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S10.E13: Greatest Game Ever Fished

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I had forgotten that most of the crews were Seahawks fans.   Actually I try to forget the Seahawks exist.   :)


Was it me or were they desperate for stories this week?   Oh noes will the CM make it to port to watch the game?   Or will they have to listen to it on radio like the other boats?   Seriously none of the other crews seemed bent out of shape not getting to actually see the game.


Then they actually had the guy on the Saga heading to the bathroom.   WHY?   Who cares?   Of course that was the best part of the Saga this week.   "Assume your position"   EWWWWWWWWWWWW.   Yes she was going to cook but you know Elliott said it that way on purpose.   As an aside - some place was offering a sticker for tonight;s show.   It was of Elliott.   The comments on Facebook were  ... less than complementary.   Here's hoping Disco listens and cuts this guy, regardless of their desire for drama.   Did laugh my ass off on the Bait when Sig pointed out that having his gf on board would cut Elliott's phone bill.


Really no swearing in front of Mandy?   First, pretty sure her dad and uncles have cursed in front of her.   And two, I am betting she has used most of those words herself.   


Nick has no one to blame but himself for getting fired from the Cape Caution.  That was not Wild Bill being unreasonable.   You don't show up to work on a crab boat drunk.   It is too dangerous to do that.

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When will the Discovery people realize that NO ONE is interested in Elliot and anything having to do with him.  The episode where he had to help rescue the crew of that wrecked fishing boat (the one that the ill-fated Fisher came from?) the man was almost tolerable but one his father left the Saga, Elliot became un-watchable.  Ugh.  I can only guess that the PTB were counting on Junior fishing so there was more of an assortment of boats and crews.  Damn Junior for having to have back surgery.  It would at least be some sort of distraction from the on-going idiocy of Elliot and the Saga.  


It was interesting to see Josh hit the deck as a deckhand to help haul pots on their way in.  And the captain even mentioned Josh's "party boy reputation."


The Time Bandit just seems to have nothing interesting besides break downs and conflict between Andy and Scotty.

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So I finally found something more loathsome than Elliott on DC, and that's the bint he brought aboard. It's one thing to be a sexist pig. But to effing sit there and laugh -- in front of TV cameras at that -- after deliberately sickening a crew member? She knew that crewman had a food allergy. She prepared a meal with the allergen, allowed him to eat it and was sitting there laughing as he had a roaring case of the shits afterwards. What if instead of doing the 50 yard poopdash he'd gone into full anaphylactic shock and stopped breathing? Still laughing, you festering boil on the ass of humanity? I suffer from a specific food allergy and have gotten very ill despite very clear instructions that certain specific items must not be part of my meal. If I'm going to work in close quarters with a small team, away from medical assistance and am required to be at peak health, you bet your bottom dollar that the person hired to do food prep will damned well take my requirements seriously.

Edited by NJ RadioGuy
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She knew that crewman had a food allergy. She prepared a meal with the allergen, allowed him to eat it and was sitting there laughing as he had a roaring case of the shits afterwards. What if instead of doing the 50 yard poopdash he'd gone into full anaphylactic shock and stopped breathing?

I was kind of horrified by this at first too until Elliot said that he's lactose intolerant, because that's much different than an allergy.  I'm lactose intolerant as well, but it doesn't stop me from eating what I want... I just know the price I'll pay later.  It's not the end of the world, and once you (ahem) "get rid of it" like the deckhand did you're good to go again.


Even he said something along the lines of "It was worth it.  That was some good chicken pot pie".


Don't get me wrong, I still think it was douchy to do that to the guy, but I think them initially using the word "allergy" made it seem worse than it was. 

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Even he said something along the lines of "It was worth it.  That was some good chicken pot pie".


Don't get me wrong, I still think it was douchy to do that to the guy, but I think them initially using the word "allergy" made it seem worse than it was.


