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S12.W15 (E61): Grand Finale Week

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So I know Sportsbet has been saying for several weeks now that Reynold wasn't in the top two but until I saw it with my own eyes I wasn't prepared to believe it. But yet again, they were right, and as a member of Team ABR I can't say I'm displeased about it.

And if that seems heartless, particularly considering Reynold cried a couple of times during his one-hour tasting/elimination (it seriously felt like it took up half the episode), it's not because as far as I am concerned he shouldn't have even been in the final thre since he took Callum's spot.  And the judges could not have done more to get him into the final two so no wonder he seemed so shocked.  He probably figured they'd find a way to save him but I don't think that the guest chef would have had a bar of it if they'd tried.

I also find it very schadenfreudelicious that Reynold's arrogance is what brought him unstuck.  You wouldn't believe  the amount of crap Emilia has been getting from Reynold fans on the MC AU Facebook page about how she lacks humility because she said at one stage recently, "I'm an exceptional cook."  And yes, I suppose that could be seen as big-headed but, let's face it, she IS. Jeez, look at how brilliantly she did tonight.  But at least she's humble enough to know that when a chef with all that experience sets you a difficult pressure test, you bloody better make sure you follow his recipe to the absolute letter.  Reynold had the guest chef offside within the first half hour when he came over and made a comment about Reynold's caramel, and Reynold was all, "I've made caramel thousands of times before.  I've got this."  That's a far worse kind of arrogance in my view because he thought he knew better than that highly lauded chef.  

I'm about to head over to the Facebook page and watch it melting down!

Edit: The main thing they're outraged about is the fact that Laura beat Reynold.  They say she should have given him her spot because without his help she wouldn't be in the final.  Actually, no, it was mainly Emilia who helped Laura, and Laura would have done the same for either of them.  Not to mention, did she force Reynold to sweeten his caramel or stuff up those leaves in the oven?

Edited by katisha
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1 hour ago, katisha said:

I also find it very schadenfreudelicious that Reynold's arrogance is what brought him unstuck.  You wouldn't believe  the amount of crap Emilia has been getting from Reynold fans on the MC AU Facebook page about how she lacks humility because she said at one stage recently, "I'm an exceptional cook."  And yes, I suppose that could be seen as big-headed but, let's face it, she IS. Jeez, look at how brilliantly she did tonight. 

I came here to see if anyone else was as relieved as me that Reynold was sent home.

He didn't follow the recipe as 'he knew better' and his apple was a joke.

He cracked out the crying, sob story for the judges.

Then topped it all the the least gracious exit ever!  Everyone else in their 'going home speech' at least acknowledges the other contestants but his didn't!  Smug is as smug does!

Go Emilia for the win!

1 hour ago, katisha said:

Edit: The main thing they're outraged about is the fact that Laura beat Reynold.  They say she should have given him her spot because without his help she wouldn't be in the final.  Actually, no, it was mainly Emilia who helped Laura, and Laura would have done the same for either of them.  Not to mention, did she force Reynold to sweeten his caramel or stuff up those leaves in the oven?

Reynold only wandered over after Emilia had sorted it!

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Yay Emelia! I’m so glad she nailed her dish. I love how calm and methodical she is when working, it’s so nice to watch.

Lol forever at Reynold going home on a dessert. I guess the lack of soil and frozen stuff made him blank completely. 

3 hours ago, katisha said:

I also find it very schadenfreudelicious that Reynold's arrogance is what brought him unstuck. 

I loved that! He was screwed from the time he added that extra sugar to the caramel. The chef was giving him major side for it and he just waved it off because Reynold knows everything about caramel apparently. Then he left those leaves in the oven too. I don’t care how good you are and how sad your sob story is you can’t think to just adjust someone’s dish when you’re supposed to be following their recipe. 

3 hours ago, katisha said:

The main thing they're outraged about is the fact that Laura beat Reynold.  They say she should have given him her spot because without his help she wouldn't be in the final. 

Umm what?! Emelia actually helped her, Reynold made a comment or two. Laura was being way too generous when she said how selfless they were to stop their own stuff to help her, Reynold was still working on his while he talked to her but Emelia completely stopped to help her twice.

