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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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In theory, I should root for Derrick -- I grew up in RI so there's that, and his ability to manipulate his housemates is impressive -- but I can't. I listened to Rob Has a Podcast today and Rob's sidekick Brian helped me understand why: Derrick is so full of shit that he thinks he can manipulate the audience too. In his diary room confessionals, if Derrick simply relished his accomplishments, rubbed his hands together and owned it, I would say "touché." Instead, he plays earnest and that's what drives me crazy.



Okay.  That is it, the missing piece as to why we don't see him a great player.  All the previous strategists gave good, honest DR!  Brilliant, Brian.  That is what has been elusive.  Thundering applause. 

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From Jokers at 2:30 PM BBT


Frankie: I wish Kathy Griffin had walked in and said, "What the F is that smell?!" Cody: That would've been embarrassing.


So the houseguests are aware that the house stinks, but are unwilling to keep the place clean -- uggh, these people.


They are only cleaning now, before tonight's show, because BB probably threatened to withhold booze or something similar.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

Hmmm, wonder if the dart board the HGs were given is what the comp is about (looking at the concentric circles in the middle).  Has anyone been practicing?




Frankie: I wish Kathy Griffin had walked in and said, "What the F is that smell?!" Cody: That would've been embarrassing.

So the houseguests are aware that the house stinks, but are unwilling to keep the place clean -- uggh, these people.

Amber indicated that the house smelled bad.  Kathy Griffin on Letterman last night also mentioned how the house stunk.

  • Love 4

Okay.  That is it, the missing piece as to why we don't see him a great player.  All the previous strategists gave good, honest DR!  Brilliant, Brian.  That is what has been elusive.  Thundering applause.

I'm still withholding judgment on whether or not Derrick is a great player for precisely this reason. The key question of resolution: why lie?

1. If it's simply a spin class to TRY avoiding looking like a backstabbing schmuck to the general populace - my response is a resounding MEH. Fail.

2. If it's to fake out Production and build in their minds a gradually taken-for-granted assumption that a strategically weak player is his target, only to strike during a lulled moment and take out a Production Favorite - THAT might be worth the Crown.

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I'm still withholding judgment on whether or not Derrick is a great player for precisely this reason. The key question of resolution: why lie?

1. If it's simply a spin class to TRY avoiding looking like a backstabbing schmuck to the general populace - my response is a resounding MEH. Fail.

2. If it's to fake out Production and build in their minds a gradually taken-for-granted assumption that a strategically weak player is his target, only to strike during a lulled moment and take out a Production Favorite - THAT might be worth the Crown.


I am not sure Derrick is that aware that production could steer his game against his desire if he admits what he is doing.  We see that, but Derrick is not that much of a BB super fan. I say this because he has a time consuming career, wife and child. I have a hunch is not a feed watcher.   He chose a persona and track and is sticking to it becasue he thinks that is the way to go.  That is one perspective anyway and the way I see it in the moment. I can be talked out of that easily too! 

Not only is the house pretty much unventilated and filthy but add to that the stench from the constant cooking of fish and the smelly garbage it makes.  The odor never has the chance to go away.


Love having my light bulb moment from Brian on Rob's podcast.  He's right.  Derrick isn't even honest in his DR sessions.  He's playing us just as much as his fellow houseguests.  Good ol' Derrick wants the America's Favorite check, too.  You know...he's got to feed his daughter.   

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From Joker's:

2:59 PM Discussion about last time cleaning was done was by Caleb & Amber. Caleb: She did most of it. NT

If the house hasn't actually been cleaned since Amber was there that place has to be a toxic, uninhabitable, environment and a complete health hazard.  I'm surprised none of them have gotten sick. These people are disgusting slobs and I can't even fathom how anyone could live like that, though some of them really do deserve to live in a garbage dump. 

Edited by Rapunzel
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We see that, but Derrick is not that much of a BB super fan. I say this because he has a time consuming career, wife and child. I have a hunch is not a feed watcher.

Derrick has talked about watching the feeds many times. As many on this board can probably attest, having real life responsibilities don't necessarily preclude being obsessed with BB.