It doesn't excuse Lady MacDouche from deliberately making someone sick and then laughing at his discomfort, even if it was only a minor inconvenience and he found the meal tasty. What if he was running the hydros (sorry, wasn't paying close attention to anything on that ship of fools) and had a worse-than-usual reaction, swung the crane or a pot that clocked someone in the head, or if he was working the rail and it caused him to get a cramp; he doubles over at just the wrong time, lifts his foot to regain balance and gets it caught in the bight or something freaky like that. A confluence of little laugh-it-off-at-the-time moments that results in tragedy. Was it overplayed for Disco's cameras? Maybe. Was it a classy move? Was it a safe move? Would you want anybody like that, regardless of how good their culinary or other skills are, to be in a mission-critical situation with you?


BTW, love your username, LeftDownwind. Turn your base now, report short final. You're number two, follow the Cherokee, cleared to land two four left.

Edited by NJ RadioGuy
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I am gloriously ignorant of any first-hand Elliott nonsense since I DVR'd & either FF or left the room when he and his GF showed up. I tried to block him out while watching The Bait live, but timing with the pause & mute buttons weren't in my favor. 

So from your posts here, it's confirmed she is as big of an asshole as Elliott then?  Deliberately serving someone food with an allergy/intolerance is just so wrong.  I am assuming the crewman was OK from reading this forum, but that was a horribly mean and dangerous thing to do. 


Very sad Nick on the CC had his drunken temper tantrum, but he's an experienced guy and knows that shit can not be tolerated. 


And of course Ghost Dad Phil shows up again.  Poor guy is missing out on quite the Disco paycheck...he's getting almost as much screen time dead as when he was alive.  Maybe Phil's estate is like Elvis' and it's still earning an income from all his appearances?

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I was kind of horrified by this at first too until Elliot said that he's lactose intolerant, because that's much different than an allergy.  I'm lactose intolerant as well, but it doesn't stop me from eating what I want... I just know the price I'll pay later.  It's not the end of the world, and once you (ahem) "get rid of it" like the deckhand did you're good to go again.


Even he said something along the lines of "It was worth it.  That was some good chicken pot pie".


Don't get me wrong, I still think it was douchy to do that to the guy, but I think them initially using the word "allergy" made it seem worse than it was. 


I think the key difference though is you choose to eat what you want.  He didn't get to choose.

 I'm lactose too but can tolerate small amounts of certain things.  The milk in that pot pie wouldn't have bothered me but I think it should have been his choice.  There was nothing to lose by telling him there's milk in the sauce, he tastes it, decides it's great and worth the bathroom risk and eats.  But maybe he eats a little less than he did when he didn't know what was in there.  The other thing I'm not sure about is she was the one to use the word "allergy" - was she using it in place of lactose intolerence and she knew what his problem with milk was or did she really think he was allergic?  Because I think it ups the douche factor times 10 if she thought he was actually allergic but still thought it was OK to sneak it into the food then laugh at his reaction.  

Maybe this was a one time thing and she'll be likeable in future episodes.  On the other hand maybe we should have expected Elliots girlfriend to be as much of a jerk as he is - when you think about it what normal person with their head together would (of their own free will) spend even five minutes dating him.


Except for the prop on the TIme Bandit (didn't that boat just get a complete overhaul?) the episode felt like filler.  The only sem-exciting thing for me was I don't follow sports much and couldn't remember who won the Super Bowl so I was hoping it was Seattle just so the boys wouldn't be disappointed.

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So I finally found something more loathsome than Elliott on DC, and that's the bint he brought aboard. It's one thing to be a sexist pig. But to effing sit there and laugh -- in front of TV cameras at that -- after deliberately sickening a crew member? She knew that crewman had a food allergy. She prepared a meal with the allergen, allowed him to eat it and was sitting there laughing as he had a roaring case of the shits afterwards. What if instead of doing the 50 yard poopdash he'd gone into full anaphylactic shock and stopped breathing? Still laughing, you festering boil on the ass of humanity?



Yes, that was one of the most amoral things we've seen on this show.   Bad enough to ignore the request not to use milk, but then not to have a shred of regret?  She and Elliot deserve each other.   Those crewmen need to quit as soon as the ship reaches shore again.

