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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I was wrong about his 3.0 in Beginner Vocab. Clearly he skipped that class but aced Basic Shapes and Colours. Must've lifted his whole average with that class.

ETA: How much do you think it would blow Cody's mind to see "colour" spelled with a u. 

Frankie to Christine: He's HOH. You're supposed to do things for him, not the other way around.
Oh, don't worry. Give her a dark room, five minutes, and a promise the cameras won't be on, and I'm sure she'll do "things" for him.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 9


MORE fish? Really?

Frankie is a Pescetarian which from what I understand is a diet following fish and shell food. I remember from an interview with Dani Donato they asked her about the food and she said Big Brother is very accommodating with food diets. She said season 13 had a lot of fish much more than season 8 because Kalia was a Pescetarian.

I actually really would like Devin back. At least he provided entertainment. And he totally would've turned on Derrick. In hindsight, the week Devin left should've told me this season was gonna be the worst.

I knew we'd all want Devin back at some point.

I wouldn't doubt Cody got by on his looks in college.

Edited by LGGirl
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I'm assuming it was a soccer scholarship but I don't care enough to actually find out. Don't you usually have to maintain at least a 3.0 in order to stay on a sports team? Although Cody did claim (or was forced to say) that NFL football is his most favouritist sport of all time in the DR during the NFL comp. 

Frankie to Christine: He's HOH. You're supposed to do things for him, not the other way around.
Oh, don't worry. Give her a dark room, five minutes, and a promise the cameras won't be on, and I'm sure she'll do "things" for him.


How long before things escalate between Cody and Christine from constant petting to heavy petting to playing "Just the Tip" ?  It's a long time until next Thursday.

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@Nashville, I like your thinking.

Donny would be better talking to Frankie. Frankie is smart and would think about his logic and not necessarly report back. Frankie does not clearly see that Victoria and Cody are Derricks "people," he really does think they have a tight alliance and no need to worry until Donny and Nichole are gone. He is also under the impression that he and Derrick are the two who are the closest.

An excellent observation. If you're looking for someone who loves a good blindside and making a move solely for the sake of Making A Big Move, you need look no further than Frankie.

Only problem is, I think Frankie is too scared to come at Derrick unless Derrick is in a coma with his back to Frankie and Frankie has a .45 with a full clip.

ETA: Or maybe a shotgun - for some reason, I doubt Frankie's that good a shot.

I'm assuming it was a soccer scholarship but I don't care enough to actually find out. Don't you usually have to maintain at least a 3.0 in order to stay on a sports team? Although Cody did claim (or was forced to say) that NFL football is his most favouritist sport of all time in the DR during the NFL comp.

Somebody had to maintain a 3.0 for Cody, true.... ;>

Edited by Nashville
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How long before things escalate between Cody and Christine from constant petting to heavy petting to playing "Just the Tip" ?  It's a long time until next Thursday.


"Sucking up to the HOH" has a whole new meaning with those two. Not that Cody would mind. Didn't he say the other day that he "wasn't the one who was married"? Aw, how cute, he thinks he's innocent in this whole situation. 


I can't tell if it's because of the people left in the house or the extra cup of coffee I had this morning, but I'm super snarky today. And this is why I'll never be on Big Brother. 

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Thats a great way to think about it. He's tried to approach Cody and Christine a few times now with this line of thought (the whole pecking order stuff) but I'm wondering if Frankie and Caleb would've been the better avenues to go about it. I think Frankie might take interest in the "Derrick is going to win this...when are you planning to get him out?" line of thinking. Plus Caleb has proven to be incredibly easy to manipulate. I think Frankie and Caleb probably think they are high in the pecking order for Derrick since they are "strong" players, but they're actually much lower than Cody and Victoria.

Derrick's group of lemmings are are so ridiculous. Do they not realize that they are CARRYING Derrick to f2 and only one person can win? They should get Derrick out, keep Donny and Nicole, and scramble up the game so THEY have a chance to win by cultivating Donny's and Nicole's votes for the finale night.


This group os HGs is not only boring but brain dead.

The brick wall anyone outside the Detonators (+Caleb) keeps running into is this: everybody in the alliance trusts Derrick. Donny has tried multiple times, but he has been unable to break that trust.