2. If it's to fake out Production and build in their minds a gradually taken-for-granted assumption that a strategically weak player is his target, only to strike during a lulled moment and take out a Production Favorite - THAT might be worth the Crown.

We haven't seen any evidence of this and he can't vote someone out without talking about it to other HGs even if he lies about his intentions in the DR. Derrick is definitely aware that production screws with people's games, but he always talks about it in the context of them misrepresenting what's happening in the house on the TV show. I can't figure out why he lies so much in the DR. He even lies to the audience in the course of conversations in the house, usually around stuff having to do with TA. He and Frankie were alone the other night talking about Donny and they both acted like they hadn't been targeting him when they must realize that they've already been shown targeting him on the show. He's also made a big point of "calling Donny out" to the audience for not being sufficiently devoted to TA several times, sometimes directly to the camera when he's alone and other times with Frankie. He and Frankie seem to think/hope that the audience will love them for being so devoted to TA and hate Donny for being less committed. He's mentioned the comment Donny made about wanting to play his own game, not America's many times, always implying that he and Frankie care more about "America's game" than their own personal games, which is obviously bullshit (and stupid). He was completely pissed off when he got an inkling that Donny is popular, but rather than that making him reach out to Donny, it seems to have made him more determined to turn "America" against Donny by painting him as disloyal to America and to Derrick and Frankie. The reality is that Derrick has been plotting against Donny and Frankie for weeks (longer with Donny), while Frankie has never plotted against him and Donny has only actively done so this week. It's weird. Maybe he's become so used to snowing the morons in the house with contradictory, nonsensical, obviously untrue stories that he thinks he can do it to anyone, even people who are watching everything he does.

  • Love 9

From Joker's:

If the house hasn't actually been cleaned since Amber was there that place has to be a toxic, uninhabitable, environment and a complete health hazard. I'm surprised none of them have gotten sick. These people are disgusting slobs and I can't even fathom how anyone could live like that, though some of them really do deserve to live in a garbage dump.

We haven't heard about Ants in awhile on the feeds. I wonder if they got disgusted by the mess and smell and booked it!! Haha

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It looks like the HOH competition Porsche won on BB13.


Maybe. But why are they all connected? And there doesn't appear to be anything to maneuver around, but that might just be because it's like a blueprint type pic.


There are endurance challenges that don't involve hanging off a slanted platform with mud being hurled.  If they did have a hand on buzzer it would favor Donny and isn't that what we all want? 


They sadly haven't done those 'hand on buzzer' type endurances since BB6. They take too long and they don't want their schedule to get fucked up.


Hmmm, wonder if the dart board the HGs were given is what the comp is about (looking at the concentric circles in the middle). 


You'd think the dart things was about HOH, but they were told they would be getting it for 24 hours once every week, so that doesn't make sense if it's just for this HOH.


I feel like it looks like the comp is gonna take up quite a bit of room, which makes the whole thing even weirder. Like how are they gonna tear that whole thing down and put in an HOH comp that can be completed tonight? Maybe it's not as big as I think it seems though.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I am not sure Derrick is that aware that production could steer his game against his desire if he admits what he is doing.  We see that, but Derrick is not that much of a BB super fan. I say this because he has a time consuming career, wife and child. I have a hunch is not a feed watcher.   

Derrick is either a feed watcher or a feed follower (Joker's, HamsterWatch, etc.). He's the one who's been educating some of the other less-informed HGs on what the feed cameras and BBAD show/don't show, what kind of stuff gets posted to Joker's and HW, doing shout-outs to the fan sites, etc.

So far as the career/family obligations go - when he's not in the house, he may be doing like me. I've been living on about three hours of sleep a night for going on two months now. :)

  • Love 2

Derrick is either a feed watcher or a feed follower (Joker's, HamsterWatch, etc.). He's the one who's been educating some of the other less-informed HGs on what the feed cameras and BBAD show/don't show, what kind of stuff gets posted to Joker's and HW, doing shout-outs to the fan sites, etc.

