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Flipping 101 With Tarek El Moussa - General Discussion

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Anyone else catch this new show? Right off the bat I'd have to say another flipping show is overkill at this point. We already have shows like First Time Flippers and that's basically what this is, with Tarek hosting. 

I really think Tarek and Christina have overstayed their welcome at this point. They pretty much lost any appeal they had with the end of their marriage. 

The most interesting thing was watching Tarek go from beard to no beard from one scene to the next. It's very much like how Christina goes from extensions to no extensions from one scene to the next. Continuity is not their friend.

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Tarek's Flipping 101 was actually more entertaining than Christina On The Coast.

That's a pretty low bar though. I certainly like him better than her. And in theory this could be a decent show. Each episode is going to rest on the appeal of the flippers. It just feels like there is such a glut of shows about first time flippers.

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This does follow the usually first time flippers story, with clueless fools who listen to no one.  I hope that's just added for drama, and the flippers aren't that arrogant.     However, my guess is the novice flippers are that clueless, and all think they'll hit the gold mine making over houses to their own taste. 

(It reminds me so much of the old time shows, Moving Up (Doug Wilson), and Property Ladder, where the flippers listened to no one, and mostly lost money.     The Moving Up one was family one buys a house, that seller buys another one, and they both see what the remodel was on the first house, and what the second person did to their new home.     However, they had to film the buyer and seller separately, because of the first seller, who was vicious to the people who bought her house, and remodeled it. )   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Ugh, this poor 19-year old who wants to flip houses is doomed. He was so clearly in over his head and would have had a disaster on his hands without the help of Tarek (and, let's face it, an entire HGTV crew). Obviously he's not going to have those resources for any future jobs so I don't like his chances of being successful at this business. 

The downside of shows like this is that too many people see them and figure it must be really easy to get rich quick doing this, based on how easy it looks on TV. Even with all the drama over unforeseen costs and problems (oh no! a new roof! -cut to commercial-) they almost always see a huge profit by the end of the episode. That's just not realistic.

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I see this following the exact same pattern as Flip or Flop. The rookie flippers keep making all these horrible mistakes and going way over their budget and yet they still end up making decent profits. It's so misleading and dishonest, but just like the parent show it has an agenda of making flipping and remodeling look profitable for the sake of their sponsors.

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I did a double take when they said where that house was located, and showed the neighboring houses from an overhead shot.      I wouldn't even go to an open house in that specific location.     The neighboring houses looked very worn, and even though a house in a better neighborhood would cost more, it would also net you better returns. 

I really can't stand the rookie flipper that Tarek worked with twice now.     I'm sure a lot of the issues, and the rookie's bad decisions are for the cameras, but I still don't like him.    His wife seems like a much nicer person, who is much more sensible. 

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OK, where are they finding these dummies who think they can flip a total tear-down for 30 grand? Or, more to the point, how much are they paying these people to go on TV and pretend to be such total dummies? I mean . . . I would be embarrassed to be on TV looking like such an idiot. 

The only thing I can think of is that they scour the market for potential flippers then promise them free labor and some money to help them flip a property, in exchange for playing "stupid rookie flippers" for the sake of this show.

It feels like remodeling propaganda.

This last one . . . it was absurd to think they were going to make any profit whatsoever with those carrying costs.

Edited by iMonrey
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I have to laugh at the 19 year old, who are they kidding?   That has to be financed by relatives, and was just for the episode.     The fact the neighbor had huge pot plants, and then said he was harvesting soon, won't get rid of the smell the plants put out.    You know the neighbor is going to replant, and then some poor buyer will end up with the stench from the plants as soon as they grow.   

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I notice there are only eight comments on this thread; Christina's show doesn't have many comments, either.  

I don't mind Tarek; he seems genuine...I just think this particular kind of show has run it's course (as others have mentioned).  The network is determined to stick with the familiar; and it keeps trying to make some of the regulars "happen" ...

Sorry to sound negative ... I am just pretty much over the same-old-shows, same hosts.  But like I said, at least Tarek is easy to take.   

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You know the neighbor is going to replant, and then some poor buyer will end up with the stench from the plants as soon as they grow.   

