NinjaPenguins Thursday at 12:28 PM Share Thursday at 12:28 PM My mother: Well, today can’t be worse than that hour of Phyllis and Sharon. Adam & Chelsea: Oh really? ********** My mother actually uttered the words “thank god” when she hit the fast forward button and realized there couldn’t possibly be time for more scenes. My mom will usually accept absolutely anything a soap throws at her. I never thought the mind numbing banality of two losers slogging through generic romcom cliches would be the thing to snap her out of it. Somebody else clearly wrote the Damian/Lily conversation, possibly even a real live human. Victor and Nikki and are such smug, paternalistic assholes. Lily asked for information, not a full fledged intelligence operation on her behalf. What Victor owed Neil was not to manipulate, use and betray his daughter so Nikki could enjoy unearned power. 1 5 2 3 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs Thursday at 08:37 PM Share Thursday at 08:37 PM Here we go (yet again) with Show ignoring the realities of being held captive for more than a few hours. There are hygiene & bathroom issues, as a living being, to consider, but Show of course ignores that, eh? At the very least, won’t their hair be tangled & matted and their makeup be smeared, when they wake up? Oh silly me, the garbled voice will most certainly provide hair & makeup peeps, right? So any guesses who the garbled voice is? Doesn’t seem to be Ian, but can he be completely eliminated? Maybe not. It’s def not Vic, who (along with Nikki) is busy giving Nick the dope crappy advice. So who is it? Another (maybe forgotten) villain from the past? The Adam & Chelsea stuff is white noise & a blur to me. Care about NONE of it. 4 1 3 2 1 Link to comment
MsMalin Thursday at 08:42 PM Share Thursday at 08:42 PM BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES 2 12 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu Thursday at 09:13 PM Share Thursday at 09:13 PM (edited) That's the same outfit Sharon was wearing right before Valentine's Day, but Phyllis is in her 3rd outfit since Feb. 14. So what is the time frame of the kidnapping supposed to be? Was Chelsea barefoot? I don't recall her being so much shorter than Adam. Today she had to look upward at him like he was a god and she was a worshipper. So Chelsea cleaned up the kitchen. In that evening dress skirt and top.* Oh come on, Show. Okay, now I'm thinking the disembodied voice is either Daniel or Lucy. Not sure though how Lucy could've pulled two kidnappings off by herself so Daniel is seeming more likely. Maybe Lucy and Faith are helping him. 😵💫 Chelsea, trust me, Sally is not worrying about Adam. She's being well-tended to by Billy, thankyouverymuch. Get over yourself, Chelz. Huh, I would've expected 1337 h4x0r Phyllis to able to get past a phone lock without much effort. Phyllis wanted to use her one call for Summer? HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH! She might as well have contacted the Easter Bunny. OTOH, Nick should've known Sharon was lying on the phone by how fakey her voice sounded. Whatever, I again wonder why the Newmans et al don't have a code word they can use to indicate they're in trouble and need help. Sharon told Nick she was in Sedona. Didn't she have some misadventures there back in the day? Maybe Nick will figure out the clue. Sure. Man, Nikki and Victor are going to feel so dumb when they learn how wrong they were about Phyllis and Sharon's disappearance. Sorry, Nick, your mommy and daddy's advice is less than worthless. *Per Worn on TV. Edited Thursday at 10:47 PM by Joimiaroxeu 8 1 2 Link to comment
Js Nana Thursday at 10:18 PM Share Thursday at 10:18 PM 1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said: There are hygiene & bathroom issues, as a living being, to consider I wonder how many riddles Phyllis and Sharon will have to solve before "The Voice" will tell them where the privy is. 1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said: I again wonder why the Newmans et al don't have a code word they can use to indicate they're in trouble and need help. It might be difficult to find a way to use the word "broccoli," or the phrase "I hate broccoli" in a conversation that wouldn't sound strange. 1 1 5 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie Thursday at 11:28 PM Share Thursday at 11:28 PM 2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Whatever, I again wonder why the Newmans et al don't have a code word they can use to indicate they're in trouble and need help. Excellent idea, but this GC so............ 1 1 2 1 Link to comment
TVForever Thursday at 11:28 PM Share Thursday at 11:28 PM I am so very bored with Adam and Chelsea. They've been having the same conversation for months. Please stop it. I don't care. And how long will be subjected to Sharon and Phyllis playing Escape Room? How many times has Sharon been kidnapped this year, anyway? isn't her family tired of this by now? 2 3 3 6 Link to comment
