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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Oh I disagree. Since when has reality shows been about everyone being on an even playing field in terms of brains or experience? Anyone should be allowed to compete. It isn't about being fair, it's about going in and playing the game and trying to win with whatever god gave you (smarts, big boobs, great personality, what have you).


Well, what God or your plastic surgeon gave you.  I agree with your point.  Dr. Will had the advantage of being much more educated than the hamsters his season.  Being an athlete is an advantage.  You would think working in politics is an advantage - except it didn't help Helen.  Super fans have an advantage.  It's never been a level playing field, and it's not supposed to be.

From Jokers:

5:44 PM Caleb and Donny put everyone's first initial using Jenga blocks on the table, Frankie and Derrick thinks it's a military code. NT



Caleb is getting feisty - what's gotten into him?  Is there any chance he could be flipped?

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Vic is doing as well as she can considering her position. I don't have anything against her.

I was okay with her until she cut up the pink hat. That just seemed unnecessarily spiteful and mean. Now, I didn't see how Zach was "torturing her" beforehand, which was supposedly the reason she did it, so maybe he just pushed her too far. But I hate seeing anyone be mean to another person, especially when the inflictor seems to revel in doing so. And losing that hat really seemed to hurt him for some odd reason. I don't know, I seem to have an inexplicable soft spot for him. I've been feeling bad for him since he seems to be in pain from his busted eardrum.

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From Jokers 6:49 PM: Caleb says everyone won when they got the key to the house, that there are no losers but there is a winner (of the grand prize) NT


This is why I can't hate Caleb.  He's making the show interesting and he sometimes he even can manage to put things into perspective.

Edited by dolphincorn
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Well, it WAS her hat.  If I gave someone a hat to wear and they kept tormenting me, I'd have no problem taking it back, and what I did with it would be my business.

Yeah, but didn't she say he could have it? Like I said, if I had actually seen him being mean to her, I might feel differently, but all I've seen is the aftermath. I admit I'm probably biased because of that.

From Jokers 6:49 PM: Caleb says everyone won when they got the key to the house, that there are no losers but there is a winner (of the grand prize) NT


This is why I can't hate Caleb.  He's making the show interesting and he sometimes he even can manage to put things into perspective.

He is oddly insightful at times. But then others he's just downright wacko. He is interesting to watch.

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Why don't we see Derrick or Frankie trying to make a side deal with Donny, just in case he could be useful?  I don't count the TA nonsense, and Donny doesn't seem to either.


I find this deeply worrying that the season is never going to break this pattern.  Having a large alliance with two heads with roughly equal numbers of sycophants and a tendency towards groupthink is recipe for the most boring final stretch ever.


If Donny or returning HG, puts up Derrick/Frankie then the rest line up behind whoever is left standing then then the lemmings fall one after another.  If Derrick or Frankie manage to take the other out, then the rest fall in behind the victor and then lemmings.  If anyone else wins HoH, they'll do Frankie and Derrick's bidding and either they go after Donny/buyback or enact whatever Derrick and Frankie would do as HoH.


I don't think this particular alliance will turn on each other.  Their heads are so far up their asses that even as they pick each other off they'll be assured of their place in the pecking order.  Its going to be a continuous Zach situation where they only get it once they are on the way out the door but can't get anyone else to see it.


The only positive scenario we can hope for is the virtually impossible string of competition victories where buyback aligns with Donny.  But even then I think the stupidity is so strong in this group that it might take straight HoH wins to the finale to break the back of the alliance.

Victoria is complaining that Derrick hasn't talked to her in 3 days. Hopefully Nicole or Hayden come back and can flip her against Derrick since she seemed to like both of them.


Hmm.  There was a weirdly worded joker's update that I thought was misspelled.  Derrick and Frankie were talking about not taking Vic to the final three because then everyone would want to do the same to guarantee a win.  At the time is thought they might have meant to right that they needed to stop talking to Vic because people would get the same idea they already had about taking her to F3 .


It will be interesting to see if Derrick is getting to the point where he can't manage all the threads he's got going and it starts to unravel.


It will be interesting to see if Derrick is getting to the point where he can't manage all the threads he's got going and it starts to unravel.