Actually that might be a selling point for some buyers. 😉


I don't mind Tarek; he seems genuine...I just think this particular kind of show has run it's course (as others have mentioned).  The network is determined to stick with the familiar; and it keeps trying to make some of the regulars "happen" ...

I think the premise for Tarek's show has potential, but it's mired in HGTV formula so it's just like every single other show on the network and therefore pointless. 

On the other hand I cannot see any value in Christina's new show whatsoever. 

Edited by iMonrey
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37 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I think the premise for Tarek's show has potential, but it's mired in HGTV formula so it's just like every single other show on the network and therefore pointless. 

I haven't watched any HGTV for over a month now and don't miss it at all. There's nothing even remotely interesting in their programming and listening to whiny, entitled people who think they know it all isn't very entertaining.

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I haven’t watched this show yet. Am I missing anything? Is it basically the same show with Christina. Also, I haven’t watched Christina’s show either. I think I might be over this couple. I’ve been watching Sarah Richardson on YouTube for several months now. I really like her. I wish HGTV U.S. would bring her back. 

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17 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I haven’t watched this show yet. Am I missing anything? Is it basically the same show with Christina. 

You're aren't missing anything, although it's not the same as Christina's. Her show is a redesign show because she fancies herself a designer now. You know, from all her experience picking out the exact same gray and white tiles for all those flips she and Tarek did.

Tarek is mentoring new flippers on his show, but it's more of the same fake HGTV stuff that afflicts all the other remodeling shows. You know the drill, the flippers are way over their heads and way over budget and there's some cliff-hanging new discovery before each commercial break . . . but in the end they make a huge profit anyway!

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

You're aren't missing anything, although it's not the same as Christina's. Her show is a redesign show because she fancies herself a designer now. You know, from all her experience picking out the exact same gray and white tiles for all those flips she and Tarek did.

Tarek is mentoring new flippers on his show, but it's more of the same fake HGTV stuff that afflicts all the other remodeling shows. You know the drill, the flippers are way over their heads and way over budget and there's some cliff-hanging new discovery before each commercial break . . . but in the end they make a huge profit anyway!

Yeah! The huge profits is what made everyone think they could flip a house and win big. I think it helps to also draw a salary from HGTV while doing the flips.

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I suspect after everything opens up again, that there will be a lot of foreclosures, short sales, and people desperate to get out of houses.    I think prices will drop.    I think once evictions can happen again, that some landlords will be sick of owning rental properties, and will sell cheap just to get rid of them.   There will also be a big reason to change houses, where people divorce.    Many marriages, and families won't survive being home all of the time.  

I think it will be like the big slump of  2008, where Tarek started flipping.    Lately he's been complaining about the scarce inventory, and higher prices, so I think this will reset the entire housing market where he lives.

I bet if he goes for better homes, that he can make a success of the flipping coaching.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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The couple tonight with the Brentwood flip should never flip again. The fact they took out a $2,000,000 and ended up spending $2,600,000 or so to make a $270,000 profit is crazy. I know it’s mostly fake but they could easily have been in the red and you can get better houses for $3,000,000 in Brentwood. The kitchen looked awful. The brown cabinets and backsplash/tile were a mess and don’t even get me started on the black bathroom. I actually thought someone might by the house just to tear it down and rebuild. It happens all the time over there. I have to say I was very distracted by the woman flipper’s hair that seemed to change color each scene.

All that being said, I prefer this to flip or flop because I like that Tarek give real tips on flipping that makes it more interesting. 

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On 4/20/2020 at 1:54 PM, ByaNose said:

The huge profits is what made everyone think they could flip a house and win big. I think it helps to also draw a salary from HGTV while doing the flips.

I have no doubt that HGTV insures each of these flips doesn't go too far off the rails or the time and money they spend covering them would be wasted. They would never air it if the flipper(s) ended up going so far into the red with an unsellable flip they lose their shirts. You know that's probably more often the rule than the exception in real life, but HGTV has a vested interest in making it look like remodeling is always profitable.

That's why even yahoos like that Brentwood couple manage to come out in the black. They've got HGTV money and labor on their side. Most people aren't going to have that kind of backup.

