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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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It’s quite obvious that Nostrils gets his condescending attitude from Jill.  

I’m ok with Lily’s decision to keep Smugly Smug Smug off the board of director. Lily still has a 3 person majority although it’s a very small board for a major corporation. 

WTF!  I have seen enough cop shows to know that Claire/Eve’s phone should be constantly monitored and be able to be pinged as soon as it’s turned on to send a message or check a voice message.  

So Dave was coerced into complying with Auntie Jordan in obtaining his truck. Auntie Jordan offered him $10K with $5K up front. I have to assume that Auntie Jordan has a rainy day fund under an assumed name and is able to go to a bank to withdraw funds. Now the problem would be is how the cops and especially the FBI or US Marshals not know about her alias?  

You are 100% correct Jill. This is not the first time Lily had to deal with a cheating jerk; but are you including your own son as a cheating jerk.  Nostrils seemed to take up with Breathless Mahoney pretty quick after leaving Lily.

Devon may look unassuming but he definitely has Nostrils figured out. 


As an aside, I read that EB’s cancer is in remission. 

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This has to be the dullest kidnapping story ever.  It might have been mildly interesting if they had left Claire's involvement ambiguous.  But Victor never loses, so the outcome is pretty obvious.

I agree that Nate hasn't earned his way back onto the board yet, but neither has Billy.  I'm still so confused by the power structure at CW.  Jill and Devon are the owners.  Lily is an employee.  But she has the last word on everything? 

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52 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

Wow. I had a post deleted. I wonder if there have been others? Let the book burning begin!

For anyone here who does not detest Amber and her moley boobs (which were a major plot point in Daniel's porn addiction story line) with every fibre of their being I just read a spoiler that says - 

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She's going to be back on B&B, and a relationship with Thomas. Again, but this time he's no longer under age. I'd rather she came back to Genoa City than LA, not that she should come back at all anywhere any time ever.


Oh God, not Amber, please not Amber.  I'm sorry she's infesting B&B but GC has enough problems without that nails-on-a-chalkboard voice and everything else that goes with her.  Remember how she'd say "Mrs. C"?  KMN.

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I'm indifferent to Mamie's appearance & wouldn't comment on it anyway, in deference to her as elder lady.  To me, that's not what's standing out so negatively about her.  It's her shitty, angry, embittered, hostile attitude!   Sheesh,  she's just so unpleasant to be around.  Yuck.  Seriously, if Jill is more well-mannered and pleasant than you are . . . that's pretty fuckin' bad.

I mean, Jill ended her vid call by saying to hug the kid.  Would bitter, angry, hostile Mamie ever send hugs to anyone . . . ever?  No way.  She's too focused on her anger towards Jill.  Who the hell would would wanna be anywhere near her?  Thanks writers, for turning this character into someone so unbearable & awful.

Hey Vicky, ditch that ugly sweater with the weird tie-thingie in front.  And yeah, the white pants (jeggings?) are not the most flattering look.  

Man, what is the set budget for the show now?  50 cents?  Lily's teeny office is all they can afford now, when they have scenes at C-W?  And we're supposed to believe she's a high level exec with that itty-bitty office & that's the only place they can have a "board meeting"?  Rolling eyes very hard.

Wish they'd give Beth more to do than just offering tea and sympathy.  She's capable of so much more.  Way better actress than ED, that's sure.  Just sayin' . . .

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Quick-quick-quick read this post....deletion soon to follow !!

It's hard to comment among friends here because your posts may disappear before reading. Kyle and all his friends and relatives have had unkind remarks about their fashion choices and hairstyles and choices of mates...

Let's not be techy about comments on certain characters who may be of minority groups. It's NOT just Mamie's odd hairstyle that is at issue...it's her character. And as a member of another ethnic group, I admit that I LOVE the Afro hair of Shemar Moore's wife on SWAT. Mamie's "do" is another whole animal. Middle Daughter and I have been attending a majority Black church for decades and I've never seen a "do" like Mamie's. And nobody has had a negative comment on my white blonde ringlets. It's the personality, not the person. 

So, let's get back to commenting on Auntie Mamie's obsession with taking over CW >> Eh ??

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Amber coming back ?? Where did THAT come from ?? She's all kinds of disturbing, but at least not evil. Can she bring Lil' D with her ?? Someone let Deacon know so they can hook up to cure him of his Sheila issues.

