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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Derrick wants Frankie to stay cause he can beat him in the F2. I do wonder if production's goal is a Frankie and Derrick F2 which is one if the reasons Derrick wants Frankie to stay -- for now.

Nichole will leave in DE unless she gets HOH or POV. I would really love to see her get HOH and see those boys scramble.

  • Love 4

Frankie is Derrick's best shield and his biggest threat. He's gotta be torn on whether it's better to dump him and risk the target turning on him, or whether he should get out the biggest competition threat who is also probably the least committed to the alliance. Right now Christine has Frankie as her #1 bomb squad target... Without Frankie, who? Easily Derrick. It's a calculated risk. I honestly don't know what his best move is.

No one else's strategy matters. They need Frankie out. Then they need Derrick out.

I agree the current wearing of the costume is completely not within the rules.

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Frankie is easy to read:

1.  He wants to be loved and adored and more famous than his sister.

2.  He goes on Big Brother to assist him in that quest.

3.  He has apparently said earlier on the feeds that when he gets angry, he gets vicious.

4.  Zach was more popular than him, that made him angry and vicious and target Zach.

5.  More importantly, America said no to him by denying his "play" a victory.

6.  He realizes that may mean Donny is more popular than him; that is eating at him and making him angry.

7   He's not dumb, him being told he overwhelmingly lost tells him he is not loved, as he wanted.

8.  Now that he knows he's not loved, he "adjusts".

9.  His new story is that he wants to be infamous, he wants us to hate him....that was his plan all along.

10. He now has a way to be vicious up front, because, you know, he's been playing the villian all along.

11.  He is vile.

12.  He leaves the house.  He's still not Ariana.  He's just Frankie.

13.  We haven't seen angry yet. 

Edited by pennben
  • Love 10

The jury members & current HG have no idea what Derrick has done & how well he did it. That said, how does Derrick explain it all when he has to? How does he get their votes? Couldn't Frankie just sort of brainwash them if he gets to jury that it was him and not Derrick? Maybe, that's what Derrick is afraid of and that's why he doesn't want to backdoor him....yet!?

The jury members & current HG have no idea what Derrick has done & how well he did it.​



Interesting point.  Right now, Caleb is telling Derrick that Frankie can beat Derrick at final 2, and that Cody and Caleb are the only people Frankie won't beat.  Or maybe he's saying that that is what *Frankie* thinks - I couldn't tell for sure.  But it makes me wonder - if no one actually playing the game realizes what a good game Derrick is playing, how does he win?   


But please Derrick, stop trying to talk Caleb out of putting Frankie up.  

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I am enjoying Derrick tonight.  I am beyond the point of pulling for favorites, because they are all in a fancy house in the hills at this point, and so I'm actively rooting against people.  And Derrick is just so good.  He very expertly let Caleb talk his way through it and make it seem like Caleb is making his own decisions.  He has done this time and again.  Just guiding the conversation.  Like a beast.  Yay Derrick.


One excellent thing about Caleb is that he makes decisions 100% full force.  I loved it when he went 100% full out throwing the BoB (by far the best 5 minutes of television all season), he went 100% Zach is evil (didn't care for that, but it was done with conviction), and now he seems unswayable in this anti-Frankie campaign.  Caleb is mentally disturbed in a variety of unpleasant ways, but I really like it when he gets in tunnel vision mode in this game.  Now we just have to home that Frankie doesn't see it, because he actually is a good read of people, and Caleb is not subtle at all.

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 6


Caleb is mentally disturbed in a variety of unpleasant ways, but I really like it when he gets in tunnel vision mode in this game.


This made me roar with laughter AndreaK!:   "Well, yes, your Honor, we did notice his mental issues, but, he's trying to get Frankie out...that's got to count for something!"

Edited by pennben
  • Love 3

Chris to Cody: Im going to come to Jersey all the time to visit you & hang w/you & your friends, go to family gatherings! NT


Chris to Cody: can i call your parents by their nicknames? Cody: not even close. I cant wait. I want to visit a lot. (giggle) NT


I imagine Tim is also invited on these Jersey trips? Seriously, is she drunk or something? At least Amber will be able to help Cody through the process of filing a restraining order against someone.