Very sad Nick on the CC had his drunken temper tantrum, but he's an experienced guy and knows that shit can not be tolerated. 


Why the heck wasn't Nick fired on the spot?  Instead, Wild Bill stands up in the wheelhouse looking like he's going to cry or explode.  Why did he ask Nick to get back on the boat?  Fire him, make some calls, find another deck boss.  Or elevate one of the current guys and hire a new hand.  Bill knows that guy is bad news and tolerates him.  Maybe he likes the drama.

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I think Bill likes Nick's old-school approach to crew training. Terrorize, don't teach. To him, a fire breathing captain is the world as it should be, and was until a few years ago. He sees Zack as soft and Nick's rigid ways likely mimicked his own before Disco's cameras first rolled on him a few years back.

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Bill should have fired Nick.  Heck, I wished he fired him weeks ago but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt for now because there was only a short time till the end of the opie season and I don't think hiring a new deckboss is all that easy given the time restraints.


I don't care if that deckhand had an allergy or intollerence.  Jennifer (?) was told he couldn't have milk products and she didn't tell him there was milk in the food.  Shame on her.  She deserves Elliot.


Except for the Elliot scenes, I enjoyed the episode.  It did pain me to have to relive the Seahawks winning the superbowl.  I agree with Andy about Scott asking for the quota.  I don't really like Andy but I like Scott even less.  There's just something about him.  Maybe it's his entitled attitude which is fed by Jon.


It was nice to hear Casey give an endorsement to Josh.  The difference between Derrick and Casey is that Casey earned the respect of the crew.  Derrick just expected it and never took responsibility for his failure to find the blue crab.  The problems on the boat had no effect on whether or not they caught crab.

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I liked the episode; but then again I don't have any problems with the Seahawks. 


As for Elliot's gf, they both deserve each other.  As for food allergies, full disclose here, the only person I knew who had a food allergy, was a friend who was allergic to cow's milk; I grew up in the era where you could bring cupcakes to school and not worry about half the class getting sick.  Still, if someone TELLS you they're allergic to something and you ignore that, you suck as a human being.

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I'm a river guide in the Grand Canyon and we have at least one or two people with food allergies on every trip. A medical emergency requires a satellite phone call (if we can get out), then a helicopter into the canyon (if they are available or it is daylight). So we take food allergies very seriously. I make the peeps read the labels and put the decision on them, and keep food items separate as best I can. It is nerve-wracking and time-consuming but necessary. Another company just recently had a woman pass away during the trip due to an allergic reaction to nuts; they are still trying to sort out how she ingested them since the guides were diligent with food prep. Never in a million years would any of us sit and laugh because we: 1) used a food someone is allergic to ON PURPOSE, 2) forgot to tell them we used it and 3) are now watching them in serious discomfort, damn near shitting their pants. She should have made a small portion of pot pie without milk. Asswipe.


Elliot: To Asswipe Girlfriend in wheelhouse- "Wrap your legs around me"

Me: [barfing up seafood lunch I ate earlier]


I'm kind of enjoying the other captains giving Elliot shit during The Bait. Unfortunately Elliot is too stupid to understand they are giving him shit.



The difference between Derrick and Casey is that Casey earned the respect of the crew.  Derrick just expected it and never took responsibility for his failure to find the blue crab.

If I remember correctly, they were only out for a very short time during the blue season and they did eventually get on the crab. They don't always get on the crab immediately; even Casey took a while this season. Josh and Jake were major pricks to Derrick and Derrick stood up to both of them. The fight on The Bait was a little over the top but I kinda saw where Derrick was coming from. This season we are seeing a different Josh, one who has grown up, understands the business a bit more and understands what it means to run and own a boat. Plus he isn't as raw from the death of his father and implosion of his brother. He's the one who is being respectful and keeping his head screwed on about the business, even if it is for the show. I was a little pissed at the other captains for giving him shit on The Bait for apologizing to the crew for hosing them with a wave. He messed up driving and took responsibility for it, Nothing wrong with that.

