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Holiday Wars - General Discussion


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30 minutes ago, omgtv said:

Yes! I liked Charles too! Who was the blonde that was the other judge?

Also, did anyone notice how many people are recycled from other shows this season? I swear, everyone has been on something else already. Surprised we didn't actually see Tater. 🤣

Sherry Yard was the other host alongside Charles and his amazing Christmas suits!

Yes, lots of familiar faces, as always. I thought the quality this year was very good and that the team who went home deserved to leave. In the small round, I guess it’s called snowball round or something like that, I loved the one that had the smaller llama with his legs splayed out. The texture of his fur was lovely. There are some talented sugar artists in this group. I do hope someone does some fruit carving sometime.

I’m not too impressed with the Santa figure on the trailer they keep showing endlessly, but I’m sure that’s probably a team who goes home in an upcoming round. All in all, this was a good first episode! And yay! No Tater or Jewel!

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Amy was on Halloween Baking and had to leave early because she was pregnant and then tried again on Holiday Baking I think?  And yes, that college kid was definitely on something before,  I thought it was the cookie challenge, but it could have been halloween wars.  The sugar artist with the bright red hair from ginger snappers was on something, but I can't place her.  Probably Halloween wars. 🤣

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Episode 2 Elf Auditions

That was a pretty good episode. Peppermint Posse definitely deserved to go home. I thought the faces on their figures were too exaggerated and the hands were awful. Elizabeth on the winning team is an amazing sculptor. Her elves were so animated. Her team’s scenario and spikey hair guy’s scenario were the best as far as both execution and storyline. Sugar artist Jeremy on the team with the singing auditions is brilliant. That microphone is one of the best, if not the best, sugar piece they’ve ever had on the show. I wanted to try all the tasting elements! I’m enjoying this season. 

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Last night’s episode: Santa’s new gig

In the snowball challenge, I loved that honey badger idea! So clever and well-executed! I was surprised that Ginger Snappers had a sitting nutcracker and Candy Stripers’ industrial gear theme was boring. I also thought doing a refrigerator vegetable bin made by pouring sugar, have the present in the bottom of the bin and then piling broccoli and other veggies on top would be a cute security system. Most kids I know would stay away from the veggie bin! 

Then in the new gig assignment, loved the reindeer yoga theme. It was so cute and everyone really contributed. And Shinmin went nuts over the tasting element. It sounded divine. The sweet shop idea was cute, the sugar work was perfection and the cute little food items in the case were darling, but wow, was their scale off or what. The height of the windows, the table was so much taller than the little girl, the items were just not working with each other. And I agreed with the judges who were confused with what the drips on the floor represented. Santa as the magician was ok. Elizabeth really is great at facial features but I do wonder why so many team cover cake with fondant rather than krispy treats when the piece is vertical. The two best teams are going through. Oh! And the most adorable puppy made an appearance. He should be on every show! 

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That puppy was darling.  I was hoping he'd be on camera longer.  I wonder if he really belongs to Shin Min or if someone backstage brought him in as a "prop."

I thought the right team won.  I like Jason despite his ridiculous Mohawk.  Everything on the losing team's display looked good but the scale was completely off.  I hope the sugar artist comes back on another show.  He did amazing work.  Those candies he did with clear wrappers were works of art.  The team that won had a better overall look but those balloons were awful and, apparently, there were problems with Santa's face.  I couldn't really see what the judges were referring to.   I'll bet they had a hard time deciding which team to eliminate. 

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22 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

So I must have fallen asleep or something and not watched the end...was the eliminated team the one with the British woman or was it the one with the blonde woman (Amy)?

Amy’s team, Candy Crushers, was eliminated. I think she has those inside the cheek stitches or piercing or something in order to have the perpetual dimples. Looks painful to me. I can’t stand it when I accidentally bite the inside of my cheek!

@mlp, regarding Santa’s face, the fondant had started slightly pulling away from the cake around certain creases. I bet in another 30 minutes his face would have been on the floor!

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46 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

Amy’s team, Candy Crushers, was eliminated. I think she has those inside the cheek stitches or piercing or something in order to have the perpetual dimples. Looks painful to me. I can’t stand it when I accidentally bite the inside of my cheek!

@mlp, regarding Santa’s face, the fondant had started slightly pulling away from the cake around certain creases. I bet in another 30 minutes his face would have been on the floor!

Amy has had her lips done since her last Food Network appearance - I have no memory of them being that big.

3 hours ago, RoxiP said:

Do you think Jason has that (well put) ridiculous Mohawk all the times or does he think it makes him look cool for television?  News flash - it doesn't.  It just looks lame.  It is the kind of hair style that probably gets him beat up.