So far as the career/family obligations go - when he's not in the house, he may be doing like me. I've been living on about three hours of sleep a night for going on two months now. :)



Ha ha ha, me too.  Thanks.  I missed this.  Again, I say, never again will I think not getting the feeds will erase the obsession.  It does not, it makes it worse.

  • Love 1

Last week there were a bunch all over the wall behind the upper shelf. They were inside all the food boxes up there, too.


Oh, that's gross. I'd DOR at that point. I know the ants come every year, but I don't really remember an infestation this bad. Those people are such pigs. 


I can't wait for the juror competition tonight. Not because I care that much who comes back, they're pretty screwed with the numbers anyway, but because I want to see how Jocasta is going to deal with it. Will they have a puke bucket and a bed for her to crawl into off to the side? Is she going to speak in tongues? 

  • Love 3

I live in Florida and we all have the house perimeter sprayed every 4 months to control ants.  It is CBS's fault there are ants.  They would come in my clean house if I did not spray.  Yes, I get it that the house is dirty and that is ever MORE necessary to spray OFTEN.   

Edited by wings707
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Several years ago, didn't they have a houseguest who had really, really stinky feet?  As I recall, he lasted long into the game, and the following season they actually had to replace the carpet (this was the start of the big dramatic thematically re-designs of the house) because when they went to do set up for the new season, the entire place still smelled like his feet.  When I read that years ago on TWoP I nearly lost my lunch.  Nice guy, no hygenic problems, just really stinky feet.

We already know they got that.  Production told them stealing Christines teddy bear was not a clothing item.  They went and snagged something else and hid it with the other booty.  Now we still don't know if they will accept that but is sure seemed like it was a distinct possibility.  They did not win the one Donny nixed nor do I think they should win the "argument."  Zach going off on Amber does not constitue an argument. I bet they won that though.   I thought eviciting Amber as a threat was lame but they will let that one go, too. 


If you want to get America involved don't make up stupid things, watch twitter for ideas. 

Several years ago, didn't they have a houseguest who had really, really stinky feet?  As I recall, he lasted long into the game, and the following season they actually had to replace the carpet (this was the start of the big dramatic thematically re-designs of the house) because when they went to do set up for the new season, the entire place still smelled like his feet.  When I read that years ago on TWoP I nearly lost my lunch.  Nice guy, no hygenic problems, just really stinky feet.



I don't remember that but it is a condition that is easily cured with swabbing your feet with lemon juice on a regular basis.  It is a fungus that causes the odor. Vinegar works too. 


I don't excuse any of the behavior, but I understand how it happens.  Group think is a terrible thing---we have learned this lesson over and over in the real world.  And yet, it seems when circumstances allow it, within a show or in the real world, it just creeps in over, and over, and over.


I'm curious though...to what do you attribute the fact that some of these players really DON'T go down the garbage pit...Donny being a prime example this year.  He's been inside the house as long as the rest of them, and been treated really shabby the whole time.  He hasn't let the negativity and name calling take control of him.  

I'm sure most of these people are within the normal range of acceptable humans (huh?  Hopefully you know what I mean) when they're not in the house.

But, some are more susceptible to the 'group think' than others.  I wonder why.


Big Brother had the initial lofty goal of being a social experiment (after making money, of course).  The behaviors we deplore on this television show happen in the real world every day to some degree or another.  


To me, this show is an annual lesson/reminder in how important critical thinking is in our daily lives.  As friends, family members, coworker's, neighbors, and citizens, we all do better when we don't accept everything at face value and are very discerning when we decide who to trust and what to believe.


Derrick is winning because he's using the emotional needs of people to get what he wants.  He doesn't want critical thinkers in the game.  



I'm sad Zach is leaving, and I think Hayden would have the best chance to turn things around.  Although - any of the returnees or Donny winning HOH will be the best thing yet.  I'll be glued to the feeds!

  • Love 3

The TV show thread seems to be for those who do not want spoiling from the feeds.  I will be here talking about the show unless there is another thread for that.  There are some things here I have yet to figure out.  Is there a place to click and see ALL new posts for all the threads?  I PMed a mod but they have not been around.

We already know they got that.  Production told them stealing Christines teddy bear was not a clothing item.  They went and snagged something else and hid it with the other booty. 


