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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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10 hours ago, Js Nana said:

This coming May 8th will be the 11th anniversary of Jeanne "Katherine Chancellor" Cooper's passing. 

I met her at a fan "Meet & Greet" at the 1984 New Orleans World Fair. She was lively and lovely, and unlike the current cast, was immaculately coifed, groomed, and in gorgeous garb.  A great memory, that has remained intact for 40 years now!

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Okay, after today's episode I think @Js Nanais right, JG is using AI to script this show. I would like to add he has most likely purchased the intellectual property of two defunct soaps: Dallas & Dark Shadows for an app to spew out content. The Emperor of Genoa City, TGVN, is currently being portrayed with an assortment of 1970's tropes. An amalgamation of JR and Barnabas Collins. A complete megalomaniac and malignant narcissistic who runs every show and like JR, is so not accountable to anyone or anything, that he can keep a dungeon with prisoners in his basement, like Barnabas Collins. After trying to accept this, the notion of Summer being Harrison's mother was attempted to be force fed to viewers by the responses of Nikki, Victor, Nick, and Phyllis to his rescue. While watching all this unfold (on what has now become my guilty secret of a show) I mused about what someone I love, or respect, would do should they ever come upon me watching this tripe? Unlike the Newmans or Abbotts, I hope my rescue and rehabilitation would be swift. BTW, does Abby know her mom has gone berserk yet? *ETA: Aren't the Newmans now doing the same thing to Harrison and the audience that Jordan did to Claire? Trying to brainwash him and us that Summer is his mother, and that the fact his biological mother, who he likely spent the first 4 years of his life with, Tara Locke is irrelevant? What is Mrs. Martinez baking into his cookies anyway?

Edited by Julyolo
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Jeez, imprisoning Jordie again, Vic?  This taking-the-law-in-your-own-hands bullshit is really nuts.  So what's he up to?  Gonna have Jordie tortured till she tells him where Claire is?  This shit is sick & it's illegal.  How is his kidnapping Jordie any different than her kidnapping Harrison?

What is going on with this show and all these awful storylines?

I thought  the cringey shit with Ashley yesterday was bad enough, but this was all kinds of blech & yuck.  Interesting how Vic & Nik lie to each other all the time.  Some marriage.  But Vic is lying to everyone about Jordie.  Why?

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1 hour ago, Julyolo said:

Trying to brainwash him and us that Summer is his mother, and that the fact his biological mother, who he likely spent the first 4 years of his life with, Tara Locke is irrelevant?

Interesting interview with Michael Mealor in the current SOD, in which he says the storyline he'd most like to see is the return of Tara, with the impact that would have on Harrison and on Summer.  He also said it's just a wish, not an upcoming reality but?........ funny that he'd be saying it if there wasn't something in the works.....maybe?

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Could someone please slap Summer silent? Her raging about Claire is based on jealousy.  There’s a new Newman and she’s younger and smarter than Fangs filthy daughter and Fang Spawn can’t stand it.  And for the 50th time. HARRISON IS NOT YOUR SON! You chose Mama Fang over your family. 
Speaking of Fang, must she always dress like a 60 year old hooker?  There’s Diane looking casual yet elegant and Phyllis has to show up looking like she’s ready to walk the streets. Fang Jr  has inherited the need to show off her shoulders I noticed. Such a tired overdone look on this show. 
Didn’t Victor lock the first Mrs Newman in the basement years ago? If he wants to torture Jordan into giving up Claire’s whereabouts, he could send Phyllis down there to talk to her about what a hot grandma she thinks she is.  After Jordan is done barfing, she will sing like a canary.


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10 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Could someone please slap Summer silent? Her raging about Claire is based on jealousy.  There’s a new Newman and she’s younger and smarter than Fangs filthy daughter and Fang Spawn can’t stand it.  And for the 50th time. HARRISON IS NOT YOUR SON! You chose Mama Fang over your family. 
Speaking of Fang, must she always dress like a 60 year old hooker?  There’s Diane looking casual yet elegant and Phyllis has to show up looking like she’s ready to walk the streets. Fang Jr  has inherited the need to show off her shoulders I noticed. Such a tired overdone look on this show. 
Didn’t Victor lock the first Mrs Newman in the basement years ago? If he wants to torture Jordan into giving up Claire’s whereabouts, he could send Phyllis down there to talk to her about what a hot grandma she thinks she is.  After Jordan is done barfing, she will sing like a canary.


All the truth!

Someone really needs to sit Phyllis down and have a meaningful chat with her about her clothes. She doesn't look like the hot grandma, she looks like someone desperately afraid to accept their age.

I'm not sure who the person would be to initiate the talk with her because Phyllis tends not to listen to things she doesn't want to hear. Plus she has people like Lauren blowing smoke up her hiney, when Lauren has her own issues with the often inappropriate way she dresses.

I think Phyllis has done a good job of keeping her body tight and I can understand why she'd want to show off the results of her efforts. But yeah, Diane proves how it's possible to highlight one's older woman slimness and still look classy. Phyllis could stand to take a note or two.