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I couldn't believe the awful cabinets that they put in a home that they wanted to sell for almost $3 million.     They looked like cheap plywood.  Even after they painted them, they still looked cheap.   If I was in the market, and had that much money (never happening either), then I would run screaming out of that open house.    At least the show says when a bonanza offer on a house falls through, and it's still on the market.   

However, I'm wondering if the house last night really sold for that price.    I bet sellers offered a lot less, because they needed to rip out, and totally redo the kitchen.   

I hated the black and white shower too.    I can just imagine how badly every bit of minerals will show, and anything that splashes on it will leave a mark.    That shower will be a nightmare to keep clean.     

They also seem to underestimate the closing costs, so unless Tarek's company is representing the sellers for free, or the realtors that are flippers aren't taking a commission, then the closing costs are totally off.    The commissions aren't even included in the closing costs, for the house last night commissions would be over $150k.    My guess is that between closing costs, and commissions, and the high interest loans that the flippers use, the actual profit is almost nothing.  

I'm betting the numbers would be shockingly low after closing costs, carrying costs/interests, staging, the real contractor, and construction costs.    I'm wondering if the purchase price is even the real one.    I also bet that some of the houses, like the one in Compton, stay on the market for so long, that the profit is gone. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I couldn't believe the awful cabinets that they put in a home that they wanted to sell for almost $3 million.     They looked like cheap plywood, and even after they painted them, they still looked cheap. 

They actually replaced the cabinet doors and drawer fronts so the grain would be horizontal like the lady wanted, and then sanded down the boxes. Taken in overall I could see what they were going for and it might have worked as a beachy California style, but it did not go with those countertops and backsplash.

And I agree about the black shower area. It's going to show every. single. water. spot. (Never buy a black car either, btw.)

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The mother and son duo last night were so incompetent.   The son acted like he was 5, not a grown man.   I can see how they lost big on the last flip.   My guess is on the other flips the mother did all of the work, and the son did nothing.     The son really expected the mother to work extra shifts at her nursing job, and pay for everything, but still be at the flip and do all of the hard decisions at the same time.         

The son really needs to grow up, and the mother needs to stop trying to make him into a successful businessman.     The son had no ambition, and expected everything to just happen on the flip, and not have to make an effort.  

I don't see the son ever being a decent supervisor to a flip.     It's one thing to have Tarek coaching him, but until Tarek told him what to do, the man did nothing.      The $10k wasn't entirely wasted, the contractor did a lot of demo, and hauling.    The contractor was still awful though.   

The shoddy tile work was appalling.    I can't believe that the house sold for the price they said it did, at full asking price.    It must have been the location, because it wasn't the finishes, or quality of work.   I bet the "full price" offer was a lot different after credits for the tile job, and whatever else needed to be ripped out and repaired.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I agree mom is just trying to make her son a businessman. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear he doesn’t keep a job for long and mom supplements paying his bills. I feel bad for the mom because it seems she was working to take care of both of them. 

This wasn’t their first flip so I don’t see how he could be incompetent. I completely believe he was at a loss as to what to do when mom wasn’t there. I was not a fan of the bathroom or kitchen and that doesn’t take into account the shoddy work. If you are losing $50k on the flip of a regular middle class California home, when the market is sky high, you probably should stop flipping. 

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I like Tarek, while the flippers, though they seem very nice, don’t have the charismatic personality of Tarek, or Chip & Joanna Gaines, or even the Property Brothers. *ducks* I know they haven’t been groomed for television, but most of their personalities have been blah. And it’s not a loud-mouth thing. Joanna Gaines isn’t loud. She might even be slightly introverted. But she’s expressive, and she and Chip play well off each other. Tarek doesn’t really have anyone to riff with. The flippers are kinda wooden, which is understandable because they’re not TV personalities. The only exception was the Brentwood couple. Was it Brentwood? Anyway, I didn’t like any of their design choices, but the couple itself was fun.

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They did a bad job with the hoarder house on tonight's new episode.    There were hundreds of rabbits, and other animals in the house.   They didn't mention that you can get seriously ill, or die from some animal diseases, and the ammonia, and feces are health hazards too.   