Although...[naughty naughty me] Daniel was once quite enamored of some of her uh...mumble..bumble...ahem...😍


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It's hard to comment among friends here because your posts may disappear before reading. Kyle and all his friends and relatives have had unkind remarks about their fashion choices and hairstyles and choices of mates...

The difference is their poor fashion choices and hairstyles don't get attributed to them because they're White, or because their fashion choices and hairstyles don't read as White. Not overtly, anyway. Kyle et al are generally seen as "normal" people who just happen to make bad choices with their fashion and hair sometimes.


Let's not be techy about comments on certain characters who may be of minority groups. It's NOT just Mamie's odd hairstyle that is at issue...it's her character. And as a member of another ethnic group, I admit that I LOVE the Afro hair of Shemar Moore's wife on SWAT. Mamie's "do" is another whole animal. Middle Daughter and I have been attending a majority Black church for decades and I've never seen a "do" like Mamie's. And nobody has had a negative comment on my white blonde ringlets. It's the personality, not the person. 

Yes, there are two issues, Mamie's hairstyle and Mamie's characterization. I think the problem arises when it's deemed okay to mock certain ethnic and cultural choices associated with her because she arguably has a grating personality. IMO one of those things is not necessarily the cause of the other.

And, let's not tell posters like me not to call out what we see as discriminatory based on decades of experience, even if the intent wasn't based in malice.

(I'd also caution against using "some of my best friends are Black"-type justifications. It's not a guaranteed pass.)

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I’m sure if Claire is still missing and Harrison is found , Dummer “ My Son, My Son” Newman-Abbott will be convinced that Claire escaped to France . 
I hope they show us where Claire is soon. Will she have to be rescued too? 

Aunt Mamie is annoying because if she was truly concerned for the family’s place in the company and not getting revenge on Jill, we’d have no problem with her.  Still I have problems with them all at C-W except maybe Nate and Chance only because they are not bringing their personal drama into the company . 

I do feel bad for Jack (Nikki’s lapdog) with all he has to deal with in his family now . Still annoyed how Nikki was bothering him last week. 

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The difference is their poor fashion choices and hairstyles don't get attributed to them because they're White, or because their fashion choices and hairstyles don't read as White. Not overtly, anyway. Kyle et al are generally seen as "normal" people who just happen to make bad choices with their fashion and hair sometimes.

Yes, there are two issues, Mamie's hairstyle and Mamie's characterization. I think the problem arises when it's deemed okay to mock certain ethnic and cultural choices associated with her because she arguably has a grating personality. IMO one of those things is not necessarily the cause of the other.

And, let's not tell posters like me not to call out what we see as discriminatory based on decades of experience, even if the intent wasn't based in malice.

(I'd also caution against using "some of my best friends are Black"-type justifications. It's not a guaranteed pass.)

I'd like to DITTO this post, it saved me a lot of time typing the same thing!

I watched yesterday's show last night and loved Lily siding with Billy on Natey Nate Nate, who like Darvon, appeared shocked he wasn't made a Board member. Having said that, that is not a real Board. Boards have others not in the C Suite on them, and there are strict agenda rules to follow, most quite tedious tbh. You don't waltz in and say you want to vote on a new Board member WITH that non Board member in a Board meeting when he's, yanno, not a Board member! The whole scene was preposterous.

I realized something last night watching the Lily/Mamie scene. Firstly, it's not Jill causing the problems, it's always Mamie. It is she who is obsessed with besting Jill and pulling one over on her. I loved Lily telling her off, but she doesn't even respond when Lily infers it is Mamie causing all the trouble. I hope Lily continues to not let Mamie bully her into carrying out her very personal agenda.

I cracked up when The Three Stooges were standing in the hallway natyering on about where Jordan might be and Dave yells put, 'Thats all I know!' FOR some reason that just landed very funny.

ETA: Who exactly is Mamie related to right now? Because she keeps citing 'family' but isn't she only related to Natey Nate Nate?

Edited by surfgirl
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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

it's deemed okay to mock certain ethnic and cultural choices associated with her

Table for one here, but I didn't see her hairstyle as either of these.  I don't like it because it is a style for a much younger person.  We've had discussions about shorter hair on older women (when discussing Lauren, Tracy and Phylis, i.e.) and I'm all for the age appropriate hairdo. Let the kids have their moment. I sport a Jamie Lee Curtis myself (for years and I'm 75).  I'm sure there are better choices for Mamie's hair.  Oh, crap, does this make me an ageist?

