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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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AKA Amanda.


Yeah, that's pretty much it for me, too. It seems very similar to Amanda. Totally cool until their game hits a bump late in the game and THEN they start getting emotional (to be fair, Derrick DID get emotional when his grandfather dies, so this is not literally (TM Cody) the first time he's gotten emotional). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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It's kind of funny, but as much as I've hated the double HOH twist and think it played a big hand in ruining this season for me, it's the reason this week has the potential to be so awesome. 


I was thinking about that today, too. Thank goodness for this terrible twist this week! But, then again, if it weren't for this twist, we probably wouldn'tt have ever gotten to this point so.


The only reason I can imagine that Caleb is still around is because they (or Derrick) see him as so dumb and ineffective that he is easily used and manipulated.

That can be said about Victoria, too.


The same can be said about Cody. And Zach. Basically, almost every HG this season fits that description. LOL.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Derrick crying to Victoria about how something threw his focus off. Hmmm...I wonder if it is not having everything go exactly your way for the first time in the entire show?

Damn, dude. I don't mean to knock the guy for crying in general, as honestly, I get it - this situation would make anyone emotional (lord knows that I'm sure I would get emotional at some point in the game if I were stuck in that house), but it is just kind of weird that the guy has the first sign of distress in his whole time here and he's breaking down over it.

He's a bitch. A snitch and a bitch (to borrow the words of Chance on "I Love New York").

WHAT was with his passive aggressive muttering yesterday "I wanted to wear these glasses before but I know how shit disappears around here so I hide them." And then he repeated it when no one commented or reacted. Bitch. If you're talking about that loser Caleb taking and wearing people's stuff just say something to him for fucks sake Caleb is dense ya have to be direct. But I hate is pussy ass behavior and complaining and Derrick does that maybe he's used to people kowtowing to him and getting his way that's why whenever things go wrong he can't deal.

As the feeds go in the dudes get fuglier. What I wouldn't do for a Kaysar in the mix. LOL!!!!!!

Edited by Petunia13
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Well, Frankie told Caleb he's taking him down. At least Cody will be nommed all week! Victoria is most likely going home this week though. Oh well, easier for Hayden to win the comp, I guess.


ETA: Cody/Christine went right back to cuddling LOL!


Sounds like Caleb was 2nd. And Donny was 3rd.


Apparently, Kathy Griffin did the zings! Or at least was there for some reason.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think it's actually interesting that Frankie won.  Now he has to (1) keep them the same and have Cody/Caleb hate him, (2) put up Victoria and have Derrick hate him, (3) Put up Zach and have Zach hate him along with a bunch of pre-tween shippers (his focused fanbase, not that he knows that's occurring...) or (4) Put up Derrick and really get the house churning.  


I think no matter what, targets are on Frankie.  Unfortunately the best move might be for him to turn on Zach for the 3rd time. But then we might get a glorious Zach re-entry on Thursday.  I am actually very interested in the next 2 days. Oh yeah, and ETA, if he leaves Cody up like he has said, that will probably get that whiny baby's blood boiling. Win-win.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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If you won the bob you can't be re-nominated, right? I want Donny to stay.

Correct. Donny and Christine are safe.



A couple of points...


1. How amazing will it be to see Derrick start to argue for Victoria staying over Cody?

2. I am loving that we actually get to see Christine's reaction to the fact that everyone knows about her and Cody. I was worried it would be all done off camera after the show ended.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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She's such a child every time it's mentioned she gets all defensive or lashes out. What a dumbass. An adult would deflect that shit or playit off like they didn't give a a damn but she's a despo 13 yr old so freaks because that wack cuddling actually means something to her and is some Thorn Birds level connection in her mind that's to be regarded and to precious to comment on erstwhile Cody could cuddle with a furby if it has the petting arm movements and a fawning sound bite.

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What kills me is that I bet Zach would then return and....go play with Derrick to get Frankie out.


True. I think Derrick would have an extremely hard time talking Zach out of going after Frankie and then Christine if Zach returned, and I don't think Frankie could do anything but try and get Zach out again at that point.

