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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Gee, Victor, maybe if you treated your kids like human beings instead of chess pieces they wouldn't be running amok and stabbing each other in the back. Just sayin'.

Dear TPTB, who gave you the idea we wanted to see Nate's shiny, hairless, puffy chest every darn week? Stop listening to those fools!

Now, Victoria? Now you want the define the relationship with Nate? The time for a DTR conversation was way back when you first started screwing him on your office furniture.

More in the closed captioning follies today: when Victor said he'd given his children too much rein, the CC read "reign." I know that's a somewhat common mistake but come on, does no one proofread the captions beforehand?

What was going on with Nick's hair? Yikes, it looked like the same unfortunate coif Noah had the last time he was seen in GC. IMO, their barber might want to seek another profession.

Hmm, I didn't know a Black Eye was the name of an expresso drink. For a second I was afraid Chance was into some S&M stuff. Not trying to kink shame but AFAIC he needs to avoid damaging his beautiful face.

Blissed out, slightly tipsy Tucker. Aw yiss, pour it directly into my veins, baby!

Sorry but Chance stepping into a sudden passionate clinch with Sharon didn't ring true to me. Since when is arresting Phyllis an aphrodisiac? He was practically giddy about it. 🤮🤮🤮

Well at least during Victor's throw down with his corporate brats, Nate was polite enough not to manspread. Unlike two of the other wannabe macho men in the room. KMN.

Somewhere Rey's corpse must've been spinning like protons in the Large Hadron Collider. Oy, his widow and his ex-partner doing the horizontal mambo. At least they waited more than a respectable amount of time after his death I guess.

So Victoria and Nate actually got rewarded for their bad behavior. Only Nick and Adam were expected by Victor to suck it up. Why is TGVN so scared of pulling Victoria over to the curb?

Lol, I can't wait until Tucker mutters something lowkey snarky to Kyle about Audra. He knows Kyle is a joke and isn't afraid to say it.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Well, butter my biscuits and call me gravy!  Or some such cornpone saying, appropriate to Chance getting his coffee exactly the way he likes it.  Sharon went from "one splenda or two" to "I hope your zipper is velcro and I'll meet you in my office".

Hell, who even knew she HAD an office?  Up until now, all we saw behind the green door were coffee filters and Sharon's home botox machine.

I sorta loved Chance trying to unbutton his shirt and then giving up and ripping Sharon's open.

From now on, neither will ever be able to smell espresso and not remember that moment.  I hope they used the right filter.

Victor calling a family meeting, at this point in his life and in theirs, considering everyone's ages, looked more like a meeting to explore their AARP discounts and benefits and not a corporate scolding.

WHO, at that age (other than Prince Charles and we've all seen how that worked out) takes their orders from their parents?  Victor thinks he's been too "lenient" with them??  If any of this children weren't so emotionally stunted, they'd have locked him in the attic years ago.  Give him a box of tin soldiers and let him boss them around.

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

What was going on with Nick's hair? Yikes, it looked like the same unfortunate coif Noah had the last time he was seen in GC. IMO, their barber might want to seek another profession.

I assumed Nick's haircut was really just utilitarian.  It must be less painful for him with it smooth on the sides, considering how many times a day he sticks his head up his ass.

One more thing, Nick.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with a dad bod, but you're starting to move into the Uncle Joe from the Shady Rest bod and that's not good.  It's one short step from not tucking in to suspenders and pants that come up under your armpits.

Tucker sparkles with everyone but he and Audra are extra terrific together.  She's able to let her inner reptile out with more ease and he can honestly riff with her far more than he can with crazy eyes Ashley.

I'd be a lot more sympathetic to Adam losing his company if he hadn't named it Adustus.  I had a cousin whose father tried to name him Marcellus Augustus.  Lucky for the kid, the priest refused and instead baptized him John.  Names matter, Adam.

Naked or clothed, talking or silent, awake or asleep, Nate and Victoria are so deadly dull they should come with a warning label.

Edited by boes
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9 minutes ago, boes said:

Tucker sparkles with everyone but he and Audra are extra terrific together.  She's able to let her inner reptile out with more ease and he can honestly riff with her far more than he can with crazy eyes Ashley.

Yes to your ENTIRE post, but this made me actually snort my ice tea.

Nick's hair looks like a lawn mowing machine buzzed thru both sides of his head but ran out of gas before  reaching the top.

Tipsy Tucker is even better than a sober Tucker.  The guy is just incredible.