Edited by MollyB
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56 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

I'd like to DITTO this post, it saved me a lot of time typing the same thing!

I watched yesterday's show last night and loved Lily siding with Billy on Natey Nate Nate, who like Darvon, appeared shocked he wasn't made a Board member. Having said that, that is not a real Board. Boards have others not in the C Suite on them, and there are strict agenda rules to follow, most quite tedious tbh. You don't waltz in and say you want to vote on a new Board member WITH that non Board member in a Board meeting when he's, yanno, not a Board member! The whole scene was preposterous.

I realized something last night watching the Lily/Mamie scene. Firstly, it's not Jill causing the problems, it's always Mamie. It is she who is obsessed with besting Jill and pulling one over on her. I loved Lily telling her off, but she doesn't even respond when Lily infers it is Mamie causing all the trouble. I hope Lily continues to not let Mamie bully her into carrying out her very personal agenda.

I cracked up when The Three Stooges were standing in the hallway natyering on about where Jordan might be and Dave yells put, 'Thats all I know!' FOR some reason that just landed very funny.

ETA: Who exactly is Mamie related to right now? Because she keeps citing 'family' but isn't she only related to Natey Nate Nate?

Nate and Lily through their mothers, who were sisters and she’s their aunt. But as the other poster mentioned Mamie isn’t a Winters and Nate isn’t either.

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Well, glad they ended the Harrison kidnapped bit, cuz watching a little kid being abused was totally unbearable.  Maybe the writers realized they boxed themselves into a corner with this & decided to cut it off quick.  I even felt sorry for the little boy actor playing this unpleasant shit -- having some horrible lady saying mean things to him.  OTOH watching the Niks & Vics being tortured?  Have no probs with that.

Ugh, if you want to avoid witnessing truly terrible awful acting, maybe the worst I've seen on this show -- and that's saying something -- skip the Ashley trying to be Dixie Carter segments.  Eileen, you really suck horseshoes as an actress!  She deserves a Razzie, not an Emmy nom.  Painful & cringey as hell to watch!

So where is Claire?  Guess that's the big question to be answered, eh?

Danny is starting (to me) to look like like an elderly lady with teased up hair & heavy makeup.  Maybe that's the look Damian is going for.  Whatever, not judging, just observing. 

Traci's WTF look when she sees Dixie Carter-Ashley is priceless.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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2 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Who exactly is Mamie related to right now? Because she keeps citing 'family' but isn't she only related to Natey Nate Nate?

Lily is Mamie's biological great-niece and Nate is her great-nephew and Devon is her great-nephew through adoption.  Lily's mom, Dru and Nate's mom, Olivia were sisters and their mom and Mamie were sisters.  Dru and Neil adopted Devon and that's how he came into the family.

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2 hours ago, pvandal said:

Blanche in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Blanche is the name of a character in A Streetcar Named Desire, Maggie is the name of a character in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - - but they're both by Tennessee Williams

19 hours ago, Waldo13 said:
19 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I have seen enough cop shows to know that Claire/Eve’s phone should be constantly monitored and be able to be pinged as soon as it’s turned on to send a message or check a voice message.  


You may have, Waldo13, but apparently the writer(s) haven't, which is why I am even more convinced that the show is using an AI program that's been fed scripts from the 80s - pre-cell phones - to generate scripts.

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Could everyone lighten up and remember we're.  talking about a SOAP?  Maimie's hair looks bad and so does Bluethfang's

I didn't watch yesterday, but it sounds like I should watch today's  

Now, I have a burning question:  When did Chelsea become Breathless Mahoney? and why?

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Painful & cringey as hell to watch!

Ms. Davidson doesn't seem to realize that when a 65-year-old woman wearing a lowcut top leans over, the crinkles in her decolletage show, no matter how many rejuvenation treatments she's had done in that area - - that Cat on a Hot Tin Roof routine is only going to attract psychos with granny fixations.

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32 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

How did he know where to find him

Kyle saw the car Jordan was driving and went out looking for it and found it.

12 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

2. Traci's meeting with Danny R

That was so nice. It was heart warming to see them together. It really took me back to the old days when Bill Bell ran the show. 🖤

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Seeing murderous Jordan hovering over Harrison on the bed gave me the creeps. I think TPTB should've rethought the staging of those motel room scenes.

I feel so dumb. In my mind, Southern belles drank mint juleps, not tequila. Ashley's new alter is already teaching me new things! 😉

Belle Ashley needs to work on her sashay though. It should be more natural, like she's been doing it since puberty, tee hee.