At least Tarek told them to  get rid of the smell, they have to rip out the wood floors, subfloors, the drywall, and get it all cleaned.    I hope the flippers are told to play foolish, and underestimate everything, but I'm afraid they're not play acting.  

I can't believe the clueless flippers tonight made the mistakes they did.    How can anyone let the kitchen people put three different colors of quartz in the kitchen countertops, and paid the kitchen installers anyway.    Then the show claims they made a $119,000 profit.  Of course the "profit" doesn't include the commission for the buyer's real estate agent (the one flipper is a real estate agent, so reduced commission with only the brokerage percentage deducted), means 4% less from the profit, minus closing costs.    I bet their carrying costs ate up a lot more.   I suspect that the profit was actually zero, after they had to give allowances for all of the bad work on the house. 

I would never buy a flip house.   I've seen too many clueless fools that take one of those 'flip and get rich' seminars, and decide they can flip a house, and cut corners.     Anyone can make the cosmetic changes look good, but did they fix the mechanicals, and other items you can't see?    I suspect with the house last night, that the mismatched counter tops were the least of that house's issues.    I suspect that the sales price, and profit doesn't include the multiple credits for correcting the bad work, and it certainly doesn't reflect the real closing costs.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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The "profits" are a big fat lie and I can't believe HGTV actually allowed them to admit that when they did a series of "Flip or Flop Follow Up" shows where they contradicted what the show originally said was a profit for a particular house. I think they think they can get away with it by being careful to say a "potential" profit of XXXXX.


I like Tarek, while the flippers, though they seem very nice, don’t have the charismatic personality of Tarek, or Chip & Joanna Gaines, or even the Property Brothers. *ducks* I know they haven’t been groomed for television, but most of their personalities have been blah. 

I agree. I'd love to know how they are finding these people. There must be an ad somewhere that reads "Wanted: First time flippers willing to look like idiots on television." They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel but I guess that's the premise - Tarek playing savior to a bunch of clueless buffoons on the brink of financial disaster.

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15 hours ago, alexa said:

Yes that hoarder house was a mess.  They did a terrible job.  And the fact she wouldn’t listen after so many mistakes is just crazy.  

Yeah, she was very stubborn and too clueless to be flipping. Pulling a renovation budget out of thin air on a house she bought sight unseen was ridiculous. She deserved losing money on those counter tops - who pays in full for work they haven't even seen or inspected?

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Even though I watch flipper shows a lot, I was still surprised that the two flippers last night wanted to be their own General Contractors.    She was in real estate, and apparently the man used to work construction.    I guessed hiring a licensed contractor for a massive gut renovation is something they were too cheap to do.   I feel sorry for the people who bought that house, and hope they realized when the show was on last night, that they shouldn't have bought that house.   

I suspect there will be all kinds of issues come up with all of the flip houses that have been shown so far. 

I'm hoping some of the scenes are just for added drama, but some might really be that clueless. 

All of the counter top issues would have been avoided if one of the flippers would have been at the house, and looked at the counters before they paid in full.    I really think the profit numbers are fudged.   Even in a crazy L.A. real estate market, and the fact that the woman was a realtor, the closing costs were underestimated. 

  The woman's commission was probably waived, but the buyer's broker/agent still get 3%, and her brokerage gets 1.5%, and the closing costs were wildly understated on this show.   Also, as others have stated, the staging costs weren't included in the costs either.  

The profit was not what they stated, and I'm betting they were lucky to break even. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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The two doors to the master bathroom was a really, really stupid idea, and they should have shelled out the extra $3000 to fix the countertops like Tarek said. Especially if they actually wound up with a profit of over $100K (which I doubt). But I did like the blue backsplash in the kitchen.

I also noticed they did not include staging among their final costs. I'm assuming HGTV threw that in for free. I'd really like to know exactly how much HGTV contributes to these flips. You know they get something. It would be interesting to show the tally as "you paid this, and this, and this, but we pitched in this much." Give viewers a real sense of the cost instead of trying to make us think you can makes this many mistakes and still make a huge profit.