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Yeah, I think Josh threw his hissy fit about not finding crab after four days or something.  Conveniently forgetting that (I think) it was Derrick's quota that he'd brought with him in the first place, otherwise they would have had nothing to fish and nothing to film!


I like the CM's actual captain.  He makes the case that Josh has grown up while slyly acknowledging that he really, really needed to.


On The Bait Josh wasn't showing his new mature side -- Sig asked him why they didn't check/fix the pots before onloading and he blustered how there wasn't time, blah blah, start up operation, blah blah.  I'm pretty certain not a man in that room (including all the deckhands backstage and even Mandy Hanson) would have paid for and loaded all those pots without making sure they were sound and ready to go.  They're pretty central to the fishing process, after all.  

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If I were the guy with the milk intolerance and that ignorant, stupid twit made me sick like that with absolutely no remorse, I would've just shit in her bed.  I have food intolerances that result in GI distress, and it's no joke, man.  No, it's not going to kill me (though my nut allergy could), but I'm going to spend a few hours *wishing* I were dead!  And to echo someone upstream, Ignorant Stupid Twit plainly said "allergies"...blah-blah editing, but she used the word "allergies," which usually implies something more serious, so if she used that word and still thought it no big deal, she's stupider than the "Chiken" who gave its life to feed the "Hungry Crabers."  Anyone else get a good look at the menu on the whiteboard?  She's a Quayle-level speller, that one:  the menu also featured "Potatoe."


I'd like to sneak into the docks one night and paint over the name SAGA on that boat's bow.  I'd replace it with SMEGMA.

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I just rewatched the episodes when Derrick came on board and it seemed like it was more than four days.  Josh told Derrick that they only had a certain amount of money and that money had run out.  They did get some crab but because of the expenses there was no profit and no one got paid.  How were Josh and Jake major pricks to Derrick?  I looked at the episodes pretty objectively.  I don't dislike Josh but I'm not a big 'fan' either.  I think Derrick came on the boat with the wrong attitude.  He even said he came on the boat to change the 'culture'.  Hey, great idea but you have to take into consideration what the situation was on the boat - their beloved captain had died and it was the first season out without him.  You don't put down the man who these guys loved.  You may be the captain but you have to earn respect too.  Saying to Phil's sons that he did them a great disservice doesn't create a positive culture.  Saying that lots of fathers die so get over it doesn't create a positive attitude.  The bottom line is that none of the 'problems' on the boat had anything to do with the main issue:  Derrick wasn't finding the crab.  That was his responsibility and he's never admitted that this hugely contributed to the problem.  He blamed everyone else.  Not a leader, IMO.


I don't remember where I heard it but I thought the pots that Josh used on this weeks episode were borrowed.

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Re:  Food Allergies, are they more prevalent now?  I'm serious when I said I only knew one girl who was allergic to cow's milk; but I never met someone allergic to nuts until the 1990's. Maybe Elliot's stupid gf is like me and had never met anybody with a food allergy or intolerance.   I wonder if we see more allergies and the like because of the environment (we're fucking with it), or because antibiotics are everywhere and screwing with people's systems.  At any rate, a food intolerance or allergy is nothing to laugh at and if someone tells you they can't have something and you're the cook, then you make it without that ingredient. 

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Elliott's girlfriend disgusts me! After she added milk to that "pot pie" she made, KNOWING that the deckhand had a severe milk allergy, and then LAUGHED when he got sick! Seriously? And Elliott can care less that she caused a deckhand to have to leave his post on deck to go spend time in the restroom. Elliott and her deserve each other! They are both disgusting! And her just sitting there in the captain's chair laughing! Ohhhhh I wanted to push her a** overboard!

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I didn't think this was the best episode, but I really enjoyed watching the guys on the boats celebrate and have a good time.  It was nice to see them relaxed for a change, you know?


The bet on the Northwestern was hilarious - I love when Sig has a great idea that ends up biting him in the ass.  It was a nice way to end the episode, with everyone (mostly) happy.  I don't follow American football so the Superbowl thing didn't bother me much at all.


