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Choreographers and Their Work, Then and Now

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I thought this would be a good place to discuss choreography overall.  There has been a lot of discussion regarding choreography and choreographers in the episode threads, I thought it deserved a Topic of it's own.  I wasn't up to a witty title so feel free to make suggestions - I just thought using snark could go awry, given the controversies surrounding a number of them.  Of course we should discuss all of that here as well!

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Wade - he was having a lot of personal issues before he dropped off the radar and then he came out with the Michael Jackson suit, that kind of did him in because there are a lot of top choreographers that will always be closely associated with Michael and Janet, including Brian Friedman and Laurie Ann Gibson.


Dan Karaty's choreo wasn't any shadier or more sexist than most crap in videos in my estimation, not that a lot of that stuff isn't shitty choreography.  He was a great judge and I'd love to see him back, I think I really liked a group routine he did too.


I'd love to see Mary choreograph again, and bring back Montez and on and on and on.  Please, just change things up!!!


I'm gonna stay far away from Mia controversy, (love her, question some of her judging) but she's doing the choreography for Broadway's Finding Neverland

Edited by NextIteration
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I started watching Season 1 (since I only started watching live in Season 7) on YT, and it gives me the creeps seeing Shane Sparks and Alex Da Silva with the young female dances, knowing that both were convicted of rape a few years after they appeared on the show. Could that be why the earlier seasons aren't often mentioned - to avoid reminding viewers of their past association with rapists?


As for Wade, I might be in the minority, but I think that his choreography is pretty repetitive. I first saw his choreography in the late-nineties Backstreet Boys video for the song Everybody, and all of the SYTYCD routines of his that I saw remind me of that video. He uses the "zombie hands" every single time.


The person I'd love to see back, both as a choreographer and as a judge, is Brian Friedman.

Could that be why the earlier seasons aren't often mentioned - to avoid reminding viewers of their past association with rapists?


I'm not sure what you mean by this: It appears to me that, as soon as allegations were made the show dropped the accused like hot potatoes, so I don't know that we can really claim they "associated with rapists" as though it was done knowingly or intentionally.  And they mention earlier seasons ALL THE TIME -- they have the All Stars, they have contestants returning as choreographers, they reference earlier season dancers in the judging panel.  Also, the VAST majority of viewers don't know about Sparks and DaSilva -- I consider myself pretty tuned in to this stuff and until I read your post, I didn't know about DaSilva -- so the choice not to acknowledge them is less about "reminding" people than it is a choice not to continue their association.

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@chocolatine, in a word? No.


If you look at the actual stories about both DaSilva and Sparks, the accusations and finally charges came after they got "Television Famous" from the show. 


I thought Wade choreographed for NSYNC not the Back Street Boys, but what do I know from boy bands.

Edited by NextIteration
If you look at the actual stories about both DaSilva and Sparks, the accusations came after they got "Television Famous" from the show.



I understand that. I'm just saying that I get the impression the show would like to erase its past association with them from viewers' memory, but I could be wrong.


I thought Wade choreographed for NSYNC not the Back Street Boys, but what do I know from boy bands.


I was under the impression Wade had choreographed the Everybody video because his Ramalama Bang Bang choreo (and the zombie steampunk styling) was so similar to the one in the video. I thought he had come up with a good concept once and then used it to death, but if the Everybody choreo was done by someone else, then it wasn't even Wade's original concept.

Edited by chocolatine

When Sonya first came on it was such a breath of fresh air.  When Mark choreographed last year it was another breath of fresh air.  Both of their first routines were praised as being new and different.  They both shot the show with a jolt of much needed adrenaline. Why can't Nigel see that new choreographers are needed?


I know Contemporary is Contemporary, Argentine Tango is Argentine Tango, etc..  Although they all have the same core, new choreographers can bring something new to the table.  Change it up!


... and bring Wade back!

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I would love to see some fresh blood.  I also remember liking Comfort's choreography last year- I think there's something smart about bringing in past contestants who get what the show requires of people).  


