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Family Karma - General Discussion


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Growing up in traditional, multigenerational households, this group is bonded by their strong cultural ties and vibrant Miami social lives. With parents and grandparents instilling their cherished customs, and adult children who are drifting more towards the “American Way,” the two worlds collide in the most unexpected ways. These friends are determined to live life to the fullest, navigate the pressures of being in adulthood, while maintaining their deep-rooted ties to an incredible culture.

Premieres March 8 on Bravo

S01.E01: Family Secrets


A close knit group of Indian friends and their families balance modern Miami living with their traditional Indian upbringings. It's Diwali season, so that means new beginnings for Vishal and his fiancé Richa, whose two-year engagement has the entire community talking. When Vishal invites his future mother-in-law to the annual Diwali Gala, she spills the chai on how she really feels about his family. Meanwhile, former playboy Brian has eyes for his childhood best friend Monica.

Airdate 03.08.2020

"She spills the chai"...🤣

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I was surprised to like this as well!  I’m hoping that the presence of all the aunties/uncles/grandparents will keep the younger generation from acting messy like the Shahs of Sunset.

Doesn’t every Indian circle have a Monica? Pretty, sweet, well educated, loves to cook, the aunties all love her.  I’m just shocked  she’s 27 and not married lol.

I like most of the  cast, especially the snarky girl who does fashion design.  Brian bugs me though, being so precious about his Beamer.  Does he think girls will fawn over him for that car and then what?  He takes them home where Mom and Dad are waiting up on the couch?

I don’t have a typical Indian family because we are Catholic, but I didn’t realize the car puja was a thing!  We do that in my family (only with lemons, and without the priest/prayer). I thought that was my parents being superstitious.

I like that there is a gay cast member.  One of my Indian friends is 40, gay, and will probably never come out to her parents.  It breaks my heart that even in 2020 it is so taboo.  Hopefully some of the older generation will watch this show out of curiosity, and it will open their minds at least a little.

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52 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

Was that the one guy's future mother in law?  I think she has a drinking problem. What an ass hole to talk about him with his family sitting there at the table.  

Yeah that’s her. She said she left Miami because people were shunning her because she was divorced and they didn’t trust her around their husbands but I imagine it was more likely it’s because she is a horrible human being who no one wants to be around.

Edited by biakbiak
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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Yeah that’s her. She said she left Miami because people were shunning her because she was divorced and they didn’t trust her around their husbands but I imagine it was more likely it’s because she is a horrible human being who no one wants to be around.

Yes, she doesn't look like some hot number that men would leave their wives for.

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I liked the first episode. I love the navy studded dress in the talking heads. I think the crabby mom is acting out because of how the community shunned her when she divorced. My parents' generation (not my parents) treated divorced women the same, especially in small towns. Everyone thought the divorcees were attempting to steal everyone else's husbands.

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So, my first impression was correct. The millenial cast pale in comparison to the drama and excitement the older generation brings. This show should do an about face and make it all about the older generation, with the children as supporting characters.

Many of their interactions seemed far too stilted or performative for my liking. I felt like Anisha’s family, particularly her mother and grandfather were particularly hamming it up and being hyperbolic with all the wedding/dried uterus talk but I'll cut them some slack seeing as this is their first time in front of the camera. Hopefully things will be a lot more natural and real going forward.

I suspect some of the men on this show like Vishal and Monica’s father are either gay and in denial or closeted. If you're going to be on reality TV, then you should be willing to live your truth. Hopefully this will be addressed at some point during the season. Monica’s father is sweet and supportive but I’m disappointed that Vishal seems to be the axis of this universe, as everything from his face to his voice and laugh bug me. That man is queerer than a three dollar bill (not that there’s anything wrong with that) and is fooling no one with this three-year engagement to Richa. Why can't he just come out of the closet already like his bestie Amrit? 

Perhaps Vishal and his fiancé are just bearding for one another. Richa has a very masculine energy while Vishal is decidedly effeminate. Vishal’s FML (I’m certain a producer came up with that punny acronym—it’s far too witty for that buffon to have devised) Lopa Auntie definitely has his number. She was constantly making insinuations about his sexuality and why he was a bad fit for her daughter over the course of the hour (he’s “so emotional,” Richa “wears the pants,” "ghar jamai".)

Lope Auntie my favorite by far because she until she began blatantly badmouthing her daughter's fiancé at the Diwali gala to Mike’s father, whom she does not know. There is a time and a place, woman! Nevertheless, I'm thankful for Lopa’s inclusion in the cast because she is a shit stirrer who doesn't pull any punches and brings the drama in a way the rest of them cannot.