  • Love 9

Oooo, Victooooria.  She just told Derrick that Nicole's target is Cody.  This might seal Frankie's fate.  If Nicole isn't a threat to Derrick, then Derrick is more apt to let her stay.  Es bueno.


Victoria is the worst! She just told Derrick that Nicole told her she would go after Cody. There goes Backdoor Frankie.


So funny!  Two totally different reads on the same situation.  I'll admit, my first reaction was a loud, "F*cking Victoria!"  But honestly, I don't know whether this will help or hurt Nicole.

  • Love 2

I also can't figure out if this Vic/ Derrick conversation will make the backdoor Frankie plan more or less likely!  Hard to know what's going on in Derrick's head.  I guess it depends on how much Derrick wants to keep Cody.  


I do think it's hilarious that we're all wondering what Derrick will do, when he neither has the PoV nor is HoH.  But he is the one who usually dictates what happens.  It's just funny.

  • Love 3

I think it helps for the reason that there are not that many people left.  Is Derrick so up his own ass with the Hitmen to actually want Cody to stay?  He would be better off having someone else get rid of him.  Everyone has to go very soon.  Better to have someone with Cody in their sites.


As the conversation goes on, I think I was wrong though.  He's trying to convince Victoria that Cody is not so bad.  I see no point in this.  If by some crapshoot Victoria actually won and HoH, isn't it better that she have a target?  What does it hurt to have Victoria go after Cody & Christine?


I think I'm just looking further ahead than Derrick.  And he is clearly better at this game than I am. ;-)

Welp, Victoria is getting in trouble with Derrick now....she's talking about her own thoughts.  He's explaining how he and his family will be going on vacation with her soon; how everyone other than her is trying to take food from his child's mouth. How he is her one true love...okay, I made up the last one.


He's mostly pissed that he has to spend time with her. 


Is it possible I'm actually rooting for Victoria??!!:)

  • Love 2

Now we just have to hope that Frankie doesn't see it, because he actually is a good read of people, and Caleb is not subtle at all.


Oh no...that's true.  I forgot about how obvious Caleb was when he decided to throw the BoB on Frankie.  Dammit, Caleb!  Hold it together!


If Frankie's epitaph will read: 


Here lies Frankie J. Grande

He was a bit much.


Then Caleb's will read:


Here lies Caleb Reynolds

Quite frankly, he was not subtle.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 5

I've actually come to like Victoria a lot in the past week. She really does seem like a sweet girl. She's not the brightest, but she does seem to have some artistic talent at least. I wouldn't mind taking a look at her photographs, who knows maybe they are actually good lol. I also like how close her and Nicole have gotten since Nicole has been back in the house.


I definitely do not think she is in love with Derrick. I think she is the type of person who NEEDS to have someone to be close to in the house, and with her great luck it happened to be Derrick. Maybe I am not watching the feeds enough but I have not seen any behavior between them that crosses the line (unlike Chris/Cody.) The closest I saw was when he was tenderly playing with her hair using a skewer. LOL. I do think any flirting that has gone on between them is harmless, and Derrick does a good job of making sure things stay kosher, so to speak. I noticed that night where she was a bit drunk and wanted to sleep in the HN room with him (AND Nicole who is the other person in the house she cares about, so that does not seem odd to me at all) she hugged him and lingered a bit and instead of rubbing her back affectionately, he did the "friend pat" and said "okay get up now so you don't accidentally fall asleep on me."


I think they do have more of a little sister/big brother relationship that can get mildly flirty at times, but nothing that would lead me to think she sees him as an potential romantic interest. He IS married after all, and let's face it: she could do a lot better.

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 2

Derrick is one multi talented dude. LOL


If I don't wake up to find Frankie backdoored, I'ma have a hissy fit. Jeebus!