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What was Phyllis and Nick’s conversation about how Harrison had made Phyllis a grandmother all about? Didn’t she become a “hot granny“ when Lucy was born 14 or 15 years ago? How did nobody catch that?

And I know he’s only 7, so I should give him a break. But shouldn’t Harrison comments about Claire have come up when he was interviewed by the police? But as others have said, yesterday‘s Board of Directors meeting was a complete farce, so I guess I shouldn’t expect accuracy in police interviews.

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Phyllis trying to make Harrison's kidnapping all about herself. Of course.

Cole the wannabe domestic goddess, working his way back to Victoria's heart through her tummy. Hmm.

Okay, I thought it was poignant moment when Summer was reassuring Harrison she and Kyle still loved him. But geez, enough with the Emmy bait for AL.

"That Jordan broad." Oh, Victor, never change. You can't call your wife Nikki by her name but you don't seem to run out of ways to refer to Jordan.

I kinda agree with Phyllis on one thing: it is odd that Summer or Nick didn't tell her about Harrison's kidnapping or Jordan's long reign of terror against the Newmans.

So Victor made up a story about Jordan falling off a bridge to get Nikki to stop going after Jordan. He better produce a body though. Soon.

Good grief, did we need another whole scene for Phyllis and Nick to prop Summer in her absence? Hey you two! Your StuporGirl is a loon who's fixated on another woman's child.

At first I was surprised Victor also lied to Jack about Jordan dying but he probably realized that if Jack knew the truth he'd eventually tell Nikki.

Whoa, Jordan's in Victor's old cellar jail. He must've been feeling nostalgic. 🙄

From the mouths of babes. What now, Summer? Are you going to browbeat little Harrison too about how Claire is the devil's disciple?

If the call at the end of the episode was from Claire, hopefully Victoria's phone is being monitored by law enforcement and/or Victor's crack security team. Nah, that'd be too easy. This nightmare has to drag on forever. 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

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5 hours ago, Julyolo said:

Okay, after today's episode I think @Js Nanais right, JG is using AI to script this show. I would like to add he has most likely purchased the intellectual property of two defunct soaps: Dallas & Dark Shadows for an app to spew out content. The Emperor of Genoa City, TGVN, is currently being portrayed with an assortment of 1970's tropes. An amalgamation of JR and Barnabas Collins. A complete megalomaniac and malignant narcissistic who runs every show and like JR, is so not accountable to anyone or anything, that he can keep a dungeon with prisoners in his basement, like Barnabas Collins. After trying to accept this, the notion of Summer being Harrison's mother was attempted to be force fed to viewers by the responses of Nikki, Victor, Nick, and Phyllis to his rescue. While watching all this unfold (on what has now become my guilty secret of a show) I mused about what someone I love, or respect, would do should they ever come upon me watching this tripe? Unlike the Newmans or Abbotts, I hope my rescue and rehabilitation would be swift. BTW, does Abby know her mom has gone berserk yet? *ETA: Aren't the Newmans now doing the same thing to Harrison and the audience that Jordan did to Claire? Trying to brainwash him and us that Summer is his mother, and that the fact his biological mother, who he likely spent the first 4 years of his life with, Tara Locke is irrelevant? What is Mrs. Martinez baking into his cookies anyway?

Thank you for the synopsis. Now I don't have to bother watching it.

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Phyllis could stand to take a note or two.

As could Lauren

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Phew!!!  Thank God that Phyllis's grandson is safe, amIright??  Oh, and Nick's too.  Nice of the Abbott's to lend a helping hand but what's important is that this long nightmare of Dummer's child going missing, and the sorrow it's brought to the Newmans is finally over.

Who can forget all the touching scenes we've witnessed of Phyllis bonding with lil' Hausenpheffer?  Of Nick introducing the child to the art of underarm farts and Pull My Finger jokes?  And what about all those scenes of Great Granny Nikki teaching Lil' Hausenpheffer how to make the perfect martini and Great Gampire Victor buying Harrison his first corporation?  You can't make that stuff up.

Nice of the Abbotts to care but I think we all know who Lil' Hausenpheffer's REAL fambly is, don't we?

I'm hoping this means Kousin Kristian will be getting a visitor to his garage soon!

There was one unexpected bit of good news for a different resident of Genoa City.  I mean Lucy.  Because according to Phyllis and Nick, Phyllis only has ONE grandchild and that's NOT her!  Happy dance time for Lucy!

So Victor has a wine cellar.  With a ton of wine AND a jail cell.  Nobody ever asked him exactly what he uses that room for?  He's certainly upgraded it since he kept his first wife's lover there and fed him rats so many years ago.

Here's hoping they find out tomorrow that Jordan sent Claire to Disney World on an all expenses paid vacation and she's calling Victoria from the Biergarten at Epcot Center.

I call foul on Victoria eating a bowl of pasta.  I can buy a lot but no way in hell I can believe that she's ever eaten that many carbs in a week, let alone one sitting.

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Is there a difference between BlueFang🕷️’s mannerisms and Sybil’s mannerisms?  Absolutely.  Sybil’s mannerisms is the result of some type of trauma. BlueFang🕷️’s mannerisms is a result of being born that way. 

Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍 are you f….. kidding me?  Is Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ kept her head strong, I would hate to see her in a panic.  

Did you see the look on Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ face when Harrison said that Auntie Jordan hurt Claire/Eve and that we have to save her?  Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ looked like she shit her pants.  

Victor lier lier pants on fire. If Auntie Jordan is dead,  then you were the one who drove the stake through her heart. I don’t believe she’s dead, just went to meet Marco.  Check that.  Auntie Jordan is behind bars in Victor’s wine cellar.  Why would anybody doubt that Victor has a jail cell in his wine cellar?  Victor don’t pussy foot around and give Auntie Jordan a truth serum cocktail.   

MS I’m sure is a fine person but BlueFang🕷️ just turns my stomach 🤢🤢🤮.  I’ve never even thought a person can be as insufferable as her. 

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

must she always dress like a 60 year old hooker?  

That's Fangs way of advertising her side job.

43 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ looked like she shit her pants. 

Tsk, tsk, Waldo13, it's a medical condition the poor child has no control over, and you're just being mean by telling everyone know about it - aren't you ashamed?

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8 hours ago, Julyolo said:

JG is using AI to script this show

Wait until the Y&R PTB decide to use AI to create more vigorous digitally animated versions of TGVN, Drinkki, Jack etc. - why would they do that? - did anyone else notice EB's shuffling gait on today's show, well if the Y&R PTB had images of the actor from some 80s episodes downloaded into an AI program, and then used that program to digitally age his outer appearance by about 20 years, then you'd have an eternally middle-aged EB image prancing around the sets without his having to be there, and they could do the same thing with his voice, so that EB wouldn't even have to show up to record TGVNs lines - in fact, the whole show - actors, sets, scripts - could be AI generated, and I can see this as being the future of the show, with the production company seeking to gain a younger viewership.

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The blurb for today's episode said Jack would be receiving disturbing news - did he receive disturbing news and I missed it - and if he did receive disturbing news, what was the disturbing news he received? 

With all the clunkers in today's episode - as though Phyllis saying that Summer marrying Kyle made her a grandmother wouldn't cause the observant viewer to ask: "Didn't Daniel make Blue Fang a grandmother when he had Lucy with Daisy Carter?" - makes me wonder if the show wouldn't be better off going over to AI generated scripts; at least with AI, all the characters' biographical data and past storylines would be loaded into the program. 

Just now, Js Nana said:

makes me wonder if the show wouldn't be better off going over to AI generated scripts

And the writers could be retitled as script editors, so the scripts would still be touched-by-human-hands.

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6 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

Good idea for Phyllis to torture Jordan. Throw in Danny singing to her and Billy and Devon lecturing her will have Jordan confessing every bad thing she's ever done including jaywalking. 

and this:

5 hours ago, boes said:

Who can forget all the touching scenes we've witnessed of Phyllis bonding with lil' Hausenpheffer?  Of Nick introducing the child to the art of underarm farts and Pull My Finger jokes?  And what about all those scenes of Great Granny Nikki teaching Lil' Hausenpheffer how to make the perfect martini and Great Gampire Victor buying Harrison his first corporation?  You can't make that stuff up.

3 hours ago, paisley said:


7 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

If he wants to torture Jordan into giving up Claire’s whereabouts, he could send Phyllis down there to talk to her about what a hot grandma she thinks she is.  After Jordan is done barfing, she will sing like a canary.


You guys are on fire today! This episode is CLASSIC! Classic bad that is. I felt like I was watching a bad version of soap opera campiness. Oh the wailing! The hand wringing! The teeth gnashing! The bemoaning! The whinging and whining! It was a mighty specTACular miasma of diarrheal exposition and supositorial investigative PI work! I'm still wiping my nether regions over this one folks... 🧻 🧻 🧻 


Edited by surfgirl
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Dear Readers;

The Dear Buttbiscuit column, read by tens of Genoa City denizens, is permanently canceled. That’s right. I, Billy Abbott, have shitcanned my greatest artistic achievement, my masterpiece of meddling, my symphony of solicitude, my magnum opus of wisdom. (Alliteration is not my jam, ingrates)

Why? Not that you people deserve an explanation, but I love the sight of my own words, so I’ll tell you. There are a number of reasons, but, first of all, I am embarking on another corporate mission of immense importance. My mother’s company, thousands of employees, and another tantalizing opportunity to shit where I eat all hang in the balance. (Lily, call me!) If I can pry my idiot nephew off his snowflake addiction, I’ll have a solid ally in my path to the top. Jabot runs like Microsoft compared to this place, so my amoral conniving should cut through the competition like a knife through hot butter. You should eavesdrop on one of our “board meetings” sometime.

Let’s get down to the heart of the problem. I’m a beacon of raw human truth and y’all won’t take off your damn horse blinders. I get it. The dude from the Vatican said to never make prolonged eye contact with the Phyllis entity, That’s no excuse to ignore my sage advice or ask me increasingly bizarre questions. No, Victor, I don’t have any recipes for rat tartare. WTF is wrong with you? Nikki, you smell like you survived a moonshine still explosion, but maybe it’s just my oversized olfactory glands that make me the only person to notice. Summer, it’s great that you love your stepson and I’ve got mad respect that you don’t let biology dictate how much you care. Here’s the problem: you’re an asshole, so nobody gives an aerodynamic fuck on a rolling donut.