Anyway woohoo! for me getting the final 2 I wanted and here’s hoping Emelia knocks it out the park again tomorrow.

Edited by dippydee
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When Andy started raving about the colors on Reynold's dish, I was afraid they were going to push him through.  Thank goodness that didn't happen.  And yes, it did seem like his little interview before they tasted seemed to take twice as long as the others.    I think they wanted him to win because his family is probably struggling with their multiple venues.  I didn't want him to win because, as others have mentioned, Callum should have beat him in that first round cook.  Fortunately, I think the guest judge today kept them honest about which dish ranked third.  I think Emelia is a better all around cook than Laura, so I hope she wins, but at this point, I won't be upset if Laura wins.  She was annoying in her first season, but she has grown and matured quite a bit since then.  The finale will be interesting.

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I was finally able to watch Callum’s elimination but it was hard.  He looked gutted and it had to be hard knowing that first dish was perfection. It also looked more appealing than either Laura’s or Reynold’s. Oh well.

While I’m sorry Reynold’s family business is struggling, this is happening in food establishments everywhere. It’s an awful situation for everyone.  I sort of felt like Reynold was his own worst enemy in this challenge. He simply could not bring himself to follow the recipe and it was his undoing. Emilia was proof of that. I saw where someone on FB was indignant that Reynold was forced to follow someone else’s recipe. “He should have been able to do one of his own,” was her complaint. Most of what he’s done this season are his own recipes or slight variations on something he already created.  Without the guest judge he might have been able to slide by again.

I truly hope Emelia wins as I’m still bothered by the fact that Laura worked for Jock.  But I’m fine either way.  Unpopular opinion: I’ve enjoyed Andy this season and hope he’s back next year.  Melissa was very good too but Jock I can do without.  He just can’t seem to hide his feelings for certain people and, yes, I’m thinking of Tessa and Callum.

Edited by limecoke
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I'd be fine losing Jock and Andy (though I think a lot of the problem with Andy is he just doesn't have to the gravitas to be a returning winner judging a bunch of all-star losers, especially not as someone who'd be on the lower end of a winner ranking, and he probably deserves a second chance of his own with a new cast), but Melissa needs to stay. (Also, next year can we make the weekly threads start with the Sunday episodes instead of putting them as part of the previous week? It's been a pain in the ass.)

Not sad to see Reynold go. I think he's this show's version of Rupert from Survivor or the cowboys from The Amazing Race, where he's clearly an awful person but production are so insistent on building him up as a Messiah figure because he fits the image they're trying to create that it taints the entire enterprise when they do so. And I'm fine with Pressure Tests; I feel like yes, you SHOULD be able to follow a recipe if you get to the final three on a show about cooking ability. I think they skew too heavily towards wanky fiddly desserts under the guise of them being more difficult, but that's a different issue entirely, and frankly I find it hilarious that this particular wanky fiddly dessert (which didn't seem too hard actually?) claimed the scalp of someone whose entire schtick is wanky fiddly desserts.

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Oh man, when Andy waxed rhapfuckingsodic about Reynold's apple stem for like 5 minutes, I was like, OMG, they are going to push him through AGAIN. Whew!

Did they make the show an extra half hour so that 40 minutes could be spent on Reynolds tasting and his elimination. The amount of time they gave him versus anyone else was disrespectful to the other contestants. The devastated looks on the judges faces and them going on and on about what a huge bite it was going to be tasting Reynolds dish was especially disrespectful to Laura. It was clear who they wanted in the final. The girls got a 2 minute celebration at the end. 

I agree that it was the guest chef that kept the judges honest. He went down the list of Reynolds faults when everyone else was trying to play up his colors, his stem and the one leaf he got right. As it was, they totally picked a pressure test they thought for sure Reynold was gonna nail easily, so must have been beside themselves when he blew it. They tried to help him out with the caramel and the leaves, but he botched it. He didn't even touch elbows with Emelia or Laura on his way out. Bye Reynold! Now go on Emelia and take it! 

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So let me get this straight. My favourite pair of Masterchef BFFs made it to the finale together and Reynold is gone? GOD IS REAL, Y'ALL, and she is a woman. I have never been happier to be wrong about something IN MY LIFE.