Edited by iMonrey
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Did they know the house was owed by a hoarder and had nearly 300 rabbits before they bought it? If so, how do you pay nearly $600k for that house sight unseen? Common sense would say the house was going to be a mess. Have they never seen an episode of hoarders? 

Flipped homes can be great when done by professionals, not people who want a side gig. This house just didn’t look polished. It looked like a DIY house. Even beyond the countertops, the blue backsplash looked sloppy. All I kept thinking was that whoever buys that house is going to gut the kitchen and start again. 

Were the couple married? If so, the guy needs to run. He can do better. He does most of the work and she just makes poor decisions while being bitchy. 

The best part of this show is the look on Tarek’s face when he realizes the flippers are idiots. 

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So tonight's new episode, another mother who thinks she can make her adult son get off his rear end, and become a home flipper.   He couldn't even clean up the back yard without someone holding his hand.     They just had a fire that took off the roof, and attic.  The flipper cheaped out, and didn't replace all of the electrical, and this happened.     

There is no way that a normal fire claim would take months, and they don't negotiate a total, and write you a check.  They do partial draws and write a check, when you complete a part of the job.   

I had a house with an attic fire over 10 years ago (lightning hit the outside air conditioner unit), and I know what they need to do to fix this.    So the flipper has been waiting two months for the insurance company?   My insurance company had an adjuster there the next morning, I borrowed a contractor, and they had the remediation company removing burned and damaged stuff the next day.   The fire department had a preliminary report ready the next working day for the adjuster, and the insurance company.  Two months on this flip house means the insurance company didn't like the reason the fire inspectors said this fire happened.  Or the flippers lied about having insurance.   If they would have spent a few thousand more to rewire the entire house, the fire never would have happened.    Also, what if the fire hadn't happened until after they sold it?   There would have been dead people in that house, and it would have been the flippers fault.    My guess is that the inspectors either hadn't passed on the electrical, or if they had, somebody lied about rewiring the house.  

So the flip never finished, and the flippers are moving on?     I say shenanigans.   I bet we were lied to for the episode story line.   

They're rerunning the real estate agent and husband who bought the hoarder house with over 200 rabbits in it.  It cost them at least $5k to get the place cleaned out.   She bought the place sight unseen, and knew about the rabbits, and hoarding.    I still can't believe she wants to be General Contractor, and she had no qualifications, and the husband doesn't either.     The big mistake was buying this house, and their other huge mistakes are never being on site.   

The master bath with two doors that hit is ridiculous.   Not having a half bath downstairs was a mistake too.  This is the one with the mismatched counter tops in the kitchen, they didn't fix either, and that was another mistake caused by the flippers never being on site.  The dark blue tile in the kitchen is awful.    The wife certainly ignores any advice she's given, and she's rather nasty about telling Tarek she'll do things her own way.  Having the husband do the deck himself, is ridiculous.    

There hasn't been one home on this show that I could live with, (not that I have the money to move to California, and buy a house for $500k). 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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What was even the point of airing the fire episode? Roof inspector won’t show up months later so projects on hold, and the flippers moved on to another house (that we don’t see) with their apparently endless supply of money. Thanks for wasting my time then, Tarek.

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12 hours ago, dmeets said:

What was even the point of airing the fire episode? Roof inspector won’t show up months later so projects on hold, and the flippers moved on to another house (that we don’t see) with their apparently endless supply of money. Thanks for wasting my time then, Tarek.

There probably aren't too many flippers out there, so Producers (the ones you really should be thanking 😉😁) figured they'd go with it instead of nothing at all.

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Fire episode. I guess you have to air what’s filmed, right? Safe to assume they won’t be successful in flipping for very long. Tarek’s show is okay. It’s much better then Christina’s that’s for sure. I would like to see new episodes of Flip or Flop though. I wonder if they have been filming before Covid happened?! 

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Another mother-son team where the kid is a total slacker. But you have to look to the parents, don't you? I mean, clearly the kid has zero work ethic, and that's on the way his parents raised him. They must have been way too permissive with him, and he probably never had any real responsibilities. 

It wouldn't surprise me if the fire was actually caused by the kid leaving a heater plugged in or doing something else stupid.