90% of the letters I get are from Newmans. It is unbearable. They are horrible, self-absorbed, broken people. Hey, Nick, you couldn’t pick Christian or Harrison out of a lineup, so how fucking dare you walk into my brother’s house with the woman you did gross naked stuff with behind his back all those years ago? I mean, I’m related, so I get a pass. How did Harrison suddenly become more Newman than Abbott? Hey, maybe Nikki could fuck off into the sun so my brother could focus on his sister performing the Scarlet O’Hara Follies all over town? Maybe her AA group is assisting Jordan because they can’t take Nikki’s narcissistic monologuing anymore. I can’t take you Newmans anymore. I won’t.

Signing off,


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A few more musings on yesterday's (Thursday) episode:

This Jordan is dead story has to be backed by the law enforcement authorities, right? I wonder how Victor got them to agree to pretend she's lost in the river? Or is he b.s.-ing them too?

And how did Victor get chloroformed Jordan from the alley in town out to the ranch? He had to have had help, from his security people I guess?

If Victor's been following Nikki surely he's seen her tipping back her flask of vodka. But he doesn't act like knows she's still drinking. Not sure why he'd be humoring her when what she's doing is so dangerous.

The Y& R wardrobe staff must've gotten a good deal on stretchy jeans/jeggings. Victoria, Summer, and Diane have been wearing them the past few days.

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On 4/24/2024 at 2:51 PM, pvandal said:

Ashley. Who are you fooling with that accent? The bartender looks like he was trying not to laugh at her. He must think she’s trying out an accent for her role as Blanche in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at the Genoa City Players Community Theatre. 

I was thinking the same thing, Blanche-Ashley, was auditioning for the local community theater for such role. GMTA and LOL!

On 4/24/2024 at 5:08 PM, Js Nana said:

Blanche is the name of a character in A Streetcar Named Desire, Maggie is the name of a character in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - - but they're both by Tennessee Williams

You may have, Waldo13, but apparently the writer(s) haven't, which is why I am even more convinced that the show is using an AI program that's been fed scripts from the 80s - pre-cell phones - to generate scripts.

I was thinking of another Tennessee Williams character, Stella.

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On 4/24/2024 at 5:46 PM, Js Nana said:

Ms. Davidson doesn't seem to realize that when a 65-year-old woman wearing a lowcut top leans over, the crinkles in her decolletage show, no matter how many rejuvenation treatments she's had done in that area - - that Cat on a Hot Tin Roof routine is only going to attract psychos with granny fixations.

I can’t fault the actress and the other actors for the Chat GPT writing. I have seen them with better writing and they are great. They are doing all the things I’ve learned writers aren’t supposed to do.

On 4/24/2024 at 5:57 PM, Js Nana said:

Things I didn't like about today's show:

1. The Three-faces of Ashley

2. Traci's meeting with Danny R

3. Summer, who must have suffered a brain injury that stopped her emotional development at age 15

4. Still not knowing what happened to Claire - did the writer(s) forget about her?


The writers actually surprisingly figured out many fans of the show, (at least I think) like Claire and they want to milk it for all it’s worth for May Sweeps with her return. 

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On 4/24/2024 at 10:45 PM, Js Nana said:

Me too

I'm guessing she will, but I wouldn't put it past the simpering Summer to try to make everyone give up trying to find Claire by claiming that she must have run away when she saw the shit-hit-the-fan for Jordan.

I hope not. I really wanted Victoria to put her niece in her place. Although I hope Summer helps Victoria to see her behavior was like Summers right now and she changes her attitude towards Adam.  

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17 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Could someone please slap Summer silent? Her raging about Claire is based on jealousy.  There’s a new Newman and she’s younger and smarter than Fangs filthy daughter and Fang Spawn can’t stand it.  And for the 50th time. HARRISON IS NOT YOUR SON! You chose Mama Fang over your family. 
Speaking of Fang, must she always dress like a 60 year old hooker?  There’s Diane looking casual yet elegant and Phyllis has to show up looking like she’s ready to walk the streets. Fang Jr  has inherited the need to show off her shoulders I noticed. Such a tired overdone look on this show. 
Didn’t Victor lock the first Mrs Newman in the basement years ago? If he wants to torture Jordan into giving up Claire’s whereabouts, he could send Phyllis down there to talk to her about what a hot grandma she thinks she is.  After Jordan is done barfing, she will sing like a canary.


