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S02.E14: Looking for Signs

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That screaming match at the bowling alley must have been fun for the other family members who were there, as well as anybody else who was trying to enjoy a night out.  Please, feel free to scream vulgarities at each other in public places.  People with children find it especially charming.  🙄

Kayla, you're the reason you got put out of your house, not your mom.  Remember?  You wouldn't respect the rules.  I do see where she gets her not-so-great judgement, though.  Why would her mom quit her job and sell her house to move to a place that Kayla isn't going to make her home?  If you want to be close to the grandkids just wait and see where they settle and go there.  Not to mention it's only 2 hours away.  That's short enough for weekend trips. 

Good for Ashley completing her program.  It's nice to see some positive things happening in the TM universe. 

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Rachel used regardless in a sentence correctly twice, so progress?

Way to go Ashley! Working on a real career in the TM world. She's a real unicorn!

The two girls arguing over prom should break up. They're trying to do too much.

Kayla's mom moving should be an invite only thing. Let the girl have some space. I like the basketball guy she's with though. He seems solid.



Edited by Soobs
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Kiaya seems like she is just on the hormonal edge (besides being young) all the time. I truly think that is her primary problem right now. She just overreacts and screams and sobs at the drop of a hat. I hope that she gets her hormones settled down and can deal with her life and relationships with more calm and rationality.

Rachel on the other hand just seems like an incredibly immature girl who thinks she's grown and can do and say whatever she wants and everyone has to just step aside and shut up and do what she wants all the time. It's her world and everyone else just lives in it. Right now she is just a nasty little piece of work and I hope her mom grows a pair and tells her to settle down or hit the road. She has nowhere else to go and she is constantly biting the hand that is feeding her. I get that she is way damaged and has a lot of anger over her childhood and the lousy parenting she has been subjected to but damn, she is beyond nasty at the moment.

I'm proud of Ashley. She is, however, the oldest of this bunch and has a really good support system so it makes sense she is doing better than some of the others.

Brianna I honestly do like and think she is making mostly mature decisions for her age and situation. Her mom drives me crazy with her adolescent attitudes and prodding questions but I can't fault Brianna's attempts, as a single 18(?) now mother, trying to figure things out and do what's best for her and her child.

Kayla has some revisionist history going on about her leaving her mom's house, but I can't say as I blame her for recognizing that having her mom follow her to Iowa is a little too close for the kind of relationship they actually have. I'd be a little uncomfortable too.  Mom needs to get her own life and visit, not climb into Kayla's day to day life uninvited.

And because it can't be said enough, Rachel is completely ridiculous and I have no idea how the people around her keep from smacking her half the time.  Mallorie's boyfriend being a 'beater' worries me - it's that old, 'But he's her dad so I should make it work' argument that gets women beaten (and their kids too). Giving your kids a violent dad is not a gift. I wish more women understood that but ID channel proves that too many simply don't make the connection.

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I read all the comments, very insightful and mature comments. I am here to be judgy and immature. The make up and hair choices i saw in Rachel's family's hotel room were.....interesting to say the least. I mean, blue eye shadow to the brows...too much, too much! That red/black hair at the bowling alley, horrid. Does anyone in her family have a mirror?  Ok, done being a judgy bitch.

I have to commend Ashley, good on her for completing that course and doing well at it.

Kayla seems to be settling down and is being a good parent but..she needs to get rid of those goddam nails and those silly extensions before the baby comes. How do you clean a baby with those nails? (Ok, I'm old and I really sound it!)

The girl from Portland is really growing on me. She seems like one of the girls with their heads screwed on the best. 

The new girl I ff through. Too much screaming into phones and crying. When she grows up and matures she is going to see this and be embarrassed.

Anyway...back to my corner.

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Kiaya! What the hell is wrong with her? She shrieks and screams and bursts into tears and won't let anyone speak and when words fail her she just caterwauls and howls like a goddamn coyote. How does she never get even an inkling that maybe, just maybe, if she didn't suck all the oxygen out of the room with her ramped up to 11 fury all the time, she and those she professes to care about could actually, you know, solve their problems. And seriously? I only wish my worst problem was my partner going shopping. Girl. Switch to decaf.

You can see why Kayla is such an intellectual powerhouse. Apple, tree. Her mother is absolutely ridiculous. Kayla is moving 2 hours away, not to the mountains of the moon. Can't wait to see what happens if Luke gets signed by an international team. Will she follow them to Croatia or Poland?

I simply cannot with Rachel and her trashtastic family. They are the worst. So very, very trashy. Its sad though. Probably generations of shitty schools, poverty, drugs, abuse. And the same in store for those adorable babies.

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Kayla's vocal affectation really bugs me.  She puts on one voice with her mother and another with her boyfriend and another with her friends.  So weird!  And her grammar is atrocious!

Rachel's family is beyond trashy!  All that screaming and swearing in front of those babies.  (Those babies are so cute, btw.)  They are horrible!  And I agree with the WTF about the fashion choices.  Oy!  

Good for Ashley.  I know she is a little wacky, but I still like her.  And her sister, of course!