I think his threads are already starting to slowly unravel. Victoria and Caleb are so paranoid right now it is starting to remind me of Judd from last year. Derrick is telling Christine we need to have Britney Brigade moment and reveal it to Victoria. Sadly Christine is too dumb to realize she is Britney!

Edited by choclatechip45
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It's so funny, because on day one I thought I was going to love Frankie, and I was all set to not like Donny just because of the beard. If you'd told me that today I'd loathe Frankie and love Donny, I'd never have believed you.


Same here. I really thought I'd like Frankie. I think I was high at the time or something!




Kaysar Ridha ‏@KaysarRidha

Copy & paste. Loud diary room confessionals. And of course telling everyone you hate them #Fugazi #BB16 #notwillkirby


LOL at Kaysar calling Zach out on his second-rate Will impersonation. I love it!


Let's just have CBS write a check for Derrick right now.


I feel like we we've been saying this since like week 2. Honestly, they should've just declared Derrick the winner then and saved us all the trouble.


And Cody, your father, the BB devotee, WILL be ashamed of you, you little girl.


No little girl would play this game the way Cody has honestly. He ain't got nothing on little girls!


I'm pretty sure we studied osmosis somewhere around elementary/middle school - it's not just a word used by doctors that only doctors are supposed to know. These people are so stupid it's unreal. How do any of them function in the real world?


I can't believe they're back to this. Kids learn 'osmosis' in literally 5th grade. These people are so embarrassing.


Derrick is becoming obsessed with Donny. 


He really is. I hope it's his downfall in this game.


Cutting up the hat, then looking for ways to repeatedly needle Zach about it? Kinda on the border of Borderline Personality Disorder-ish IMHO.


The funny thing is Zach acts this exact same way about her. Talking about punching her in the face and going on and on about how much he hates her and then asking her to go on dates with him and talking about kissing her. It's very bizarre. And thinking about it, Zach is basically the Frankie to Victoria's Zach. LOL.


ETA: I got on the feeds around 10 and they've been talking/whining about Donny the entire time. They really are the Friendship and Donny's Janelle!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Derrick: "Victoria isn't a floater. She doesn't know that there are 2 sides." Christine: "What is she then?" Derr: "Entertainment"Derrick says he doesn't talk game with Victoria - he's be a moron to team up with her.


MEanwhile in HOH, Victoria upset Derrick's not talking game with her. Cody's been giving her a pep talk of sorts.


Is production up to something?  Its odd that Cody/Victoria and Chris/Derrick are having two sides of the same conversation in different rooms at the same time.

From Joker's:

7:53 PM Frankie joins the fire room Derrick/Christine convo and complains about production stacking the deck for Donny w/ comps. NT

Wow - really? Donny has worked his ass off to win comps even when people he was teamed up with tried to throw them. If Production were to ever decide to rig a comp for Donny it had better be this next HoH. He needs to win and give these asshats a good kick in the pants. Given how pissed Derrick was when Donny had the nerve to win BoB so he couldn't be eliminated this week, watching how much he and the others would freak out if Donny won HoH would be priceless. Derrick's master plan would really start to go to shit.


ETA: If Donny can't win HoH, they need to have a Cootie Taw or Pandora's Box. It might actually get people interesting in paying attention to this season again.

Edited by Rapunzel
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Is production up to something?  Its odd that Cody/Victoria and Chris/Derrick are having two sides of the same conversation in different rooms at the same time.

I don't know about that, but he is obviously lying to Christine, because he does talk game to Vic and is teamed up with her to some degree or another.

Jokers 08/20/14 08:07 PM

Christine talking about everyone in production wearing "Fear the Beard" on their shirts and gets a "Christine, what is it about 'Stop' that you don't understand?" from BB for her efforts.

Christine says she's hated by America.


Wait.  Are they actually doing "Fear the Beard" on their clothes or is it more a way of Christine expressing that she feels like production is making it clear in DR interactions that they like Donny much more than everyone else?


Its amusing, but it is probably destroying Donny's ability to find a way to maneuver in the game.  That explains a lot of the irrational hate from the rest of the HGs.

Edited by ParadoxLost


If Zingbot can't get her to stop touching Cody so much and start thinking more about her husband, then I don't know what will.

