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Big Brother Universe: Fashion, Casting, Comps, etc.

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So - the BB microcosm simply reflects a deeply ingrained, basic human dynamic?  On a certain level I'm curious as to whether such a dynamic is a societal reflection, or something deeper.  Perhaps a reflection of prehistoric society; men gradually becoming "wired" for cooperative competition (the hunt), while women were conditioned to excel in uncooperative competition (vying for eligible mates).


Well, you certainly see it in business.  Men tend to 'mentor' each other, have group/duo activities that foster the bond and mentor relationship (golf, clubs, etc.).  Women started out being very solo in business, usually 1 woman to a room full of men, and they never had a real 'mentor' like relationship because of sex, and the old addage that men and women can't be friends without sex getting involved.  Eventually more women came up the ladder, but by that time, the top women had learned to be solo and passed on the lesson that if they could do it solo, so could the other women, so there never really developed the mentor-type relationship that men did.  Also, because it did start out as a bit of one woman at a time making it up the ladder, so to speak, women learned/were conditioned that the only way to get ahead was to knock off the woman above them, whereas men always just made room for another.


Certainly there has been improvements, but its slow.  Just look at politics, especially high executive offices (governor, president).


dominant females generally don't form strong, durable alliances with other strong females.


Well Allison and Jun allied, late in the game sure, but it did happen, and Danielle had some great insight into the fact that getting into a major alliance too soon is actually not that great an idea and the most successful players rarely if ever do it. The Bro's taking down the wimmens has been more of a Grodner era thing.


Three of the first five seasons were won by women, and Nicole dominated the fuck out of S2, and while Janelle didn't win season 6 she was it's undeniable supernova star. 


If there is any real thing behind the bros teaming up it's that they are more encouraged to (indeed glorified for)  playing sports and particularly team sports than women are,and I'd say Dan being a *coach* is what makes him such a rockstar at the game, he knows how to direct and lead others in support of his ultimate goal: winning.

Dear Lord, I hadn't thought about that.

No, I think I've seen him in a shirt before (but I couldn't tell you when). But I would be interested in knowing if he brought more than one, and how often it has been washed.

Too bad he didn't win the "prize" of wearing the suit of armor for a week. It might have driven him nuts.

That reminds me. We haven't had that comp where it involved shaving heads and stuff right? I'd live his punishment to be shave his head and beard pony or wear a shirt daily for the rest of BB.

I mean being groomed and wearing clothes is for most people a way of life but for Ogre it's a punishment and blessing.

Thanks, Snide Asides and Nashville, for your responses. 


I got thinking about this after last night's episode when Julia said that Austin wasn't the kind of guy Liz could take home to meet the folks.  I know nothing is mentioned on the aired programs, but I would guess if you had two daughters on the show, you would have the live feeds, or at the very least, be checking out all the boards.  


While I don't think Liz or anyone else should be warned while the game is still going on about what's being said about them on the internet, it might be nice to let them know what type of publicity is going to hit them when they get out....that is, if it's something negative.  



While I don't think Liz or anyone else should be warned while the game is still going on about what's being said about them on the internet, it might be nice to let them know what type of publicity is going to hit them when they get out....that is, if it's something negative.

My basic impression is as soon as the just-evicted HGs get out of the Chenterview, they're ushered off to a small, windowless room with a horde of handlers - and, if there's no chance of return to the game, a horde of publicists who (a) brief them on any negative press coming off the season and (b) coach them on how to respond to criticisms so that for GOD'S sake they don't embarrass the Show.

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This is my first season watching - I tuned in the night Jeff got evicted & never left!  Two questions:


1.  Is Vanessa typical of the kind of person that usually wins?  I get the making fake deals & having secret alliances, but does it take all the crying, swearing on people's lives, "trust me" lies, etc. to make it to the end?  Or in other words, is there ever a winner that plays well without making you throw stuff at the screen?


2.  When do players & jurors start finding out public opinion of them?  Do they get outside info in the jury house, or is everyone complete sequestered until the finale?



This is my first season watching - I tuned in the night Jeff got evicted & never left! Two questions:

1. Is Vanessa typical of the kind of person that usually wins? I get the making fake deals & having secret alliances, but does it take all the crying, swearing on people's lives, "trust me" lies, etc. to make it to the end? Or in other words, is there ever a winner that plays well without making you throw stuff at the screen?

2. When do players & jurors start finding out public opinion of them? Do they get outside info in the jury house, or is everyone complete sequestered until the finale?


1. I've watched this godforsaken show since the first season, only skipping BB9 and BB16. I know I'm in the minority but Vanessa is my favorite player in years. Aside from that, off the top of my head, I think I've maybe liked 4 winners total? In 14 watched seasons. And the winners I don't like I usually despise. But yeah, they're mostly lying assholes. But they sorta have to be. Jordan from BB11 is the only sweet, almost universally loved, not-mean-at-all, didn't-have-to-backstab winner I can think of.

2. If they make it to jury, they don't find out about their popularity or lack thereof until a winner is announced. All jury members are sequestered until after the finale.

A place to discuss how and the whys the jurors vote. 