☺️I just came over from the Dugger thread and was confused. WHEN did Jason get a mohawk and how was that even allowed? About ten questions when through my head then I saw where I was. Ok, my world is now back in order and I can relax. Btw the Mohawk does not bother me but most hair styles don't, hair grows out.

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Ginger snappers’ abominable snow lady was awful! Horns? No thanks. How did they win the snowball challenge? That wasn’t holiday! I hated it! Bah hum bakers got robbed. But it didn’t matter!

However, I thought Ginger Snappers would win the finale. So many great characters and story and Santa was gorgeous! Elizabeth is truly amazing with her sculpting. But bah hum bakers did a beautiful job with their darling, whimsical piece with so much movement. They deserved the win on this piece and they should have won the snowball challenge with the yeti in the tree. I will always love the honey badger they did on a previous episode because of a stupid inside  family joke.

Love this show and love wacky Jonathan as host. Just wish Charles Phoenix was back as a judge “where’s the bling.” 

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46 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

Ginger snappers’ abominable snow lady was awful! Horns? No thanks. How did they win the snowball challenge? That wasn’t holiday! I hated it! Bah hum bakers got robbed. But it didn’t matter!

I agree!!! How was that awful thing the winner? I loved the Abominable Snow Man in the tree! It was adorable with the cute little toes poking out! "They was robbed!"

Thank goodness they won the overall contest! That reindeer on the sleigh should have won it by himself! His scarf was wonderful. I'm still wondering about the black garlic treat...really didn't sound like a treat to me. All in all a fun show.

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I was very happy with the results but I was holding my breath after the Halloween show.  I thought the winning team should have won both rounds also.  Elizabeth on the losing team is top-notch but I wasn't impressed with the rest of them.  

I remember Jason from years ago when he was just starting out and he was on Cupcake Wars or Cake Wars or maybe both.  He's come a long way due to talent and hard work.  It's nice to see a young person succeed as he has.  Now if he'd get rid of that awful Mohawk................

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37 minutes ago, mlp said:

I don't care.  I'm just glad we're getting the usual holiday shows because they're my favorites and I'd really, really hate not having them.

Oh me, too! I really wasn’t complaining because I really enjoy Halloween and Holiday Wars, even if some seasons aren’t as impressive as others. I am so glad that we are getting these shows this year. It just seems like past seasons began in early December. Bring on the staged sugar breakage! 

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Ok, I like the new format of not eliminating a team every episode. I enjoyed that when the episode started, the teams had already started on their display....no downtime on explaining the theme. Raven did a pretty good job as host. I did notice she used the repeated “Team Whatever is in the house.” Johnny on team Hashtag Elfies may annoy me as much as Jewel did on Halloween Wars a couple of seasons ago. (I think Jewel is on a preview for Candy Land, which I will be skipping due to her and Kristin Chenowith.) I thought Mistle Toasters’ knitting basket, yarn and needles were awesome.

It will be interesting if the show continues to have the teams carry an element from the first round into the second round. But they can also tweak that element from the first round, so I am intrigued. Team Blizzardly Bakers has a member who does the most incredible character faces. When new judge Erin said “less is more” when one of the teams in the first round was tossing glitter around, I had a flashback to the great judge Charles Phoenix from the early days who could never have enough glitter or bling. I sure miss him and his festive suits. For me, he personified Holiday Wars. 


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1 hour ago, Spunkygal said:

Ok, I like the new format of not eliminating a team every episode. I enjoyed that when the episode started, the teams had already started on their display....no downtime on explaining the theme. Raven did a pretty good job as host.

Beauty....beholder I guess.  I hated the new format.  I wanted them to start at the beginning, introduce people and, most of all, explain the new rules which I still don't understand.  The host was tolerable at best.,  Her hairdo and grey suit were both unattractive.  The other new judge, Erin, looks like she's sneering all the time, even when she's smiling.  Most of the teams looked like strangers thrown together and most of them didn't seem to be having much fun.  I think the teams are usually put together by the producers but it's not so obvious.

I missed Jonathan Bennett who is goofy but at least seems happy to be there.  I'd love to see Charles Phoenix back too.  I did like the set with the house and chairs.  I never did like the narrow table with three judges crammed shoulder to shoulder.  

This had to be filmed before Covid restrictions so I wonder why they made so many changes.

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I have seen judge Erin on a few other shows and she always looks like she’s sneering. I can’t criticize her for that coz I have resting bitch face, even when life is rosy and unicorny.

regarding the format, I think I was ready for them to shake it up and try something different. The show that I really wish FN would change up is the baking championship shows. 

