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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Anything that will provide some excitement and change up the boring predictability of this season is fine by me. I'd like to see it reset last week's eviction and return Donny, with him automatically becoming HOH for the second eviction. Sigh. It will never happen, but this season is all about dreams.  Of the viewers, not the players.

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Caleb hopes he gets out of there, checks FB & has a fitness modeling contract waiting for him ..."that's my kinda life" NT


And reject the Mensa membership?  Caleb, no!

But you're both forgetting about that shift he has at Lowe's.


Gah!  Foiled again by the shift at Lowe's!

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Nevermind, he looks super scary without the chinstrap. I can't believe a chinstrap actually enhanced his looks!

Did he shave his eyebrows off too? Or have they always been so light? Y'all are right, he looked better with the crappy chin strap.

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Production is as bored as we are, ratings are down and they see the tweets.  That picture is something that could/will jar the complacency of the planned F4.  I think Nicole and Victoria will come off the block and everyone outside to HOH comp.  They can fit in a DE if they start right away.  They may even have the new HOH go into DR and not allowed to talk to the others.  THAT would be good!   The duration of a commercial is time to get their plan back on track.  

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Well, now I'm really excited to see what that button is all about!  I can't even imagine what it will do or how it will work that will make these last few weeks exciting, but I'm willing to give it a chance.

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Anything that will provide some excitement and change up the boring predictability of this season is fine by me. I'd like to see it reset last week's eviction and return Donny, with him automatically becoming HOH for the second eviction. Sigh. It will never happen, but this season is all about dreams.  Of the viewers, not the players.


I just can't imagine that anything they come up with will remove predictability for more than 24 hrs.


If I'm going for the big dream because at this point I'm so bored that I don't care about the "integrity" of the game.  This is the dream....


They evict Nicole or Victoria.  They have a HoH completion.  HoH hits the button for reward.  Button leads to a competition between juror house and BB house on which house stays in the game.  Juror house wins.  HoH then puts up two former jurors for the DE and that juror house fights it out for F2.


Then we get feeds on both houses for at least a week.  Detonators are interesting for the first time all season as they've all been simultaneously evicted from the game. 

Edited by ParadoxLost
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All I know is if it aids Frankie in some way, imma be mad!!!

Honestly it's a bit suspicious to me that they're bringing out a twist tonight when Frankie is possibly in danger. But the editing is leading me to believe they've given up on him, so I hope my suspicion is unfounded.

But really, let's face it, it's probably gonna suck like everything else has.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't see Frankie in danger.  The plan is Nicole, Christine and Victoria out before they turn on him.  They have talked about getting him out endlessly and Derrick always reels them in.  

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Question of clarification: if we want to post based on the live show airing, but the post includes "crossover" commentary (mentioning or discussing a live feed event/topic which never made it to air) - this is still the proper forum for posting, correct?


Yes, generally that should be fine. 

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Do we think there is a link between the button and whatever they built in the have not room?  There has to be right?


They aren't just going to build a set for no reason.  That would make me think this is something to make the next few weeks less boring opposed to something that just resets an eviction. The buyback is enough to prove that a single player staying or returning isn't enough to improve the show because of the numbers in the alliance.

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Did he shave his eyebrows off too? Or have they always been so light? Y'all are right, he looked better with the crappy chin strap.


Derrick has never had eyebrows.  And see y'all,,,,I told ya that his facial hair wasn't all that bad.  I would like him to go back to his slacker, grunge look.  Thanks.  

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I have a Rat Terrier, is that one in your avatar?   And yes, Frankie out is a distant hope but I share it with you.

I think she is a rat terrier and maybe mixed with a Jack Russell terror (lol, my JR is a holy terror), not totally sure since she is a rescue. She is the sweetest girl-Bella Mia.

I hope that twist (looks like a golden pile of shit) isn't something that will save Frankie. And I hope with everything that Zach has a change of heart about his friendship with Frankie after being away from him and hopefully the Jury has opened his eyes. Fingers crossed!

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Rat Terriers are known for their sweetness. 


Dan was isolated in the HN room with lights and blaring music timed every x number of minutes.  I hope it isn't that again.  I bet it is something similar though.  I cannot remember how he got that punishment.  


Damn, I don;t like that idea.  I don't want any jurors back either and I don't think that is part of this.  

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Derrick has never had eyebrows.  And see y'all,,,,I told ya that his facial hair wasn't all that bad.  I would like him to go back to his slacker, grunge look.  Thanks.  

Who could ever see his facial hair since he spent 24 hours a day stroking it? The facial hair I mean.   ;-)

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I just feel like speculating about the button until the mystery is revealed to be boring.