At that point, the issue is crystal in its clarity; the only person who can break their trust in Derrick is - Derrick. Likewise the solution - create a scenario where Derrick breaks trust, or exposes his willingness to do so.

Creating that scenario? THAT'S the hard part. And the clock keeps ticking.

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Victoria is apparently having major issues with her wisdom teeth and is on painkillers. Any chance of either a pity eviction or Victoria doing a medical DOR and no eviction this week? Frankie was bitching that his HOH week was essentially useless with Nicole coming back, now it could happen to Cody. We still have a chance for a Chima moment!

I remember around this time last year..when I had all sorts of hope when Judd made it back into the house. Elyssa won HOH (yay!) but in the end, nothing really improved. Have I always disliked the final houseguests this much (meaning F4, F2)? Or is it just recently that the worst people make it to the end. 


I have no hope for this season. I am fully expecting Donny or Nicole to leave this week, the other next week, then Christine (I'm ok with that). I would be content if Victoria was brought to F2. But I don't even know if that is going to happen anymore because I actually like her. And yes, sometimes it feels like the game goes in the complete opposite direction of what I want! 

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Victoria is apparently having major issues with her wisdom teeth and is on painkillers. Any chance of either a pity eviction or Victoria doing a medical DOR and no eviction this week? 


Or maybe they could tell Victoria that she won't be home for Rosh Hashanah and she'll self-evict. Do it to save Donny/Nicole, Victoria!

  • Love 2

She's on four pills every four to six hours. Derrick and Frankie were debating earlier about whether they would give her Percocet or Vicodin, decided maybe Tylenol with codeine, but probably just strong anti-inflammatories. She's been asking everyone about their wisdom teeth horror stories and her face is swollen. Derrick said she showed him a week or two back and they were beginning to break through the gums. 


Victoria normally is funny to me. I can't wait to see her high as a kite on pain meds. Much as I love her and want her to go all the way, I would take a Victoria sacrifice if it kept Donny and Nicole together for another shot at HOH. Plus I hate to see someone in pain that isn't self-inflicted like her extensions.


ETA: I remembered the "every four to six hours" because when she took them in the DR around noon and she told Frankie, she looked at the clock (12:45 ish) and said, "So I can take four more at two o'clock?" Wonder if she went to the same school as Cody. Thankfully Frankie told her the right time to take more.

Edited by Callaphera
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I remember around this time last year..when I had all sorts of hope when Judd made it back into the house. Elyssa won HOH (yay!) but in the end, nothing really improved. Have I always disliked the final houseguests this much (meaning F4, F2)? Or is it just recently that the worst people make it to the end. 


I have no hope for this season. I am fully expecting Donny or Nicole to leave this week, the other next week, then Christine (I'm ok with that). I would be content if Victoria was brought to F2. But I don't even know if that is going to happen anymore because I actually like her. And yes, sometimes it feels like the game goes in the complete opposite direction of what I want! 



There was Dan and Dr Will to name 2.  I am a Rachael fan so I liked her seasons.   Ian was another winner who I adored.   There are probably more but I can't think of one right now.

I remember around this time last year..when I had all sorts of hope when Judd made it back into the house. Elyssa won HOH (yay!) but in the end, nothing really improved. Have I always disliked the final houseguests this much (meaning F4, F2)? Or is it just recently that the worst people make it to the end. 


I have no hope for this season. I am fully expecting Donny or Nicole to leave this week, the other next week, then Christine (I'm ok with that). I would be content if Victoria was brought to F2. But I don't even know if that is going to happen anymore because I actually like her. And yes, sometimes it feels like the game goes in the complete opposite direction of what I want! 



Dan, Ian, Dr Will, Rachael and probably more winners I liked but just cannot remember right now.  So every season is not a total loss.  :-)

  • Love 3

Walking away probably does help, but Survivor players also spend a lot more time doing the basics to survive. They're focusing on getting water, making a fire, gathering wood, looking for food sources, etc. it may get boring, but it gives them a purpose to get out of bed and accomplish something.

