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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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I have to confess, I saw the twins show was available on demand and I watched it.  I knew it wouldn’t be much fun with out the snark.  It wasn’t, but you do meet their mom and dad and see Darcy’s kids again.  It was mildly entertaining.  It will be better with my peeps.

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I wonder what the dad does in China. I wonder if he bought the house for himself, to have a home base and that’s why the twins got the house.

1 minute ago, Emmeline said:

I have to confess, I saw the twins show was available on demand and I watched it.  I knew it wouldn’t be much fun with out the snark.  It wasn’t, but you do meet their mom and dad and see Darcy’s kids again.  It was mildly entertaining.  It will be better with my peeps.

Ditto!!!! That’s why I’m here.

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My husband just walked in the room and saw the dark TV screen and said, “Did something happen to the television?” I said, “No, I just turned it off for an hour because I AM NOT WATCHING THIS SHOW!” 

But I admit I inadvertently watched the preview on TLC. Have they gotten to the part where Stacey says she’s going to “put her head in the lion’s den” yet? 

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1 hour ago, Toodleoo said:

Check out merkins, too!  The Wikipedia pic is *chef's kiss*

I am laughing now.  You are absolutely correct.  It’s a kitty carpet.  I even saw some that are made of human hair.  First we have to shave it all off, then you need a pubic wig.  What the heck.  If you need that to sex things up you might be in trouble.  But, I learned something else tonight.

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6 minutes ago, kacesq said:

I wonder what the dad does in China. I wonder if he bought the house for himself, to have a home base and that’s why the twins got the house.

Ditto!!!! That’s why I’m here.

I was wondering what the dad did as well.  Maybe we will find out as the season goes on.  I also had a problem trying to figure out who was who.

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5 minutes ago, Grifter Lives said:

Darcey can see pictures of Florian online, but Florian had to show Stacey photos of Tom and Shannon so Stacey could tell Darcey.  

And it's still the same storyline, substituting Stacey for Darcey.

Everyone's asleep at the switch at Sharp. They just recycle the same plots over and over. 

4 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Darcey can't just wear a t-shirt and leggings or shorts at home?

Not if there's a film crew on site. 

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I’m not a fan of Darcey’s daughters. Good to see they care about views in this family. Solid priorities.

Auto tune was created by the devil to convince people they were talented. 

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24 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I am laughing now.  You are absolutely correct.  It’s a kitty carpet.  I even saw some that are made of human hair.  First we have to shave it all off, then you need a pubic wig.  What the heck.  If you need that to sex things up you might be in trouble.  But, I learned something else tonight.

There was a movie musical, Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness, starring Anthony Newley from 1969 (of course). Also starred Joan Collins as Polyester Poontang. You can't make this stuff up.

Edited by Gobi
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I missed the show.  I have not  seen my family since Christmas. Long story short my mom allowed a family member to see her last week. That family member woke up today with constant vomiting and chills. Family get together for today (it is her Birthday and we had big plans)  is cancelled until that member gets tested. I know it sounds selfish but my mom doesn't use a computer so no zoom and I have not seen her since December.  Her home is stocked with food anticipating my arrival. She also is recovering from a lung infection so if she was exposed this is bad. I am not really into prayer but whatever you can send pass it along my way. This sucks. She bought herself a cake and is eating it alone right now.

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I missed the show.  I have not  seen my family since Christmas. Long story short my mom allowed a family member to see her last week. That family member woke up today with constant vomiting and chills. Family get together for today (it is her Birthday and we had big plans)  is cancelled until that member gets tested. I know it sounds selfish but my mom doesn't use a computer so no zoom and I have not seen her since December.  Her home is stocked with food anticipating my arrival. She also is recovering from a lung infection so if she was exposed this is bad. I am not really into prayer but whatever you can send pass it along my way. This sucks. She bought herself a cake and is eating it alone right now.

I'm so sorry.  Keeping your mom in my thoughts.

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3 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I missed the show.  I have not  seen my family since Christmas. Long story short my mom allowed a family member to see her last week. That family member woke up today with constant vomiting and chills. Family get together for today (it is her Birthday and we had big plans)  is cancelled until that member gets tested. I know it sounds selfish but my mom doesn't use a computer so no zoom and I have not seen her since December.  Her home is stocked with food anticipating my arrival. She also is recovering from a lung infection so if she was exposed this is bad. I am not really into prayer but whatever you can send pass it along my way. This sucks. She bought herself a cake and is eating it alone right now.

I’m so sorry!!! I will send good vibes to you!

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4 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I missed the show.  I have not  seen my family since Christmas. Long story short my mom allowed a family member to see her last week. That family member woke up today with constant vomiting and chills. Family get together for today (it is her Birthday and we had big plans)  is cancelled until that member gets tested. I know it sounds selfish but my mom doesn't use a computer so no zoom and I have not seen her since December.  Her home is stocked with food anticipating my arrival. She also is recovering from a lung infection so if she was exposed this is bad. I am not really into prayer but whatever you can send pass it along my way. This sucks. She bought herself a cake and is eating it alone right now.

Hoping for the best for everyone.

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4 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I missed the show.  I have not  seen my family since Christmas. Long story short my mom allowed a family member to see her last week. That family member woke up today with constant vomiting and chills. Family get together for today (it is her Birthday and we had big plans)  is cancelled until that member gets tested. I know it sounds selfish but my mom doesn't use a computer so no zoom and I have not seen her since December.  Her home is stocked with food anticipating my arrival. She also is recovering from a lung infection so if she was exposed this is bad. I am not really into prayer but whatever you can send pass it along my way. This sucks. She bought herself a cake and is eating it alone right now.

Oh no. Sending virtual hugs and lots of good vibes and encouraging thoughts your way. I hope your mother stays well and healthy!

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6 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I missed the show.  I have not  seen my family since Christmas. Long story short my mom allowed a family member to see her last week. That family member woke up today with constant vomiting and chills. Family get together for today (it is her Birthday and we had big plans)  is cancelled until that member gets tested. I know it sounds selfish but my mom doesn't use a computer so no zoom and I have not seen her since December.  Her home is stocked with food anticipating my arrival. She also is recovering from a lung infection so if she was exposed this is bad. I am not really into prayer but whatever you can send pass it along my way. This sucks. She bought herself a cake and is eating it alone right now.

Hope nothing happens. Maybe the family member has food poisoning or salmonella from the onions.

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13 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:


What does Florian have to bring to the relationship? What does he have to share with you, Stacey?


His hot, young body? 

I hate how the sisters both talk in spurts while mugging in between 

Edited by magemaud
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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I thought the same with the onions but no one  else who ate the onions got sick. It is my brother who is sick 😞

Could be anything - even a 24 hour bug. Have it checked out and reschedule the birthday.

The two inch platform Loubies. Yikes.

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6 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Could be anything - even a 24 hour bug. Have it checked out and reschedule the birthday.

I suspect it isn't covid but after not seeing my family since Dec....now this.,,it takes an emotional toll. I hope test are negative and we can reschedule ASAP. My mom is old and already has health issues......life is short. I'm ugly crying like Stacey. My mom was in ICU in April and I was told she was dying but I couldn't see her.  I just want her to have her party

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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2 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Stacey’s heels are hideous and ridiculous 

What's the point?  As soon as they return to the car, she has to change back to her driving flats.  And, this show is so boring, it may be another 2-minute scene.

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Oh this trailer promises us plenty of snark! Squee!!!

until tomorrow night, my lovelies!

Just now, magemaud said:

Are we supposed to believe Florian could afford Stacey’s big diamond (?) ring? I’ll bet it’s from her first marriage. 

Or it’s fake.

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