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S02.E03: No Going Back

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Does Rachel's sister Malory remind anyone of another swamp-dwelling teen mom?  I feel so sorry for that sweet baby, her mother doesn't want to care for her at all.  She was talking about how she doesn't go out every day, she goes out every night...oh, ok.  I think I dislike her more than anyone on Y & P, and she's had a grand total of, what, 6 minutes airtime?  If that?  Rachel was completely right, but I hope they all stop talking about who's going to get 'stuck' watching the baby before she's old enough to understand.  It's not her fault her mom is irresponsible trash. 

Edited by eskimo
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I know I objected to the term 'trash' to describe the young people but I am making an exception for Mallory. Damn, she out Jenelle's Jenelle. If I were her mother I'd tell her to hit the road and not return but I think it's hard for a mom to do (I'm a mom so I get it) and also her mom raised these girls as a drug addict so she probably has a lot of guilt she is dealing with when she sees her daughters acting out in their teens like this. I do hope that Rachel proves good on her promise to be a better person than her despicable older sister. That poor baby. She needs to be placed for adoption since no one is able to actually parent her in that family but Mallory probably won't hear of it. She seems to treat her like her private toy to be played with and then dropped when inconvenient.  She really doesn't give a damn. 

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This show should be called "Teen Mom: Young and Stupid."

Kiaya's mother should not be encouraging that relationship because Teazha is too young to be trying to co-parent. I get the feeling she has a difficult home life and is trying to be in a safe and secure home, but the sacrifices of her youth are going to start adding up. She seems reasonably intelligent; I'd like to see her go off to college.

So, Brianna was sleeping around. Her mother's indignation was laughable. And this dude probably just wants some TV time.

The other idiot might want to reconsider abortion. Luke is trying to seem supportive but there is dread written all over his face and it's not just because he's afraid of Momma.

Mallory is a hot stinking mess. That mother needs to call Barb Evans to get a copy of the speech she delivered to Jenelle about how you can't treat a baby like a dog or a cat.

Young and seriously stupid.

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Ye gods, what a crew. I'm just......I don't know, I'm sitting here gawping like some sort of tropical fish. I was having serious anxiety during Rachel and Malorie's scenes. That dirty, noisy home! I was starting to itch. Everyone sitting in a row, glued to their phones, jaws slack, eyes vacant. Malorie probably pregnant again already. Rachel. does not stand a chance.

Brianna just seems so hapless. As if she is unable to function on planet Earth.

Kayla is just terrible. She'll have five kids by the time she's 25.

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I just started watching this show.  I didn't even know about it until my husband DVR'ed it for me, and I'll probably lurk on the forums for it, as I don't have much to say that hasn't been said, except I am so fascinated by Rachel and her family.  I wish they would have just done a documentary on them.  I would watch the hell out of that.  How do you get to that point of dysfunction?  I have so many questions for them, and I really enjoy their scenes, in a glimpsing-through-my-fingers kind of way.  I really think it was a missed opportunity not to do a documentary on that whole town of Madisonville.  What an awesome nightmare.

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19 minutes ago, luvbadtv said:

I'm guessing this is a trap baby.  Luke seems like a nice guy who treats her & Iz. well.  If you think you vomited up your birth control, grab a condom!

Yeah, and who buys this story anyway? I don't believe she was taking the pill carefully every day. If I were a broke-ass teen mom with an infant and I didn't believe in abortion, I'd be using 5 methods of birth control, dating girls, or just specializing in oral technique. At a bare minimum, I'd have an IUD. But of course, this mindset is the reason I didn't become a broke-ass teen mom in the first place.

3 hours ago, politichick said:

Mallory is a hot stinking mess.

I'm guessing that Malorie is already an addict -- maybe an alcoholic, maybe more. She's numb to everyone and everything except getting her fix. Notice that she doesn't have a hair of shyness about her actions in front of the camera. You have to be pretty far gone to abandon your kid on national TV.

