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S10.E10: Mama Drama

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I think in Finland, alcohol is regarded as low-class. Similar to my friends from India who don't drink, because it's only the low class that drink. Being that Jasmin is so image conscious and wants to seem all put together. Maybe she and her sister are from some small town and are have a chip on their shoulder about being regarded as whatever...

4 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

I think in Finland, alcohol is regarded as low-class. Similar to my friends from India who don't drink, because it's only the low class that drink. Being that Jasmin is so image conscious and wants to seem all put together. Maybe she and her sister are from some small town and are have a chip on their shoulder about being regarded as whatever...

I cannot imagine how she has a problem with Broke Blake's drinking, it is not like they have spent much time together.  Did he drink too much on the few days they have seen each other?  Did she not realize the differences in him and the cultures? 

Why are these people always surprised by these cultural differences, it is maddening!

3 hours ago, StrongbyDefault said:

If you look at a map of NJ, there are barrier islands up much of the southern coastline.  Most of the ocean beach resorts in the south are on the east side of those barrier islands (LBI, Seaside, to name a couple big ones).  Toms River is on the mainland coast and to get to the barrier island where the Seaside resort is at (and the ocean front) you have to go through Toms River and over a bridge to the island (or boat across the bay to the island).  So they're on the bay but not ocean side.  They look across the bay to the Seaside barrier island.  Everyone down here still considers Toms River "down the shore" because it's still a resort area on the water with boating, fishing and salt water.  But you have to drive or boat over to the actual ocean.  There are no barrier islands further north so the northern beaches (Spring Lake, Belmar, Asbury Park) are on the main coast but right on the ocean.

I think it depends on the question - do you live down the shore or are you going down the shore for the day or for a vacation.

If you live down the shore, you can say toms river is down the shore.

If you are going down the shore, people are referring to the actual beachfront towns.  

Is the toms river house a shore house?  I would say because it is not the permanent residence, no.  But it is still down the shore.

It's complex, I know.  Context and permanency matters.  

As for areas that are considered the shore, the furthest north is Sandy Hook, all the way down to Cape May.  

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On 1/20/2020 at 2:08 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I clicked on the link and...I need eye bleach.  That house is so awful.  It looks like the Brady Bunch would live there.  The only way I could imagine justifying putting the pictures up for the media were if they were showing it as a “before.”  Oh my God, I have never seen something so tacky and dated in my life.  I really hope they have plans to gut that place, and I’m not just saying this because I dislike Melissa. 

Her primary residence is nice enough, even though we found out it was made of fake shit when they had to put it on the market (and then took it off when there were no buyers).  But it has clean, modern lines...and the kitchen surfaces aren’t orange!  This beach house is something else.  And the article said it’s in Tom’s River?  Isn’t that where Melissa is from?  I didn’t even know that was down the shore enough to be considered the Jersey Shore.  

Since there seem to be a lot of people on here familiar with both NJ and NY beaches, is Tom’s River like Quogue, where it is just on the border of what is considered The Shore?  Where does The Shore begin, if anyone knows?  Like, what is the northernmost point someone can go to and still be “down the shore”?  I’m just curious.  Thanks.

to be fair, those pictures are from the realtor listing.  The only picture that was from Melissa was the last one was from Melissa's instagram.  So who knows how she decorated it.  If it's anything like their main home.  Yuk.  We'll see.

Otherwise, the bones of the house are pretty good and you could do a lot with it.  The outside of the house is very Jersey shore from older, cheaper days that have become uber expensive.  The pebbles instead of grass, the color, etc.  Memories of my childhood at Ocean Beach.

Toms River is the shore to me.  It's not directly on the ocean but it's considered a shore town.  For me, the shore starts at Highlands/Sandy Hook and goes all the way down to Cape May.  At one time, even Keyport down to Highlands on Sandy Hook Bay was considered the shore and there are still little bungalows that were summer homes.  But because of the cost of living in metro  New York,  many of these northern shore towns are now full year round homes and have gotten more and more expensive.  People commute to NYC by train and Sea Streak ferry.

I'll stop.  I could go on.  It's complicated.


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I love the pebbles.

I think there were three reasons for it.   One had to do with the type of grass that you could grow in certain areas of the jersey shore.  I don't think that's the case any longer, as how we treat and care for land has changed, but back in the day, it was pebbles.

But there was also an cosmetic factor.  It gave a lot of the towns a uniform look.  Some of the towns even have rules in terms of what color you can paint your home (varying neutral shades), so you have this very pleasing aesthetic.

And third, upkeep.  For those who owned the shore homes as vacation property, you lower your overhead by not needing to pay for landscapers to for lawn maintenance on a weekly basis.  

But yes, running around over those pebbles, plus the sand, brought "beach feet" a whole different level for those who frequented the Jersey shore.  


The only picture that was from Melissa was the last one was from Melissa's instagram.  So who knows how she decorated it.  If it's anything like their main home.  Yuk.  We'll see.

Wasn't she showing off new furniture for the house?  It looked about as basic and common as you could get, and while she was crediting an expensive "high end" furniture store, you could probably find the exact same styles on wayfair.  Considering that furniture is not made to last for the long haul anymore, she's basically throwing her money out the window on that one.  Once again.  Melissa is vanilla and basic.  I truly find nothing unique about her.  Is it just me?  