Serious question {showing my age here}?  Why do so many younger guys laser off their chest hair?

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I alway have to laugh when there are errors made by the set directors. Chance comes in and Sharon is closing up. Chance needs an espresso but the espresso machine is turned off.  I’d Sharon is closing up then why are there two full pots of coffee keeping warm.  Waste not want not even thought coffee is actually cheap to make. Like fountain soda, coffee brings in a very high profit margin.  Beside, if the expression machine was off, it would take a while for the water to heat up again. 

Beside looking more and more like someone took a shit on Banana Breath’s head, he once again shows his god complex by thinking he has to protect not only Sally but Sharon also. 

When Smugly Smug Smug and Cruella are together it’s like watching paint dry. 🤢🤮

Yes Victor, Cruella is allowing Smugly Smug Smug to cum in the “back door”, front door, or any other door he wants to cum in 😉.  

I still don’t understand why Victor is against Adam going after NM but it’s perfectly ok for Cruella to destroy Adustus International aka McCall.  Victor makes Adam the fall guy and Cruella remains unscathed.  I so fucking sick and tired of the most evil unprincipled pieces of shit, like Cruella and Taz🌪️, keep winning while Adam is not allowed to even have a small victory.  I’m now in the camp that Victor doesn’t love Adam. It’s quite the opposite. Cruella just has to gloat over Adam’s demise and that’s all you need to know about her fucked view on life. 

Did Sharon lock the back door?  At least Chance and Sharon had the where with all to moved to her office.  A shirtless Chance out trumps Banana Breath, Adam, Kyle, Devon, and especially Smugly Smug Smug.  Sharon is proof that white bras do exist in GC.  For a split second, I thought we would have the first nip slip on daytime TV. Too bad!  Sharon and Chance 🚀 but that is do to Chance “driving” the scene. 

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9 minutes ago, boes said:

I think it's just the fashion.  Not my thing but then I'm of a very different generation.

I wish there was a way to laser some hair ON my head.

I worked with  a gym teacher who so "macho" he wore gym shorts ALL THE FREAKING TIME-- EVEN IN 04 degree weather. He laasered all his calf hair.

Yeah, the women I worked with were NOT impressed.

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Ponders why my mother so often causes me to miss 15 minutes of show. Wonders if it’s a misguided attempt to save me from crapola.

Nate: If you want to imagine our future, picture a side part stamped on your booty forever. I mean that. Sincerely.

Victoria: I can tell.


Nikki: You’ve shown admirable and remarkable restraint in letting your spawn chart their own course. Ha ha. Listen to me. I may have a future in comedy.

Victor: Things aren’t going as smoothly as I’d hoped, k?

Nikki: Nick was so invigorated when we let him pretend to be a real businessman. And Victoria, well, she’s really flourished under your ruthless tutelage.

Victor: She got rid of Nicholas so she could sneak Nate in the back door.

Nikki: That’s really none of our business. Sips iced tea.


Adam: Dickface.

Nick: Buttmunch.

Adam: Sharing a father doesn’t make us friends, bro.

Nick: That old mummy is still trying to get me to work with you. I got all kinds of free time thanks to this AWESOME leave of absence.

Adam: Victoria’s boy toy took your job. Inject that pure, uncut bullshit into my veins.

Nick: How’d you find out? Dude, can you read minds?

Adam: Yes, and yours is a piece of used toilet paper with the word “poop” misspelled in crayon on it. I can’t believe that jerk still hasn’t let his stupid plan go. My company doesn’t need a chief of jock itch.

Nick: Oh really? You don’t need an alpha to stand around grabbing his own junk in an act of dominance? Bitch, please. I’d be a much better babysitter than Sally or Sharon.

Adam: You’re such a primitive. I made them both business proposals.

Nick: Me Nick. Me almost help bro. Me hate big words. Me say no.

Adam: Enjoy your exile. The first time is always the sweetest. I like being on the outs myself. Fewer snakes around.

Nick: Except the one in my pants.

Both phones simultaneously strike an ominous chord. It’s a text from the Newman crypt. Victor has summoned his children.


Nate: Your father summoned me. I hope he doesn’t want more blood.

Victoria: I’ll just call Mr. Pissy Pants up and see what’s going on. Ring! Ring! Hey, Dad, are you guys alright?

Victor: We’re fine, k? Why are we talking on the phone when you have been told to come here? When I text, nations tremble, yougotthat? I once dropped a message in a bottle into the sea and Atlantis sank beneath the waves, never to be seen again!