Amen to all and lol 

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2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Dear Readers;

The Dear Buttbiscuit column, read by tens of Genoa City denizens, is permanently canceled. That’s right. I, Billy Abbott, have shitcanned my greatest artistic achievement, my masterpiece of meddling, my symphony of solicitude, my magnum opus of wisdom. (Alliteration is not my jam, ingrates)

Why? Not that you people deserve an explanation, but I love the sight of my own words, so I’ll tell you. There are a number of reasons, but, first of all, I am embarking on another corporate mission of immense importance. My mother’s company, thousands of employees, and another tantalizing opportunity to shit where I eat all hang in the balance. (Lily, call me!) If I can pry my idiot nephew off his snowflake addiction, I’ll have a solid ally in my path to the top. Jabot runs like Microsoft compared to this place, so my amoral conniving should cut through the competition like a knife through hot butter. You should eavesdrop on one of our “board meetings” sometime.

Let’s get down to the heart of the problem. I’m a beacon of raw human truth and y’all won’t take off your damn horse blinders. I get it. The dude from the Vatican said to never make prolonged eye contact with the Phyllis entity, That’s no excuse to ignore my sage advice or ask me increasingly bizarre questions. No, Victor, I don’t have any recipes for rat tartare. WTF is wrong with you? Nikki, you smell like you survived a moonshine still explosion, but maybe it’s just my oversized olfactory glands that make me the only person to notice. Summer, it’s great that you love your stepson and I’ve got mad respect that you don’t let biology dictate how much you care. Here’s the problem: you’re an asshole, so nobody gives an aerodynamic fuck on a rolling donut.

90% of the letters I get are from Newmans. It is unbearable. They are horrible, self-absorbed, broken people. Hey, Nick, you couldn’t pick Christian or Harrison out of a lineup, so how fucking dare you walk into my brother’s house with the woman you did gross naked stuff with behind his back all those years ago? I mean, I’m related, so I get a pass. How did Harrison suddenly become more Newman than Abbott? Hey, maybe Nikki could fuck off into the sun so my brother could focus on his sister performing the Scarlet O’Hara Follies all over town? Maybe her AA group is assisting Jordan because they can’t take Nikki’s narcissistic monologuing anymore. I can’t take you Newmans anymore. I won’t.

Signing off,


Your post was pure joy and hilarity, thank you, NinjaPenguins!!

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17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I kinda agree with Phyllis on one thing: it is odd that Summer or Nick didn't tell her about Harrison's kidnapping or Jordan's long reign of terror against the Newmans.

I fully understand.  Dummer knew her mother would try to upstage her.  Phylth would be over-emoting about her 'precious' grandson and then trying to plot a way to save him, chanting, 'Me, Me, Me' all the way home.  Also, what goes around, comes around, Phylth.  You didn't tell her you weren't dead.


17 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Whoa, Jordan's in Victor's old cellar jail

Wasn't the also the cell that Sheila kept Phylth in (in another location, of course)?  And does Drinnki know about this cell?  Pretty creepy to be married to a guy who has that in his house.  Guess it didn't burn down when the Raunch did.  Maybe Grampire could just throw Drinnki in there to dry out-after he throws Jordan off a bridge, of course.


2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

his Jordan is dead story has to be backed by the law enforcement authorities, right? I wonder how Victor got them to agree to pretend she's lost in the river? Or is he b.s.-ing them too?

I don't think law enforcement was ever at the scene where Viktor caught Jordan because he was following Drinnki.  The 'trap' that Viktor was setting was probably at another location.  Viktor may have told the authorities later that he was trying to find Drinnki and found her with Jordan,then chased Jordan (I know, the visual on that is pretty funny) and she jumped/fell/was pushed into the swift current of the river running through GC that we've just now heard about.  Hope Viktor is paying for all the personnel, time and equipment that it's going to take to "dredge [Drinnki's words]" the river for the body.  Another burning question is:  Are there any police in GC since Chance left?  None were at the motel (Dummer got there before them, ffs) and none were at the house questioning Hairyson.

Good to see you back, Ninja!

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6 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Dear Readers;

The Dear Buttbiscuit column, read by tens of Genoa City denizens, is permanently canceled. That’s right. I, Billy Abbott, have shitcanned my greatest artistic achievement, my masterpiece of meddling, my symphony of solicitude, my magnum opus of wisdom. (Alliteration is not my jam, ingrates)

Why? Not that you people deserve an explanation, but I love the sight of my own words, so I’ll tell you. There are a number of reasons, but, first of all, I am embarking on another corporate mission of immense importance. My mother’s company, thousands of employees, and another tantalizing opportunity to shit where I eat all hang in the balance. (Lily, call me!) If I can pry my idiot nephew off his snowflake addiction, I’ll have a solid ally in my path to the top. Jabot runs like Microsoft compared to this place, so my amoral conniving should cut through the competition like a knife through hot butter. You should eavesdrop on one of our “board meetings” sometime.

Let’s get down to the heart of the problem. I’m a beacon of raw human truth and y’all won’t take off your damn horse blinders. I get it. The dude from the Vatican said to never make prolonged eye contact with the Phyllis entity, That’s no excuse to ignore my sage advice or ask me increasingly bizarre questions. No, Victor, I don’t have any recipes for rat tartare. WTF is wrong with you? Nikki, you smell like you survived a moonshine still explosion, but maybe it’s just my oversized olfactory glands that make me the only person to notice. Summer, it’s great that you love your stepson and I’ve got mad respect that you don’t let biology dictate how much you care. Here’s the problem: you’re an asshole, so nobody gives an aerodynamic fuck on a rolling donut.