I'm a little surprised Brian was included in the cast as his parents seem to be of Guyanese or Trinidadian origin. Typically, the NRI (Non-Resident Indian) and West Indian communities seldom ever mix, due to prejudices and differences in socioeconomic background and culture that developed over time.

I’m eagerly awaiting the introduction of the other two cast members—especially Bali. I have a feeling she will be my favorite amongst the principle cast.

Edited by Rahul
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S01.E02: Family Fun in Flannel


With the dirt on his family out in the open, Vishal does what he does best - sweeps it back under the rug. This doesn't sit well with Anisha who looks to her close friend Bali for some no nonsense straight talk. Despite the tension, it’s all smiles and flannel at a local pumpkin patch, until Brian drops a bombshell on Monica.

Airdate 03.15.2020

😮 that Patel house was super-creepy with those statues.  Who thought that was a good idea??

I like Bali,  but I’m around her age and would *not* allow kids 10 years younger than me to call me Auntie.  I do wonder how she went from being an Elle editor to selling flowers over the phone, there’s a story there.

Lopa is a bitch I admit, but she does have a point that Vishal is... meh.

These aunties are so much more stylish than the ones I have.  They run around in western clothes- when my mom and aunties will maybe wear a simpler sari or salwar if they’re meeting up for errands or lunch.

I like that they break the 4th wall during filming to talk to the producers.  It’s cute, and makes them seem more real.  What does seem kinda fake is that so many of the younger cast members were living elsewhere and just happened to move back home.  When my friends and I left, we stayed gone.

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OK, I am one and a half episodes in, and I am loving the show! I have a question: where in Miami do they live? I lived down there for 10 years and I’m just curious. I just recently moved from Atlanta and I didn’t realize how much I was missing my Indian friends until I started watching this and hearing the accents!
I don’t know everyone’s name yet, and I don’t want to necessarily name names, but I do think the one guy is gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I freaking love Brian‘s dad, and he was giving me life at that party they were at in episode two!

I think I am loving the parents generation because they are my age, and they are the age of my Indian friends, so I can really relate to them.

ETA: just saw a sign for Pembroke Pines...?

Edited by DrSparkles
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I would like more of the Aunty Army and less of the annoying millenials (Vishal in particular), please. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so. Indian Aunties Are The Best Thing About "Family Karma"

Bali is giving me life. No wonder she wasn't introduced in the first episode--she needed loads more time for her grand reveal. Anyone know the name of her first husband? I want to look him up. She didn't mention much about her second marriage, though. I wonder why not.

It looks like they are leading up to Richa and Vishal's roka or formal engagement, probably in the season finale. I hope homegirl realizes she can be his hag without marrying him. Vishal did his bestie Anisha dirty by icing her out after the Diwali gala. She's smart, funny and ostensibly talented, so why exactly does she want the likes of him as a friend? 

Monica's dad is a sweetheart. I wish he had the courage to come out on this show. He isn't wrong about the Indian community being unforgiving about divorce, though.

I noticed little beads of sweat on various people, even in the talking heads. That Miami heat must be brutal. Also, who did Monica's contouring for one of her talking head looks? They should retire and seek alternate employment immediately!

Monica winces or recoils whenever Brian has gotten physically close to her over the course of the past two episodes. I wonder if she has issues with personal space or is just very uncomfortable around men since she's inexperienced (a virgin, according to Anisha). Brian's pursuit of Monica feels very inauthentic and producer driven--that boy  is clearly a player who prefers white girls, or at least girls who put out. I'm not sure I believe he's ready to settle down with a nice Indian girl just yet.

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I love this show so much! I'm not liking Bali. All the talk about how sexy she is just makes her sound really desperate to me. When will hags realize that being the cool mom is really lame? 

So glad to see some people who know how to act and aren't cursing and spitting and throwing things like they're a gaggle of zoo apes. All in!


Edited by StevieRocks
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I didn't expect to get caught up in this show, but I like it. I like learning about the culture. 

Auntie Lopa is terrible. If anyone here watches The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Lopa is reminding me too much of Mama Joyce. Vishal better think long and hard about marrying into that family because Lopa will always treat him like shit.

I'm not all that impressed with Richa, either. I don't know if she's shutting her mom down behind the scenes or what, but judging from what's shown, she doesn't seem to be bothered that her mother is rude to her fiance. 

I think Monica and Brian are cute together, but I completely understand her reservations. Brian is a player and he's immature. She told him that she liked him years/months ago(?) and he blew her off. 