Mark did two pieces last year right?  I remember one was great, the other...wasn't, imho.  I still want to see what else is in his brain, though.  There's a risk factor.


There's only one choreographer I never want to see again, because I think all of them have moments that are great except for him.  I won't say his name- someone in the other thread said it summons him- but he likes to do dances where the general theme drives the emotion instead of the movement (imho, of course).  Plus he's already done one to all tragedy ever, later recast as being about the Holocaust, so he should be tapped out.


And I wonder sometimes about the current contestants choreographing themselves.  Some of the solos during this audition round felt fresh to me, though I think most of those people were cut before the Top 20.  Maybe they have some moves we haven't seen.


Last thing- I hope that at some point they put some limits on the choreographers.  What I mean by that is, instead of having them come up with a story and whatnot, maybe do a show around a general theme (maybe a feeling, like 'Joy,' or a very generic story like 'boy meets girl').  It'd be fun to get the story out of the way and see how the choreographers work within their genres and that theme.


Is there a reason they never used LaurieAnn Gibson again?  I remember her once, and the routine was kind of awesome.  Or at least different.

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I was under the impression Wade had choreographed the Everybody video because his Ramalama Bang Bang choreo (and the zombie steampunk styling) was so similar to the one in the video. I thought he had come up with a good concept once and then used it to death, but if the Everybody choreo was done by someone else, then it wasn't even Wade's original concept.


Everybody (Backstreet's Back) was choreographed by Fatima Robinson. I'd say both pieces (Fatima's and Wade's) were heavily influenced by MJ's Thriller, which is unsurprising as they both had worked with him at some point. Wade, as far as I recall, never choreographed by the Backstreet Boys, but he did work extensively with NSYNC.


I don't know where it all went wrong for Wade, but as someone who was a fan of his work even before he came on SYTYCD, I think it's a real shame that we will likely never see any of his work again.


I would love to see Keone & Mariel Madrid (who choreographed the Dangerous routine for Jenna & Tucker last season) back on the show. But instead of something they've already done in other avenues, I'd like to see them choreograph something specifically for the show. I would love to see hip-hop choreography like Luam's or Karon Lynn's on the show but since the non-HH specialists would never be able to fake it through their stuff, I sadly doubt it'll ever happen.



I also remember liking Comfort's choreography last year


I really loved Comfort's routine too! I would love to see her choreograph again. Maybe they'll do the same this year and have an ep with the AS choreographing and dancing.

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I keep wishing they'd get an actual Bollywood choreographer. NDM's choreography drives me up the wall. Plus he isn't as lyrical as he should be

I also remember liking Comfort's choreography last year- I think there's something smart about bringing in past contestants who get what the show requires of people).  



I don't know where it all went wrong for Wade, but as someone who was a fan of his work even before he came on SYTYCD, I think it's a real shame that we will likely never see any of his work again.


And this.


If they can't get new ones, they can at least match up some of the existing ones. One of my favourite group routines is the one that NappyTabs and Dmitry did in Season 5. Why can't they have like a collaboration week where choreographers from 2 different genres have to put a routine together. I'm sure that'll break up some of the monotony. 

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Last thing- I hope that at some point they put some limits on the choreographers.  What I mean by that is, instead of having them come up with a story and whatnot, maybe do a show around a general theme (maybe a feeling, like 'Joy,' or a very generic story like 'boy meets girl').
Why can't they have like a collaboration week where choreographers from 2 different genres have to put a routine together.


I've been coming up with choreographer challenges for years.  Like, what if all the choreographers chose a piece of music, then all the pieces were put in a hat and they had to pick at random so Stacey Tookey would have to choreograph to a song chosen by NappyTabs?  Or what if they did have a show theme -- viewers could submit options via a hashtag (#SYTYCDFindANewTheme).


Of course, the problem with that kind of experimentation would be that, if the choreographers didn't live up to the challenge the dancetestants would be cannon fodder.