I didn't really understand the urgency about the Cornelia Marie having to get into St Paul - surely the crew will understand if the harbour is closed due to the swells?  It's not like Casey was withholding going in from them, if they really couldn't get in, then they'd have to miss out.  Disappointing, sure, but... is it really that big of a deal?


I thought Scott was WAY out of line.  Andy is the captain of the boat for opilios - if Scott had an idea he should've run it past Andy first, before talking to anyone else about it.  How insulting.  Andy hadn't even decided what they were going to do yet, they'd only just arrived in Dutch and Scott's on the phone to Jon trying to take over?  Come on.  You could see the anger written all over Andy's face when Scott was talking to him in the wheelhouse.  It's kind of an underhanded tactic - Scott may be the captain's nephew, and the deck boss, but he doesn't own the boat and he doesn't have a right to be making decisions on what they should do.  It would be like Jake Anderson telling Sig and Edgar what to do.  Not cool.


God it sucks for the Hillstrands though, doing all the repairs on the boat last season and then having nothing but trouble since.  They're trying to do the right thing and maintain the boat but it just looks like it was botched.


If it was anyone else on Wild Bill's boat getting drunk and acting the way Nick was, Bill would've fired them.  He's got this weird favouritism towards Nick - why the hell didn't he fire him and leave him at the dock?  Surely he'd be able to pick up someone else needing work.  You could tell how angry Zack was as well - it must be a sore point for him.  I wonder if the other captains will call him out on it on The Bait?


The burger advertising on The Bait is a little cringeworthy, that's for sure.


And the Saga.  I hate to talk about that unbelievably repugnant piece of shit, because it's obviously what Discovery wants, but holy shit.  He is the most vomit-worthy, disgusting excuse for a human being they've ever had on this show.  There is nothing redeeming about him at all.  Everybody else on this show has their moments of nastiness - I love Sig but I can admit that there are times when he's quite the prick - but overall, they're not bad people.  I can't think of one other person on this show that I've thought, they're just an asshole right down to their very core.  Everyone else is decent and hardworking, but not him.  He's absolutely vile, and he deserves that moron sex toy he's brought on board.  He can sit there and defend himself on The Bait to the other captains, saying she was there to cook and clean, but that's bullshit.  She was there to service the captain, end of story.


And the whole thing with the milk?  To knowingly do that to someone, after you've been told they have an allergy, not say anything to them when they're eating the meal and then LAUGH about it afterwards?  What kind of disgusting human being does that?  What if it had been a peanut allergy, or something more serious?  Would she have been sitting in the wheelhouse with her legs around the captain laughing as a deckhand went into anaphylactic shock on deck?


I have no doubt in my mind that he's going to get someone on board killed one day.  No doubt at all.  As far as I'm concerned it's just a matter of time.  And I doubt he'd even feel bad about it - it would be their fault, not his.  Because it's never Elliot's fault.  His wife left him - her fault.  She keeps the kids from him - her fault.  He did nothing wrong, at all.  Fired as captain of the Ramblin' Rose?  Not his fault.  The boat ices over and nearly capsizes?  Definitely not his fault.  A wave nearly takes out the whole crew because he's listening to music?  Not his fault.


He is revolting.

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Why the heck wasn't Nick fired on the spot?  Instead, Wild Bill stands up in the wheelhouse looking like he's going to cry or explode.  Why did he ask Nick to get back on the boat?  Fire him, make some calls, find another deck boss.  Or elevate one of the current guys and hire a new hand.  Bill knows that guy is bad news and tolerates him.  Maybe he likes the drama.


It begs comparison to the wild-eyed crazy man treatment he gave his own son last week.    Once again, Bill coddles Nick.   And Nick knows the power he has over Bill, which is the only reason anyone would have indulged in a drunken display like that.   Nick was certain he could fuck up and still keep his job.

Except for the prop on the TIme Bandit (didn't that boat just get a complete overhaul?) the episode felt like filler.  The only sem-exciting thing for me was I don't follow sports much and couldn't remember who won the Super Bowl so I was hoping it was Seattle just so the boys wouldn't be disappointed.


I think the take-away from this episode is "football GOOD, woman BAD."