Js Nana Yest. at 12:11 AM Share Yest. at 12:11 AM 2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Didn't she have some misadventures there back in the day Adam broke Sharon out of prison after she'd been convicted of the murder of his ex-wife, Skye Lockhart Newman - who actually died by falling into a volcano in Hawaii while Sharon was present and had tried to save her and Victor had witnessed the whole thing and knew Sharon hadn't killed Skye but wouldn't testify for her - and Sedona, AZ is where they planned to meet up, but then there was a whole thing about Sharon deciding her family would be better off without her, so she left goodbye notes for Adam, Noah and Faith in her motel room and drove off, but then she was carjacked by a man and a woman and left, alive, at the side of the road, but the carjackers crashed the car and die, and the woman's body was burned beyond recognition but, somehow, Sharon's ID int he car didn't burn and everyone thought it was Sharon, and so-on-and-so-forth, and we all know the drill, and this was during the 2010-2011 season. 1 minute ago, Js Nana said: Sedona, AZ is where they planned to meet up . . . and don't ask me how long it took me to dig that info up, but "Who's Who in Genoa City" on the Soap Central website was a big help. 1 1 1 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie Yest. at 12:16 AM Share Yest. at 12:16 AM 44 minutes ago, TVForever said: How many times has Sharon been kidnapped this year, anyway? isn't her family tired of this by now? Are you kidding? They are doing the Happy Dance around their home! 2 9 Link to comment
Denize Yest. at 12:17 AM Share Yest. at 12:17 AM (edited) On 2/24/2025 at 12:35 PM, ScoobieDoobs said: So watched a few minutes of the new soap. The most noticeable thing about it is the brightness of the sets. Y&R sets are so dark & dowdy, whether it’s the Newman mausoleum or the Abbott mausoleum or Society or Sharon’s coffee joint or Vic’s office or Nikki’s tiny, cramped office. Dowdy, dowdy, dowdy & trapped in the ‘80’s! All the sets on the new show look very good. Y&R should take notice! ~20 years ago, Melody Thomas Scott (Nikki) was on a Canadian daytime show that showed footage of her giving a tour of the sets and wardrobe storage for Y&R. She mentioned that viewers have always complained about dark sets, then flipped a light switch to show how it could look bright, but then joked that everything looks more elegant in dim light and any imperfections and cheap props aren't obvious. The wardrobe warehouse was huge & bright with ~14'ft ceilings with two tiers of racks plus shelves for accessories. Nikki's area had over 100 complete outfits, some from memorable shows. Edited Yest. at 04:02 AM by Denize 6 1 2 1 Link to comment
Js Nana Yest. at 12:29 AM Share Yest. at 12:29 AM 9 minutes ago, Denize said: ~20 years ago, Melody Thomas Scott (Nikki) was on a Canadian daytime show that showed footage of her giving a tour of the sets and wardrobe storage for Y&R . . . Nikki's area had over 100 complete outfits . . . . . . and it looks like they're using those same outfits from 20 years ago to dress "Nikki" today. 5 1 1 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs Yest. at 02:16 AM Share Yest. at 02:16 AM (edited) 6 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said: Are you kidding? They are doing the Happy Dance around their home! I can believe they’d do that, but from what we saw, those 2 smug, entitled sh*ts (Vic & Nikki) could barely muster a yawn & a sneer when told of Sharon being missing. And they sure were easily convinced by her loosey-goosey story. And Phyllis? Well, let’s face it, just about everyone in GC except Dumber & Daniel (and maybe Mikey & Lauren) couldn’t care less about the whereabouts of The Red Beast. And deservedly so. Edited Yest. at 07:10 AM by ScoobieDoobs 4 1 2 Link to comment
lgprimes Yest. at 05:22 AM Share Yest. at 05:22 AM I skip dream/historical flashback episodes, but otherwise very rarely fast forward during a show. But today with Chelsea and Adam… I just couldn’t take it. Worse than the Harlequin Romances of my long ago childhood. Also not very interesting is watching Phyllis and Sharon being forced to cooperate to get out of an Escape Room. So juvenile. Now that we see how not dangerous this is I no longer think Ian took these two. My best guess is Michael. I just hope they don’t drag this out more than another day or two. Yawwwwwn 6 1 3 Link to comment
Waldo13 Yest. at 06:30 AM Share Yest. at 06:30 AM A blond and a redhead are stuck in a room. Neither have the common sense of a broom If they can’t work together there will be gloom and doom ••••• quote the Raven “never more”. Grudge match: Bring in the mud or at least jello. Wine before liquor, never been sick. Liquor before wine you will be fine. Adam should have given Chelsea liquor first if he wanted to get in Chelsea’s pants. 4 1 1 3 1 Link to comment