Those collaboration ideas- musically or working together- are genius.  I think the choreographers would embrace it too because it would push their artistic limits a bit.  Those should be tweeted to Nigel or something, especially since there's a social media element and that helps ratings and renewals (see: Beauty and the Beast on CW).


Bonus: you could have awkward/cute segments with the choreographers instead of the contestants.  I've always been curious how they get along together.


I'd actually shift the competition focus for a week that week.  Make it a free pass for contestants (you need them to fill airtime anyway) and have people just vote for the choreographer.


Damn...the thought of them collaborating is getting me all excited.  It creates possibilities while still remaining familiar.

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They could definitely stand to mix it up a bit more in the choreography department. A lot of the problem arises from the show believing its own hype and placing the choreographers' egos and concepts ahead of what will showcase the dancers ( as well as challenge them). Too many showy set-pieces and stupid story lines. 


I've bitched about the Bollywood choreography before. Nakul choreographs at hyper-sonic speed which isn't the only way to dance Bollywood and he only taps into the glittery traditional dress stylings for the dances as well. There's so much fun and campy Bollywood dance to pay homage to. I'd love to see a take on a 60s/70s gangster movie ( the costumes were fab and some of the dancers, like Helen, were legend!) or some of the more modern hip-hop influenced dances. 


Luther Brown probably has to water down his work for American SYTYCD, an irony for a show where old men openly leer at young dancers, but it would explain why the hip-hop on this show is still not hitting its mark. Take a stroll over to the Season One thread to see how cool some of the hip-hop chorey was. Speaking of former contestants, Allan "Big Poppa" Frias' hip-hop classes are balls-to-the-walls sellouts in San Francisco. I'd love to see him put some work on these contestants. 

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I also remember liking Comfort's choreography last year- I think there's something smart about bringing in past contestants who get what the show requires of people).


I loved this too.  That was one of my favorite shows all of last season, because I thought every single All-Star really brought their A-game to choreographing.  


I know they aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I really do like NappyTabs.  Their Top 20 routine from last season is my favorite group routine that wasn't choreographed by Wade.  I think they know their role on the show is to do "lighter" hip hop routines to help some of the weaker contestants shine, and I think they do a great job of that.  I think they do step up their game when they know they have two people who can handle it.  


Luther Brown probably has to water down his work for American SYTYCD, an irony for a show where old men openly leer at young dancers, but it would explain why the hip-hop on this show is still not hitting its mark



I wish Luther Brown could do more on the show, but I feel like now they reserve him for Top-10 and beyond so that Twitch can be one of the dancers in his work.  Has he choreographed anything in the past two or three seasons where Twitch hasn't been in the dance (that's not a complaint, I love Twitch, I'm just curious).  

Luther Brown probably has to water down his work for American SYTYCD,


Canadians may like "real" hip hop as a whole.  But most times, didn't Canada sytycd contestants end up B3 after their hip hop routines; kinda like our contestants after a ballroom routine?  Maybe he waters it down in hopes of helping the contestants.  For instance, Benji shouldn't have been so ambitious for the WCS.  With the dancers size and ability, they didn't have a chance to make the WCS appealing.  Maybe Luther is trying to avoid this from happening with one of his routines.


Speaking of failing dancetestants, Benji! aside from Sara and Pasha seems to be a curse.


It would be great to recreate the old stats thread, to see, I'm horrible at it, but someone should take up the cause! 


(I'm actually referring more to SYTYCD Canada.)

Edited by NextIteration

What was that Spencer Liff number called when he danced in it cause someone was sick or injured?


Come Together, wherein I thought Spencer schooled everyone else in the number cos HE WAS FIREEEE. I was like, well hello there Spencer.


I love it when the choreographers dance and show that they can walk the talk. Chris Scott in that amazing animation poker-table routine with Twitch, Comfort and Cyrus was another one that blew my mind.


Love the idea of choreography challenges, I think that would breathe some new life into the show and give us new concepts rather than the usual angsty-emo boy-girl relationship storyline. The only downside is that I think it'll put too much focus on the choreographers and as it is, we sometimes get too much tongue-bathing for them already.