This made me think about how they could perhaps help ensure that the HGs actually got out of bed and were given incentives to be more active and participate so we weren’t just watching a bunch of disgusting slugs laze around, trash talk and sleep the whole time. Maybe if BB only gave them slop and some other food basics to start with and then made them complete various tasks to earn other food items things might be more interesting to watch and it may even change the dynamic in the house a bit, especially if they all had to work together to ‘earn’ something. If they told the HGs that they could get a steak dinner if they all participated in cleaning the bathroom or that they could have tuna steaks (something apparently critical for Frankie’s survival) added as regular food item if a certain number of them all did 20 laps around the back yard, etc. it might make for more compelling viewing at least and may possibly influence to some (small) extent who teams up with who and for what reason.

Edited by Rapunzel
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I have disliked all the winners since BB11. LOL. Honestly why do I keep watching this show?


I think the same thing every year, and yet here I am back for more anger and abuse. Maybe it's the high snark potential. It's the reason why I watch all the award shows, too.

Caleb: When I was four and paralyzed...

Damn it, I want to hear the rest of this! Why do I need to hear about Frankie peeing in front of a nurse?! Cray-Cray Caleb sounds like he's ramping up to a good story there!


Caleb: I don't know my times tables, they stop at 5. I'm not book smart...

Truer words have never been spoken, Caleb.

Edited by Callaphera
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Honestly at this point I’m just looking for something to happen so I’m not bored out of my mind with what seems to be a certain win by Derrick. I had hopes that Nicole and/or Donny could change something if they won HOH but since they lost, it seems that unless Production does something like a Pandora’s  Box, DPV or ‘Cootie Taw’ (as others have mentioned) it’s unlikely that  there will be any kind of compelling shift in this game which is really unfortunate as I would have loved to see an “under dog” win this season (meaning Donny first, but I could have lived with Nicole or Hayden or maybe even Zach as well) to really get me invested in watching this show next season. I’m tired of seeing a boring, so-called dominante alliance just trot through and get everyone to do their bidding, especially this season as the group seems pretty ignorant and can’t grasp that they are only helping someone else’s game and not playing for their own best interests.

Edited by Rapunzel
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I liked Dan and Ian, and I might have liked Dr. Will and Rachael more if I'd followed the feeds, but back then I just watched the broadcast shows.  Actually, I wonder if I'd followed the feeds back then if I'd have ended up liking Ian and Dan.  Food for thought...


See, as a broadcast only watcher, back during that famous second season, I actually liked Hardy, and thought he was treated terribly by the Chilltown gang.  Then much later when I started perusing boards like these, I was shocked to find that Hardy was one of the most hated houseguests ever by the feed watchers.


That's why I love this thread, and all y'alls posting here, because I kind of feel like I got burned by the BB editors stitching together carefully selected bits of footage to tell the story they wanted told, and not the real story of what was happening in the BB house.  I felt like they'd broken their contract.


But now it is almost like it is coming full circle.  For years, the feed viewers and followers (like me) were kind of isolated in our own universe of private discussion threads and websites, and the BB editors were free to do whatever they wanted and the general viewing public would know no better.  But now, with the explosion of social media, the stuff that happens in the live feeds is getting more and more attention, and not just from specialized niche websites like Jokers and Hamstertime, but in more mainstream sites like Twitter and Reddit.   So now, the BB editors have to play an interesting game of cat and mouse.  They still clearly want to tell a particular story, but they can't go too far or they'll get called out.  I think last season's broadcast shows would have been pretty different if all that dirty laundry hadn't had its airing out on the Twitterverse and other places.  Heck, I wonder if the beloved Evel Dick and his season would have made out under today's conditions!


All that said...I'm actually OK with a Derrick win though.  He's played a very skillful and measured game.  He wasn't nasty like Andy from last year, or obnoxiously fame-whorish like Rachael.  I think of him as kind of a BB Boston Rob, only without the charm and magnetism.  But if Donny could pull the wool off some eyes, and the rug out from under him, I'd be all for that too!

  • Love 5

Last season's cast was vile but they weren't as boring and herdish as this season, and there were better game players. I haven't seen a collection of pinheads this useless since Boston Rob's season of Survivor. I mean, what's the best blindside of the season? Jocasta going home instead of Zach? Wow. I generally hate the cast that is left by this time in every season but what makes this year bad is the predictability. There's just very little actual gameplay happening. Which is why I can't hate on Derrick too much. At least he's playing.

Donny, stop calling yourself an old man. The pity party isn't a good look.