I will give Rachel's mom credit that there was plenty of food in the house/trailer. I'll take whatever hints of stability and normalcy I can get. But there can't be more than two tiny bedrooms in that single-wide. Who sleeps where? There's a brother, baby Emerson most nights, Rachel and her mom, and soon baby Hazelee...how does that work? PLEASE, Malorie, give Emerson to a family that wants her.

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On 10/30/2019 at 11:06 AM, politichick said:

The other idiot might want to reconsider abortion. Luke is trying to seem supportive but there is dread written all over his face and it's not just because he's afraid of Momma.

Young and seriously stupid.

Neither one of them look like they want to have this baby.  So this begs the question... why in the heck are they having this baby?!?!?!?  Even her friends are incapable of faking support... everyone knows this is a terrible idea.  Hopefully one of these two people speak up before it's too late. 

I don't think she's trying to trap him (and I loathe that phrase... it's disrespectful to women), but the timing couldn't be worse. 

Edited by nasir jones
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16 hours ago, IvySpice said:

I'm guessing that Malorie is already an addict -- maybe an alcoholic, maybe more. She's numb to everyone and everything except getting her fix. Notice that she doesn't have a hair of shyness about her actions in front of the camera. You have to be pretty far gone to abandon your kid on national TV.

Watching her I realized she is trying to get her own spin-off. MTV loves trash like her. I was watching her and thought I was going to have a aneurysm. I was also thinking to myself, WTF is wrong with me watching this shit show?

And still Kayla might be the worst?

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23 hours ago, politichick said:

This show should be called "Teen Mom: Young and Stupid."

Kiaya's mother should not be encouraging that relationship because Teazha is too young to be trying to co-parent. I get the feeling she has a difficult home life and is trying to be in a safe and secure home, but the sacrifices of her youth are going to start adding up. She seems reasonably intelligent; I'd like to see her go off to college.

I agree Teazha seems to be looking for something safe and secure, but she does not need to tie herself to Kiaya. I felt bad for her when she was sitting outside the store crying, saying she doesn't talk to anyone at school and this friend that Kiaya didn't want her to talk to was an actual friend. I get it, she cheated in the past and Kiaya doesn't trust her, but she's young, she's going to make mistakes. Kiaya seems to want to control everything she does and who she speaks to. I think I sympathize with her the most of this gaggle of fools. 

What the hell was I watching in Rachel's trailer?

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Jesus Christ, this show. For the most part I echo what every other poster has said… It’s wrong to call human beings trash, but… Malorie?!  And this may be an unpopular opinion, but the sad lives we see on this show basically make the argument for abortion. I am pro-choice and have been forever, but this show literally makes me pro-ABORTION. 

Edited by Liamsmom617
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3 hours ago, Liamsmom617 said:

Jesus Christ, this show. For the most part I echo what every other poster has said… It’s wrong to call human beings trash, but… Malorie?!  And this may be an unpopular opinion, but the sad lives we see on this show basically make the argument for abortion. I am pro-choice and have been forever, but this show literally makes me pro-ABORTION. 


I am sincerely curious about why these girls are so adamant about not having an abortion. Is it religion? Guilt? Miseducation? Lack of resources? Afraid their parents will find out? Fear of what people will think? Is it because they think an abortion means that the doctor will extract a full term infant from the uterus at 7 weeks and then torture the baby? 

In all seriousness, I wish abortion or other options for unplanned pregnancies were discussed on air, as well as where one can go for medical care, like Planned Parenthood or other clinics. Along with scaring teenagers straight, wasn’t the original point of this series to educate its target audience? It feels as is every part of the pregnancy has been glamorized, which isn’t painting an accurate representation of daily life.  I wish MTV would replace the ultrasound visits with ones of doctors examining the mothers. Rachel couldn’t even handle getting her cervix checked - that’s the stuff that needs to be seen by teenagers who are pretty uptight about having their lady parts examined.