And WTF they're already on to another flip while the burned-out shell sits unfinished? They must have unlimited resources. No wonder their kid sleeps 'til noon.

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On 5/21/2020 at 9:35 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

 The dark blue tile in the kitchen is awful.    

Can't agree there. I loved it. One of the few thing I've ever seen put into a flipped out that I've like. The HGTV flippers have a lot to answer for re: white/grey open concept. 

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Yes, for my kitchen I would have liked the blue, but brick pattern.   However, a flip is supposed to appeal to the widest buying pool, so for a flip, I would go with more neutral.   

However, the flippers make so many other mistakes that one nice feature is overpowered by poor tile work, or double doors to the bathroom that hit.   I'm betting that the full price offers are offset by huge credits to fix the screw ups.  

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4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Yes, for my kitchen I would have liked the blue, but brick pattern.   However, a flip is supposed to appeal to the widest buying pool, so for a flip, I would go with more neutral.   

That's where I disagree. I don't think the white/grey open concept DOES appeal to the widest buying pool. I think these people have been brainwashed into thinking they're supposed to like it so they claim to. 

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9 hours ago, Grrarrggh said:

That's where I disagree. I don't think the white/grey open concept DOES appeal to the widest buying pool. I think these people have been brainwashed into thinking they're supposed to like it so they claim to. 

Well, their money is saying they do...whether real or imagined.

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1 hour ago, MsTree said:

Well, their money is saying they do...whether real or imagined.

Ah, but how would we or they know? They only produce bland houses so for all we/they know they could be loosing out on thousands of dollars. People could be willing to pay a lot more for better design and decoration. 

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Frankly I think in this particular market (SoCal) people will snap up anything in good condition. They can't really afford to be picky if they want something move-in ready. It's a real seller's market there. So I think anything that looks really nice on the surface and has been updated and staged for TV probably is really impressive, versus the train wrecks out there that we see before the flippers do anything to them.

I don't really think whether they use grey or white tile on the back splash is going to be the deal breaker. 

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I guess I'm the only one enjoying this show!  I was pleasantly surprised by Tarek.  He has much more of a personality here than when he was with Christina.  Although, I'm sure if I had to live with that stank princess I'd be more sullen too.  

The formula is obviously that the flipper always insists on going against Tarek's advice at least once during the process.

I too find it incredibly irritating when these morons end up walking away with a profit.  


I would never buy a flip house.   I've seen too many clueless fools that take one of those 'flip and get rich' seminars, and decide they can flip a house, and cut corners.     Anyone can make the cosmetic changes look good, but did they fix the mechanicals, and other items you can't see?

I just recently bought a new home and while the flips are all sparkly and pretty, I was very hesitant to take them seriously.  I think more often than not, it's lipstick on a pig.  

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On 4/21/2020 at 6:32 PM, Broderbits said:

That must be how Alison Victoria stays in business, what with all the lawsuits.

the windy city rehab lady with the ombe hair color...she is SOOOOOOOO annoying!

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I still can't understand why that lady thought it was necessary to put a door into the hallway on the master bathroom.  Aside from the doors hitting each other, the benefit to me or a master bath is I don't have to share it with anyone.  I used to live in a one bathroom house and it annoyed me that everyone had to use the one bathroom.  I get there otherwise wasn't a bathroom on the first floor, but there had to be a better solution than that stupid door.

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This show has been renewed for Season 2, with 12 episodes, and expanding to an hour.    So now we can see even more ridiculous decisions by flippers.

With all of the screw ups (the mother/son duo with terrible tile installs, and a bad work ethic), the double bathroom door on the rabbit/sight unseen house, and with bad decisions everywhere, I wonder what they could have made with better choices, and better quality work?   I hated the black tiled showers, and baths on two of the flips.    The fire house that never got approval to rebuild from the insurance company, and the code authorities was really strange (I had an attic fire about 10 years ago, so I know more about that process than I really ever wanted to).   

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This comes back on Thursdays at 8 central, and must only be for the four unaired episodes, since Flip or Flop will be back with a new season Thursday October 15 (15 episodes).   If F or F is taking the slot, then maybe the story about not many episodes left unaired of 101 was true.  

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