My heart completely melted when Emelia came over to help Laura with her apple. I kind of figured something like that would happen the moment Laura started struggling with it, but still. So lovely to watch.

Emelia is just a freaking machine! I particularly loved seeing her recover so methodically from her botched caramel. Simply "I'm not gonna let this faze me so I'm just gonna do it again". That was the moment I was sure she would make it to the final. And how she said something to the effect of being sure that dish would be enough to get her through. It's so refreshing to see a woman so confident in herself, because women who know they're good at what they do are so often demonized as "arrogant" when the same thing is tolerated in men. Which is why Jock's "Where does this confidence come from?" kinda rubbed me the wrong way, because it came across as a bit "You sure think very highly of yourself, don't you?". But maybe it's just that I don't like Jock.

I agree that the moment Reynold pulled out his sad story, I started DREADING they would put him through. The minutes between that part and the judges' comments on his dish were probably the TENSEST I've been this entire competition.

35 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

The devastated looks on the judges faces and them going on and on about what a huge bite it was going to be tasting Reynolds dish was especially disrespectful to Laura.

Completely agree. I also hated the way they announced she was through, only "We agreed your dish ate better" but not a peep of the caramel bitterness they'd been waxing poetic about and how THAT was the main differentiation between her dish and Reynold's. In fact, there was no "Reynold, your dish did this and this wrong and that is why I'm sorry but you're going home" like most eliminations have been so far. They sure as hell tried to sugarcoat his performance in this cook to the bitter (no pun intended) end, huh?

I still can't believe I no longer have to worry about or dread the inevitable moment in which Reynold wins!!! This is gonna be a super fun and chill finale for me, because I honestly don't care who wins and will be happy either way (and I know they both will be for each other). What an amazing feeling!

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It was particularly satisfying to see Reynold eliminated on a dessert challenge.

The endless barrage of crying, music too depressing for Sophie's Choice, and general Reynold martyrdom from the editors would have made me beyond irate if her hadn't gone.

Once or twice a month, I check out an Australian forum to see what they're saying about Masterchef. In the past, the consensus there was that Reynold's food is too fancy and not filling and not accessible, but somehow this season a large majority of posters there were on the "Reynold must win or it's all cheating and rigged" train. Reading the fallout was more annoying than satisfying, but I did laugh at the sheer idiotic myopia of someone saying "2020 just keeps getting worse."

Yes, Reynold getting eliminated is clearly the worst thing that has happened in 2020. 

I wouldn't have been rooting for him anyway, but Reynold's homophobic comments definitely still bother me. He may be a different person now, but IMO if you're a public figure and comments like that come to light--comments he made when he was not 12 or 15--I want to see someone directly address the comments, apologize, and say exactly what they have done to support the LGBTQ+ community (or whatever community they hated at one point) before I even consider changing my mind. I'm not into cancel culture and I think people should be given opportunities to learn and grow, but it's not enough for me that apparently the queer contestants from this season are okay with Reynold. He needs to take responsibility and apologize. (And if he has, and I missed it, then sorry for rambling about this.)

I don't mind Laura, but I would bet pretty much everything I own that Emilia is going to win, and I hope she does.

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I don't think they were trying to prop Reynold up, just trying to give him the nicest possible edit for his send off. I actually felt bad for him, even though I was rooting for the other two to make it to the end before the episode started. Successful emotional manipulation by the producers, I suppose. I assumed he was in trouble from the get go because of the attention on him, although Laura's early troubles raised the possibility that they were just highlighting him for suspense, to throw the scent off someone who was going to be a distant third. 

If they were trying to give him a boost, I suppose it was by having someone set such a highly technical dessert dish - imagine if instead they'd had the most complicated possible pasta dish! - but really I think this is such a typical Masterchef pressure test that I don't think it was designed to keep him there. This sort of wanky, fiddly dessert, TM @SnideAsides, is part of the reason dessert specialists tend to overstay their welcome, & while I'm sure they expected that it would play to Reynold's strengths, there were challenges earlier that didn't, so I can't say it was unfair even though it sounded way too sweet & unnecessarily technical to me. I wouldn't enjoy watching them do unnecessarily complicated spherifications & foams & such either, but at this stage I know they're going to give them something highly technical with new tricks that the audience at home - the next Jess or such - will want to try out. (Watch for lathes & leaves in our future?) 