I miss Jonathan Bennett too. I read that he is starring in the first ever gay relationship Hallmark holiday movie so maybe he was filming that when they filmed this show? 

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13 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Not crazy about the team sitting out watching and being snarky. That's our job!

The bitchy, bitter Greek chorus was not a welcome addition IMO.

Jon? Jonny? Jonathan?  Whatever his name is, he needs to tone it down several thousand notches.

So the judges judging before the judging round is going to be a regular thing on all the FN shows now?  Good to know.

Edited by mojoween
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My response to the new format was WTF???  We've been saying for a long time that these shows need a shake up, but this didn't seem to satisfy that brief for me.  Bitchy judges are now bitchier judges.  Bitchy competitors who throw shade at their rivals are now throwing shadier shade at them.  And how they choose the ultimate winner was not explained, or if it was, I missed it.  I heard Raven Symone say that if a team sits out for 3 rounds, they were out, but otherwise, all five teams will go to the end.  Is the winner just picked on the last episode or based on some sort of cumulative score?

I did find the response to the first Santa's Present pretty funny -- "Oh my god, it's a tablet!!"  Wow.  

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

The bitchy, bitter Greek chorus was not a welcome addition IMO.

Agree, I like these shows because they're light and fun. I didn't really need to hear all the whiny whining during the show. It just wasn't the right tone.

Raven was OK as a host, but I really missed the goofy Jonathan. He's so corny but it works for the show. And I just didn't really care for the judges as a whole.

I'll still watch 🙂

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Did not like the tram sitting out running down the other teams and saying how great they were. 
Not really liking Raven but maybe I will warm up over team. 
I found it confusing for everyone to be working right at the start.

the new concept is interesting and it is nice not to have some one sent home on day one




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2 hours ago, Grizzly said:

That was an interesting twist for the teams to have to incorporate the first display into the second. Thankfully that 1 team put a little life into Mrs Claus's face. Having to blend styles is a good task for these teams that were thrown together.

Agreed!  That will make them think going forward.  It’s devious to try to get tightrope-walking Mrs. Claus into a parade.

It’s not helping that they are showing last year’s season now, because so far this year isn’t quite matching up.  And we are going to be stuck with all five of these teams until the end? (Unless one loses the first challenge three times, which seems arbitrary)

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22 hours ago, mlp said:

The other new judge, Erin, looks like she's sneering all the time, even when she's smiling.

She looks like she’s perpetually smelling a fart.

11 hours ago, Spunkygal said:


I have seen judge Erin on a few other shows and she always looks like she’s sneering. I can’t criticize her for that coz I have resting bitch face, even when life is rosy and unicorny.


Not so much “resting”; I’d say Erin has a pretty active bitch face.

 Even Shin Min seems to have caught a minor strain of it. The teams seem extra snarky and bad tempered compared to past seasons, especially in the first episode.  Usually the tension and sniping turns up as the teams go deeper into the competition.  Everyone on this show seems so unhappy for people who get to be around CAKE and SUGAR and HOLIDAY stuff.  Maybe this was filmed during the height of COVID outbreaks?  Was everyone quarantined together and already sick of each other by the time they got on set?

Not a fan of Rayven.  Not even during her cutesy wootsey days on the Cosby Show.  I will probably keep watching for another week or two because my daughter likes it, but I don’t see me rooting for any of these people.

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8 hours ago, Pepper the Cat said:

Not really liking Raven but maybe I will warm up over team. 

I had no idea who she is so I finally got around to looking her up.  According to Wikipedia, she's been in a lot of stuff most of which I've never heard of.  She's a lot more attractive in her picture there.  Anyhow, now I'm wondering why on earth she's on Food Network.  The other hosts who aren't food people like Jonathan and Jesse Palmer at least have upbeat, cheerful personalities.

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Not a fan of this format, these teams or anyone really except ShinMin.  Tonight she and Erin sniped back and forth about a display and I told my daughter Erin needed to shut because it's ShinMin's show, and I was right, ShinMin won the argument and the team won the challenge (whatever the hell it was).  This season just seems...flat.  The drama and angst seem real not contrived or producer driven, probably because none of these guys seem to be very good. 

Johnny was on a season baking championship a few years ago and I remember Duff getting so impatient with him saying he couldn't get out of his own way.  

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Not liking Erin at all.  She looks miserable whenever she interacts with the bakers or with the judges.  Her voice has a sneer in it, even Whalen she saying she likes something. Maybe it’s her extreme underbite, or her jaw that makes her speak or look like that?  Plus, she lost me when she said one of the displays (the textured penguin?) was in a “preCURIOUS position”rather than “precarious”.