I am loving Monica's relationship with her dad, though. He seems like such a nice man. 

I really want to know Bali's story. She went from being Queen shit to working in flower marketing/delivery? It's honest work, so I'm not shitting on it, but what happened there? I'm also finding it curious that her ex-husband doesn't pay child support. I get that different country=different rules, but not kicking up anything to support his daughter is wild. Bali has a nice house, too, so either her job pays well or she comes from family money as well. 

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45 minutes ago, StevieRocks said:

Yeah, I'm curious about the Bali child support thing, too. Does this mean that her child's father has no interaction with the child and has disappeared completely from her life? Sad...and unconscionable. 

Right?! If her ex really has "fuck you money," then that sounds like he's a billionaire. If that's the case, then not financially supporting/not flying in to see her, or flying her out to see him, is ridiculous. 

Bali's the most interesting "auntie" so far. 

The Anisha/Vishal/his lawyer friend whose name I'm forgetting is on some junior high school drama. "Vishal was MY best friend first!" It's comical, but outside of the Vishal/Lopa drama and the will they or won't they setup with Brian and Monica, I guess this is the best the show can do. 

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3 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Anisha/Vishal/his lawyer friend whose name I'm forgetting is on some junior high school drama. "Vishal was MY best friend first!" It's comical, but outside of the Vishal/Lopa drama and the will they or won't they setup with Brian and Monica, I guess this is the best the show can do. 

They are all ridiculous but I do think Amrit is on to something that Anisha has a thing for Vishal. You can’t force your friends to talk to you about things that don’t involve you if they don’t want to. Particularly when you appear to want to talk about those things with other people who also aren’t involved!

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Ditto on what many of you have said: Monica’s dad is so sweet and I love their relationship.  Bali needs to cool it with the ‘hot auntie / cool mom’ schtick.

Anisha cracked me up with the line about all Indian ‘kids’ still being on the family phone plan.  So true in my circle.

I am confused: is it common to pronounce Diwali as DiVali?  I’d always pronounced it with the W as have my family and friends.  Heck they even say it with a W on that episode of The Office.  Maybe it’s a regional thing?

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On 3/24/2020 at 5:46 PM, biakbiak said:

They are all ridiculous but I do think Amrit is on to something that Anisha has a thing for Vishal. You can’t force your friends to talk to you about things that don’t involve you if they don’t want to. Particularly when you appear to want to talk about those things with other people who also aren’t involved!

I don't think Anisha is interested in Vishal. Oh, and thanks for providing Vishal's friend's name. 

Judging from her side, it seems as if everything was fine between them until the gala, and then he stopped talking to her. I agree that you can't force people to talk to you, but I understand why she's wondering wtf happened. However, I don't like forced interactions, so if I hit someone up to ask if everything is OK and they blow me off, I'm not checking in again. I'll hope all is well and I'll move on. 

Now that Amrit is back, Vishal kicked Anisha to the curb; which is hurtful. I did think it was messed up when Bali said that Anisha wouldn't touch Vishal with a 10ft pole and Anisha also said something disparaging when Bali told her that Amrit thinks that she (Anisha) has a crush on Vishal. I get not seeing him in a romantic way, but they both made him sound like a leper. 

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7 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

Judging from her side, it seems as if everything was fine between them until the gala, and then he stopped talking to her. I

According to him and her in her interviews she wants to discuss what happened with his mom and Lopa which has nothing to do with her and he didn’t want to discuss it and pushed that. In her interviews she also centers herself in that drama even when it literally has nothing to do with her.

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On 3/24/2020 at 10:27 AM, Sheenieb said:

I really want to know Bali's story. She went from being Queen shit to working in flower marketing/delivery? It's honest work, so I'm not shitting on it, but what happened there? I'm also finding it curious that her ex-husband doesn't pay child support. I get that different country=different rules, but not kicking up anything to support his daughter is wild. Bali has a nice house, too, so either her job pays well or she comes from family money as well. 

Bali mentioned in her first appearance (episode 2) that she now works for the fresh cut flower company that her mother owns. I believe that's why she's able to stroll into work wearing athleisure and be so jocular with the other employees.

On 3/25/2020 at 7:41 AM, Kiki777 said:

I am confused: is it common to pronounce Diwali as DiVali?  I’d always pronounced it with the W as have my family and friends.  Heck they even say it with a W on that episode of The Office.  Maybe it’s a regional thing?

Everyone I know in the NYC Indian community pronounces it Divali, though its spelled Diwali. The reason is twofold;

(1)  In Hindi and related Indo-European regional vernaculars, there is no equivalent for "w." The closest is the constant व, which is usually pronounced "vuh" but occasionally as "wuh." 