Kudos to Laura for listening & taking the caramel so dark (& having some sense about how unbalanced the dish could be if she didn't.)  Reynold not only ended up with a caramel that was too sweet, but then probably made matters worse by trying to add volume to his apple by slathering on extra. 

I'm not mad they gave him a nice exit, though. I see it as a bit of a consolation prize for going out third.

Edited by akr
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Awww, that finale was a surprisingly emotional watch.  In a way I wish they both could have won because either way, Laura or Emilia were going to beat their favourite person in the competition.  But even though things went wrong for Laura in terms of getting that bad burn early in the piece, and that probably rattled her enough to make a rare mistake like not shutting the freezer door properly, Emilia was the rightful winner because she really didn't put a foot wrong.  I knew she was going to win because Sportsbet spoilers, but I find it a joy to watch her do what she does.  Some people thrive on drama and chaos and those are the people who probably loved watching Poh, but I found her either stressful or annoying or both.  Emilia is almost meditatively calm and it's kind of like watching someone pilot a jumbo jet or conduct a huge orchestra with complete confidence in their ability to make it all work. 

My heart broke a little for Laura because for me, I'd actually rather have been booted weeks ago than get that close and come second AGAIN. And it has to be said - how the hell did BRENT of all people beat Laura and Emilia in the first place?! He hasn't exactly set the culinary world on fire since!

As always I'm going to really miss you guys because in all the COVID-19 chaos I actually started a new job on March 30, so it's been an extra stressful time so the familiarity of being able to watch a favourite show along with some old mates has really helped.  And look at the result we got - someone who won because they're just that good and despite lots of producer/judge machinations! But no doubt we'll do it all next year, or for Masterchef Kids, or maybe even Celebrity Masterchef (UK version?) if I can find it somewhere. 🙂

Edited by katisha
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Not sure how long this will stay up on the site for but here are some cute and funny comments about that hug at the end.


I will be the first to admit I was iffy on Laura at first due to her connection with Jock but she grew on me when it was obvious that whatever they threw at her, she could do it and do it well. 

Emelia is efficiency personified! I love efficient, drama free people so I enjoyed watching her very much.

 2020 has been awful in every other way but competitive cooking show gods have been kind to me (small wins but I'll take anything I can!). That's 3/3 finales where I've been really happy for the winner and thought the win was thoroughly deserved.

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5 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

2020 has been awful in every other way but competitive cooking show gods have been kind to me (small wins but I'll take anything I can!).

I wish I could feel that way, but nope. 😄 

Well, at least Laura didn't win (and Reynold, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!), but all this completely fell flat to me after a promising beginning, because apparently I just can't get over my dislike towards certain people (OR my liking towards people who then go home too early). I can't remember a more disappointing top 2 in the history of this series - except maybe S10, and even that wasn't as bad since I liked Sashi a lot, but it was just SO obvious he was going to win. Now it's just... blergh all the way around.  

I'll start watching Chef's Line next, at least with that I can't get needlessly attached to people since they're there for one week only! 

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Thrilled for Emelia, but my God this season kind of collapsed in a heap. Obviously part of that's due to Our Current Times, but... like, the season started so well and looking back, the last really brilliant challenge we had was... the lottery Mystery Box, in week eight? Like we started off with a bunch of challenges that felt quirky and new and suitable for an all-star cast (the judges' food diaries, the live crowd, the DIY Pressure Test, all of Suburban Week, Katy Perry), but then we ended with the same kinda bland stuff we get every year (make a dish inspired by nature, the no rules challenge, Gordon's "generic guest chef" Mystery Box), and I'm not sure how much of that is strictly due to the coronavirus. Like surely they had Mystery Boxes and elimination challenges planned before life went, like so many lathed apples, a bit pear-shaped. Did they scrap them along with the team challenges and just go with endless variations of "just bring us what you want as long as it meets this very vague theme" because it was easier? Something just doesn't add up here.

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1 hour ago, katisha said:

And it has to be said - how the hell did BRENT of all people beat Laura and Emilia in the first place?! He hasn't exactly set the culinary world on fire since!

I didn't even remember him until I saw that clip! 


