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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Donny breaks my heart a little bit, but at least this can only end well for him. If he makes the finale, great for him, and if he doesn't, he gets fan favorite. And if Frankie's on the jury, we'll get to see his face when he's not even mentioned as one of the top vote-getters. I'm optimistic.


I guess Victoria is leaving this week, which sucks because I like her, but at least it fucks up Derrick's game. Now Hayden can come back and unite with Donny to kick his ass out. I'm optimistic.

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I want Donny to indicate either on the feeds or in a DR on Sunday that he thought Christine threw it. Christine was in the bathroom talking to Zach (I think, but I saw her talking to someone) about how "they" told her not to hand Caleb any bones and the feeds cut to fish. I imagine "they" means production.


I want Victoria out this week if only because it will practically ensure the return of either Hayden or Nicole. If anyone else gets the boot I think Derrick could reel them right back into his little puppet cult.

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They're also talking about Donny being an underdog. Ummm, is that what they call it when somebody keeps beating you?

When a 40-something takes on two 20-somethings AND two 30-somethings, and beats ALL of them like a cheap rug from Wal-Mart?

THEY can call him "underdog" if they want.

Me? I prefer "Hero". Donny just needs to go ahead and tattoo a big-ass "D" on his chest. Bet his girlfriend would think it's sexy.

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I want Donny to indicate either on the feeds or in a DR on Sunday that he thought Christine threw it.

He did. He said, "Now I know how you feel," to Frankie. He knows Christine threw it. And he knows everyone, including Derrick, was in on it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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They picked veto players already. Sounds like Victoria and Christine were definitely picked. Maybe Derrick as well. Dammit! Well, you take the good, you take the bad, I guess!


ETA: Derrick is actually hosting and Donny is playing!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Threaten him?



Try to throw the comp, Christine??? FAIL!

Cheat during the comp, Caleb? FAIL!



Hey, Nashville, tell us how you REALLY feel!  LOL!


Love the picture of Donny grinnin' ear to ear in the BR, but hate that he was crying alone in the FR.  Derrick is deluding himself if he thinks he's snowing Donnie (and us!), because the guy is on to everything that's going on.  All Derrick is doing is making himself look like a moron.  There is a possibility that Derrick may yet lose control of his minions and, if he does, watching his fall will be glorious! 

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Please, Victoria, please please please if you could win a competition, let it be this one. I want her to win Veto so bad, I don't even care what she does with it. 


They wouldn't do Veto tonight, would they? Isn't BBAD coming on soon? Poor Zingy isn't going to have a lot of material with some of those left in the house. He could probably do two hours on Frankie, though.

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Derrick's lucky as hell he isn't playing, as pissy as he'll end up about it. I don't think Frankie would put him up as a replacement nom and if Derrick had won it, he would've been screwed using it or not using it. EIther way would've blown up his game.

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I think picking the veto players tonight was just a fake out. I still think the comp will be tomorrow. The BoB sounded pretty elaborate, and they have to break that down and put up the Veto comp. They've done this before - picking veto players the night before the comp. I think it's just to make them stew. Which certainly should work on Derrick and Zach, since they're not playing, and are probably just a bit concerned about that. Hahahahaha!

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I want Victoria out this week if only because it will practically ensure the return of either Hayden or Nicole. If anyone else gets the boot I think Derrick could reel them right back into his little puppet cult.



Derrick could reel Caleb or Cody back in if either of them is the anyone else who gets evicted and ends up returning.  But if Ca/Co has to win a competition to come back against J/H/N, I think Hayden has a decent chance of beating him in a brawn comp, Nicole has a decent chance of beating him in at least some types of endurance comp, and Nicole and Hayden both have a better than decent chance of beating him in a brain competition. 

Edited by Newbietunes
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What is the Rose reference to? Frankie just said, "I don't know Rose" to Victoria and I've heard people say it to her and other houseguests too. 


It's a reference to Rose from the Golden Girls. It was kind of funny the first time he used it but yeah, the repetitiveness of it has worn its humor down. 

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I want there to be a John Malkovitch entrance into Caleb's head. The amount of space available must be amazing. He was sitting in the LR saying "as long as Victoria and Donny are the next two gone, it's game over." Oh, so Big Brother hands 500k to the final 6 in the house now? Did I miss this info from Julie last Thursday?