What is Frankie's problem with Zach? It just doesn't make any sense. "I musn't ruffle Derrick's feathers by putting up Victoria, who's NOT EVEN IN OUR ALLIANCE." It is asinine!! 


EDITED TO ADD: The best thing Derrick has done this season is the way that he uses Caleb. Caleb seriously thinks that Victoria is THEIR collective puppet. I know he's dumb, but it is staggering that he's really THAT dumb. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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The zingbot really did a number on Christine, she's in the bathroom now full on crying to Victoria. Victoria is being an absolute sweetheart to her, saying it's obvious to everyone how much Christine loves her husband. Not that obvious to me, but OK.

It seems (for now) the plan to backdoor Zach is in place, with Frankie, Derrick, Caleb and Cody all agreeing to it. One of the things that seems to be hurting Zach is his perceived closeness to Donny, who none of these guys will ever trust, ever.

I'm fine with Zach getting backdoored. I want Victoria to stay, Zach being on the block should provide some entertainment (unless he sleeps the rest of the week, which is entirely possible), and I still think Zach is kind of an asshole.

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I am fine with it in a vacuum, as yeah, the guy is a dick (and I also am fond of Victoria), and I'm cool with Frankie fucking up his own game for no good reason. However, it pretty much giftwraps the rest of the season for Derrick, so I don't like that part. I was willing to let Victoria go if it meant fucking up Derrick's game (plus, come on, how awesome would a Victoria/Jocasta BotB against Nicole/Hayden be?!)


EDITED TO ADD: Christine is taking this exactly as I figured - she seriously does not see the problem with what she and Cody have done. Totally oblivious. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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He told Caleb he's putting up Zach. Wow. Damn, Frankie, for some reason I thought you were smarter than this. But really, he's been trying to get Zach out since week 2. Welcome to the "I'm playing Derrick's game for him" Club, Frankie!

He also told Donny he has a plan Donny will like. That would not include nomming Zach. He also told Zach he was safe, If I had to lie to one of the three, it would be the dim bulb actor/soldier/rapper/author/hunting guide/football prospect/bunny boiler who works as a clerk at Lowes. He'll forget by Friday, whether or not he's still there. 

Edited by SteveAC10
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The crazy thing is that Frankie has the votes to get Derrick out right now.


He takes down Caleb, puts up Derrick. 


Victoria votes out Cody.

Donny votes out Derrick

Christine votes out Derrick

Caleb votes out Cody

That leaves Zach, and if Frankie's pitch is "Vote out Derrick or I'll put you up," then Zach would vote out Derrick, right? 

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Sat 8:10 PM BBT Zingbot called out Christine and Cody's close relationship. She's now worried what her family and pastor thinks. She wants to ask them not to air it. - Alpha 16

Thank you, ZingBot!

This makes no sense. She doesn't want the zingbot line aired, but she keeps on cuddling with Cody? Doesn't she realize that her cuddling is being shown? I'm sure she has no idea her hubby is catching hell on twitter because of her shenanigans. Edited by Stinamaia
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After Christine boo hooing about Zingbot, and Cody insisting he's been the same with every other girl in the house, they just shared another loooonnnngggg full body contact hug!  Is it something in the water that makes them so self unaware and delusional? 


Christine told Zach that she'll be happy to be the only girl left (letting him think that Victoria will be going home this week).  Of course she'll be happy; she'll finally be the prettiest girl in the house and can have ALL of Cody's attention.

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And...at 8:55 Frankie made a point to tell Cody and Derrick that he doesn't want to chop Zach's head off - he wants to euthanize him with a slow drip.


I am flabbergasted.  Why does Frankie hate Zach so much?  I don't get it.

Particularly, when he just asked Zach if he would suck his dick and Zach said he sure would for 50 grand.

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Does Frankie think he ultimately couldn't beat Zach? Like others have said, I don't get or understand the Frankie hates Zack part. Of course, there was the time in Week 1 or 2 when Zach offended Frankie and the school he went to.


It may be as simple as Zach being the one most likely to create drama and keeping Frankie as the center of attention for as long as possible.

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