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RE:  Time Bandit:  God it sucks for the Hillstrands though, doing all the repairs on the boat last season and then having nothing but trouble since.  They're trying to do the right thing and maintain the boat but it just looks like it was botched.


RE:  Elliott (AKA "POS"):  His wife left him - her fault.  She keeps the kids from him - her fault. 


We did a shore excursion in Kodiak in 2012, and my FAVORITE picture of the entire 14-day cruise was me, standing in front of the TB in drydock, wearing a TB shirt, with a big smile on my face.  It was one of the few times I smiled on that 2-week cruise.  We had 11 days where we never saw the sun.  I live in AZ, so the grayness really got me down.


Elliott and Val never married . . . she's just the "baby mama" to his two kids.

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Once again, Bill coddles Nick.   And Nick knows the power he has over Bill, which is the only reason anyone would have indulged in a drunken display like that.   Nick was certain he could fuck up and still keep his job.


I want to know where this favouritism is coming from - is it because Bill sees a little of himself in Nick and not enough in Zack?  If a deckhand was drunk like that on any other boat, they would've been fired, but Bill just heads out to sea with him.  I don't get it.

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Was it overplayed for Disco's cameras? Maybe. Was it a classy move? Was it a safe move? Would you want anybody like that, regardless of how good their culinary or other skills are, to be in a mission-critical situation with you?

Yeah, I definitely see your point  Although I would never step on any boat captained by Elliot so that's probably a non-starter!


BTW, love your username, LeftDownwind. Turn your base now, report short final. You're number two, follow the Cherokee, cleared to land two four left.

Haha, thanks.  Not many people get it!  You must be a pilot as well.


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Haha, thanks.  Not many people get it!  You must be a pilot as well.

Yeah, I've been known to sit the left seat of a chickenhawk or two in my day, and I've got about 30 hours complex/retract, but that's about it <G>. Been a while, though.


She's a Quayle-level speller, that one:  the menu also featured "Potatoe."

That's how I was taught to spell the word (in Canada, in the 60s; our teachers were mostly British). We still add an extra "u" to colour, odour, flavour, etc., and spell the word describing a mixture of black and white as grey, not gray. So I'll forgive that. Nothing else, but that one gets a pass from me.


I'd like to sneak into the docks one night and paint over the name SAGA on that boat's bow*.  I'd replace it with SMEGMA.

No, I'd rename that tub the F/V Summer's Eve. (*and it's on the stern, not the bow :))

Edited by NJ RadioGuy
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Really no swearing in front of Mandy?   First, pretty sure her dad and uncles have cursed in front of her.   And two, I am betting she has used most of those words herself.  

Sig said whenever she gets off the boat she swears more than him (or as much as him?). Her name was on the wall too. I'm thinking the whole thing is something to appease his wife. He has to be super uncomfortable with the guys being raunchy around her, in front of him. There are some things I'm sure my parents don't ever want to know about me, just like I never ever need to know that they watch True Blood or other shows with nudity in them (yes, the stork did bring me, why do you ask?)

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Bill didn't fire Nick?  I really need to pay more attention, I guess!  I thought Nick was booted.  


I figured the swearing bet on the Northwestern has some producer influence behind it.  Those guys were all way too agreeable about not cussing, and Sig actually "losing" and doing the dishes - not sure I buy it.  But, I suppose they can get pretty bored out there, so maybe it was real.  


Elliot... I just don't have the words.  I hate the way he dresses, I hate the way he talks, I hate the way he is a complete and total asshole, I hate everything about him.  Well, except maybe for how nervous and jumpy he looked in the hot seat during The Bait.  It is clear the other guys don't like him, especially Keith.  

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Mandy spent at least last summer on the boat salmon tendering.  I doubt they tempered their language much because of her either time, except possibly to call each other out if they're really going overboard.  She threw the f bomb out a few times in front of her father and he didn't blink.  


I assume it was just another bet to pass the time -- they've bet on smoking, bathing, etc. in the past.  


It was interesting to note that Norman didn't seem to curse much.  Of course you actually have to speak to curse.

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