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So Zach, Christine andCaleb are talking about how if Donny wins POV and doesn't use it, either Caleb or Cody would leave. Caleb says he's sure he would leave because Cody is so close to everyone. Christine's reaction - looking away, saying Ummmmm, you never know. Zach's reaction? Uh, you just never know, dude. Yeah. Caleb would be toast. Those two aren't even savvy enough to immediately say "no, of course not".

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Caleb leaving might be fun if he immediately comes back in and joins forces with Donny.  I could see that happening.


Nope. He just had a conversation with Christine and Zach in the bathroom about how he thinks he'd be in trouble if he stayed on the block with Cody. I think he'd accept the defeat as "a part of the game" and would come right back to work for the detonators alliance if he made it through the returnees competition.

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I want there to be a John Malkovitch entrance into Caleb's head. The amount of space available must be amazing.


Best suggestion of the summer.  I don't think there would be that much room, though.  He has a whole alternate universe up there, where he reins over everything it is possible to be king of, and women are honored to throw themselves at his feet..  

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Caleb leaving might be fun if he immediately comes back in and joins forces with Donny.  I could see that happening.


That'd be fun but come on, you know within five minutes Derrick would have convinced him that Amber voted him out. 

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Jokers 08/15/14 09:16 PM

Caleb tells Derrick that he will trip him (Donny) up and bust his face before he lets him win the veto tomorrow. NT


Well, now I have to murder somebody. I hope you all will write to me in prison.

Edited by TexasChic
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It just goes to show what a nice man Donny must be when even the people behind the scenes are rooting for him. They have to deal with all those other a**holes all the time, so it must be refreshing to them when they interact with an intelligent adult.

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Jokers 08/15/14 09:16 PM

Caleb tells Derrick that he will trip him (Donny) up and bust his face before he lets him win the veto tomorrow. NT


Well, now I have to murder somebody. I hope you all will write to me in prison.

I can't because I'll be in the cell next to you lol. Ugh, he's so disgusting.


He's freestyle rapping in the bathroom right now. It's pure gold. He was about to start a new verse and was like "I got 6 senses..wait, how many senses are there, 6 or 7?" Good lord, did he even make it through elementary school?

Edited by Marie80
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What is the Rose reference to? Frankie just said, "I don't know Rose" to Victoria and I've heard people say it to her and other houseguests too. 

I feel like it must be a Golden Girls reference.  Rose was the dumb, but sweet natured blonde and Victoria may have some of those characteristics.

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He's freestyle rapping in the bathroom right now. It's pure gold. He was about to start a new verse and was like "I got 6 senses..wait, how many senses are there, 6 or 7?" Good lord, did he even make it through elementary?


He didn't have to.  He was Beast Mode Kindergartner.  He was so brilliant, they just let him skip through.

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I've always gotten the impression that the guys behind the wall liked Donny.  When he would do things like wipe down the mirrors in the kitchen and bathroom, BB would always thank him.  Same for when he puts down the awnings in the morning.  

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I like the bit earlier by Derrick when someone commented about how anyone would be rooting for Donny at this point and Derrick noted, "Not if it threatened to take food out of your kid's mouth." Oh, Derrick. 

I can't believe no one is calling him out on that. By that logic, no one should win but him. It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard (and this is including everything Caleb has ever said).

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I feel like it must be a Golden Girls reference.  Rose was the dumb, but sweet natured blonde and Victoria may have some of those characteristics.

He says it in reference to other HGs too though, mostly Zach. It's just another way for him to be patronizing to everyone around him. It's "nicer" than saying dumbass, which is what he really means.

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How did Derrick's family eat before Big Brother?  Are they eating now?  If he spends any part of that 500k on anything other than food specifically for his daughter I will be disappointed.


It's seriously weird. It's not like the dude's homeless or something!

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He says it in reference to other HGs too though, mostly Zach. It's just another way for him to be patronizing to everyone around him. It's "nicer" than saying dumbass, which is what he really means.

What he forgets is that Rose, while not very bright, was a vicious competitor, who would stop at almost nothing to win.  I remember that episode of her in the bowling competition, she is not joke.


But yeah, its a way to be patronizing, which sucks because Rose was very sweet natured, so it really shouldn't be a put down.

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I think Caleb is an asshole, but I don't think he'd ever seriously physically harm another competitor. I think that was just example #1, 465 of Caleb's bluster (that's not to say that threatening to do so wasn't a dick move, as clearly it was). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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