Its irritating that production helps.  Why do they get status updates on whether they have correctly completed the task while its on going?

If they failed, I think it's on Derrick. He got the note, and then relayed it to the others, and he said "clothing or personal item," when I think  that when he read the card in the DR, it only said clothing. So since I'm evil, I'd give Frankie and Donny the money, since they completed the mission as it was given to them, and not give it to Derrick, since he screwed it up.

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Yes, the clue's wording is totally up to the one who receives it to remember the details.  I thought of this, too.  My guess is that production is not that interested in spliing hairs.  They could without retrubution, certainly.  But my guess is that it is a silly thing they do to get the viewers involved.  Stoopid shit, that is what.

I feel like it looks like the comp is gonna take up quite a bit of room, which makes the whole thing even weirder. Like how are they gonna tear that whole thing down and put in an HOH comp that can be completed tonight? Maybe it's not as big as I think it seems though.



If everyone is looking at the same image from the CBS website that I am, of the blueprint type drawing of the competition, maybe it is taking place outside of the BB compound? Maybe the jurors will fight it out, outside of the house then return to the backyard for the HOH.

If everyone is looking at the same image from the CBS website that I am, of the blueprint type drawing of the competition, maybe it is taking place outside of the BB compound? Maybe the jurors will fight it out, outside of the house then return to the backyard for the HOH.



I thought this too until someone pointed out that Zach has  to be a part of this.  So, no.

If everyone is looking at the same image from the CBS website that I am, of the blueprint type drawing of the competition, maybe it is taking place outside of the BB compound? Maybe the jurors will fight it out, outside of the house then return to the backyard for the HOH.

The only reason I doubt this is because the pic shows 7 chairs beside the comp, presumably for the HGs to watch the comp, and I doubt they'd take them out of the compound for that.


Maybe. But why are they all connected? And there doesn't appear to be anything to maneuver around, but that might just be because it's like a blueprint type pic.

You are right they were not connected. Also, it was after a Double Eviction so it was not live.


Several years ago, didn't they have a houseguest who had really, really stinky feet?  As I recall, he lasted long into the game, and the following season they actually had to replace the carpet (this was the start of the big dramatic thematically re-designs of the house) because when they went to do set up for the new season, the entire place still smelled like his feet.  When I read that years ago on TWoP I nearly lost my lunch.  Nice guy, no hygenic problems, just really stinky feet.

I did a google search really quickly I think it was Marvin from BB5 that was in the old house.

Edited by choclatechip45

wings707: If I recall correctly we are not supposed to post here during the show.

Yes, I was told not to discuss the show on this thread, as it is just for live feeds discussion. The thread for each episode is locked until the show has been broadcast, so there really is nowhere to post while the show is airing.

Did they earn the money for the neighborhood watch mission? I might have missed that last night.


Did they only hide Frankie's glitter or did they go back and also hide a piece of his clothing, like they did with Christine?  If they stick to the item having to be clothing, then I would assume that glitter wouldn't get them a pass.

I'm curious though...to what do you attribute the fact that some of these players really DON'T go down the garbage pit...Donny being a prime example this year. He's been inside the house as long as the rest of them, and been treated really shabby the whole time. He hasn't let the negativity and name calling take control of him.

I'm sure most of these people are within the normal range of acceptable humans (huh? Hopefully you know what I mean) when they're not in the house.

But, some are more susceptible to the 'group think' than others. I wonder why.

Donny may be immune to it because he's older and never really been part of a group in the house. If he were in a group he may have gotten more sucked into that style of interacting. He didn't have any issues sitting around commenting about Christine and Cody being inappropriate and I think someone mentioned him calling Amber a jezebel once while commiserating with Caleb. Those weren't horrible things to say in the context of the house but i'd bet they are more negative and gossipy than things Donny would normally say about someone outside of the house.

I think if you're confined in a small space with folks who tend to skew to the negative it gets easy to skew that way with them. If you're not interacting with them much, you may not ever get into the cycle of talking that way.