Stop acting brand new, Traci. You know darned well your big sis was ready to be 5150'd two alters ago. Ease up on the mother hen stuff.

If the average person's stepchild had been kidnapped by a psycho would they be sitting around in a coffeehouse weeping and pouting? Summer wanting her brother's comfort seemed logical to me but why do it in public?

MTS working hard on that Emmy reel with Nikki's angry soliloquies. I ain't mad at her.

Traci wants Ashley's therapist friend in Paris to make a housecall across an ocean. Seriously? What about his other patients? Guess they'll just be SOL because the Abbotts can throw more money at him.

"Femme Magique." Eh, that perfume name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, Southern belle Ashley. You better have Jabot's marketing department come up a catchier one.

Hey, someone who shall remain nameless appeared to have applied a fresh coat of Kiwi to their hair! 😼

Finally! Harrison is rescued and Jordan is gets to take a little nap until she slips from custody again.

Meanwhile, where is Claire?

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6 hours ago, realitytvfan1017 said:

Nate and Lily through their mothers, who were sisters and she’s their aunt. But as the other poster mentioned Mamie isn’t a Winters and Nate isn’t either.

The Winters family on this show, at this point, it's really the Barber family.  Only Lily is a biological Winters and Devon is an adopted Winters.  But Lily, Devon, and Nate are all Barbers (Devon being an adopted Barber).  Mamie's sister married a Barber.

With Mamie back, I wonder if Olivia will ever come back.

Edited by blackwing
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How is it that Traci can’t locate Ashley? There’s 3 bars in town and everyone always goes to them. Ashley was just a few feet away in the Neil Winters Jazz Club. It must have been a weeknight because nobody else was out at the club doing shots of tequila or enjoying a martini. 
I was happy that Kyle got his son back. 

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1 hour ago, Js Nana said:

3. Summer, who must have suffered a brain injury that stopped her emotional development at age 15

4. Still not knowing what happened to Claire - did the writer(s) forget about her?

Supergirl isn't so super these days, is she?

BTW speaking of Supergirl, wasn't Summer at one point deathly allergic to peanuts?  Whatever happened to that?  Did she outgrow it or was it just never mentioned again?

If this were Bold and the Beautiful and Bradley Bell was writing this show, Claire would just disappear, not be mentioned for months, and then one day show up again with no explanation.  Everyone would act like she's been there the whole time and no one would ask her what she's been doing.

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21 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

This has to be the dullest kidnapping story ever.  It might have been mildly interesting if they had left Claire's involvement ambiguous.  But Victor never loses, so the outcome is pretty obvious.

I agree that Nate hasn't earned his way back onto the board yet, but neither has Billy.  I'm still so confused by the power structure at CW.  Jill and Devon are the owners.  Lily is an employee.  But she has the last word on everything? 


4 hours ago, boes said:

Lily is Mamie's biological great-niece and Nate is her great-nephew and Devon is her great-nephew through adoption.  Lily's mom, Dru and Nate's mom, Olivia were sisters and their mom and Mamie were sisters.  Dru and Neil adopted Devon and that's how he came into the family.


1 hour ago, Js Nana said:

How did he know where to find him - and, once again, WHERE IS CLAIRE.

I'm hoping Hairy-less-son wolfed down that Hopefully peanut butter sandwich and is kissed by Blub-blub step-mom and she flops over dead.

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BTW speaking of Supergirl, wasn't Summer at one point deathly allergic to peanuts?  Whatever happened to that?  Did she outgrow it or was it just never mentioned again?

No, it hasn't been forgotten. A couple of months ago Chance told Summer he liked lettuce, peanut butter, and mayonnaise sandwiches, and Summer told him that was a definite no-go for her since she can't eat peanut butter.


The Winters family on this show, at this point, it's really the Barber family.  Only Lily is a biological Winters and Devon is an adopted Winters.  But Lily, Devon, and Nate are all Barbers (Devon being an adopted Barber).  Mamie's sister married a Barber.

Mamie's not a Barber either though. I think that group of characters has long been thought of collectively as the Winters family and TPTB are sticking with it because they've decided to deify Neil.

For a long time I had been saying the Winters crew needed a patriarch or matriarch because Neil's photo doesn't cut it. I was hoping they'd bring back Olivia but apparently the actress who played her has solidly refused more than once. AFAIC Mamie is not the answer. Both Lily and Devon barely tolerate her and Nate seems to humor her because it doesn't cost him anything.