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Yup, the thrill of my life was when Wade came to judge a big dance event where I live, and he (and some dancers, including his sister Chantal) performed his SexyBack and Ramalama routines. Seeing him dance those was superb. Pity that the venue didn't allow any filming but there's really grainy videos here and here, for anyone who wants to see.


Also, this snippet of Brian Friedman and Wade dancing the Slave 4 U breakdown is one of my fave things ever. This is cool too; Dave Scott and Wade dancing to Dave's routine at Pulse 2009.

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Also, this snippet of Brian Friedman and Wade dancing the Slave 4 U breakdown is one of my fave things ever. This is cool too; Dave Scott and Wade dancing to Dave's routine at Pulse 2009.

What a treat, inmyeyes.  Thank you.  In the first one, I couldn't keep my eyes off Wade, despite his coat.  In the second one, Dave stole the show for me.  I loved the moves where he went down on his knees.


Unlike many, I didn't have a single problem with Benji's choreography for S11.  And I thought the contestants did an ok job.  Yes, it was hard.  But the routine itself was gorgeous.  I think part of the problem Nigel had with it was that it pointed out that 1) WCS can be legitimately difficult and Benji has a lot of skill and 2) The contestants can't do everything perfectly outside their own styles.  Both of which the show hasn't wanted to admit since well, nearly forever.


Ballroom gets a crappy deal on this show.  It's mostly either watered down with a ton of contemporary and it's praised for being (not)Ballroom, fostering the impression that anyone can do it, or it's not watered down, and the choreographers (I'd bet more so than all of the other genres combined) get panned.  For example, Doriana's crazy discos are praised when half the time I think she's trying to get her dancers killed.  You can do plenty of awesome disco on the ground, imagine that!  Or Louis van Amstel or Dmitry or Benji are dressed down for making routines too hard when actually they're creating awesome choreography.  But, mustn't show those contemporary dancers up.  They're the ones with the "technique", after all.  *bittercakes*

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For example, Doriana's crazy discos are praised when half the time I think she's trying to get her dancers killed.  You can do plenty of awesome disco on the ground, imagine that!



Right? I remember someone (Nigel?) saying about one of Doriana's discos that that was exactly how they had danced in the clubs in the 70s. I had to laugh imagining the average 70s club goer couple attempt these tricks on a crowded dance floor.

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Yes to Brian, but ugh, Dan K. He was fine as a judge, but I hated him as a choreographer. I can never un-see that awful routine he did for Lacey and Kameron in season 3 where his "dance moves" for Lacey included her flashing her undies, spreading her legs and thrusting her lady parts at Kameron, and basically groping him on stage, only to lose him to the "good" girl. Ew. Not only was it unbelievably sexist and anti-woman, but it was a terrible dance.

Ha, I agree with you but that dance might fall into "so bad it's good" territory for me. I love to hate it or something. It's so bad I can't look away.


Thank you, dusang, for bringing this video to my attention:

It will forever be my  Companion Guide to watching So You Think You Can Dance.


In addition to the comprehensive main body of the work, I particularly enjoyed Contemporary Eric's walk off at the close, and  count off at the beginning. It is the details that make it Art. My only regret is that an important feature of Contemporary, Hairography, was omitted. Perhaps it could be included a supplemental video.  I look forward to Volume 2, which I hope will cover essential combinations, such "Flail and Roll", and " Pound the Floor, Pound the Chest, Look into  the Sky."

Edited by ShaggyDog
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Not sure where this belongs but putting it here as the best fit? Here or technique - it's a wash. 


I wish Nakul Dev Mahajan would realise that 






but then I think it will make things more difficult for the dancers because they'll really have to up the face and show what Misty's been talking about. Still, IMO, that's the essence of Bollywood -  the expressiveness so I get frustrated with the stuff he gives the dancers. On the other hand, without his Bollywood formula with the lifts and the fun music, Bollywood would have gone the way of the Russian folk dance and the Tahitian thing, a long time ago. 