Chance: Kirsten left you a company? What does it make? Zip ties? Roofies?

Sharon: I was creeped out at first, too. Then I realized I’d been given an actual, no-shit story. Mind. Blown.

Chance? Are you going to sell it? Maybe donate the money to charity? There’s a Buy Summer a Brain fundraiser happening right now.

Sharon: The company was left a total mess, so I doubt selling it could raise that kind of cash. However, the businesses are basically sound and could turn a profit.

Chance: Does this mean you’ll be able to leave Crimson Lights?

Sharon: Anything is possible. I offered Adam the option to merge our two companies. Mine produces software his depends on, so it makes sense.

Chance: I love merging. In fact, I’ll share a little secret with you. Business talk makes my balls vibrate.

Sharon: That sounds like police code for “lock the door.”


Nate texts Audra that he’s been summoned to the Newman crypt and requests she call the proper authorities if he doesn’t return to work.

Audra: Your happiness is a little over the top.

Tucker: Audra, Audra, Audra. Let me buy you an expensive drink so that we might celebrate.

Audra: What are we celebrating?

Tucker: Many things. All the things. The world has become my oyster. Or whatever mollusk floats your boat. Mollusk. LOL! Fantastic word. You can’t help but clip the k at the end. Try it. Mollusk.

Audra: I’m good.

Tucker: Not as good as me. Mollusk mollusk mollusk mollusk. Mollusk.


Nick: I bought a bag of Smart Pop on the way here Just in case.

Nikki: How ironic.

Victor: Do not open that popcorn until the others arrive, k? You will share with your brother.

Nick: makes subtle jerking off motion with his hand. I thought something happened to you guys. Like maybe a rogue dugong attack.

Victoria: Shut up about the dugongs, Nick. Honest to god.

Nick: Do gong or don’t gong, that is the question.

Adam makes a sullen entrance, shooting looks of contempt and pity at his siblings.

Adam: If this is about Adustus Inc.-

Nick: Adustus? What the fuck? Is that a big, fancy, million dollar word? I’m starting to steam like a hot dog…

Adam: You don’t like it?

Nick: It sounds like something your peen gets after receiving a handjob from a leper.

Nikki: What does it mean?

Victor: It means my youngest son is an overgrown emo infant who would name his new company something unpalatable in order to tell the world his father is a tyrant. It’s logo will be a pacifier, k?

Adam: It means scorched. As in scorched earth. Damn, I sound like a tool.

Victor: It has come to my attention that giving you children a minuscule amount of freedom to live your own lives has gone straight to your heads. You have abused the few inches of leash I generously provided you with.

Adam: We’re not dogs. If we were, I’d be a sleek Greyhound, Nick would be the world’s dumbest cocker spaniel and Victoria is clearly a feral coyote.

Victoria: No lies detected.

Victor: Silence, mortal! I am an entity beyond time and I will not tolerate impudence! Let the airing of the grievances begin!


Chance takes off his shirt, enveloping NinjaPenguins in a cloud of bliss.


Tucker: See, it’s all about karma, baby. Letting the past go. Adam can swim in the shit lagoon that is McCall. I’m on to bigger and better things. 

Audra: Uh-huh. So what’s in your oyster?

Tucker: My mollusk? Well, everything I could possibly want. It’s so close I can taste it. Six weeks ago, I didn’t think any of this would be possible.

Audra: More generalities. Are you making shit up?

Tucker: Nope. It matters not one jot or tittle whether you believe me. Should that be two tittles? I think titties is derived from tittle. You know what word I don’t like? Nipple. Ugh.

Audra: Your good mood appears to be whisky related.

Tucker: No. Maybe. Okay, I’m a touch giddy.

Audra: Maybe you’re evolving. The old Tucker would just act squirrelly when I accused him of lying. Of course, you were usually lying.

A text message suddenly appears on Audra’s phone. A risqué picture of a pubic pompadour sits awkwardly between her and Tucker.

Tucker: Oh good god.


Victor: I take a hands off approach to Newman Enterprises and what is the result? You, Victoria, kick out your brother to install your lover in his place. To be fair, I can see the promise in Nate Hastings. That part on the side of his head would give Pythagoras an erection with its geometric perfection. Of course, a straight line would give that man a boner. He once shared with me a theorem about fucking that would make the randiest sailor blush.