I’ve never been pregnant, but my friends who have had babies talk about things like episiotomies, hemorrhoids, wanting to shove a bag of frozen peas in their underwear after giving birth, babies in the NICU, gestational diabetes, stretch marks, weight gain and other realities of having been pregnant. If teen girls even knew about tearing and episiotomies, I wonder how that would shape their choices to not be hyper vigilant about tracking their periods and using birth control. 

While adhering to HIPPA rules, I also wish the doctors were filmed talkIng about the choices that are available to pregnant teenagers. “Once you are X weeks pregnant in most states, you cannot terminate the pregnancy.” I also wish they’d explain the process for an abortion as well. A lot of these teens ended up pregnant because of ignorance and not understanding basic biology. I hate to make a dig at females, but I can’t tell you how many of my female students frequently have to dash to the health office because they unexpectedly started their period at school. I know it takes a minute for one’s cycle to become regular and birth control isn’t 100% effective, but more teens need to know about ovulation and when it typically happens during the month. 

It’s too bad that Planned Parenthood has never been mentioned at all on any of these shows. Forget going to the It’s Your Sex Life site, Google PP and really get educated!

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I will say that this show, unlike “Teen Mom OG” and “Teen Mom 2”, still shows more of the ugly side of teen parenting, as far as having to deal with living in crowded conditions with parents and siblings, etc.....I still watch the other shows but at this point it’s ridiculous with all their vacations and expensive cars. They live exorbitant lives I’ll never be able to live, and I’ve been employed full-time since I was 20. 

Edited by Liamsmom617
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Because teen parents, especially those already within a lower SES, often repeat dysfunctional cycles (there are exceptions of course) I think that birth control should be 100% free and easy to get.  I would even take it a step further and offer monetary incentives for those that get longer-lasting forms of bc.  Teens aren't particularly good at thinking about things like this beforehand, but they would if they got, say, $25 per depo shot ($100 a year), or $300 for a 3 year implant, etc.  Nothing motivates kids like money when they're broke, which they usually are.  That would make getting to that appt a priority-before they get pregnant.  I know it would be controversial, but even with the cash incentives, I firmly believe tons of money would be saved overall.  $300 incentive + cost of contraceptive itself would be less than the first 3 months, out of years probably, of other forms welfare that are needed to support a child that a broke parent is not ready for. 

We obviously can't forget about whatever resources might still be needed after a pregnancy, but once a pregnancy happens some form of damage is already done.  Adoption, abortion, and parenting will all take an emotional toll on a person.  Plus, you can't force a mother, no matter how shitty she will be, to have an abortion or place the child for adoption.  Jenelle is a good example.  Even though Barb knew she'd be raising Jace, she had no say.  So I feel like we really need to get to the girls before they get pregnant.  And I think giving them cash is the best way to prevent unplanned children from suffering. 

That's my UO.