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As I said before, I'm indifferent to Mamie's hair, cuz I've zeroed in on her unpleasant personality.  But given the volume & density for a woman her age . . . I assumed she's wearing a wig.  And if she is wearing a wig, wouldn't any issues about comments on natural hair be irrelevant?  A wig is really a style/fashion choice, isn't it?

Now, that said, wigs have come a long way since the Supremes were sporting those big clunky things they wore.  There are so many beautiful & natural-looking choices that are mostly undetectable as wigs.  Let's just say, if it is a wig, she could make a way more flattering choice . . .

Still think Pomp is an idiot & a waste of time, but that shot of him hugging the kid was really very sweet.

Do the writers have some weirdo fetish about chloroforming people?  Idk, first Claire & now Jordie -- who's next, writers?  Dixie Carter-Ashley?  Dummer?  Please, please, please!

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I love how the 70 and 80 year olds are out chloroforming people. First Auntie Jordan on a tall young lady and today Victor on the 70 year old Auntie. Also how do they get it so easily? Can you keep it in your medicine cabinet?  I would google the question but I watch a lot of ID and don’t want that in my search history. 

Edited by Chatty Cake
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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

I love how the 70 and 80 year olds are out chloroforming people. First Auntie Jordan on a tall young lady and today Victor on the 70 year old Auntie. Also how do they get it so easily? Can you keep it in your medicine cabinet?  I would google the question but I watch a lot of ID and don’t want that n my search history. 

I wondered the same thing! Like where is everyone getting the chloroform? Does the local Walmart have a sale on it? Or maybe Rexx Rugs is expanding its inventory?’

’Buy a rug and get a bottle of chloroform for free! Makes it easier to dispose of the body if you wrap it in a rug first. Just ask Phyllis Summers. She’s our best customer! Phyllis, why don’t you tell our customers about the time you and Kevin wrapped Dr. Tim in a rug and threw it in a dumpster?’

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How screwed up is Auntie Jordan to belittle Harrison’s life of affluence to try to get him to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?  Does Auntie Jordan know if Harrison is allergic to peanuts like his “mommy” Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️.  I have to give Harrison kudos for being able to stare down Auntie Jordan; but I’m wondering was Harrison able to do so in one take. For me it would be hard not to laugh in Auntie Jordan’s face.  Clearly Claire/Eve’s cellphone it turned on because you heard the ding for the voice mail and nobody can ping Claire/Eve’s cellphone to get its location?  Are they kidding me?  Even that fantastic hacker, BlueFang🕷️, cannot track the cellphone. 


So now Sybil is a southern floozie. No disrespect to southerners because I’m moving to Alabama in July.  


Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ you are a blithering ❄️. Doing things by the book is not the be all cure all for getting off from a technicality.  Things were done by the book and dear old mommy got off an a technicality didn’t she Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️?  


If Claire/Eve doesn’t know where Harrison is does that mean she’s definitely not involved?  In addition the question now becomes where is Claire/Eve?  


Could someone please tell me why Kyle had to kick the door in when Harrison could have just unlocked it?  Is that the same as Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ just locking herself inside a car and the GC fire department had to use the jaws of life to rescue her?  


Breathless Mahoney comes from the way Chelsea delivers her lines.  If Chelsea speaks any more than a few words, she seems to be out of breath.  

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33 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Glad the Connor story has ended.  I was uncomfortable with it, even tho it's just a soap.

OK--is Danny the new Bouffant--it surely looked like it to me.

Did I miss something -- or are you referring to Harrison?

Drats, you got my hopes up for a sec that storyline was ending, along with Ashley & her 10,000 personalities.

I'm waiting for Danny's hair to really blow up like something out of Hairspray -- or an old Supremes wig.  I remember reading some interview with Damian that he'd share hair & makeup tips with Jeanne Cooper (not kidding), so maybe she's an inspiration?

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2 hours ago, crows works said:

I'm hoping Hairy-less-son wolfed down that Hopefully peanut butter sandwich and is kissed by Blub-blub step-mom and she flops over dead.

Is Grandpa Victor's favorite grandchild allergic to peanuts?

4 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

Kyle saw the car Jordan was driving and went out looking for it and found it.

But how did he know which room they were in?

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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

wasn't Summer at one point deathly allergic to peanuts?  Whatever happened to that?  Did she outgrow it or was it just never mentioned again?