Brianna's mom is only there as kind of a Greek chorus.  I'm sure she is prompted to ask the questions she does.  I'm glad her sister is there.

But her new boyfriend is not attractive at all!!!  And if she has misgivings about the weed, she's better off dumping him now before he gets a job at the dispensary.  

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21 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

But her new boyfriend is not attractive at all!!!  And if she has misgivings about the weed, she's better off dumping him now before he gets a job at the dispensary.  

Oh my, that was precious! He wants to get a job at a dispensary! Just like every 20 year old pothead in the world. Reminds me of boys in middle school who all want to be video game designers. Good luck with that, kid. You'll be lucky to get a job stacking cans at Walmart.

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I felt bad for the poor guy (Jake?) stuck between Rachel, her mom and her dad on the phone who was probably dreading having to drive Rachel to see her dad. He was probably super happy he didn't have to. I agree, their whole family is a mess.

Kiaya needs to get rid of her horrible nails because half the time some or missing and it looks terrible. 

20 hours ago, Marisagf said:

But her new boyfriend is not attractive at all!!!  And if she has misgivings about the weed, she's better off dumping him now before he gets a job at the dispensary.  

I agree. I'm not a smoker but I dated a few potheads in my early 20's. Eventually it became a deal breaker. If it's something that bothers Brianna, she needs to set that boundary.

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Finally watched and cannot believe how Rachel and her mother were screeching at the bowling alley. They get trashier by the week!

Proud of Ashley. Her school is a for-profit college, so I hope she is able to pass whatever tests are required and get it a job. The teacher seemed nice, though, and it sounds like she has a placement, so wishing her luck. Those closing shots of Bar always tug at my heart a bit. I want him to succeed, but that poor boy has a whole lot of issues. I pray he gets rid of those stupid "banners" on his face.

Kayla's mother is an idiot who can't take a hint. As someone above said, is she going to move overseas when/if he signs with an international team, which could very likely happen. Neither her daughter or Luke want her there. 

The other girl whose name begins with K is an hysteric. Why is she always screaming? I think Teizia is is yearning to break free.

Brianna is boring, but Braeson is adorable. I love how active and engaged he is. By comparison, Isaiah is a lump. He is never seen actually doing anything except being held, fed and/or changed. Even when Kayla is sitting around talking, he doesn't do anything. Speaking of which, what's up with her ghetto fabulous accent. Eww,

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, politichick said:

Proud of Ashley. Her school is a for-profit college, so I hope she is able to pass whatever tests are required and get it a job. The teacher seemed nice, though, and it sounds like she has a placement, so wishing her luck. Those closing shots of Bar always tug at my heart a bit. I want him to succeed, but that poor boy has a whole lot of issues. I pray he gets rid of those stupid "banners" on his face.


Bar is what my grandmother would call "haunted".  Something deep in that boy is keeping him from wanting to succeed.   He needs help maybe  a life coach or mentor but certainly someone that can show him there's more to life than the hood. 

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It says so much that Rachel’s family is hands down the trashiest family of the entire Teen Mom franchise. There is so much competition to be trashy. Hello. Jenelle? The baby IN A DIAPER at the bowling alley?! The screaming and profanity? The hair and clothes. The names (Hazelee)The whole lack of guidance and supervision. 

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The worst moment in this episode for me was the scene where Kiaya was screaming her head off on the phone while her baby was sitting a few feet away in his carrier/bed thing. You could just see how stressed he was. He's a very alert little guy and always very interested in what's going on around him.  I wish someone would speak up about how screaming around infants is wrong. Its hard to watch.

I wish someone (like Kiaya's mom), would call her out on that during one of her episodes. Point to her child and say "look at him- look at how he is squirming and scrunching his face up and starting to cry - that means he is feeling stressed and scared and he is too young to say anything - do you want your son to feel scared around you? Well if you don't, then learn to get a grip on your emotions... at the very least, leave the room and shut the door so he isn't exposed to your toxic anger."

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I felt bad for the poor guy (Jake?) stuck between Rachel, her mom and her dad on the phone who was probably dreading having to drive Rachel to see her dad. 

I wonder what the story is with those family friends. Jake looked and sounded several steps higher on the socioeconomic scale than the Beavers. You'd be way ahead of the Beavers if you were employed working class, but he seemed middle class. That's a surprising friend for these folks.

And how much of a loser is Rachel's dad that it's not worth it to see his daughter and granddaughter if there's a friend in the room? We've had some tension in my family that meant I could only see a baby family member for a limited time and in a public place. I'm still mad about those limits, but I WENT. You suck it up if you care at all about being a family. It's tough to watch Rachel confront the fact that her father doesn't care.

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On 2/4/2020 at 5:27 PM, IvySpice said:

I wonder what the story is with those family friends. Jake looked and sounded several steps higher on the socioeconomic scale than the Beavers. You'd be way ahead of the Beavers if you were employed working class, but he seemed middle class. That's a surprising friend for these folks.

I assumed he was part of production, no way is he hanging with them otherwise.

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