(2) दिवाली (Diwali) is an abridged form of Deepavali, which means a multitude of earthen lamps known as deep or diya in Sanskrit. 

(Bali got it wrong when she translated diya to candle. Bali, Vishal and Monica are Sindhi, and Diwali is known as Diyari in Sindhi).

3 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Now that Amrit is back, Vishal kicked Anisha to the curb; which is hurtful. I did think it was messed up when Bali said that Anisha wouldn't touch Vishal with a 10ft pole and Anisha also said something disparaging when Bali told her that Amrit thinks that she (Anisha) has a crush on Vishal. I get not seeing him in a romantic way, but they both made him sound like a leper. 

I can see why Anisha was annoyed by Amrit's implication. Everything about Vishal is bizarre and awkward--his face, his voice, hair styling--even the way he eats! None of these people should be arguing over him like he's some prize.




Edited by Rahul
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On 3/10/2020 at 5:58 PM, biakbiak said:

Yeah that’s her. She said she left Miami because people were shunning her because she was divorced and they didn’t trust her around their husbands but I imagine it was more likely it’s because she is a horrible human being who no one wants to be around.

I agree!

Vishal - I was reading a book from the late 1800s and a man was described as have a Saurian face.  Reminded me of Vishal.

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S01.E04: Sari, Not Sari


Diwali may be a time of forgiveness, but some people missed the memo. As an argument between Vishal, Amrit and Bali erupts at the annual Fire Tower celebration, the friend group is fractured. While Amrit welcomes his boyfriend Nicholas to town for a reality check on their future, Monica finally reckons with the truth behind Brian’s unmasked feelings

Airdate 03.29.2020

Anisha is hilarious with her takedown of the “besties with testes” Vishal and Amrit. “They’re just two mamas boys with small dick energy and a mediocre cross fit glo-up” has to be one of the best reads I’ve ever seen.  Anisha calling Vishal the village idiot made me chuckle. She's not wrong! Her comebacks are epic and she's brings literal receipts! Love it.

Bali is more than just a fabulous diva; she is a true friend to Anisha and has been working to mend the rift between Anisha and Vishal. I liked seeing the more maternal side of her.

Monica is sweet and genuine, and deserves much better than perpetual playboy Brian. I've said it before and I'll say it again--his whole pursuit of her is because he has nothing else going for him, storyline wise. Even he noticed that Monica recoils whenever he tries to get close to her as I said in my previous post. Take a hint, man. 

Speaking of Brian, what is wrong with his hairline? brian.thumb.jpg.9ed2cadbec78e77762f27b4abe8d219c.jpgIt looks like he tried to dye his hair at home and ended up staining his forehead. Rookie mistake! 

I love all the ladies of this show. They all bring charisma, excitement or some kind of amusement factor to the table. Meanwhile, all of the guys are lacking. Some so much so like Shaan that he's been absent in 2/3 episodes that have aired so far. Nobody really mentions him, and nobody seems to miss him either! If they do another season of this show the guys need to be swapped out for some more interesting characters.

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16 hours ago, Rahul said:

Anisha is hilarious with her takedown of the “besties with testes” Vishal and Amrit. “They’re just two mamas boys with small dick energy and a mediocre cross fit glo-up” has to be one of the best reads I’ve ever seen.  Anisha calling Vishal the village idiot made me chuckle. She's not wrong! Her comebacks are epic and she's brings literal receipts! Love it.


Speaking of Brian, what is wrong with his hairline? 

When Amrit was talking about coming out, he mentioned that he told his best friend, who asked, “am I gay too?”  Ummm so that was Vishal, right?  Are we supposed to think that maybe he is?  

Brian’s hairline bugs me so much!!  

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17 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

Vishal's parents' dog.

That’s Amrit’s parents dog.

Bali totally did take Vishal’s comments out of context and I find her and Anisha to be annoying. Vishal is a moron but he isn’t wrong about what he said and the way she came in and demanded an apology for saying he barely knew her when he didn’t it would annoy the crap out of me as well.

Edited by biakbiak
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Ohh it is Amrit’s dog - I got their names switched in my head for a sec.

I also love Brian’s dog - kinda a pitbully-ish type.  Super cute, but Amrit’s dog won me over when he kept jumping up to hug people.

One of the aunties cracked me up, calling the younger generation ‘the teenagers’.  My mom does that too, though we are all in our 30s and 40s.

Monica’s dad is adorable.  I wanna adopt him.

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