1 hour ago, Rosenrot said:

(and Reynold, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!), but all this completely fell flat to me after a promising beginning, because apparently I just can't get over my dislike towards certain people (OR my liking towards people who then go home too early).

Could he have found a bigger 'gangster' coat?

A few thoughts:

Why was carrot lady dressed as a 1950's flight attendant?

Gorgeous vege boy looked a little porky!

So happy Emelia won!

Plus, Jock in a kilt with a scottish accent has to be a bonus!

Edited by misgabi13
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Yay Emelia! I’m so happy for her! I’m glad the dessert tipped it for her because damn that sorbet looked amazing. That colour was so bright and it matched her lipstick so points for that! 
I felt bad for Laura, burning her hand seemed to throw her off a lot. I imagine the rest of the cook sucked for her after that. Her menu sounded pretty interesting too though, especially her starter with all the Aussie ingredients. Still overall though I think the better chef won. 

4 hours ago, katisha said:

Emilia is almost meditatively calm and it's kind of like watching someone pilot a jumbo jet or conduct a huge orchestra with complete confidence in their ability to make it all work. 

Yep. My favourites are usually the calm and controlled ones who just get on and work through step by step, I find it relaxing to watch competence in action. 

A question though, did poor Reece get nothing to eat but dessert? Or was there some unseen vegan option for the guy? 

Edited by dippydee
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2 hours ago, katisha said:

how the hell did BRENT of all people beat Laura and Emilia in the first place?!

If I'm not mistaken, I believe Brent's win was back in the days when they were alternating male and female winners each year.  It's the most reasonable explanation.  

I spoiled myself by logging on to FB this morning before I could watch the finale.  They've been pretty good about hiding the eliminated contestants behind spoiler warnings, but no such luck with the winner today.  Oh well.  I am happy that Emilia won, but Laura would have been ok too.  I felt bad for her that she burned her hand.  Mad props to her for working through that pain.  In the end, it wasn't her hand that did her in, just not making sure the refrigerator door was closed and whatever she did with her crumb that the judges didn't like.  

I hope next season they keep some of the changes they made this year.  I don't have any issues with any of the judges, so I don't care if they all come back.  I did like that they tasted all of the dishes in the mystery boxes, I like they way they revamped the immunity pin and challenges.  I like that most of the elimination cooks were all in.  

Considering the changes they had to make due to the virus, I thought they did a really decent job of keeping things entertaining.  It will be interesting next year, if Josh comes back, to see him judging rank amateurs.  I can see Mel and Andy doing it with ease, but I think it will be a challenge for him. jmo

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All three judges are returning for the Junior Masterchef revival later this year, which is going to be... an experience. I feel like Jock will turn into the same kind of patronising git Gary was during the original Junior Masterchef. (Sidenote: The oldest contestant from the original Junior Masterchef is Jess's age now, which makes me feel suuuuuuper old and even worse about my complete inability to cook.)

Also I can't believe our vacation week this season was to fucking RINGWOOD EAST. That's kinda hilarious.

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I am glad Emelia won and the bookies were right again so it was not a shock to me.

In the last few of years of watching this show, I've found it a struggle to make it to the end because it's so damn long. The biggest mistake of this season was dragging it out until late July. My attention waned further. As usual, it was the same propping up of certain contestants who probably didn't need the attention (Reynold, Poh) and neglecting those that should have gotten more attention (Callum, Emelia, so many others). The former was amplified this year way more than before. I use to like Reynold in his original season but he has become arrogant and he was rightfully out cooked. 

I like Mel. I don't mind Andy. I can take or leave Jock. I think the change in judges was necessary. The current world situation means that they will have less travel and international guest judges so I wonder how that affect this show next year. 

Thanks as always to the active posters here. 

For those who wish to keep the conversation going, some of us watch and post in the Masterchef UK thread which has the Celeb edition (not as good contestants as here but entertaining in a different way): 


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Emelia did not falter and deserved it. She was the better cook on the night and overall in the competition compared to Laura. Callum looked like he wasn't quite over it yet, and rightly so, as he belonged in the finale and I can imagine a Callum/Emelia cook off would have been a photo finish. 

I would have liked to hear more from the eliminated contestants. 