90% of the letters I get are from Newmans. It is unbearable. They are horrible, self-absorbed, broken people. Hey, Nick, you couldn’t pick Christian or Harrison out of a lineup, so how fucking dare you walk into my brother’s house with the woman you did gross naked stuff with behind his back all those years ago? I mean, I’m related, so I get a pass. How did Harrison suddenly become more Newman than Abbott? Hey, maybe Nikki could fuck off into the sun so my brother could focus on his sister performing the Scarlet O’Hara Follies all over town? Maybe her AA group is assisting Jordan because they can’t take Nikki’s narcissistic monologuing anymore. I can’t take you Newmans anymore. I won’t.

Signing off,


Dear Buttbiscuit,

SAY IT AINT SO! I was so thrilled to see your letter this morning, mainly because I desperately require laughter in my life right now and your inane letter, full of both selfloathng and self-importance (more of the latter natch because after all,you are Jill's spawn) have been a beacon of insight THAT I, a mere mortal, could never have seen on my own lest I have a rocket launcher strong enough to soar into those nasal passageways to your immensely tiny brain for direct investivagation. And let's be honest, your word crafting is like one long evening of amuse bouche delights!

DID YOU KNOW, that it was YOU and your Dear Buttbiscuit column that kept me here? Yes tis true! Even in Show's darkest hours (which are like a never ending total eclipse of entertainment, writing, production and acting) you always brought light to this crapfest of a show, lifting it from a mere sidewalk skidmark, to a designer brown paperbag full of poo poo flaming away on the doorstoop of this viewers heart.


Sincerely pleading,

The Society of Perpetual Perplexity of Y&R Thread Readers

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I've only watched 20 minutes of today's episode because I needed to get back to work, but two observations:

1. Tucker and Audra remain fun to watch.

2. I hate when shows make people dumber than they are. Why have the Abbotts -- especially Traci --not figured out that Ashley is dealing with multiple personalities? These aren't subtle shifts -- a cold, angry version; a teen version complete with dated lingo and messy hair; and now this Dixie Carter version. I'll pick up the show again in a bit, but so far, Traci sitting at lunch entertaining this version is absurd. She should have texted Jack to get down there immediately. 

Edited by tanyak
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While I liked the Tucker and Ashley pairing and hated that they split them up so soon after they married, I think I am preferring Tucker with Audra now.  I do think that one positive of this storyline is that the actress has improved greatly playing against TSJ.  She was very - I wouldn’t say wooden - but a little too corporate  playing Audra when she started on the show, and now we get so much personality and spunk from her.   

Edited by VanillaBeanne
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4 hours ago, realitytvfan1017 said:

I hope not. I really wanted Victoria to put her niece in her place. Although I hope Summer helps Victoria to see her behavior was like Summers right now and she changes her attitude towards Adam.  

The thing that is most gaggable is Summer crying "My baby!  My baby!" My baby my ass! She didn't even meet him until he was five years old! Are the MWT trying to gaslight us into forgetting his biological mother, Tara?

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5 minutes ago, Bunnyto4 said:

The thing that is most gaggable is Summer crying "My baby!  My baby!" My baby my ass! She didn't even meet him until he was five years old! Are the MWT trying to gaslight us into forgetting his biological mother, Tara?

hehe, this made me think of Elaine Benis saying "The dingo ate my baby!" I want Tara back so badly. Hey Josh, you moron, this is the easiest way to dig your way out of the bucket of shit you've created! Bring back Tara and let her have full parental rights AND let Little Lord Fauntleroy be ecstatic when she comes back, calling her MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY IS BACK! That? Would make Dummer's head spin!

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^^^It would be more like if Elaine Benes said it to Summer:

Regarding the IRL story of the missing Australian baby, 30+ years later a bit of the child's clothing was found buried near a dingo lair. DNA tests proved the blood on the clothing was indeed the baby's. Her mother had served several years in prison for murder before the evidence was found and she was released. Later she was officially pardoned and the Australian government paid her over a million dollars in compensation.

Heh, I think the best we're going to see on Y&R is Jordan convicted of murder and kidnapping, and Victor at least charged with kidnapping. <fingers crossed>

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On 4/25/2024 at 5:34 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

she looks like someone desperately afraid to accept their age.

Go into any neighborhood bar and you're going to see at least one "Phyllis" who's been occupying the same bar stool for the past 30+ years waiting for the-one-that-got-away, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, to come walking through the door.

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Wait, Ashley wasn't doing the Southern belle accent.

Oh, okay, belle Ashley was pretending to be main Ashley. Oy, keeping track of all these Ashleys is giving me agita!

Not a fan of Mariah's dress. IMO the color of that tiger print didn't compliment her skin tone or hair color.

It's something the way Audra's makeup stays perfect while she's having a romp in bed with Tucker. One of them must be slacking, lol.

Traci, you're still not the boss of Ashley. Ease up with the nagging.

Tucker zoomed right in on Ashley's new alter. Let's go!

If it's Friday, Devon must acting like a whiny billionaire biatch. He's probably right about Billy though.