Nick: Whoa. I wish my math classes had taught me useful shit like that.

Victor: I digress. Nate, I do not trust you. Not after the way you betrayed your family. You have the viscosity of a Jiffy Lube floor, k?

Nick: Tee hee.

Victor: Shut your mouth, k? And your legs. Are you and your brother having a manspreading contest?

Nick: Adam’s only winning because I wore my too tight jeans today.

Victor: Your ungrateful sister rejected McCall for undoubtedly foolish reasons. I gave Adam her sloppy seconds and what does he do? Slaps a repellent name on it and weaponizes it against Newman Media! And Nicholas defies my orders to help him.

Nick makes the talking too much hand gesture just out of Victor’s line of sight.

Victor: I’m calling the shots now, yougotthat? You will follow my instructions to the letter. Nate, you will continue on as COO of Newman and are hereby ordered to continue providing physical pleasure to the CEO. Nicholas, you will work with Adam at his company. Once Adustus becomes stronger, it will be folded into Newman Media as it was foretold by the spirits I have trapped in an old amulet.

Adam: The fuck? We had an agreement!

Victor: I don’t give a damn about past agreements! You make a deal with Ol’ Scratch, sometimes you get burned, k? If you don’t like it, there’s the door! Now, will you all obey me?

Nick: Sure.

Adam rises to his feet, dumps Nick’s bag of popcorn over his brother’s head and silently departs.

Nick: He could change his mind. Adam is one fickle pickle.

Victor: If he remains disobedient, I will conclude our relationship in bitterness and acrimony. This parenting approach has never failed me or my children. Youhaveanicedaynow.


Audra: As you can see, things are looking up for me as well.

Tucker: Kyle Abbott? That’s your idea of good living? Audra, Audra, Audra. He’s a fuckboi.

Audra: Oh yes. I’m aware.

Tucker: He’s a trust fund dipstick who should thank his lucky stars for nepotism. Ride the pompadour pony if that flips your switch, but don’t look for substance under that pretty surface.

Audra: I happen to think there’s more to him than meets the eye.

Tucker: Nah. There’s less.

Audra: I believe in him enough to make him my right hand man at Newman Media. He can’t be dumber than Nick, and that guy was COO of the whole shitshow.

Tucker: Mollusk.

Audra receives another text from Kyle that simply says SEXYTIMES!!!ELEVENTY!!!   Eggplant emoji.


Chance: This was a surprise. I just came in for a latte and muffin.

Sharon: I was not expecting office couch sex. Apparently it’s the hottest trend in Genoa City.

Chance: Any regrets?

Sharon: Yes. That I didn’t hit it sooner.

Chance: Is someone knocking out there?

Sharon: Ugh. Two missed calls from Adam. I better go see what he wants. Drape this blanket over you in the most tantalizing way possible.

Sharon unlocks the door for Adam.

Adam: Are you baking sex muffins in here? Cause it smells like nutmeg and fu-

Sharon: What’s wrong, Adam?

Adam: My new company bit the dustus thanks to my father. Even though we can’t merge our two concerns, I’m now available to run your business. You’re welcome.


Nate: You seem strangely pleased.

Victoria: I’m the captain of the gloat boat, my friend. McCall is mine, and I didn’t have to lift a finger. Mwah ha ha.

Nate: Unearned success is the best kind.

Edited by NinjaPenguins
So much blank space at the bottom
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21 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Adam: We’re not dogs. If we were, I’d be a sleek Greyhound, Nick would be the world’s dumbest cocker spaniel and Victoria is clearly a feral coyote.

Victoria: No lies detected.

Victor: Silence, mortal! I am an entity beyond time and I will not tolerate impudence! Let the airing of the grievances begin!


Chance takes off his shirt, enveloping NinjaPenguins in a cloud of bliss.


NinjaPenguins, all of it, a wonder and a joy and another attempt of yours to KILL ME ****DEAD**** Everything in your post was golden but for some reason, the dog descriptors did me in.

And I expire gratefully.

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So, did the MWTs actually play a soundtrack during the Chanron/Shance fucky times that said, "One, two, three...I want you in meeeee." Did I imagine that or did that aural fuckery actually happen?!? Also, why does Show always put Sharon in white undies, like a naughty schoolgirl? It's creepy AF.

Uhhh, Nick, dude looks like a baboons ass was attached to his head. He looks absolutely ridiculous. 💯 douche vibes.


