she would be dropped off first?  How do they all end up in a car without a basic understanding of where they were all going?  
And I can’t even contemplate the ridiculousness of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants spin off.  Kourtney is 5’ and medium build, Kylie is 5’6 with a ginormous ass, and Kendall is 5’10 and super thin.  A dress would be a believability stretch, but pants?  So stupid. Bible. 

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Listening to them talk about schools shutting down for a month made me laugh. Not in that haha how funny way, more like that on-the-verge-of-hysterics way.

Of course, they have a doctor who makes house calls & can get covid tests when nobody else could.

You can tell all the THs were done way afterward because they all have full makeup & hair, except for those scenes where Khloe is talking into the camera & she’s got bad makeup & crazy hair. I guess she did it herself.

What do you know, Kanye really did have covid.

And there’s Kourtney in a bikini, because she does nothing but go on vacation & post bikini selfies, even during a pandemic.

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It would be pretty cynical for the K fam to lie about covid - but the doc showing up without a mask brings two things to mind: 1) Covid was just a fake storyline, or 2) The doc is a dumbass.


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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

It would be pretty cynical for the K fam to lie about covid - but the doc showing up without a mask brings two things to mind: 1) Covid was just a fake storyline, or 2) The doc is a dumbass.


How about both?

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if the Kardashians lie about Covid. They all seem like the type that would do something like that & have no shame about it.

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Was Kanye even in the house or were they saying he was there when really he was in Wyoming? 

I find it funny that Kylie's locked in her house and yet she still doesn't have time to join the family zoom get together. lol 

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This episode really caught my attention, in that Kim tries to play that she's just like everyone else, struggling with the COVID quarantine. In one segment, she went on about how Kanye likely had COVID, & was awaiting the test results, but in the meantime, he had to hole-up in his room, & he couldn't help or even see the kids, while she took him trays of food. Kim mentioned that it was hard doing everything by herself.

Later in the show, she & Saint went on a daytime walk to Kris' house, because she was out of Cheetos. So, did golden-child, North, at 6, babysit the other 2 kids, who were 2 & not even a year? Did Kanye come out of quarantine so that Kim & Saint could go for a walk & steal Cheetos? Or, does Kim have tons of help from nannies, that she dares not mention, meaning that she doesn't at all have to do everything by herself?

I don't care that she has nanny-help. It just bugs the snot out of me that she tries to make it seem like we were all living the same thing. We weren't. I took off work, except for 1 day a week; our family lost 80% of my income during that time. I did that because our daycare was only open to essential workers, & my job wasn't considered essential; my husband's was, thankfully for us. With no childcare options during a pandemic, I had to stay home with them, save for the 1 day a week that my husband was able to work-from-home. We didn't go anywhere but grocery shopping once a week (just my husband), if that, because it wasn't safe, so we were locked in our house & yard, for months. My story isn't unique at all, & I feel very fortunate that I was able to even work enough to retain 20% of my income, but it just drives me nuts that Kim makes it seem like we were all in the same boat, & in reality, besides being in public & shooting the show, little changed for her. The nannies took care of the kids, like they always do, when the kids aren't in school, & I'm sure she wasn't shlupping to Walmart pickup or Kroger as rarely as possible, to keep everyone safe. 

Just had to get that off my chest. Happy Monday, friends!

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On 11/2/2020 at 10:03 AM, DangerousMinds said:

When did Kanye supposedly have Covid? It was quite a while before we even had accessible tests.

Remember they were claiming he had it before anyone knew what it was??  Which... doesn't fit with this storyline, and also, doesn't make sense in general.  If they thought he had a cold in January, or whenever they say he was sick, they would not be wearing masks around him.  I don't think anyone was wearing masks in January.  This whole storyline is a bunch of BULLSHIT, just like the rest of their lives.

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So Kim wasn’t worried about Kanye having covid because he was beginning to feel better, but she was devastated for herself having to care for her own kids. And, as soon as he tested negative, Kanye took the kids off poor Kim’s hands so she could peel crap off her feet and feel empty without her four little mirrors.

Ugh, that all-beige house with no pops of color (unless you count the kid food stuck to a plate)!

Edited by nexxie
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Everytime Khloe did a TH & gave her sob story about being stuck in her room for 2 weeks, I wondered who was doing her hair & makeup. At the beginning of the show she had bright red lipstick & matching talons. No way she did all that herself, and who braided Kim's hair? And while I can accept Kylie doing her own makeup, she must have had 25 hair extensions on her head when she was on the phone with Kendall, who put them in?

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13 hours ago, GaT said:

Everytime Khloe did a TH & gave her sob story about being stuck in her room for 2 weeks, I wondered who was doing her hair & makeup. At the beginning of the show she had bright red lipstick & matching talons. No way she did all that herself, and who braided Kim's hair? And while I can accept Kylie doing her own makeup, she must have had 25 hair extensions on her head when she was on the phone with Kendall, who put them in?

And who was with Kim's kids when she traipsed over to Kris's to complain that they wouldn't leave her alone?  

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18 hours ago, nexxie said:

So Kim wasn’t worried about Kanye having covid because he was beginning to feel better, but she was devastated for herself having to care for her own kids. And, as soon as he tested negative, Kanye took the kids off poor Kim’s hands so she could peel crap off her feet and feel empty without her four little mirrors.

Ugh, that all-beige house with no pops of color (unless you count the kid food stuck to a plate)!

All lies, anyway.

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I totally could rag on Khloe's talons amazingly staying in tip-top shape, even in quarantine, but you've all covered that so I'll move on. 

My favorite part of the episode, & this is a Khloe compliment, was when she was introducing Tristan & Quarantina. He said something about how she looks smart, so he knows who to sit by & cheat off of on a test (or something to that effect). Khloe quickly said "I'm so glad you said the 'on a test' part." Once a cheater, Khloe. 

It did make me think that even if they're back together, I bet she doesn't let him live that down. Not saying she should, but he'll get tired of that being thrown in his face. He'll be making out with Kourtney's TicToc bestie this Valentine's Day. 

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I had no idea this was the season finale, was this a short season?

Kourtney was pushing out her stomach, right? She's not actually pregnant?

I found it interesting hearing how close Kris & Tristan are, she was that close with Lamar too. Why is Kris always so close to Khloe's men.

Other than that, not much happened this episode. I don't know if it's because of covid, or if they have just run out of things to fake.

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This show is such fake shit.

The Tristan stuff was mega fake I’m sure they were already back together at this point. It was all just image control. Lol so stupid.  Altho he is hot so I don’t mind seeing him on my tv screen.

The Scott stuff is so dumb. Not sure why he thought he had privacy lol was it supposed to be a private beach? Didn't seem like it was. He went to treatment for like a day or two and quit and blamed it on getting his photos taken or leaked or whatever. Scott’s shit is fake too imo. Stop pretending to get treatment. I don’t buy his shit. His whole life is on display but somehow he is betrayed and must leave treatment because of the photos. Like what? Why not try to tighten security and get your privacy if you wanna get healthy so bad. No one would be shocked by Scott Disick going to rehab anyways lol. It’s kind of his whole thing.  

Maybe read the room too Kardashians no one feels bad about little baby Scott’s trauma for being betrayed(by someone leaking something obvious lol) when the whole world is on fire lol. Also Scott your whole alcoholism amd drug addiction has already been filmed for years so your kids will see it.

They all annoy me lol.

Edited by Marley
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