The have not room is a posh suite for former HGs.  The current HGs get to win comps to get advice from the mystery hamster inside.  Then Janelle, Dr. Will, Dan, whoever etc make guest appearances  to coach the HGs on how not to bore America to death.  They are then give missions to complete by the "coach" aimed at entertaining us.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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I just saw this on twitter attributed to BB16 Feed Updates: Nicole told Derrick, "DR told her not to give up, that viewers are complaining the season has no strategy & things will change soon." 

Any of you feed watchers see this?

Edited by TexasChic
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Ariana Grande just sang the National Anthem.for the first NFL game tonight, the Seahawks vs. the Packers. She was great! Poor, Frankie is going to miss it!

Oops, we were posting the same thing at the same time.

Edited by Uwbadgmad
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Dan was isolated in the HN room with lights and blaring music timed every x number of minutes.  I hope it isn't that again.  I bet it is something similar though.  I cannot remember how he got that punishment.



Wasn't Judd locked in a room last year, and an alarm or something would go off regularly, and he'd have to get up and push a button to stop it?

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I just saw this on twitter attributed to BB16 Feed Updates: Nicole told Derrick, "DR told her not to give up, that viewers are complaining the season has no strategy & things will change soon." 

Any of you feed watchers see this?


I don't have feeds.  I saw something about Nic telling Derrick she heard that the season was boring for strategy.  I tend to think that 'DR' is implied but that details of viewers complaining an production meddling is twitter embellishment because it wasn't in the actual update and would have been had it happened.

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These resets and jurors coming back is why everyone is afraid to make any big moves and why the votes are now unanimous. People never know if their game plans are gonna get jacked by production. And that's why I hate this golden turd.

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Guys, I'm nervous for DE tonight. 


I'm not nervous at all..  I can't think of any scenario that makes the show more interesting so I have nothing I'm really rooting for.  Its like hoping the most annoying of the utterly annoying leave.  I guess that is Frankie.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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I just my laptop to watch the feed of the show and now I am filled with joy at a possible twist.  Every year people hope the jury will be involved somehow as their favorites leave, but.... maybe this is the year?!?!  Most twisted summer ever!  Please, please.

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My excitement/hope has diminished.  I doubt much will happen.  And that is the best way to approach this, for me.  It was fun to get excited for awhile though.  That is really all we have.  The rise of hope, giddiness at the thought Frankie will be booted or whatever gets us interested, only to be dashed.  


Here we go! 

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I seriously didn't think I could be any more disgusted with this show but tonight's events proved me wrong. Need to find something else to watch, it frustrates me too much.

They need to change the title to the Derrick and Frankie Show.

Edited by parrotlover
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Fuck this noise.  Christine got booed, and Frankie will be heralded if he ever gets booted.  Nice twist, BB geniuses, NOW you introduce a 'super' ability?  So disappointing.  With zero hyperbole, I have to say - worst season ever.  I've genuinely never thrown this card, but I'm out.  Love y'all - see you on the flip side!

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The issue is that they like Frankie, so they can't change stuff the way we want. So oh well, I can deal with it. It's dumb, but this show is often dumb. Good seasons are rarities, but when they happen, they make it so much more worth it. 

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The twist is awful, and if it leads to Frankie staying when he would otherwise be going, I will be incredibly angry.  Enraged.


I watched that episode online bc I was so anxious to see it and now I'm really sad I have to watch it again with my husband.


I want them to get on with the HoH competition, because just them sitting around gloating and surmising about how horrible Christine was is just gross.  Frankie thinks it's because she must have said something about him and his family AS IF America would collectively be up in arms to defend the glorious Grande family.  Good lord I hope they boo the shit out of Frankie.

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What amazing twists of fate....when the house had turned against Frankie a few weeks ago he somehow manages to win a difficult BOB competition all by himself because Caleb wouldn't help him. Now tonight when he was going to be backdoored, he wins again. He is such a beast and so lucky because I know production would NEVER interfere. Insert sarcasm icon here.

And because I can't say it enough, I fucking hate Derrick.

Edited by parrotlover
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LMAO. This season is literally the worst season of any reality show I've ever watched. Dear God, please don't let this button be pushed, I don't wanna see any of these people for another week! On the bright side, no way Derrick wants that pushed, so it won't get pushed. Unless Production bullies them into it, which they may.


Why do they continue to protect Frankie? This is worst than when they protected Frank. It's on par with them protecting Dick.


Christine getting more boos than Aaryn disgusts me. America should be ashamed. And if Frankie doesn't get that kind of reaction I will riot. Hell, Cody and Derrick should get it, too. They're all pieces of shit.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I was flipping back and forth to the football game. What's the twist?


It is a rewind button and if it's pushed over the week then next eviction night, the two noms come off the block and they redo the whole week over during the show (think that is how I heard it).

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Christine annoyed me, she said rude things as did everyone in the house. But those boos I think were uncalled. She wasn't as bad as Aaryn was last season.

And of course on the feeds Frankie is saying the reason she was booed was because of all the mean things she said about him. He's a piece of work.

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