I do hope they change up the judges, as a good judge makes the show much watchable for me, and in my mind Jock and Andy do not fit that bill. I mean, even if they improve their descriptive vocabularly, there is just nothing about their personalities that makes me interested in them or what they have to say. 


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4 hours ago, dippydee said:

A question though, did poor Reece get nothing to eat but dessert? Or was there some unseen vegan option for the guy? 

Is he strict about it? I assumed it was mostly for health reasons & general preference but that on occasion he would break with it. I assume Amina couldn't eat the pork, though. 

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I think a lot of the problem with Andy is he just doesn't have to the gravitas to be a returning winner judging a bunch of all-star losers, especially not as someone who'd be on the lower end of a winner ranking, and he probably deserves a second chance of his own with a new cast

You make a good point.  Andy will probably work better with a cast of amateur cooks and we can all hope that’s what they cast next year because I don’t think I can handle another season of all-stars.  I could not be happier with the outcome this season. It washes away some of the bitter taste of Larissa’s win last season, a finale I simply could not bring myself to watch.  While I would have enjoyed Laura’s menu, for me, Emelia’s was more appealing-especially the dessert.  Clearly going out on a dessert in season six has been a cross to bear over the years so it’s great that her dessert won the thing for her this time. I honestly didn’t like Emelia much in season six but this time she was so much more real and has a seriously wicked sense of humor.  I love that.  

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10 hours ago, babs1226 said:

If I'm not mistaken, I believe Brent's win was back in the days when they were alternating male and female winners each year.  It's the most reasonable explanation.  

That's as good an explanation as any!  Pity it had to lead to years of agonising self-doubt for both Laura and Emilia because I'm pretty sure that even six years ago they were both better than Brent.

10 hours ago, dippydee said:

A question though, did poor Reece get nothing to eat but dessert? Or was there some unseen vegan option for the guy? 

I have a very gross answer for you.

5 hours ago, limecoke said:

I honestly didn’t like Emelia much in season six but this time she was so much more real and has a seriously wicked sense of humor.  I love that.  

I really think poor Emilia suffered from the edit that introverts or shyer people get on reality shows.  Because they're not 100% in your face and brimming with personality, it's assumed they are either boring or snobby or both.  I don't think she's actually either but maybe it's helped being a few years older.  She also seems more relaxed and it could be because now she's doing what she loves to do full-time whereas before she had a job she probably didn't like and cooking was a hobby.  She actually seems a nice person and I too love her humour.

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I looked up season six on Wikipedia, and I remember watching the first few episodes but I think I gave up pretty quickly. I certainly had no impression of Emilia or Laura before Back to Win started. This is the first season since maybe season four that I followed more or less regularly; I was never breathlessly awaiting an episode, but I enjoyed it more than it irritated me.

The finale was surprisingly messy, although the food looked good, especially Emilia's entree and dessert.

There were some very odd fashion choices, such as Reynold whose coat was kind of like something from The Matrix and simultaneously made me wonder if there was nothing under it and he was planning to expose himself.

As for the judges, the first thing I will say is that I did not for one millisecond miss Gary, George, or Matt. I like Mel a lot and I have mixed feelings about Jock and Andy. I agree with those above who said Andy would be better in a non-all stars season. I also think he can learn to be more helpful in articulating his positive and critical comments. It doesn't seem like it would be THAT hard to learn how to do that better, although maybe I am being too optimistic.

I enjoyed reading all the posts here this season. We may lack quantity, but the quality is so, so, so much better than any alternative place to discuss this show. So thanks.

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Oh man, that was such an emotional episode. I don't have many words, just a lot of tears.

Emelia absolutely deserved it. What an absolute joy to watch she is. So focused, poised, and calm even in trying circumstances (the burnt caramel yesterday and the hiccup with the slow-cooker meat today). Her reaction to being announced the winner, which almost seemed like it occurred in slow motion, is going to be the thing I go back to whenever I feel shitty about anything for the rest of the year. I'm a big competitive reality show fan (particularly cooking shows), but there have been very very few times where the contestant I wanted to win actually won, and I am SO happy this was one of those times. I'm just so bummed I'm no longer trapped in Australia so I won't get to support her in whatever she does next. My mouth was watering for those onion-crumb-coated ribs, my goodness.

