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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Here's the deal, y'all. I've been receiving a lot of complaints lately regarding homophobic posts made in re: to Frankie, Caleb, and even Cody. From here on out, you are to avoid comments that can be construed as homophobic. I've tried to avoid getting all mod-y about it, but there are reports on a daily basis. For example, I've seen references to Frankie shoving things in particular places, Cody and Zach being "odd" or "not right" because they're comfortable with their sexuality, etc. It needs to stop now, or I'll start doling out warnings. 


All I ask is that you be mindful of what you post, and how it will be perceived by other posters. We're all here to have fun, and when you're being bombarded by homophobic comments, it stops being fun. So please, let's make this work. There's only a few more episodes until the season finale. 



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No. He knows some people that work on the crew.

OK, well it must be true then that they were allowed to boo.  Still hoping for dead silence or subtle polite applause mixed with muffled delighted murmuring.  


(To clarify--"delighted" because he's finally out.) 

Edited by Gemma Violet

Victoria winning HoH wouldn't even really be a big deal. It'd only matter if Caleb won POV, in which case, okay, fair enough, that WOULD be huge, as he'd evict Derrick, but the odds of that happening are slim to none. Hmmm...thinking more about it, I guess her winning would be big just for the CHANCE of that happening. Also, for the amusement of "Well, Derrick and I hate each other now, but I am also not going to nominate him because...uh....."

Edited by Brian Cronin

Could Victoria have won as a fluke?? Her winning wouldn't change the game anyway.


Her winning would only be interesting in that it would A. Cause some amusement when she doesn't nominate Derrick, therefore making it obvious they were never actually fighting and B. give Caleb a chance (not a good one, but a chance) of winning POV and then eliminating Derrick. Although, even in the case of B, I wouldn't be surprised if Derrick convinced him to evict Cody. "But I promised Cody...hmmm...but it WOULD be better for Derrick if I didn't eliminate him, so I guess that's what I'll do!" 

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You don't think Hayden is monopolizing all of her time? Chrstine would be like a 3rd wheel.


Do you all really think Nicole is into Hayden?  I don't see the jury house or the feeds, but when they were doing the luxury competition, he kept trying to kiss her, and her body language just said she wasn't into it IMO.



Am I the only jaded viewer who thinks that if Frankie provides ANY of his winnings to "schools" in Africa that it will be a very small percentage?  It has just never seemed right.


I somehow think that Frankie flying first class to Johannasberg (the nicer part of South Africa) and then performing his show in a theater he rents out in a school would be as far as it would go with him.  The "charity" part of the entire thing would be that Frankie's "winnings" would essentially be payment for performing his show for "charity"


Of course this will be done in Africa??????


Haven't the people of Africa suffered enough?  An epidemic of Ebola, and now a one man show by Frankie?  Its not right.


It reminds me of when Nero would force people to watch him perform for hours because he thought he was an amazing performer.  I think people would functionally commit suicide rather than watch him for hours on end.



Christine did play. She got knocked out first by Jocosta. That is why she was in the chair when Nicole came out. 


I think they all played, but Christine didn't realize that none of the HG's actually picked her shirt.  No one in the house wanted to back her.  Although frankly, I would have thought Jacosta would have been odd man out seeing as how she managed to lose almost every competition she was involved in.

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Although frankly, I would have thought Jacosta would have been odd man out seeing as how she managed to lose almost every competition she was involved in.

Yea but she wasn't booed by the crowd as she left the house.  My thoughts on the picks:  Obviously, Frankie was going to pick Zach.  Derrick picked Donny not only because he was Team America but he does respect him.  Victoria picked Hayden (crush worthy).  Cody picked Nicole because no way was he going to be associated with Christine after all that booing.  Caleb left with Jacosta -- he obviously didn't respect Christine as he made comments about her and Cody several times.

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Yea but she wasn't booed by the crowd as she left the house.  My thoughts on the picks:  Obviously, Frankie was going to pick Zach.  Derrick picked Donny not only because he was Team America but he does respect him.  Victoria picked Hayden (crush worthy).  Cody picked Nicole because no way was he going to be associated with Christine after all that booing.  Caleb left with Jacosta -- he obviously didn't respect Christine as he made comments about her and Cody several times.


I agree, and would only add, that Derrick IIRC also seems to know that Donny is liked by America, so why not pick someone that America likes so much.  But I totally understand everyone distancing themselves from Christine.