This sentence cracks me up. In all seriousness, I think it might be a good idea for Tim and Christine to re-evaluate their relationship. From what I've gathered, they've been together since they were teens and got married when Christine was 20-21. I was struck by Tim's plea to not forget about him in his HOH letter because that's an incredibly bizarre thing to say to one's wife. I think that Christine is attracted to Cody and, at least subconsciously, is really invested in her relationship with him on both a physical and an emotional level. If Cody asked her to be with him after the show ends (which will never happen), I think she would be seriously torn, not because what "she has with Cody" is real, but because she's realizing (at least subconsciously) that her relationship with Tim isn't so perfect and that she may want something more/different. I wouldn't be surprised if Christine takes some drastic action with regard to her marriage after she leaves the house and faces Tim's and the public's feelings about her carrying on in the house. She'll either end up splitting with Tim (NOT to be with Cody) or she'll have a baby or something to recommit to her marriage.



Only pleasure I am waiting on is seeing their faces when it is finally revealed that there is an extra week.

Oh, there are a few more pleasures in store. Seeing Christine voted out, seeing Frankie voted out, and (fingers crossed!) seeing Derrick voted out.



On the bright side, Derrick is moaning and moaning about Donny. Donny told Christine that, if he won HOH, he would say he drew M&M's to nominate people without them in the room to see. He thought it would be funny, and it really would, but Derrick said he would smack those M&M's out of Donny's hand, he swears on his daughter he would. What a hypocritical dick.

Derrick (and his minions) are playing a very cowardly, hypocritical game. As everyone falls all over themselves to avoid getting Blood on Their Hands, Derrick is especially hypervigilant about NEVER going on the block, NEVER publicly taking responsibility for any decision, NEVER failing to quietly suck up to the designated boot as they leave, NEVER allowing the slightest criticism or accusation against him to go unchallenged, etc., etc., etc. He doesn't have the balls to make "big moves" that might put him at risk, which is working out because he doesn't need to since he has multiple minions who gladly put themselves at risk to help his game. The rest of them are too chickenshit to do anything without the alliance's stamp of approval, even when they explicitly acknowledge that doing something else would be better for their personal games. These people can't even have a private conversation without running back to report it to Derrick. What harm would it do to just listen to Donny and reflect on what he said without asking your opponents in the game what you should think/do?

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My husband says I need to go to Big Brother's Anonymous when this season is over.

Just because I can't stop watching and cursing at the feeds????? Just because I'm watching the live feed on a tablet, reading joker's updates on the twitter on my phone, and reading the comments on this site on my kindle fire???

I'm ok, I'm ok, I'm okkkkkkk.

  • Love 14


This sentence cracks me up. In all seriousness, I think it might be a good idea for Tim and Christine to re-evaluate their relationship. From what I've gathered, they've been together since they were teens and got married when Christine was 20-21. I was struck by Tim's plea to not forget about him in his HOH letter because that's an incredibly bizarre thing to say to one's wife. I think that Christine is attracted to Cody and, at least subconsciously, is really invested in her relationship with him on both a physical and an emotional level. If Cody asked her to be with him after the show ends (which will never happen), I think she would be seriously torn, not because what "she has with Cody" is real, but because she's realizing (at least subconsciously) that her relationship with Tim isn't so perfect and that she may want something more/different. I wouldn't be surprised if Christine takes some drastic action with regard to her marriage after she leaves the house and faces Tim's and the public's feelings about her carrying on in the house. She'll either end up splitting with Tim (NOT to be with Cody) or she'll have a baby or something to recommit to her marriage.

They've known each other since they were teens. They got together in April of 2011, were engaged September of 2011 and married March of 2012. She talks about it in her blog which is here http://christinebrecht.blogspot.com/2014/01/beginning.html

Edited by choclatechip45
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OK.  But they need to fire casting because that is where everything falls apart before the season even begins.

I think its Grodner's fault/CBS the same casting company does Big Brother Canada and they cast better people for that show. So I really think the blame lies with Grodner and CBS.

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I think it's mostly AG's fault. The women that casts this version casts BB Canada too and the 2 casts of it have been much better than any cast since AG took over here basically. ETA: Like minds, @choclatechip45 !


Derrick is truly Amanda. So entitled. I want him on the block so fucking much. He would go insane!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Derrick is truly Amanda. So entitled. I want him on the block so fucking much. He would go insane!

The only difference is I felt like Amanda was trying to be the female Dr. Will while I feel like Derrick is trying to be a Dan type. Remember Dan did a  lot of bashing of Frank.