Speaking of being trapped in Australia, my parents and my sister saw Emelia around the South Melbourne market one weekend in mid-May and I'm still kicking myself that I wasn't with them. Terrible decision-making, self!!!

17 hours ago, katisha said:

My heart broke a little for Laura because for me, I'd actually rather have been booted weeks ago than get that close and come second AGAIN.

I know. This was why I was also 100% fine with Emelia losing to Laura, because being in this position again has got to be DEVASTATING, especially with how clearly competitive and hungry for it she was. Watching her trying to compose herself long enough to get a few words out at the end was heart-wrenching. "I can't breathe." "It's OK, deep breaths." Aw, baby. 😢 That said, I'm glad that, if she had to lose, it was for things she herself did that cannot be argued with.

I waited all night for an Emelia/Laura hug, and I'm so happy Emelia saw Laura crying and said "Fuck COVID" and just went for it. Kinda wish Jess had been given the same courtesy in her elimination, but that was then and this WAS the finale. I just love their friendship so much.

Loved seeing everyone back (minus Ice Cream Ben, whom no one missed I'm sure), especially the gorgeous Sarah C looking like she'd just stepped out of a period drama (in a good way, that style suits her). And since I'm being shallow, Melissa also looked divine. I just found out she's also going to be judging Junior Masterchef, so that's ANOTHER Australian cooking show I previously knew nothing about that I'm going to have to watch religiously. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

OK, apparently I did have some words. It's been a pleasure reading all of your comments all throughout the competition. I've said this before, but my lockdown would have been much, MUCH worse if it hadn't been for this show and this forum. Catch y'all next year!

Edited by Niuxita
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18 hours ago, katisha said:

My heart broke a little for Laura because for me, I'd actually rather have been booted weeks ago than get that close and come second AGAIN. And it has to be said - how the hell did BRENT of all people beat Laura and Emilia in the first place?! He hasn't exactly set the culinary world on fire since!

Brent won because he was a better plater than Laura and he was more mentally prepared for the finale. He took part in the final pressure test (the Chocolate Forest Floor that Emelia did the best on) before the finale and he was the only contestant of the top 5 to compete in the Matt Preston review, no recipe pressure test. Laura completely crumbled on the Peter Gilmore finale pressure test while Brent thrived.

I'm really happy for Emelia. A lot of people were dismissing her right from the start but she has always shown that she's an all around cook. Season 6 has really proven that it is one of the best seasons in terms of cooking ability along with season 7. 

I still don't really understand why Reynold cut off the ends of his apple peel in the Martin Benn pressure test. Rolling up the shrunken apple peel would mean it would look less like an apple and more like a cylinder.

Laura did well despite burning her hand. Even if her gelato had been smooth and amazing, she still would have lost on the crumble.

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8 hours ago, Aerobicidal said:

There were some very odd fashion choices, such as Reynold whose coat was kind of like something from The Matrix and simultaneously made me wonder if there was nothing under it and he was planning to expose himself.

I haven't seen the coat in question, but LMAO. Imagine if he had, as a way of revenge of not getting to the finals. 

I must say I haven't missed Gary & George one bit, but I do occasionally miss Matt (and his wardrobe) who was always the best of the bunch to me. And I can only imagine how alone I am with this opinion, but I hope they keep Jock. 😄 Mel too, but Andy can be kicked to the curb as far as I'm concerned. (Though I'm ready to give him another chance if he's any better in Junior Masterchef - which I'm going to have to watch if Jock's in it.)

6 hours ago, Niuxita said:

I just found out she's also going to be judging Junior Masterchef, so that's ANOTHER Australian cooking show I previously knew nothing about that I'm going to have to watch religiously.

Also check out Chef's Line if you haven't already! It's pretty good and she judges there as well. 

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4 hours ago, ppl said:

Brent won because he was a better plater than Laura and he was more mentally prepared for the finale. He took part in the final pressure test (the Chocolate Forest Floor that Emelia did the best on) before the finale and he was the only contestant of the top 5 to compete in the Matt Preston review, no recipe pressure test. Laura completely crumbled on the Peter Gilmore finale pressure test while Brent thrived.