MollyB 20 hours ago Share 20 hours ago (edited) Today's rant was going to be about the TimeWarpLine since we are going back and forth in time with 'a couple of days since the shooting' that happened near early January (per Michael just this week) and several characters referencing that it is past Valentine's Day (Phyllus, also just this week). I have decided that the writers have all gone Interstellar on us and have actually learned how to bend time. All you need is a Black Hole which this show is. But I have other rants! Lily is so smug and it is matched only by her naivete. She doesn't like/trust Viktor and Nikki but she gives Viktor a foot in the door to Winter's business. He's a Vampire-they have to be asked in and that's what you did, Lils. Damian and his logic. Mom wasn't there 24/7 at daddy's bedside. Oh, right, she was out working and trying not to go to pieces for her kid. Boo hoo, ya little sh!t. And even when you find this out, you still prioritize getting into Lily's knickers over making it up with yer ma. (The only reason he's having dinner with Amy is because it impresses Lily.) The Escape Room scenario sucks. Period. Give me Saw. I wanna see these beetches get serious. I wanna see some puzzles that draw blood. At the very least, have them shave each other bald. Please stop letting Sharon ramble on with her neurotic narratives. The wispy voice she uses to bolster her courage is a contradiction. Chelz and Adam. Blah. I use to like Adam but this pushmepullyou relationship is s.t.u.p.i.d. "Oh, we have to take it slow-let me lay this wet kiss on you-but don't read anything into it." AYFKMWTS? It's not even decent foreplay. Like, do either of them have any other romantic choices? And because it can't be said enough: fix the damn timeline. Edited 20 hours ago by MollyB 3 2 5 2 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins 20 hours ago Share 20 hours ago Well, Chelsea certainly went from zero to insecure fast. Watcing her contemplate that stupid rose in what appears to be my grandparents bedroom circa 1980 was a grim way to spend time. Listening to Adam and Chelz try to put lipstick on the sweaty, revolting pig that was their heatless romp in Baltimore was somehow both tedious and enraging. It doesn’t matter if they were denying some deeper feelings or humping for Connor or if Sally and Billy knew they wuvved each other before they did (why do they keep bringing this up? Who gives a fuck?). Adam and Chelsea are cheating dogs and I don’t give a tinker’s damn about their lame, boring relationship. The stakes suddenly feel awful low in Phyllis’ and Sharon’s escape room adventure. Victor and Nikki had to be painfully stupid in order to goose the plot along. When Nick has sharper instincts than you, there’s a problem. 1 2 6 4 1 Link to comment
Js Nana 17 hours ago Share 17 hours ago So, those of us on the East coast got a huge chunk of today's show interrupted by a Special News Alert - something about people who were using harsh language in Washington, DC - and at first, I was really bummed, but then I thought, will I seriously miss any of what got interrupted? 1 2 2 Link to comment
Js Nana 17 hours ago Share 17 hours ago 2 hours ago, MollyB said: ya little sh!t Very apt comment. 2 hours ago, MollyB said: fix the damn timeline. What is a week in Earth time is a day in soap time, so the Y&R timeline is just following soap logic. 1 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs 17 hours ago Share 17 hours ago Er, when there’s coffee on demand, hasn’t the fear/danger factor dropped significantly — or has it completely disappeared? So why should I care about any of this nonsense? Seems like an excuse to rehash the old feuds. What a snooze! I am gettin’ very sick of lookin’ at Sharon’s sparkly NYE top. But I am grateful to Show that The Red Beast is covered up. How come those 2 didn’t say they wanted to shower, brush their teeth & hair & change their underwear? It’s gonna stank ln that room. Bleh. To show stylists — leave Audra’s & Sally’s natural waves & curls alone! They both looked great today! Audra clearly does NOT have a poker face around Holden, does she? Her eyes were practically buggin’ outta her head at the sight of him. Can’t blame ya, hun, but play it cool, sweetie. Sally sure noticed. Oh Natey, looks like you’re gonna join that long list of Audra’s exes sooner than ya think. 4 2 1 Link to comment