Edited by surfgirl
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I must be doing something wrong. My son would never put up with me domineering him the way Victor does with his kids. Alex (my son) would have such a total meltdown if I tried to pull that shit on him.

My husband mentioned that they are like the Succession family. I guess so, but as someone else mentioned, do other families besides the royal family act this way?  Maybe the Kennedy's did? Trumps, Bidens? I don't know. I don't run in those  circles. (I definitely do not mean this as a political question)

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11 minutes ago, MsMalin said:

My husband mentioned that they are like the Succession family. I guess so, but as someone else mentioned, do other families besides the royal family act this way?  Maybe the Kennedy's did? Trumps, Bidens? I don't know. I don't run in those  circles. (I definitely do not mean this as a political question)

I was starting to feel that vibe as well. I think it's a deliberate writing choice. I can even see the Newmans starting to resemble the Succession characters in a lot of ways.

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12 hours ago, boes said:

NinjaPenguins, all of it, a wonder and a joy and another attempt of yours to KILL ME ****DEAD**** Everything in your post was golden but for some reason, the dog descriptors did me in.

And I expire gratefully.

Some days when the show is a bigger pile of crap than usual, I turn it off early and just read NinjaPenguins recap. Yesterday was one of those days. At least I get a good laugh when that happens. 

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15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

More in the closed captioning follies today: when Victor said he'd given his children too much rein, the CC read "reign." I know that's a somewhat common mistake but come on, does no one proofread the captions beforehand?

Yeah, I've noticed more CC goofs recently, not just on Y&R but on B&B, too, a lot with the name "Hope" which now sometimes isn't capitalized if it's within a sentence. I don't know much about generating the captions-- is there an actual person who transcribes it? If so, is this a job that has now been given by an AI/Bot?

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I don't know much about generating the captions-- is there an actual person who transcribes it? If so, is this a job that has now been given by an AI/Bot?

At one time I think the captioning service was using the actual script because you could tell when an actor was ad-libbing their dialogue. I believe a lot of that work was outsourced to places like India where people speak English but perhaps they're not fully versed on American English.

Lately I've been wondering if it is AI, or at least some kind of voice-to-text software. Seems to me AI would've been trained on basic grammar though, as well as stuff like homonyms where it would need to use the right written word in the given context.

Maybe TPTB assume not a lot of people actually read the closed captioning but I always do.

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38 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Lately I've been wondering if it is AI, or at least some kind of voice-to-text software. Seems to me AI would've been trained on basic grammar though, as well as stuff like homonyms where it would need to use the right written word in the given context.

Maybe TPTB assume not a lot of people actually read the closed captioning but I always do.

I read them as well.  Yesterday, I can't remember exactly what word was used in closed captioning, but it was when Tucker was ordering wine.  He said he wanted a bottle of their best barolo, but the word barolo stumped the closed captioning entity.  It seemed to search and find something that sounded similar.

It reminds me a little of the old Stepford Wives book and movie, where the robotic replacements of the women were taught basic grammer but all the "big words" were left out.  I guess the men even felt threatened by that.  

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Audra and Noah?  In what world, except for the world according to Y&R, that Audra and Noah would be a couple?  The monkeys with a keyboard must have changed the original concept of Audra’s character into a powerful, ambitious, agenda driven woman. The fan mail must have been overwhelming for the monkeys with a keyboard to move Audra up in status. For one, I’m very much in favor of how Audra is portrayed. Unlike Cruella, who is an entitled excuse for an CEO who was handed NM, Audra is driven, by guile, cunning, and hard work to achieve her place in the corporate world of GC. 

Taz🌪️ is spending the night in a GC jail cell. That an image I would have loved to see. By all indications, Taz🌪️, if she really wanted to, could gnaw through the iron bars and release herself from the confines of a jail cell.  Heather Heather Heather, I know you are acting like Taz🌪️ lawyer but dropping the charges?  Really?  The monkeys with a keyboard are going to end this storyline in days when they can drag out this 🐂💩 for a few more weeks?  

Audra is sexy and Kyle, well Kyle is not at all sexy. Kyle should stick with Summer❄️x7 because that is his speed.  Audra has Kyle rapped around her little finger. Audra plays hardball while Kyle plays T-Ball.  Now if Audra and Chance hook up 🔥🔥🔥.  