Also, I think having a common enemy with someone can also pull folks into that kind of interaction. They start bonding over how much they dislike someone. Donny hasn't really had anyone close enough to bond with that way over a common target.

Edited by luvlee2003
  • Love 3

I was thinking last night about how much they cook fish. I hate fish and the smell of it is nauseating to me. I can't imagine being stuck in there with no windows, bleck!

I am the same way! I can't walk by that section in the supermarket without getting nauseous. Years ago when I occasionally had to get a roommate in my previous apartment, that was the one thing they were never allowed to cook. Every time the hamsters cook fish, I think about how much it must reek. I vehemently disagree with the claim that it doesn't smell if it's fresh.

Edited by Scout Finch
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Is it worth it to seek professional help over the fact that I feel genuine nervousness in my stomach about this returning HG competition?  I'm even going to watch the East coast feed online because I need to know. That's mental.

That's just being a fan. Sports fans feel it all time. It's totally normal. 

  • Love 4

I'm curious though...to what do you attribute the fact that some of these players really DON'T go down the garbage pit...Donny being a prime example this year.  He's been inside the house as long as the rest of them, and been treated really shabby the whole time.  He hasn't let the negativity and name calling take control of him.  

I'm sure most of these people are within the normal range of acceptable humans (huh?  Hopefully you know what I mean) when they're not in the house.

But, some are more susceptible to the 'group think' than others.  I wonder why.


Big Brother had the initial lofty goal of being a social experiment (after making money, of course).  The behaviors we deplore on this television show happen in the real world every day to some degree or another.  


To me, this show is an annual lesson/reminder in how important critical thinking is in our daily lives.  As friends, family members, coworker's, neighbors, and citizens, we all do better when we don't accept everything at face value and are very discerning when we decide who to trust and what to believe.


Derrick is winning because he's using the emotional needs of people to get what he wants.  He doesn't want critical thinkers in the game.  



I'm sad Zach is leaving, and I think Hayden would have the best chance to turn things around.  Although - any of the returnees or Donny winning HOH will be the best thing yet.  I'll be glued to the feeds!



Donny may be immune to it because he's older and never really been part of a group in the house. If he were in a group he may have gotten more sucked into that style of interacting. He didn't have any issues sitting around commenting about Christine and Cody being inappropriate and I think someone mentioned him calling Amber a jezebel once while commiserating with Caleb. Those weren't horrible things to say in the context of the house but i'd bet they are more negative and gossipy than things Donny would normally say about someone outside of the house.

I think if you're confined in a small space with folks who tend to skew to the negative it gets easy to skew that way with them. If you're not interacting with them much, you may not ever get into the cycle of talking that way.

Also, I think having a common enemy with someone can also pull folks into that kind of interaction. They start bonding over how much they dislike someone. Donny hasn't really had anyone close enough to bond with that way over a common target.

Some of it also has to do with personality.  Some people are just less susceptible to manipulation, are less likely to alter their behavior based on social situations, or have a stronger moral or ethical center than other people.  Older people are more likely to have a fixed personality, while people in their early twenties are not quite formed yet personality-wise.  Some people are high self-monitors, which means that they have a heightened awareness of how they present themselves in social situations- this can mean not saying something offensive in public that you think in private or it can also mean conforming to whatever social norm you are presented with even if you don't believe in it.  I am not a Psych PhD, so take this comment with a grain of salt.  I just wanted to give my $.02, because the psychology of the houseguests is what I enjoy the most about this show.

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I am not a Psych PhD, so take this comment with a grain of salt. I just wanted to give my $.02, because the psychology of the houseguests is what I enjoy the most about this show.

I'm right there with you. I even find it fascinating watching my friends' and my interaction with the show as the season progresses. I dont watch the feeds but i check this board every few hours. Check jokers a few times a day. I get so beholden to this show. It's all pretty fascinating.

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I'd like to give the livestream a big fuck you for going to a commercial for hot dogs both when Zach left the house and when the jurors walked back in.  


Editing bc my comments belonged in the episode forum.


By the way, Zach gained something like 15,000 followers on Twitter in the last hour.  Both his and Frankie's Instagrams are completely deleted though.  WTF.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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