Frankie is totally sniffing up Caleb for info. I think he may *know*! Shit!! Dammit all to hell! I want a blindsided Frankie! I want a histrionic, full-on freak out, rage mode, where Frankie's Freak Out Flag flies in the wind like the American flag on the 4th of July. I want him to be spitting anger and foaming at the mouth. I want ranting, raving and going off the deep end.


PLEASE BB Gods. Please....

Edited by housecat
  • Love 4

And now Derrick is telling Nicole that he will be planting the seeds in others' minds that she should stay, even though in reality it wasn't his idea at all and he was the most against it. She is basically telling him she would do anything for him if he did that and she REALLY wants him to win this game, she doesn't care if she wins, just being able to play the game is enough for her. I really, really hope she is snowing him, but I don't think so. Damn, I gotta admit he is good.

  • Love 1

I am catching up here as I watch BBAD.  I have a question.


In this plan to backdoor Frankie, shouldn't Christine be let in on this?  She thinks she is part of this alliance and if this takes her by surprise she is likely to be not only pissed but alerted to the fact that she is not as with them as she thinks.  This could make her turn on a dime and align with the girls.  They have talked about this possibility but do they not see that leaving her out of the loop will ensure she does? 

  • Love 2

The thing is, there's no 'girls' for Christine to align with. Victoria is deeeeep up Derrick's butt and Christine is way too head over heels in her  mad love with Cody. Neither of those girls will ever flip. At least, that's how I see it, wings707. I could be wrong.... and often am.

Edited by housecat
  • Love 2

Thanks and I see your point but  I still see this as dangerous not to include her.   Things can and do change quickly in this game, especially if someone is hurt or angry.

And now Derrick is telling Nicole that he will be planting the seeds in others' minds that she should stay, even though in reality it wasn't his idea at all and he was the most against it. She is basically telling him she would do anything for him if he did that and she REALLY wants him to win this game, she doesn't care if she wins, just being able to play the game is enough for her. I really, really hope she is snowing him, but I don't think so. Damn, I gotta admit he is good.



Thanks, keep reporting on what is going on.  I appreciate it.  It will make my experience of waking up at fucking 3am worth it!  Jokers can be too brief.




Frankie: I have a vested interest in what the world thinks of me. I have a NAME I have to uphold to. Unlike Christine, who doesn't
09/01/14 01:00 AM

give a f*ck what the world thinks of her.




His lack of insight is astounding

Derrick has just agreed with Cody to get Frankie backdoored! Derrick shook Cody's hand. Derrick says to Cody to make sure Chris
09/01/14 12:50 AM

doesn't put Derrick on the block.




I know there is time for this plan to go south but it is making me giddy right now!

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

1:04 AM Frankie:I cannot disrespect my name. l always think about if my actions reflect badly on my family, on my sister. I don't have theluxury of being a total dickfuck.

Looks like Frankie is showing more of that great self awareness of his and why he must be so loved by his adoring fans and anyone else that happens to glimpse his glittery, delusional, famewhoring, asshat self on BB. 

  • Love 5



Mon 12:42 AM BBT Derrick tells Nicole that he will try what he can and they leave the HN room. Nicole to herself "God Derrick I love you."


Damn, this boy is GOOD.


I have always liked him and when I read this my level of appreciation topped out.  Smooth.

Edited by wings707
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So, I've been 'absent' here for the last while and missed all the supposed planning fun of BDing Frankie stuff.  Caleb better not wuss out.  If he does BD Frankie, just about everyone gets something out of the deal, even and especially Frankie (*buh-duhm-chish"!).


And can we just wrap it up & give Derrick the $500K already?  Just draw a name out of a hat as to who gets the $50K runner-up - or maybe just draw skittles again, whatever.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36


Mon 2:51 AM BBT Caleb says after he questioned Frankie's loyalty tonight to his face Frankie might come after them early.

Who are you, and what have you done with our regularly scheduled Caleb?



They are still discussing but it is disolving into Nicole out. 

Edited by wings707
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