Thanks for filling in the blanks.  I'd honestly forgotten that but then Laura was so young and immature in her season that it's understandable she didn't handle the finale pressure so well.  

8 hours ago, Aerobicidal said:

I enjoyed reading all the posts here this season. We may lack quantity, but the quality is so, so, so much better than any alternative place to discuss this show. So thanks.

I agree! A few minutes on the MC Au Facebook page and I'm ready to explode over the stupidity.  The Rey-Rey fans have been noxious ever since he didn't make it into the final and their reasons for being upset are along the lines of, "We ALL know Reynold's skills are far superior to Laura and Emilia's but they got into the final because they cried/used to work for Jock/are the teacher's pets." They obviously weren't watching too closely when Reynold was helped in past episodes, or practically picked up and shoved over the finish line by the judges when he didn't deserve to be i.e. in the episode prior to Callum's elimination.  They won't remember those flashes of outright arrogance from him.  And homophobic comments...they NEVER mention those!  Apparently he's verging on sainthood.  But they wouldn't have seen those things anyway, because they're blinded by their adoration.

9 hours ago, Aerobicidal said:

There were some very odd fashion choices, such as Reynold whose coat was kind of like something from The Matrix and simultaneously made me wonder if there was nothing under it and he was planning to expose himself.


17 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Callum looked like he wasn't quite over it yet, and rightly so, as he belonged in the finale and I can imagine a Callum/Emelia cook off would have been a photo finish. 

And he should have at least had a chance of being there.  I will never, ever believe that Reynold fish dish was actually better than Callum's dish in that fateful immunity challenge.

22 hours ago, Rosenrot said:

I can't remember a more disappointing top 2 in the history of this series - except maybe S10, and even that wasn't as bad since I liked Sashi a lot, but it was just SO obvious he was going to win. Now it's just... blergh all the way around.  

I can - Emma Dean and Lynton Tapp!

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11 minutes ago, katisha said:

I can - Emma Dean and Lynton Tapp!

Ah, well, yes, that was pretty disappointing. 😄 But at least I liked Lynton so there was somebody to root for, and while I thought she didn't deserve to win - or to be in the top 2 in the first place - I actually didn't hate Emma either. 

But man, that season was w-e-i-r-d.

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Season 5 had three players in the finale but that doesn't make it less disappointing given the third was Samira, who served undercooked/raw chicken and still got 7/10 for that round because the judges didn't want to make the finalists look bad.

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3 hours ago, dippydee said:

I wish I didn’t know that! I hope they didn’t do that for the final service. I’d hate to be the one sitting next to him in that case!

There'd be no need for him to taste anything he wasn't planning on eating, so - I assume not. 

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I'd fallen way behind when I was in the hospital and couldn't watch the episodes, finally caught up and completed the season last night, and everyone has said what I wanted to say except for one little petty bitch that I can't get past...

That Toffee Apple Dessert was stupid. Absolutely stupid. It gave me a cavity just looking at it, and I don't know why someone would spend so much time creating it, or in the alternative, spend so much time and that was the end result. 

Let's cover every little bit of fresh apple in sugar, roll it into a fruit roll-up, add burnt butter caramel that has to be bitter to cut the sweetness, but is still sweet on it's own, and make leaves out of other ingredients like pumpkin, to give relief from the ugly looking, practically monochromatic dish. 

The worst part about it to me is the time it took to make one stupid little toffee apple dessert. I've always been upfront about being a lazy cook, and there is no way in hell I would spend two hours on that, let alone, what was it, four? Since it was so time consuming it would have to be expensive, and I wouldn't be willing to pay more than $5 for it because it was sugar on top of sugar, coated with sugar and had a bitter burnt taste to it, also. I found Reynold's Golden Snitch more impressive.

For some glitchy reason, I'm unable to like posts. It will let me like one and then not any others for like an hour, but I like every one of these posts, including the ones I don't completely agree with because I stupidly looked at the Official Facebook Page, because I'm a dumbass. Not dumb enough to spend four hours making a fruit roll-up though; I do have limits.

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I agree with the person who said it probably would have been an Emilia/Callum finale had he rightly made top 3, but still, at least Reynold didn't make the finale, and off his own mess at that. Laura was still a very strong cook, and that was a great finale for me. Emilia was just the best of the series.



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