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Dance Plug interview with Dmitry Chaplin.  HE SPEAKS!  


He is a very charming and entertaining interview-ee really.  You'd never know it from his portrayal on SYTYCD and DWTS. [/bitter]  I've grow to appreciate him more and more since his Season 2 stint on this show.  He hoping to be back this season.  I admit that I thought he looked less than pleased with the effusive praise heaped on Travis (during the show), but now I think I should just refrain from trying to read things into people's facial expressions.  He may have just been tired.




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Travis Wall talks about his two pieces in this past show (Top 16 Perform). Again with Dance Plug.


I find the show's treatment of him influences how I view him - in a negative way.  So I tried to put that aside when I viewed this and I noticed that he seems to have matured quite a bit since season 2.  I remember him as being kind of whiney back then, and a bit precious.  He comes across as more grounded, his voice is lower and calmer.  He mentioned he thought about saving his duo routine for later (All-Star partners). His group piece was choreographed more on the fly as the music he had wanted wasn't cleared in time.  


Edited by Anothermi

Dance Plug interview with Jonathan Platero & Oksana (from the DWTS Troupe is why I know her).  They talk about the Salsa they choreographed for Emily and Teddy.  Due to Emily's dislocated shoulder, she didn't do the dress rehearsal, Oksana stood in for her and was prepared to dance with Teddy on the show.  I guess that shows what a trouper Emily is, but now I wish we'd seen Teddy dance with Oksana. 


Sonya Tayeh, interviewed by Dance Plug. She's another one that seems to have matured and quieted down a bit since she first burst forth with "The Garden" in Season 4 (still one of my favorites due to Mark Kanemura!).  She's moved to New York.  Wants to work more in theatre.  Won't say which company she'll be working with this fall because they haven't announced it yet.  Doesn't actually talk about her pieces on the show, but then she wasn't asked to. 



I'm assuming this is the best place to put these vids because, well, it fits the Now. 

Edited by Anothermi

Travis Wall talks about his two pieces in this past show (Top 16 Perform). Again with Dance Plug.


I find the show's treatment of him influences how I view him - in a negative way.  So I tried to put that aside when I viewed this and I noticed that he seems to have matured quite a bit since season 2.  I remember him as being kind of whiney back then, and a bit precious.  He comes across as more grounded, his voice is lower and calmer.  He mentioned he thought about saving his duo routine for later (All-Star partners). His group piece was choreographed more on the fly as the music he had wanted wasn't cleared in time.  



I recently looked back at a S2 video and just could not believe how young Travis looked.  It is so easy to forget that most of these kids are like 18 or 19 when they compete.  And (for me at least) to forget that season 2 was NINE YEARS ago.

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I recently looked back at a S2 video and just could not believe how young Travis looked.  It is so easy to forget that most of these kids are like 18 or 19 when they compete.  And (for me at least) to forget that season 2 was NINE YEARS ago.

Eight years ago, actually, since Season 2 aired in 2006. But yes, that's still a long time.

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There's only one choreographer I never want to see again, because I think all of them have moments that are great except for him.  I won't say his name- someone in the other thread said it summons him


TYCE?  Ha.  I prefer him for contemporary than broadway.  Off the top of my head, some of his pieces I enjoyed:


Allison/Ivan Why

Will/Jessica Silence

Melissa/Ade This Woman's Work

Emily/Teddy Ne Me Quitte Pas


I get why the producers work with repeating choreographers who understand the purpose of the show and can work under its conditions. Short notice, dancers of various skill levels, little rehearsal time, filmed for tv, and 90-second choreography that need to showcase the dancers as well as capture audience attention.  That is not easy and when things don't turn out due to issues out of the choreographers' control, their names are still attached to it.