Edited by eskimo
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So does anyone else think that Malorie (Rachel beavers sister) should be deemed an unfit mother? I love all of the teen mom series, and I commend the fact that 'teen mom young and pregnant' shows the harsh reality of teen pregnancy with out sugar coating it as much. However MTV chose to have Rachel's experience on the show and sadly I cant even focus on Rachel's story because I am so disgusted by her sister Malorie. Age or environment shouldn't matter, the moment you become a mother your main concern, first priority, and every thought should be about that baby.  It's a mother's natural instinct... Every waking hour... how to protect her, how to comfort her, how to teach her, how to be better for her. But not for Malorie, her main goal is to party and escape her life..she tells her family(including her baby girl) that she will be back by 8am..then disappears till the next night. Her mother then asks what's going to happen when she goes back to work, and Malories response was " I dunno, find someone else to watch her."  Obviously this Malorie chick has zero interest in being a mother or spending time with her daughter,( who very desperately needs a mother's love and attention at that age) but she also has zero concern for the well being of her child. Now I know dreading motherhood, pawning ur kid off on everyone else, and irresponsibly partying isnt a solid reason for CPS/ DFS to get involved.. however neglect and child endangerment is a legit reason. According to Rachel, Malorie had taken her daughter to parties with her and left her in a random bedroom to cry. That is neglect, and possibly child endangerment..you dont know whats in that bedroom or who could go in.  I bet if they did open an  investigation they would find out a lot more dirt that girl does on a daily that proves she is not fit to be a mom. It just angers me to the core that she acts like that and sees nothing wrong with it. I was a struggling heroin addict for 12 years. Homeless, jail, prostitution, u name it I did it...yet still my children have and will always come first. They are the only thing that has ever given me joy or motivated me to be a better person. I couldn't do it for me because I didnt care enough about me..i prayed everynight for 2 years that I wouldn't wake up in the morning. I even made the sad mistake of abortion years ago when I was in the worst of it...so she has no excuses.. if she wasn't going to care for that baby she could have chosen other options. Anyways my rant is done. Dont  know if I wanna watch this show anymore though. 

23 hours ago, Ambeezy said:

So does anyone else think that Malorie (Rachel beavers sister) should be deemed an unfit mother? I love all of the teen mom series, and I commend the fact that 'teen mom young and pregnant' shows the harsh reality of teen pregnancy with out sugar coating it as much. However MTV chose to have Rachel's experience on the show and sadly I cant even focus on Rachel's story because I am so disgusted by her sister Malorie. Age or environment shouldn't matter, the moment you become a mother your main concern, first priority, and every thought should be about that baby.  It's a mother's natural instinct... Every waking hour... how to protect her, how to comfort her, how to teach her, how to be better for her. But not for Malorie, her main goal is to party and escape her life..she tells her family(including her baby girl) that she will be back by 8am..then disappears till the next night. Her mother then asks what's going to happen when she goes back to work, and Malories response was " I dunno, find someone else to watch her."  Obviously this Malorie chick has zero interest in being a mother or spending time with her daughter,( who very desperately needs a mother's love and attention at that age) but she also has zero concern for the well being of her child. Now I know dreading motherhood, pawning ur kid off on everyone else, and irresponsibly partying isnt a solid reason for CPS/ DFS to get involved.. however neglect and child endangerment is a legit reason. According to Rachel, Malorie had taken her daughter to parties with her and left her in a random bedroom to cry. That is neglect, and possibly child endangerment..you dont know whats in that bedroom or who could go in.  I bet if they did open an  investigation they would find out a lot more dirt that girl does on a daily that proves she is not fit to be a mom. It just angers me to the core that she acts like that and sees nothing wrong with it. I was a struggling heroin addict for 12 years. Homeless, jail, prostitution, u name it I did it...yet still my children have and will always come first. They are the only thing that has ever given me joy or motivated me to be a better person. I couldn't do it for me because I didnt care enough about me..i prayed everynight for 2 years that I wouldn't wake up in the morning. I even made the sad mistake of abortion years ago when I was in the worst of it...so she has no excuses.. if she wasn't going to care for that baby she could have chosen other options. Anyways my rant is done. Dont  know if I wanna watch this show anymore though. 

Malorie (BEAVER!)'s excuse:


On 12/3/2019 at 6:06 PM, DeeReynolds said:

Ok Kayla. You were sick enough to vomit up your birth control on Thanksgiving, but not too sick to have sex? Hope your bf enjoyed his pukey sex that led to a surprise baby. I guess the sexy times could have been earlier in the day before she got sick but still. Eww.

I wondered if I was the only one with this thought. The way she described it, she took the pill and then puked it up (presumably),.  Even if she had taken her BC earlier in the day, by the time she got sick, it would have already been absorbed in her system, so her story just doesn't sound plausible to me. Either she forgot to take it or she intentionally didn't take it. I'm betting more on the latter.

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