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Caleb: When I was four and paralyzed...

Damn it, I want to hear the rest of this! Why do I need to hear about Frankie peeing in front of a nurse?! Cray-Cray Caleb sounds like he's ramping up to a good story there!


You haven't heard the amazing tale of the mysterious African man that wandered into Caleb's hospital room, touched his ankles and miraculously healed him of his paralysis? Where have you been?! I'm 99% sure the mysterious man was actually his doctor. Walked into his room, grabbed his ankles and said "You're not paralyzed, stop wasting my time." Miracle!


Another good one from Joker's: 08/20/14 09:22 PM Caleb says he's been to Africa. Frankie says Caleb told him he's never been there. Caleb says he was so young he can't remember. NT


  • Love 19



Cody's bio does not mention Temple.  It also said he was signed for a professional soccer team, not for a college.  He had to quit because of an injury.  The last paragraph is cute.

I live outside Philly, remembered reading this before the season started. Says he graduated from Temple last year.    I remember being confused cause he also wears Rutger's gear as well.




  • Love 1

You haven't heard the amazing tale of the mysterious African man that wandered into Caleb's hospital room, touched his ankles and miraculously healed him of his paralysis? Where have you been?! I'm 99% sure the mysterious man was actually his doctor. Walked into his room, grabbed his ankles and said "You're not paralyzed, stop wasting my time." Miracle!


Another good one from Joker's: 08/20/14 09:22 PM Caleb says he's been to Africa. Frankie says Caleb told him he's never been there. Caleb says he was so young he can't remember. NT


I think I just laughed for two minutes straight reading that. Oh, Caleb. I do remember hearing that story before, or seeing it on the big list of Caleb's dubious claims. Knowing him, he was talking about another time when he was four and paralyzed, not the same time as the mysterious African man. Must also explain why everyone just ignored him and kept talking about Frankie peeing in front of the nurse. 


Maybe Victoria should share her pain meds with Caleb. He's probably be pretty entertaining flying high on those, too. Imagine the stories we'd hear then...

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In recent times, I really liked Jordan and was fine with her winning. I also did not mind Ian and Dan they were the best players in season 14. Remember when Adam would go on and on during season 13 how he was going to win Fan Favorite? Most useless house guest ever  and he is the reason we have Frankie this season. He introduced Frankie to someone in casting.

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Derrick's one blind spot in the game is Nicole. He knows she's smart but doesn't think she would target him or Cody. He was just planting seeds with Cody about getting Christine out before Nicole. I think he knows if Donny and Nicole go next it's gonna be 3 vs 3 -- when one of his three is someone who can't win a comp (Victoria). I don't think he likes those odds. I know everyone thinks it's a march to the winner's circle for Derrick but his endgame has a lot of problems. 

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The only winner I have every actually rooted for was Jun, and she was a horrible person (on the show, she seemed to mature afterwards), so...


I was thrilled when Ian won, but that was only because I hated Dan so much, and it delighted me that he got soooo close to achieving his goal of being a two-time winner before being denied at the end.

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I'm still hoping for TPTB manipulation to keep Donny in.



I am too.  You can feel the resignation in the posts today, though.  The only thing is the diamond veto, that is it.  Well, there is expect the unexpected but that hasn't proved to be all that earth shattering thus far.  Pandora's Box never does anything that changes the game, it is just silly stuff.  And I don't want to see Jesse again.


If they wanted to help Donny there have been plenty of things they could have done in the DR so I have to believe they like the way things are going. 


One thing I thought hysterical on the feeds was Cody saying he thought Donny was a "Harvard medical doctor." 

  • Love 3


I am too.  You can feel the resignation in the posts today, though.  The only thing is the diamond veto, that is it.  Well, there is expect the unexpected but that hasn't proved to be all that earth shattering thus far.  Pandora's Box never does anything that changes the game, it is just silly stuff.  And I don't want to see Jesse again.

In season 13 when Jordan/Rachel were on the block they unleashed the duo twist back in the house. So when Rachel won the veto she was able to take her and Jordan off the block. Season 14 they unleashed quarters in the house and had a crane game. Ian won the veto which saved him that week because it was the week of Dan's funeral and Frank put Britney up because he could not put Ian up.

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