I’m so glad that Christine is not buying what Heather is selling. The question remains, if Taz🌪️ killed Stark in self defense, why did Stark’s body need to be hidden. When push comes to shove, Taz🌪️ is guilty of obstruction and desecrating a dead body.  The second big question is what Daniel is trying to figure out is why did Carson come forward, out of the blue, to help exonerate Taz🌪️ knowing he would be facing charges?  If Christine was any kind of a good DA, she would ask Carson why he wants to help Taz🌪️ and was he being paid to testify in Taz🌪️’s behalf.  Now if and when there is a trial, Christine would have to put Daniel and Summer on the stand. I’m pretty sure Summer❄️x7 would lie, under oath, but I’m not so sure Daniel will. 

I don’t remember Audra asking Cruella or even Smugly Smug Smug if she could hire Kyle. 

What Smugly Smug Smug was telling Audra about Victor must have been completely off camera unless I fell asleep during that part. Was Smugly Smug Smug lying to Audra?  The was it was left was that Cruella was still in charge and Adam walked out which Cruella was floating about. When did Victor sign off on Adam merging with Sharon’s company. The last thing was Adam telling Sharon he left Adustus and wanted to run Sharon’s company.  

Yes Summer❄️x7 Kyle does smell like perfume but you should have also noted he smelled like sex.  Summer❄️x7 is astute enough to recognize that Kyle smells like is the same perfume Audra is wearing.  In a head to head battle, I would put my money on Summer❄️x7 because when it comes to being vindictive, Summer❄️x7 has learned from the best. 


As an aside, Allison Lanier plays Summer Abbott on Y&R and Chloe Lanier plays Nelle Benson on General Hospital. They don’t seem to be related but they do look like they could be sisters. 


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If only Hunter King made a special guest appearance as Summer today. It would have been glorious to see her make that "something smells" face when she detected the perfume on Kyle, and then realized whose stank it was when she saw Audra. So what do you think Audra wears...Jezebel by Jabot or Ashley's Ass?

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The endless day continues. Sigh.

Poor stupid Summer. She actually thought Phyllis being arrested would fix everything with Kyle so she teleported herself right over to the Abbott manse to tell him. You silly girl. Kyle couldn't care less about your jailbird mommy.

Christine and Heather are friends and former in-laws. However, is it normal for a DA to discuss an active case with the defense attorney over wine and dinner? Seems to me such meetings would mainly be to the defense attorney's advantage.

I liked the song playing when Audra and Kyle started going at it in her hotel suite. The singer was doing a great imitation of soulful songstress, H.E.R.

Heather realizes on some level that EMT Carson is lying, right? At least Daniel is questioning the story but push come to shove I bet he won't rat out his mommy.

Diane said Jack was in New York on a business trip. What? He just had a meeting with Diane and Billy at his office. Does the Jabot jet have warp drive technology like on Star Trek? FFS, JG, the audience knows it's still the same day. You're causing these loose plot line strings yourself.

Christine, stop discussing your questions about Phyllis' crimes with Heather! It's not her job to help you prosecute her client. Heather has to put doubts in your mind and undermine your case.

Lol, Audra is the queen of messiness. But Nate didn't seem fazed at all to see new NM COO Kyle sliding out of her suite. Game recognize game.

A mention of Lola! I amost wish she'd show up to bust Kyle but I'm sure Y&R is way, way, way in Sasha Calle's rear view.

Kyle didn't take a shower before he left Audra's room and Summer caught a whiff. HA HA HA HA HA! You nasty, Bouffant Boy, but kudos on accidentally giving Summer a clue. 🥳🥳🥳

How much do I not feel sorry for Summer's amazing sense of smell? THIS MUCH!!!! The karma bus ran over her, backed up, and ran over her again, and Audra was in the front seat. Whee!

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

How much do I not feel sorry for Summer's amazing sense of smell? THIS MUCH!!!! The karma bus ran over her, backed up, and ran over her again, and Audra was in the front seat. Whee!

I watched the last 15 min.s of the show. And in the final scene it looked like Dummer was sleep walking, walked up to the bar, and then woke up and didn't know where she was. I was left wondering what the actress was trying to convey. So was what she was doing - smelling? You know what they say, the more you smell, the more it stinks.

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It’s official, I have a new pet peeve. Nick did it awhile back to Sally and today Nate did it. Walked up to Audra’s hotel room, was greeted and walked in and looked at the bed. WTAF? That is a bedroom and showing up at the door is an invasion of privacy. Especially in Nates case. He could have texted her to meet for a drink downstairs. 

