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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I am posting this in here because I am not sure where to put this.  How did everyone find out that Hardy had all of those final two deals in season two? 


I never got that far into the season because it was watching it on Youtube (The first season I watched was season three) and they took them all down.  I was wondering if something similar could happen to Derrick.

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We got just a little bit of Cody and Victoria telling us that Caleb is sitting there watching Frankie win this competition on his own before Derrick calls them both back outside.


Cody says Zach should have been paired with Frankie, and they're screwed if Frankie wins.


ETA:  If Caleb is openly throwing it, why aren't they yelling at him to sabotage him?

Edited by vb68
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Frankie and Zach are fighting. Frankie is getting ready to make his announcement I guess. I can't tell who won.


ETA: Frankie won I think which I find hilarious. Anything to shake this boring ass game up!

Edited by Marie80
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I don't find Frankie winning hilarious, I find Frankie winning a BOB BY HIMSELF incredibly suspect. A competition which started so late, we got almost an hour of fish on television.

Goodbye Donny or Nicole. Yet another week which started off with promise completely going to hell.

I.....have to call BS on this one,

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Caleb as the calming voice of reason.  This is excellent.  I love this.  And hate Frankie.


ETA: Zach is going to accidentally reveal to Caleb that Caleb is not in the alliance bc he is SO pissed.


And YAAAYYY Cody is yelling at Frankie. I love this.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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I don't find Frankie winning hilarious, I find Frankie winning a BOB BY HIMSELF incredibly suspect. A competition which started so late, we got almost an hour of fish on television.


I'd have to see it to be sure, but yeah, it sure does seem incredibly hard to believe that he could win the contest singlehandedly with Caleb actively not even participating. 

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Something hinky must have gone on. If Caleb really did just sit there and Frankie won anyway, it was either Fun Facts about Ariana Grande or Zach sucks. Donny does have a bum ankle, but still. Bull.

Listening to everyone yelling in the living room is fun, though. Finally we get some drama.

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I definitely don't like Frankie, I just think it's ridiculous that he's being painted as some evil mastermind when Derrick has lied just as much, it's just that he's slicker about it. I don't know, I just really hate Derrick lol.

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Oh definitely, Marie.


I'll say this much, I think it is fair to say that this is the end of the Brigade aspect of the game, at least, as there's no way Frankie can be on the same side as Derrick now, right? In fact, I could see a realistic scenario where Frankie really DOES join up with Donny, Nicole and Christine now. Oh wait, no I can't, because Nicole and Christine are beyond stupid. Never mind! If they WEREN'T beyond stupid, though, I could see it happening. 

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Oh Frankie, this is really slimy, even for Big Brother. He sounds like he's on the verge of tears admitting he's a Youtuber and brother to Ariana Grande. He's totally highlighting a pair of meaningless lies to deflect from what Zach/Cody were mad about. Wow.

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According to Jokers, Christine told Donny that he was safe.

I'm not sure I believe her, though.

Less whether we believe her and more a matter of how would she possibly be able to guarantee him safety? She doesn't control the votes right now. 

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Just a reminder (even though it occurred a couple days ago), please don't use the live feed discussion thread as a live chat for the episodes as they broadcast. Save the discussion for after the episode airs, and keep it in the appropriate episode thread. Thanks, y'all. 

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Oh Frankie, this is really slimy, even for Big Brother. He sounds like he's on the verge of tears admitting he's a Youtuber and brother to Ariana Grande. He's totally highlighting a pair of meaningless lies to deflect from what Zach/Cody were mad about. Wow.


I hate Frankie (did I mention?), but it's working. It's kind of amazingly effective.


Things to keep in mind: Derrick is defending Frankie's lies, bc don't forget he's not being honest either about his life. Secondly, Caleb is SUPER pissed. He keeps saying if they were not in the house, he would kick Frankie's ass.  Caleb: "are you even gay?". HA. Caleb think he is a giant, untrustworthy liar.  I don't know if he will forgive him.  Also Caleb: "I've never heard of her" (meaning Ariana).


Frankie's timing is very, very good here too.  He's immune for six days. They will get over it.  It's like a reboot for him.  Christine is immune too. He is sitting pretty.  And he's *already* saying he can introduce them to his famous friends. And starting to gloat. He's so awful, but like he says "I'm here to stay".  Arrrgggggh.


Zach is still SO PISSED.  He is also pretty much fucked unless he wins veto.  Donny is campaigning already that he has no one in the game, and they really seem to agree.  Zach isn't a number anymore with Jocasta and Hayden both gone.  He's expendable.  

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Ohhhh! So Frankie is a famous Twitter/YouTube personality with 1/2 million followers. Well that explains everything.

Just a reminder (even though it occurred a couple days ago), please don't use the live feed discussion thread as a live chat for the episodes as they broadcast. Save the discussion for after the episode airs, and keep it in the appropriate episode thread. Thanks, y'all. 

I apologize. That was a misunderstanding on my part.

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Yep. It's going to be the Boogie effect. Especially now that Frankie is safe.

I just think this whole thing sucks, and reeks, and I'm back to being cynical and watching Derrick play all these fools as he drags Victoria's ass to the finals.

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Oh, Derrick.  He appreciates Frankie's honesty in coming forward because that's how he (Derrick) has been playing all along.


That's right.  Derrick is completely honest.  


Dude does not miss a beat.

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Yep. It's going to be the Boogie effect. Especially now that Frankie is safe.

I just think this whole thing sucks, and reeks, and I'm back to being cynical and watching Derrick play all these fools as he drags Victoria's ass to the finals.

Yeah. Frankie is now in Derdick's crosshairs more than ever.

Zach is awesome tonight.

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Frankie is a social media mogul​


I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to call yourself a "mogul" of any kind - it's just bad manners.  And how exactly does that "explain" why he was so heavily targeting Zach just a few days ago?  Shut up, Frankie.  And stop being stupid, everyone else.


For a second there, when Derrick said "How would you feel if I told you I was...I was not who I said I am?", I really thought he was going to say "I'm a cop".  That would have been pandemonium!  These idiots would have forgotten they were ever mad at Frankie and just focused on that. 


ETA: Gaaahhh!!! He just called himself a "social media mogul" again, so it wasn't a slip of the tongue -he MEANT to say it.  I hate him.  Stop bragging about how many damn followers you have.  How is that "eating your soul"?  

Edited by Turtle
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Was anyone else waiting for Derrick to say, "Hey, I could be lying, I could be a cop!"

I absolutely thought that was what he was gonna say, but that would have been pushing it, even for Derrick. Especially since Frankie already suspects Derrick's a cop.

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Caleb has already gotten a promise to meet Justin Beiber. Victoria right now is about to lose it. Nicole is freaking out. This is so stupid. Hah! And a brief shot of Zach and Donny in the fire room dejected as hell.

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