Ooooh, I forgot about that - so crows works suggestion could actually work, although I suspect that the writer(s) forgot about the "Summer's life is in constant danger because allergic to peanuts" storyline as soon as they wrote it - - a former work colleague of mine had a daughter who was allergic to peanuts, and the school she went to knew it.  One day, a classmate of her daughter's brought in some chocolate cookies her aunt had baked which contained what the teacher and everyone assumed were walnuts, but they were peanuts; I have never seen anyone as terrified as my colleague when she got the call at work that her 9-year-old daughter had been rushed to the hospital in anaphylactic shock.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


. . . which is an acronym for ?????

57 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Does Auntie Jordan know if Harrison is allergic to peanuts like his “mommy” Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

An allergy to peanuts would have to be something someone can catch for Harrison to be allergic to peanuts just like his emotionally unbalanced step"mommy"

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11 hours ago, realitytvfan1017 said:

I hope they show us where Claire is soon.

Me too

11 hours ago, realitytvfan1017 said:

Will she have to be rescued too?

I'm guessing she will, but I wouldn't put it past the simpering Summer to try to make everyone give up trying to find Claire by claiming that she must have run away when she saw the shit-hit-the-fan for Jordan.

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11 minutes ago, Js Nana said:
3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


. . . which is an acronym for ?????

As Far As I'm Concerned = AFAIC

Now, on to OH.MY.GOD Land.

"I saw it in the window and I just had to have it" Ashley's southern belle imitation was acutely embarrassing to watch.

carol burnett GIF

That was legitmately hard for me to watch.  When she remembers it all, she'll need to pay the bartender and piano player a hundred thousand each and they can leave town and recover.  Maybe they can catch a ride with Larry the Cable Guy.

Daniel can hitch a ride with them, too.  I can't stand to watch or listen to that guy anymore.  Show's done a bang up job of ruining that character for me and I kinda hate it.  I always liked Daniel and especially loved how he saw Phyllis for the nutjob she is and was willing to call her out on it.  But now he's just another bum asshole and the town has enough permanent residents just like him, don't need another one.

I know it won't happen but I wish that when Kyle brings Harrison home and Dummer rushes to hug him, the little guy says he wants his "real" mommy.  She needs a good, hard slap after all her nonsense.

I'm not going to assume that Victor used choloform to knock Jordan out.  I'm thinking he probably cut a square out of his shorts and overwhelmed her with the stench.  No prescription needed.


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WTF did I just watch?  Where was Scarlett O'Abbott when Teen Ash and Sleeping Ash were chained to beds?  

Thank gods Summer's son was found!  Summer's son can shine again!  But come on, really?  It was that easy to outfox Jordan?  Unless her real leverage is that Claire is still missing.

3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

For a long time I had been saying the Winters crew needed a patriarch or matriarch because Neil's photo doesn't cut it. I was hoping they'd bring back Olivia but apparently the actress who played her has solidly refused more than once. AFAIC Mamie is not the answer. Both Lily and Devon barely tolerate her and Nate seems to humor her because it doesn't cost him anything.

Malcolm could fill that role.  The original is out of the question, but I wouldn't be opposed to a recast.  Or a recast Olivia, for that matter.

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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

If this were Bold and the Beautiful and Bradley

But that's a half-hour show, so there's just so much they can get in each episode - once upon a time, when soap operas ruled the daytime airwaves, all soaps were a half-hour long - and I can even remember when they were just 15-minutes long, had minimalist sets, and the dramatic background music was played on an organ.

4 minutes ago, boes said:

I'm not going to assume that Victor used choloform to knock Jordan out.  I'm thinking he probably cut a square out of his shorts and overwhelmed her with the stench.

Stop it, boes, stop it - it's past my bedtime and now I can't stop laughing.

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Malcolm could fill that role.  The original is out of the question, but I wouldn't be opposed to a recast.  Or a recast Olivia, for that matter.

Yep, I'd be okay with a recast Olivia. Malcolm is another story though because the last time TPTB recast him I thought it was a disaster on multiple fronts.

IMO Shemar owns the role of Malcolm. He can always make guest appearances on Y&R until CBS decides to stop playing whatever shell game they have going on with the S.W.A.T. show.


Oh please! Oh Please! Oh Please!

When I read this forum I usually start at the latest post and work backward until I get to one I've seen already. So, whew chile, to get hit right off the bat with the image of that gorgeous man was quite a delightful shock. Shemar's genes remain undefeated even now when he's in his early 50s.

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