Why is belle Ashley calling Tucker "daddy issue"? She doesn't know Audra like that.

Tucker, stop wasting your time trying to reason with Traci. She tends to think her view is the only correct one. And all the Abbotts believe you did something sinister to Ashley's psyche.

So teen Ashley's "gone," replaced by belle Ashley. Oh no.

"That's not gonna be hard at all." AFAIC, whoever wrote that line--said in the context it was--should feel very ashamed. Other double entendres are pointing and laughing at it.

Billy working Lily through fond memories of his kids. Don't fall for his schmoozing, Lily!

As if, Tucker. No one in GC would be coming to your big fantasy wedding to Audra. No one besides Ashley's alters.

Re the previews: holey hail, what was Nikki drinking, moonshine?

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Victor at least charged with kidnapping. <fingers crosse

PLEASE let this happen!


13 minutes ago, babyhouseman said:

Somebody should tell Mrs. Martinez about Ashley. She's going to order grits and call her Mammy. 

/absolutely, positively DEAD i TELL YA, DEAD./.

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I sure as hell hope ED is being directed to play Belle so over the top because if it’s her idea, YIKES! And all this back and forth among her alters is just so bad!

I never thought I’d see the day when Abby of all people is the voice of reason. Devon whining about Lily going against him made me want to reach through the TV and smack him. He sprung the Nate thing on her right before the board meeting and expected her to just blindly go along with it because it was what HE wanted. Dude, that’s not how you nominate someone for the Board of directors.

i actually liked Lily and Billy’s scenes at the jazz lounge, I just don’t get how they walked into the GCAC without seeing Ashley and Traci, who were still there. 

Previews: Drinki went on a bender and trashed a hotel room. And of course Jack comes to her rescue and will ‘there there’ her until she’s better. Then tell her how brave and strong she is instead of telling Victor to put her ass in a rehab center under lock and key.

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next week, they will finally address what happened to Claire. 

Is this speculation or an actual spoiler? Spoilers should be masked if they're posted in this thread instead of the existing spoiler thread.


Somebody should tell Mrs. Martinez about Ashley. She's going to order grits and call her Mammy. 

Then Mrs. Martinez will be in the kitchen muttering under her breath and Harrison will run out to the living room yelling, "Aunt Ashley's a puta loca!"

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36 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Is this speculation or an actual spoiler? Spoilers should be masked if they're posted in this thread instead of the existing spoiler thread

It was in the previews for next week so it’s not a spoiler. There’s a scene where Victoria and Cole get or find a doll that appears to have something inside it. I guess the doll is somehow connected to Claire. 

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58 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

I sure as hell hope ED is being directed to play Belle so over the top because if it’s her idea, YIKES! And all this back and forth among her alters is just so bad!

I never thought I’d see the day when Abby of all people is the voice of reason. Devon whining about Lily going against him made me want to reach through the TV and smack him. He sprung the Nate thing on her right before the board meeting and expected her to just blindly go along with it because it was what HE wanted. Dude, that’s not how you nominate someone for the Board of directors.

i actually liked Lily and Billy’s scenes at the jazz lounge, I just don’t get how they walked into the GCAC without seeing Ashley and Traci, who were still there. 

Previews: Drinki went on a bender and trashed a hotel room. And of course Jack comes to her rescue and will ‘there there’ her until she’s better. Then tell her how brave and strong she is instead of telling Victor to put her ass in a rehab center under lock and key.

Yes Jack the lapdog is a big enabler. 

59 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

I sure as hell hope ED is being directed to play Belle so over the top because if it’s her idea, YIKES! And all this back and forth among her alters is just so bad!

I never thought I’d see the day when Abby of all people is the voice of reason. Devon whining about Lily going against him made me want to reach through the TV and smack him. He sprung the Nate thing on her right before the board meeting and expected her to just blindly go along with it because it was what HE wanted. Dude, that’s not how you nominate someone for the Board of directors.

i actually liked Lily and Billy’s scenes at the jazz lounge, I just don’t get how they walked into the GCAC without seeing Ashley and Traci, who were still there. 

Previews: Drinki went on a bender and trashed a hotel room. And of course Jack comes to her rescue and will ‘there there’ her until she’s better. Then tell her how brave and strong she is instead of telling Victor to put her ass in a rehab center under lock and key.

I think it's the way its written maybe also the way its directed is why ED is acting like that. 

15 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

It was in the previews for next week so it’s not a spoiler. There’s a scene where Victoria and Cole get or find a doll that appears to have something inside it. I guess the doll is somehow connected to Claire. 

It's in the previews as Sake said. 

32 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Ah, so what is the word of the day, class?  CRINKLES!!!

Yup, CRINKLES!  Everywhere ya looked on Ashley, in that horrible red dress -- neck crinkles, chest crinkles, knee & leg crinkles!  Oh the crazy show stylists must totally hate Eileen! 

And poor Eileen -- just what in the fuckety fuck is she going thru this humiliating & tired storyline for anyway?  Emmy noms are in & they picked Michelle Stafford & her Raggedy Ann pumpkin stings.  Maybe Eileen is hoping (and praying) for a 2025 nom?  Good luck luck with that, hun.