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I get that there are a million reasons to not want to be Christine's BFF, but she's getting vilified by the general audience way more than I expected. She needs to grow up, and she made some huge mistakes, but I don't think she deserves the vilification she's gotten. And I'm not talking about here in the forums - I have no issue with the way she's been discussed here at all.  I'm no Christine fan. I guess I'm just surprised that she's turned out to be so incredibly unpopular.  If it's true what that guy tweeted, that there were no boos, then that means she's more hated than Frankie, doesn't it? And that makes no sense to me at all. Unless there were no boos because these dummies chickened out and it was Victoria who got voted out.

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Ariana Grande @ArianaGrande  ·  38m
i just want @juliechen to say "sashay... away..." to @frankiejgrande if he goes tomorrow. miss u & can't wait to have ur silly ass back home


Think they're all expecting it, probably why they're campaigning for AFP.


I get that there are a million reasons to not want to be Christine's BFF, but she's getting vilified by the general audience way more than I expected. She needs to grow up, and she made some huge mistakes, but I don't think she deserves the vilification she's gotten. And I'm not talking about here in the forums - I have no issue with the way she's been discussed here at all.  I'm no Christine fan. I guess I'm just surprised that she's turned out to be so incredibly unpopular.  If it's true what that guy tweeted, that there were no boos, then that means she's more hated than Frankie, doesn't it? And that makes no sense to me at all. Unless there were no boos because these dummies chickened out and it was Victoria who got voted out.

Maybe the audience was too busy cheering his eviction that they forgot to boo. I never thought he'd get booed TBH, CBS has been buy kissing his ass and trying to keep him safe and Julie seems to like him because all she seems to know is that he compliments her all the time.

Yeah, I get that CBS loves him for some reason. I guess I just am worried that if there really were no boos, maybe it wasn't even him that got evicted.


I looked at that guy's twitter account and it seems like he is no fan of Frankie and he seemed to think the live show was made of the awesome, so I am gonna read between the lines there.  Bye Frankie!

Whether Fankie was booed or not, I'm thinking that CBS may put a clapping track over the boos tonight, since his elimination was filmed and not live.

I get that there are a million reasons to not want to be Christine's BFF, but she's getting vilified by the general audience way more than I expected. She needs to grow up, and she made some huge mistakes, but I don't think she deserves the vilification she's gotten. And I'm not talking about here in the forums - I have no issue with the way she's been discussed here at all.  I'm no Christine fan. I guess I'm just surprised that she's turned out to be so incredibly unpopular.  If it's true what that guy tweeted, that there were no boos, then that means she's more hated than Frankie, doesn't it? And that makes no sense to me at all. Unless there were no boos because these dummies chickened out and it was Victoria who got voted out.


Not only is Christine hated outside the house, but she is also hated inside the house.  She was not greeted upon arrival at the jury house, she was laughed at and ridiculed on the couch while watching her elimination episode, she was the first one eliminated during the luxury competition, and no one in the house picked her as a team player in the competition.  That right there tells me she's not a good person ... at all.

Whether Fankie was booed or not, I'm thinking that CBS may put a clapping track over the boos tonight, since his elimination was filmed and not live.


Not only is Christine hated outside the house, but she is also hated inside the house.  She was not greeted upon arrival at the jury house, she was laughed at and ridiculed on the couch while watching her elimination episode, she was the first one eliminated during the luxury competition, and no one in the house picked her as a team player in the competition.  That right there tells me she's not a good person ... at all.


I don't think they would do that.  Frankie's reaction would belie that, anyway.  The guy on twitter, who attended, would not spill but when asked if there were boos, he said no. 

Edited by wings707

Just saw on my Jokers newsfeed on Facebook that Frankie was eliminated and Derrick is HOH.

Hope this is true because I was sure Derrick wanted to win F4 HOH.

Could Victoria have won as a fluke?? Her winning wouldn't change the game anyway.

But if for some reason this happened, the winning question had to have been "how many mirrors are in the BB house?"

If Derrick is HOH, the big question is who did he nominate? He almost HAS to put up Vic, right? Caleb or Cody? I'm going with Caleb cuz he's a beast at comps and Derrick can smooth it over with "I know you're gonna win POV".

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I think he nominated Caleb and Victoria, if Derrick wins POV he'd keep nominations the same and have Cody be the sole vote to evict Caleb so that he keeps his hands clean and secures Caleb's vote since he could claim he didn't betray him, Cody did.


Thanks, willpwr, good find.  Now can you find who won HOH?  Ha ha ha!  I have been looking.  

I was too slow!


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