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Funniest scene in the show: Victor crying in his beer about how his family is falling apart and his scheme to fix it.

Was Tucker as drunk as he appeared to be in that scene with Audra, or was it just a ploy on his part to get her to let her guard down and provide him with more intel than she realized - wondering how he's going to use the Kyle/Audra bombshell to his advantage.

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14 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

However, is it normal for a DA to discuss an active case with the defense attorney over wine and dinner?

Nope. Usually pretrial plea bargains are in judges' chambers with only prosecution and defense attorneys present.  But I've seen it happen on Law and Order, so it must be ethical. 🙃  I did get a kick out of Heather saying the charge should be dropped and Christine fired back with "What about all the other charges?"  Heather must be from the Domino School of Law where if one charge is dismissed all others also fall down.


12 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

walked in and looked at the bed.

I keep wondering why people (like Sally and Audra,) who are treating the GCAC as a residential hotel, don't ask for a suite with a separate bedroom.  They all refer to their rooms as suites (another ex:  Executive Suite) but it's just a room.  [And the same one for everyone!] When I get a suite at a hotel, I don't want to entertain with my guests staring at and possibly smelling my unmade bed.

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43 minutes ago, MollyB said:

I keep wondering why people (like Sally and Audra,) who are treating the GCAC as a residential hotel, don't ask for a suite with a separate bedroom.  They all refer to their rooms as suites (another ex:  Executive Suite) but it's just a room.  [And the same one for everyone!] When I get a suite at a hotel, I don't want to entertain with my guests staring at and possibly smelling my unmade bed.

That would be so much better to have a little sitting room at the entrance  since everyone in town would rather stay in a hotel than get an apartment or house. Because heaven forbid these people rent an actual,apartment.


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15 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

I watched the last 15 min.s of the show. And in the final scene it looked like Dummer was sleep walking, walked up to the bar, and then woke up and didn't know where she was. I was left wondering what the actress was trying to convey. So was what she was doing - smelling? You know what they say, the more you smell, the more it stinks.

I do believe that is exactly what she was trying to convey but the actress is so poor that it came across as utter befuddlement. How bad does the show runner have to be for us to all be laughing at Dummer fir being kicked ti the curb and cheated on? Kid Pomp has outdone himself in the smarmy department this time. I never thought I could hate him more than when he dumped Lola but here we are. 

Meanwhile, back at the Cousin Condo we have Lily and Daniel making moon eyes at each other. I wonder how long it will be before he moves in.

Speaking of Daniel, Heather is supposed to be is ex, yes? They don't look like they would ever be a couple, that's really weird casting right there.

that's all folks GIF by Space Jam

Edited by surfgirl
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8 minutes ago, Gam2 said:


The only thing more laughable than Sharon being a “psychologist” is Sharon being a business mogul.


I would also add Sharon being hottie 30-something Chance’s choice for a hook-up! 
I was admiring her fitness but still… wasn’t she already popping out her children when he was born? And that guy should have women all over GC slipping him their number!



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1 minute ago, mjt626 said:

Let me get this right... a woman who has been on the run for faking her own death and killing a man, is granted bail two seconds after she turns herself in?

Literally, on what planet would this happen? 

Planet Cheese Ball, the gaseous asteroid where Genoa City apparently resides.


Phyllis's real disguise.

2 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Speaking of Daniel, Heather is supposed to be is ex, yes? They don't look like they would ever be a couple, that's really weird casting right there.

What?  You didn't find her blindingly white outfit with the steel shoulder pads enticing?

She looked one of the Winkies from the Wizard of Oz on a night out.

I also remembered exactly why we used to make fun of this Heather back in the day.  She has all the fun and sex appeal of ANY of the actors who portrayed Mac, Katherine's utterly humorless granddaughter.

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Usually pretrial plea bargains are in judges' chambers with only prosecution and defense attorneys present.  

Well there's the problem. This cheap show is probably trying to avoid hiring a day player to portray a judge, and build a short term set for his chambers. Unless the trial is going to be in Neil's jazz lounge, there likely won't be one. So Christine and Heather's conversation was the substitute for courtroom scenes. Meh.


I would also add Sharon being hottie 30-something Chance’s choice for a hook-up!


And that guy should have women all over GC slipping him their number!

Right? I know Chance is supposed to be in his mid-30s but the actor hasn't reached 30 yet and IMO looks it, even with the facial hair. Add in how freaking fine he is and the Sharon & Chance math ain't mathing for me.