Js Nana 17 hours ago Share 17 hours ago 14 hours ago, lgprimes said: My best guess is Michael It would have had to have been set up by someone with the time to do so without anyone noticing, so I guess it could be Michael, but wouldn't Lauren and Victor have noticed any time he was away from home and the job, and didn't Victor task him with finding out about Aristotle Dumas? 3 1 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu 17 hours ago Share 17 hours ago (edited) The funniest comment I saw on another soap forum about today's episode is that Daniel's sweater screams "kidnapper." I can't argue with that assessment. AFAIC the sweater is an utter fashion felony. 😏 Yeah, now I'm thinking it's either Daniel or Nick, or maybe they're in on the crime together. Edited 17 hours ago by Joimiaroxeu 2 2 1 Link to comment
surfgirl 17 hours ago Share 17 hours ago 19 hours ago, Denize said: She mentioned that viewers have always complained about dark sets, then flipped a light switch to show how it could look bright, but then joked that everything looks more elegant in dim light Yeah, for folks who think Red Lobster is the height of fine dining, perhaps the sets are 'elegant', but for the rest of us it's a hard no! 😅 1 6 Link to comment
Js Nana 17 hours ago Share 17 hours ago On 2/25/2025 at 5:30 PM, Js Nana said: Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic Are Sharon and Phyllis being kept at the Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic because it's the nearest abandoned secure facility, or does their captor have some kind of connection to the place - and is it just one captor or could there be more - - tune in tomorrow for another episode of the lives and loves of the Genoa City elite - cue dramatic organ exit music. 2 2 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins 15 hours ago Share 15 hours ago 1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said: The funniest comment I saw on another soap forum about today's episode is that Daniel's sweater screams "kidnapper." I can't argue with that assessment. AFAIC the sweater is an utter fashion felony It totally ruined my enjoyment of Daniel’s disdain for Billy. That thing looked like something the creepy dude working concessions at an old, sticky-floored theatre would wear. Like, here’s your Chuckles and don’t ask where his hand has been. Sharon & Phyllis cuddled up sleeping made me lol. News interruption - rage blackout. So, Holden and Damien are both sticking around GC because they’re thirsty, is that about it? 1 4 1 3 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu 15 hours ago Share 15 hours ago Yay, Sally & Billy being publicly official as a couple. 😍 Audra, you're not a good bestie. I think you should stop mentioning Phyllis and Adam to Sally. If Sally wants to talk about them, let her bring them up. Aw, Sally, you don't even know how much Billy is lying to you about his continuing to seek revenge against Victor. Sigh. "Transference," Audra? Sure, hon, if that's what you want to call being a sucker. Lol, Holden sure knows how to make a entrance. He swooped into Society like he expected to be greeted by paparazzi and cameras. Gosh, who is it who's up on all of Sharon and Phyllis' old mean girl battles with each other? My money was on Daniel but a lot that time he wasn't even living in GC. Holden, Audra doesn't need you covering for her to Sally. But obviously you don't know that, yet. Either way, mind your own business. There it is! Phyllis, you may want to dismiss it as ancient history but Summer lives on as evidence of your going after Sharon's husband. You actually did start the feud. Audra told Sally that back in L.A. Holden liked to "live on the edge." Things eventually got too edgy for her so she dumped him. Inquiring minds want to know: was it sniffing, snorting, or shooting? Swinging? Street racing? Shoplifting? 🤔🤡 Unless Nick has DID, I don't think he'd be leaving Sharon repeated voicemails if he was involved in her kidnapping. Maybe it's Chance, lol. 3 1 2 2 Link to comment
Js Nana 14 hours ago Share 14 hours ago 18 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said: That thing looked like something the creepy dude working concessions at an old, sticky-floored theatre would wear. I won't ask how NinjaPenguins knows about old, sticky-floored theatres because, as my own past attests to, some life stories are just not meant to be shared. 1 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie 14 hours ago Share 14 hours ago (edited) 1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Audra told Sally that back in L.A. Holden liked to "live on the edge." Things eventually got too edgy for her so she dumped him. Inquiring minds want to know: was it sniffing, snorting, or shooting? Swinging? Street racing? Shoplifting? Didn't she initially come to GC looking for Noah and say she had a miscarriage? She sure didn't seem like the corporate raider back then. Other than Audra's dress {LOVED the color}; and I'm glad they finally let the curls show. Aside from the breaking news. I got nothing. Edited 13 hours ago by One Tough Cookie 3 Link to comment
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