Raven was a wee bit better on this ep, but who is dressing her? Someone needs to tell her to put David Byrne’s 1980’s  oversized suits back in the closet.  And leave them there.

I agree that this season is off. The format, the sit out a round and snark punishment, no elimination...none of it is great IMO. Even the teams seem less talented, less cohesive, less enthusiastic & more argumentative than previous contestants. 

There’s an awful lot of rice crispie treats being used in these scenes.  It doesn’t support all the weight they lob on top of it.  It makes sense to use it for making a head or a tail or other small appendage, but not for the entire base of a building or giant Santa. 


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2 hours ago, trudysmom said:

Not a fan of this format, these teams or anyone really except ShinMin.  Tonight she and Erin sniped back and forth about a display and I told my daughter Erin needed to shut because it's ShinMin's show, and I was right, ShinMin won the argument and the team won the challenge (whatever the hell it was).  This season just seems...flat.  The drama and angst seem real not contrived or producer driven, probably because none of these guys seem to be very good. 


1 hour ago, BusyOctober said:

Not liking Erin at all.  She looks miserable whenever she interacts with the bakers or with the judges.  Her voice has a sneer in it, even Whalen she saying she likes something. Maybe it’s her extreme underbite, or her jaw that makes her speak or look like that?  Plus, she lost me when she said one of the displays (the textured penguin?) was in a “preCURIOUS position”rather than “precarious”.

Raven was a wee bit better on this ep, but who is dressing her? Someone needs to tell her to put David Byrne’s 1980’s  oversized suits back in the closet.  And leave them there.

I agree that this season is off. The format, the sit out a round and snark punishment, no elimination...none of it is great IMO. Even the teams seem less talented, less cohesive, less enthusiastic & more argumentative than previous contestants. 

I was going to say all the same things.  This season lacks the fun.

I don't know which is more awful - Raven's hair or her outfits.  I try not to look at her.

I thought Erin seemed a bit less sneer-y; then she got snippy about the beach scene.  I thought the turtle and other things set the scene and were just fine.  I don't know what she was talking about.  There was plenty of trash.  I'm glad ShinMin won that round.

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Yeah, that was a bizarre exchange.

Shinmin: "Everything adds to the story, it's great."

Erin: "I completely disagree. There's a lot of extra stuff that doesn't add to the story. Like these coconuts, what do they add?"

Shinmin: "It's the beach."

Erin: "And what about this sand castle? What is that doing there?"

Shinmin: "IT'S THE BEACH"

4 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:

Yeah, that was a bizarre exchange.

Shinmin: "Everything adds to the story, it's great."

Erin: "I completely disagree. There's a lot of extra stuff that doesn't add to the story. Like these coconuts, what do they add?"

Shinmin: "It's the beach."

Erin: "And what about this sand castle? What is that doing there?"

Shinmin: "IT'S THE BEACH"

Seriously. I do not care for this new judge at all.

Holiday Wars should be fun, and that is completely missing right now. I feel for Shinmin. She knows how to balance positive and constructive feedback well.

I lnow it's not Halloween Wars, but I miss Todd, lol.

I don't mind Raven, she is trying to be positive and fun, and I liked her expressions during the disagreement.

Oh, and the contestants? Usually I start to have some favorites early on but I swear I still don't know who anyone is. Maybe it's my own short attention span, but they just aren't standing out at all.

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I’m not liking this as much as Halloween Wars. The judges don’t seem to understand that the Halloween show is primary about pumpkin carving and the large heavy pumpkins lend themselves better to large scale pieces.

I can’t stand the new sneering judge and it is obvious that the teams don’t have enough time for giant scenes and the hot stage lights are melting the fondant and frosted cakes. The judges sneering about how bad everything looks is bound to make everyone nervous. 

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I agree with those of you who don’t like this as much as Halloween Wars or the earlier seasons of Holiday Wars. The pumpkin/fruit carvings are greatly missed by me. They always added such dimension to a display. Both Halloween/Holiday Wars had larger scale presentations for round 2 and there were really good reindeers, Santa’s, sleighs, etc., in the past. Remember that one season that a team did an amazing Jack Frost sliding on the ice? I don’t remember which team he is on this year, but the one sugar artist who did the palm tree leaves that were less impressive to Shinmin and Erin is the only familiar face to me from other shows. I’ve also decided that I don’t care for the new rule of one team sitting out a round but still staying around for the next show. Just go back to the old format. 

Finally, listen up, FN, Jonathan Bennett needs to be re-signed for next year as host for both Halloween and Holiday! I miss his fun wackiness and energy. 

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