Yep, Chance should be fighting women off everywhere he goes. Grocery store? Women coming at him. Gas station? Women coming at him. The library? Women coming at him. The car wash? Women coming at him. At best I think Sharon should've been a mercy fcuk for Chance, not the start of some hot fling. Yuck. (And what's up with Sharon's all-white outfits two days in a row?)

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29 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

(And what's up with Sharon's all-white outfits two days in a row?)

To make her look fresh and virginal for her new romance with Chance?

30 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Unless the trial is going to be in Neil's jazz lounge

I wouldn't put it past JG to have the trial conducted at a corner table, with the rest of the room filled with customers.

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Aw, Summer, begging Kyle to save your marriage when you know he's been boinking Audra? Have some pride, hon.

They took jailbird Phyllis' passport. Oh noes! Guess she'll have to skip that around-the-world, yay no prison tour she had planned. 🙄

I'm not sure being able to justify everything she's done means Phyllis was right to do them. Doesn't everyone who commits wrong believe they were justified, at least in the heat of the moment? 🤔

Sharon willingly going up against Victor in business is odd to me. This thing with merging KI and AI/MU seems like a pure plot-driven development IMO. JG is having to write a lot of almost OOC dialogue to make it work.

No, Tucker cannot be even the tiniest bit jealous of Audra's relationship with Kyle. It will not stand!

Kyle. You've been around enough blocks to know better than to admit you screwed someone behind your wife's back. You pretty much leaned into that slap from Summer.

Pshht, Sharon giggling like a school girl and batting her eyes for Chance. Act your age, Grandma Cradle Robber. AFAIC he is so out of your league you might as well live on Neptune.

I think someone needs to explain to Summer and Daniel the difference between "innocent" and "not guilty." Because their psycho mommy is many things but innocent is and will never be one of them.

Chance lowkey ragging on Adam was unexpected. Why should he care what Adam does? And why has he appointed himself Sharon's cheerleader and advisor? Hmm.

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Smugly Smug Smug is “injecting” even more smugness into Cruella. Cruella would give up her first born if it meant knocking down Adam more than a few pegs. Victor told Cruella that he would be running NE from now on and that look on Cruella’s  face seemed to say yeah sure. 

So Taz🌪️ made bail. Am I surprised?  Not in the least. Diane couldn’t make bail, at first, because she was a flight risk but Taz🌪️ is not 🤔.  They took her passport away but doesn’t she have a fake passport that Stark had created for her. 

Taz🌪️ walks into Society to say here I am bitches CAW CAW.  Is it because Taz🌪️ was on hiatus for a while and sort of put her in the back of my mind that she has become more ridiculous since her return?  Taz🌪️’s manic animated behavior has become even more 🤢🤮

Adam is a spoiled brat?  Has Cruella looked in her dark soul lately?  Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most spoiled of them all?  The mirror cracks under the pressure to answer to say it’s you Cruella. 

It’s not all that hard to believe that Y&R and B&B share more than the network they are on. So many parallel stories that make both soaps interchangeable even with one being in LA and the other in GC. What’s going on with Summer❄️x7 and Kyle is exactly the same as Liam and Hope. Two woman who make good arguments and two bull headed gutless men who hold themselves harmless in their relationships.  By the way Summer❄️x6 has lost a ❄️ for slapping Kyle in the face. I would have given her another ❄️ off if she kicked Kyle in the balls. 

I may be saying something that very unpopular but even though I like him very much, I can’t help but seeing Tucker as the serpent in the garden of Chancellor Park.  Or even John Milton (The Devil) in “The Devil’s Advocate”.  Tucker has that very enticing smile that can lead you down the path to your destruction. In the movie, Milton has to let people have “Free Will” and adds “Free Will, ain’t it a bitch”.  Tucker does what ever he can to make people believe that they have free will. 

More 🐂💩. As DA, Christine is obligated to bring charges because of laws that were broken. Yes, laws were broken, but it’s not for Christine to exonerate Taz🌪️, it’s a jury of her peers to find her not guilty.  I’m not holding my breath though, that there will be a trial because actual trials are few, in GC, no matter how many laws are broken.  Actual trials are not in the budget anymore. 

Have you forgotten Chance that Adam had it in him to save your life?  You couldn’t have been playing hide the Salami, with Sharon, if it wasn’t for Adam.  To reiterate, Adam has saved more lives than Banana Breath, Nostrils, and Chance put together.  


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