Edited by choclatechip45
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They've known each other since they were teens. They got together in April of 2011, were engaged September of 2011 and married March of 2012. She talks about it in her blog which is here http://christinebrec.../beginning.html

Thanks for the info and the link. After reading her account of their relationship, I reiterate what I said above times 10.

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My husband says I need to go to Big Brother's Anonymous when this season is over.

Just because I can't stop watching and cursing at the feeds????? Just because I'm watching the live feed on a tablet, reading joker's updates on the twitter on my phone, and reading the comments on this site on my kindle fire???

I'm ok, I'm ok, I'm okkkkkkk.

My friend has been worried about me since my big brother spiral has started. She doesn't watch the show but I told her my favorite is leaving this week and she's all excited because this means I will prolly stop watching the feeds and slowly stop watching. So part of me wants Zach to come back and part of me doesn't so I have my life back haha Edited by SiobhanJW
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From Joker's:

Really Derrick? I can't believe he said this with a straight face and the others seem to firmly believe this as well. They way they are treating Donny at this point reminds me of how the HGs from last season treated Elyssa. At least they're not threatening to do all of the disgusting stuff to Donny that the group last year did with Elyssa, but it's still pretty bad. I hope that Donny is thrilled when this is over and he sees how popular and well liked he is out in the real world - you know, where it actually matters. He's a good person and most of America knows it and it will be awesome to see how this registers with the other HGs.


He has a point, and to some extent he is exactly right. Not about Donny being the most manipulative player but about him constantly lurching from player to player. Derrick and the other members at the top of the hierarchy have stuck to one another and stuck to manipulating the same players (Caleb, Victoria) with a consistent methodology and they've been able to keep doing it because it's been working. 


Donny on the other hand, because he's constantly been on the bottom because he doesn't know how to penetrate the alliances or set up his own, has constantly lurched from one person to the next; from Brittany to Jocasta to Hayden to Nicole to Zach and now apparently Cody. They're probably annoyed that he's had to play so differently because they themselves have never been in his position of not being able to build any strong alliances.

From the episode thread:


And the loathsome Frankie even admits Derrick will win the game...is in a perfect position to take him out....nope, nothing.


Did Frankie even consider nomming Derrick?  If so, I certainly didn't see it.   And I just do not understand this - you KNOW that Derrick is going to win, and you have a chance to backdoor him right now.  Zach and Donny would vote to evict Derrick over Cody, and then you only need to get one more person to flip.  Christine sure wants to keep Cody, so she might just do it.  But it never even occurred to him?  I don't get it!!  It would be a big move and get him tons of camera time, which seems to be his #1 motive.  

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The only positive scenario we can hope for is the virtually impossible string of competition victories where buyback aligns with Donny.  But even then I think the stupidity is so strong in this group that it might take straight HoH wins to the finale to break the back of the alliance.


Seriously. I know the returning juror is the same point last year where Amanda's game finally fell apart and I'm hoping it has a similar effect, but after today's events I really have zero hope. I don't even know that it would do any real good for Donny to put up a Frankie/Derrick combo at this point. Like you said, the lemmings will go straight to whomever survives and then Donny hate will surge to new levels. Basically, Donny needs to go after anyone except Victoria. It doesn't matter.

  • Love 3

Seriously. I know the returning juror is the same point last year where Amanda's game finally fell apart and I'm hoping it has a similar effect, but after today's events I really have zero hope. I don't even know that it would do any real good for Donny to put up a Frankie/Derrick combo at this point. Like you said, the lemmings will go straight to whomever survives and then Donny hate will surge to new levels. Basically, Donny needs to go after anyone except Victoria. It doesn't matter.

Basically Donny and the returning Juror need to win the next 2 HOHs to even have a shot.

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From Jokers

Zach says he removed Nicole's SVSU sweatshirt to poop so he wouldn't get sh*t on it. Frankie: "Maybe you should give it back toher with sh*t on it. Like actual feces. I'm happy to donate some of mine."

Why does Zach have Nicole's Sweatshirt? Frankie has reached Dick/Natalie/Lydia/Andy/Spencer levels of disgusting. I really hope production would intervene if he put feces on Nicole's sweatshirt.

Edited by choclatechip45
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