Remember when Theresa (or the bank?) was trying to sell her shore house and there were NO bidders?  The bank couldn't get anyone to buy it.  If I remember correctly, they were down to asking $1.00.  I don't remember what eventually happened with it.

I could have owned waterfront property for $1 and I missed out on this?  Mother F-er.  



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42 minutes ago, BrindaWalsh said:

 Once again.  Melissa is vanilla and basic.  I truly find nothing unique about her.  Is it just me?  

No, not just you!!  I think Melissa’s only competition for most boring across all of the franchises right now may be Teddie Mellencamp from BH, and I still think Melissa would win against her.  At least Teddie has her horses, which are mildly interesting.

I’m not trying to alienate my fellow posters who don’t think there is anything overtly wrong with Melissa, when there is so much obviously wrong with Teresa, because I see that part too, but at least Teresa provides us with something.  Melissa could be any 40 year old woman from the northeast who gives a damn about her appearance, and I think she’s totally phony.  She never expressed an original thought since season three.  Everything seems like it’s regurgitated from somewhere else.  I could never imagine her getting into something offbeat.  Like, imagine if Melissa just painted canvasses from time to time?  I couldn’t imagine it!  Teresa seemed like she actually found something that resonated with her in her yoga at least. 

Look at what interests Melissa—labels, being a pop princess, walking in a fashion show, “owning” a clothing store, going on vacation and getting fun drunk, and...?  She doesn’t even seem to enjoy her kids, and she definitely doesn’t enjoy her husband.  I would bet money that she doesn’t feel a connection with that dog they had a couple of seasons ago (what happened to that dog, anyway?)

I mentioned, I think, last week that I was doing a Sopranos re-watch.  As I’m watching, I realize  I used to think Carmella Soprano was just a dumb bitch cookie cutter wife who looks the other way when her husband stuck his sausage in other women, but she’s actually quite well-rounded.  She is deep into her spirituality, and she reads books, both fiction and non-fiction, and she always has some topic that she just read about, and I am like, now, this is a woman, even if she’s flawed.  Carmella could hold her own at any cocktail party.

Could we even imagine Melissa at a real cocktail party with people who have read a few books as opposed to the opening of some local pizzeria?  No one would be buying her crazy drunk girl shtick, and when people wanted her opinion on anything deeper than makeup, I could not imagine her having anything to say.  I think Dolores, Margaret, Jennifer and Jackie could all (to varying degrees) hold their own in polite society.  The only other one who couldn’t do it is Teresa, but Teresa is comfortable in her ignorance, whereas I think Melissa is comfortable in her ignorance while enjoying this fantasy that she is well-rounded and articulate.  

So yeah, I think Melissa is vanilla, and I think she would be off the show if she lived in a small house, which just goes to show how much she has to offer.  Teresa could live in a shack and she’d still be welcome on this franchise, because she is not boring, regardless of what you think of her.  JMO.

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On 1/21/2020 at 4:58 PM, StrongbyDefault said:

If you look at a map of NJ, there are barrier islands up much of the southern coastline.  Most of the ocean beach resorts in the south are on the east side of those barrier islands (LBI, Seaside, to name a couple big ones).  Toms River is on the mainland coast and to get to the barrier island where the Seaside resort is at (and the ocean front) you have to go through Toms River and over a bridge to the island (or boat across the bay to the island).  So they're on the bay but not ocean side.  They look across the bay to the Seaside barrier island.  Everyone down here still considers Toms River "down the shore" because it's still a resort area on the water with boating, fishing and salt water.  But you have to drive or boat over to the actual ocean.  There are no barrier islands further north so the northern beaches (Spring Lake, Belmar, Asbury Park) are on the main coast but right on the ocean.

When I was a kid I remember trying to sing along with the Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons song, My Eyes Adored You...

I am from New England and was always wondering where this Barnegat Bridge and Bay was, that I tripped over singing!! He made it all sound so nice!!😎

I begrudgingly went to Seaside Heights with one of my teenage daughters a few years ago.  (we had time for a detour on the way to Princeton)  Now I am glad we went as hurricane Sandy struck 5 months later, wreaking havoc.

Edited by IKnowRight
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On 1/15/2020 at 10:34 PM, Kdawg82 said:

I wonder if Jackie's folks remained married because divorcing would've depleted some of their assets (properties etc). People do that. Also remember they've (at least her dad as far as I recall) have been to prison/ house arrest for tax evasion or something like that.  More evidence from our housewives that dishonesty and shady dealings bring on the wealth. Apparently if Jackie's family is so wealthy, the government didn't punish them *too* harshly. I'm not in the camp of "rich people are all evil" but sure is interesting. She also has a mentally disabled brother.  It wouldn't be far fetched for them to have received some state aid at some points while raising him.  But not so quick to pay their due in taxes. IDK but this whole humble bragging from Jackie kind of grates. She needs to slow her role. 

Yes I’d like to know exactly how Jackie’s parents got their wealth? Who exactly did THEY rip off ? The father went to prison, is her mother dead? Also, the father seens like he’s A fucking idiot so I don’t think he got his money on brains alone.


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