Oh, and anyone get the reference of the red dress?  Red?  Scarlett?  Scarlett O'Hara?  Yeah, no, sorry, AI -- big fail!

So wait, sniff, say it ain't so, but Teen Ashley has disappeared?  Boo hoo hoo.  Didn't she save the day before & now she's mysterious gone?  Why, AI, why?  And why is it required that all the Ashleys in dreamland wear 6 inch heels?  Just cuz Audra wears 'em?  Er, Audra is over 30 years younger -- I know, bad Scoobie, not ever supposed mention or think about that EVER!  And Audra can run down stairs in her 6 inch heels.  I don't think any of the Ashleys can accomplish that -- even in dreamland.

And previews for next week show Drinki with  . . . shockers . . . messy hair!!  EEEEK!  Sorry Melody, no Emmy nom for you either -- going thru messy hair for 1 ep (surely can't be more than that) will be very hard for you, hun, but I guess you'll have to wait till 2025, just like Eileen.

I don't think they qualify for 2024, both of them would qualify for 2025. And Colleen Zenk for a Guest role. 

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The previews shown today:

Cole is fiddling with a doll while Victoria is looking on. It probably does have something to do with Claire.

But, given way JG has been dragging out the Jordan and Claire storyline, I didn't automatically jump to the conclusion that this time next week the audience would know much more about Claire's status or whereabouts than they do now. That's why I wondered if further details had been posted as a spoiler elsewhere. Sorry for the confusion.

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I want to know what the requirements for getting an Emmy are, because I absolutely do NOT believe MS acts; unless the award is "and the award for the brightest teeth goes to...."

2 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

the audience would know much more about Claire's status or whereabouts than they do now

And this viewer doesn't give a shite.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Hi everyone,

as you’ve noticed, several posts discussing Mamie’s hairstyle have been removed. I realize that the comments were meant without malicious intent, however, comments perceived as harmless can still cause harm. Likewise, comments that weren’t meant to be discriminatory or racist can still be discriminatory or racist, as was the case here. 

Hairstyles are part of Black culture and identity. Historically, Black people and, especially women, were discriminated against for wearing their hair naturally; in the earliest days women were forced to wear scarves. In modern times, “grooming policies” dictated how hair should be worn and made it near impossible for POC to wear their hair naturally. Despite the Crown Act, Black women, and women of color in general, still feel there is bias against their natural hairstyles at the workplace.
Therefore, joking about or mocking a Black actor’s/actress’ or character’s hairstyle goes beyond “making fun” of someone’s hairstyle.

Regardless of the comment’s intent, it will always have a discriminatory and/or racist tone and that is not a culture Primetimer intends to encourage. 

The dislike of a character’s personality should not be expressed by joking about or mocking someone’s looks. That is true for actors/characters of color as well as any other actor or character.
Beyond the aforementioned discriminatory and/or racist tone, anything we say has an impact on everyone around us. To give you a visual: Imagine a public place. A group of people jokes about the hairstyle of an actor in broad and generalizing terms. A person with that same hairstyle walks by and overhears the conversation. Chances are, the jokes are going to hurt or, at least, rattle their confidence. 

Does that mean that an actor or character can’t be criticized anymore? Absolutely not. But comments should be constructive rather than destructive. Criticism should be respectful rather than personal. Focus should be on the actions rather than the individual. 

Thank you. 

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Retail therapy Sybil?  It looks like Fenmores is still selling dresses designed by Breathless Mahoney. 

Lily are you that dumb in passing off a conversation with Auntie M to Nostrils?  The only reason I can think of is that you’re leaning towards taking up Nostrils on his proposal.  Than Lily you will be dumber than dumb. Don’t you realize Nostrils end game is to take CW over completely?  

Tucker/Audra + Nostrils/Lily = much to do about nothing 🥱🥱😴

Coming attractions:  No mention of Claire/Ev.  What’s up with that.  Most of next week will be Sybil Sybil Sybil 🤢🤮


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If Show is steering Lily back into the direction of ButtBiscuit's Blowholes of Despair, I'm holding Daniel and Daniel ONLY to blame.  Lily has survived Cane, the cowtipper from Down Undah and made it alive and in one piece from her last brush with that inflated excuse for a manchild, Billy ButtBiscuit Nostrildumbass Abbott.  Will she survive another brush with nasal and emotional congestion?

Boo Hoo Devon, so Lily didn't vote your way about Nate.  Perhaps she was shocked to hear you singing his praises, since this is the first I'm aware of Devon dropping his grudge.  A grudge he's firmly entitled to, as is Lily, considering how Nate betrayed them all not that long ago.  

I generally like Abby for no good reason but it sure was nice to see her legitimately be the bright light in the room.  

I can't with Ashley O'Hara and Aunt PittyPat aka Traci fluttering around her.  I pity the psychologist from Paris who has to treat Ashley, who's sounding more and more like an extra from Momma's Family.

From the previews, it looks like Nikki has truly hit rock bottom.  Never mind the drinking, I mean those pink slacks.

Edited by boes
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