I do wish there is more balance in terms of styles.  I know the producers care about the mood of the pieces, but sometimes it is so uneven in terms of styles, especially when you get choreographers who do jazzy hip-hop, lyrical hip-hop, or when all the contemporary choreographers decide to do sentimental relationship pieces on the same night or consecutive weeks.  Also broadway is basically jazz in another name, the producers already push for story driven pieces anyway.


I remember the seasons when some people kept complaining that there were too much Wade and Mia, and how their pieces were predictable/boring, got too much praise, unfairly favored the dancers who got to do the pieces, etc.  It's funny to see probably the same people are making similar complaints about Sonya and Travis now and wishing for Wade and Mia's return.  

I know they aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I really do like NappyTabs.  Their Top 20 routine from last season is my favorite group routine that wasn't choreographed by Wade.  I think they know their role on the show is to do "lighter" hip hop routines to help some of the weaker contestants shine, and I think they do a great job of that.  I think they do step up their game when they know they have two people who can handle it.



I was a big NappyTabs complainer in past seasons, but looking back I blame the show more than them. They were working every week, with two routines most of those weeks from seasons 4-7 or something. Their first dance had a story and I'd imagine the producers pushed them to include stories in every single dance after that. Its easy to start producing dreck when you're tapped out creatively the way they would be at that point.


Now that we see less of them, I like their work more. In fact, of all of the Emmy nominees this year, I'm rooting for them. Run The World (Girls) alone is one of the best pieces of dance I've ever seen and they choreographed the big season opener last year that involved all of the cast and choreographers plus multiple sets. 


Right? I remember someone (Nigel?) saying about one of Doriana's discos that that was exactly how they had danced in the clubs in the 70s. I had to laugh imagining the average 70s club goer couple attempt these tricks on a crowded dance floor.



I talk to my mom after the shows and whenever its disco, she can't believe how little it looks like the things she did in the club. She wasn't being hoisted in the air for 90% of the dance and neither were any of her friends. Doriana's dances are mostly lifts so its hard to call it authentic.

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IMO, Doriana and Nakul throw in a lot of tricks pretty much to hide the lack of technique and feel of the dances, maybe. Also to keep themselves in the roster. Disco is pretty cheesy and can look easy, same for Bollywood. The dancers won't really have to time to get into the skin of the dance so they put in a lot of tricks because they look flashy, are crowd pleasing, and something that most of the dancers can reasonably do. Even the hip hop boys should be strong, the women should be able to hold their core, so the lifts are easy to thrown in and will likely come out better, then if they had to sell some of the softer, easier steps that would be harder to execute in the proper spirit. 

I think Tyce is a good-to-amazing jazz and contemporary choreographer (albeit obnoxious as a person). He's done a lot of pieces I've enjoyed. For some reason, his bird-themed jazz numbers in particular work for me. He is a horrid Broadway choreographer, and I'm so glad the show finally stopped using him that way. 


I remember the seasons when some people kept complaining that there were too much Wade and Mia, and how their pieces were predictable/boring, got too much praise, unfairly favored the dancers who got to do the pieces, etc.


Maybe I'm falling prey to nostalgia, but I do not recall there ever being a time when people felt there was too much Wade or his pieces were predictable. I do remember people feeling his pieces unfairly favored the dancers, but only because they were so uniformly excellent. Mia, on the other hand, I remember people getting bored of. But now we've had time to miss her, so I don't think it's weird people would like her to come back. 


I think NappyTabs suffer when they're working with non-hip hop dancers. They've been reliable when they've got a specialist and don't need to hold back on the choreography. IMHO, Christopher Scott is the same way. I used to think he just couldn't do duets, and Misty Blue was the exception that proves the rule. But then he did the Cyrus/Twitch animation duet. 

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I really want to give Dave Scott a shout-out for the routine this week for Twitch and Jacque.  I have never enjoyed Twitch more.  His part was outstanding (as was he, of course).


I actively avoided watching Jacque (because what I glimpsed was just painful), so I don't know about how the whole thing was integrated, but still, Dave Scott, take a bow.  


While I'm here, I like Christopher Scott and Spencer Liff a lot as choreographers, too.   

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