I personally think "bitter jury" is an overused term. If a jury doesn't vote for the perceived most strategic player, it means that the finalist didn't play that strategic after all. Earning votes is one the biggest components of winning Big Brother. After 17 seasons, all incoming houseguests has to keep this in mind and play a game that would not only take them to the end, but gain the votes to win. You could manipulate and win all the competition of the season, it won't make a difference if the jury just plain dislike you. It won't be a failure on the parts of the jury, the failure lies with the finalist who botched their social game. It boggles my mind that the Social aspect is one of the least lauded part of Big Brother.


I hate to reference him because I thought he was a smeary douche, but Will Kirby's win makes that very clear. Manipulate all you want but the challenge is to still be liked, at least more than your competing,  by your victims. On the other hand is BB14 Dan whom I adored in BB10 and enjoyed him on BB14. He played a manipulative game but I wouldn't say it was a good one. It would have been if he hadn't burned bridges left and right while doing so. Ian recognized that no matter what strategic game he played or the number of competitions he won, liability goes a long way with the jury and Dan wasn't liked or respected by them. That type of accurate read on on the dynamics of his peers is another reason I thought Ian deserved the win.


Onto this season, a Steve vs Vanessa would be tougher  vote for people like Shelli, Becky and John who while have said would vote for Vanessa for playing the best game, just might vote for Steve because they simply like him more. John and Becky had a better personal connection with Steve than they did with Vanessa. Shelli was closer to Vanessa but she feels burned by her for whatever reason.


It'll be an easier vote for them if it was a Liz vs Vanessa final 2. There'll be no question they'd vote for Vanessa. Unlike Steve, John, Becky and Shelli have little to no relationship wit Liz. Again, the decision comes down to the social aspect of the game played by the finalists. Liz failed majorly on that part.


Julia, Austin, Meg, James and Jackie will be the emotional voters. I won't get into them right now

  • Love 5

Andy won despite playing everyone in the house.  He was always upbeat, witty and the HGs liked him, personally.  Game best played was an easy choice on this one, like him or not.  


We don't have anyone who could be called charismatic or generally well liked.  We have 3 people who failed at the social game so they are on an even playing field on that one.


Vanessa stands out as the one who played hard and manipulated the most.  So that could be a basis for jury votes.  She also irritated the fuck out of most everyone.  


As for irritation factor I see an even playing field here, too.  Many found Steve creepy or at least not an enjoyable or interesting HG.  


Liz.  Oh Liz.  Though we didn't see any DTs with anyone complaining about her vocal affect, there may be a question about her being dragged along.  Handing Liz the win would in some way benefit Austin and I am sure he is an irritation in the jury house.  


Steve.  Well, that is all I have to say about Steve.  


I see Vanessa wining no matter who is F2 with best game play being the deciding factor. 


I am not considering who would win if Steve wins the final comp and sits beside Liz because I don't want to!  ugh :P

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

I think Steve and Vanessa would be close with Vanessa coming out the winner. She should have 


Meg - Hates Vanessa but hates Steve more. It abated after Jason left but they bashed him relentlessly in the first few weeks. He also targeted her on DE and sent home an ally. She despised Vanessa too but I think her game should be the deciding factor. 


James - I see no reason why he'd vote for Steve over Vanessa. He might not personally like Vanessa but he didn't have any opinion at all of Steve that I am aware of.


Jackie - Not a Vanessa fan but she is level headed enough to respect her game moves over Steve's. Plus Steve blindsided her on DE. If she credits Vanessa for that move then she has more insensitive for voting for Vanessa.


Becky - Personally likes Steve more but respects Vanessa's game. She saw it a long time ago and was the only one who tried to do anything about it.


John - Same as Becky. He connected on a personal level with Steve but respects Vanessa more as a gamer.


Austin - Would vote alone.


Twins  - Will vote for Vanessa. There is no way Austin can convince Julia to vote against Vanessa. And Liz have said she wants a female to win.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 2

1. Have a very limited pantry of food items (rice, beans) and comps for them to win good stuff, like steak, pizza delivery, sweets, or anything you hear them craving.

2. Get rid of slop and have nots. Boring.

3. Viewers get punished with fish when they sing.  Punish the singer.  PB&J for a week.

4.  Eliminate the full week with only 3 HGs.  Speed that up.

5. Give them games like Tabu and Gestures that are interesting for viewers to watch.  Or lift ideas from Game Night the TV show.

6. 90 minute TV show exposing bad behavior from the feeds.  No more white washing; viewers without feeds vote for their favorite so inform them!


Julie, be tougher in your exit interivews.  You did a great job with Aaryn because the topic was so loaded.  Don't let the others get away with less abhorrant behavior.


AND, have the finale a week earlier on Wednesday.  Skip the clip show.  

  • Love 1

What's your breakdown on Steve/Liz? 


I'll note that it's foolish trying to predict jury votes, but I'll go on record to see how wrong I was about it later...


Shelli - has referred to Steve in jury footage as "my Stevie". I'd say she's a strong Steve lean.


Jackie - harder to handicap. Didn't have any relationship with Liz, but also wasn't very into Steve. I don't know which way she would vote. 


Becky - has noted in exit interviews that Steve is playing good under the radar game. Not much of a connection to Liz. Definite Steve lean.


Meg - Did have a relationship with Liz for a brief period of time, though it ended somewhat poorly. Did not like Steve and once said it was an insult they were considered peers in the game (LOL). Liz lean.


James - Did have a good relationship with Steve, but also hung out with Liz and is close to Austin. Total toss up. James-uhhh.


Julia, Austin - obviously will vote for Liz


John - Has stated in exit interviews that he has no respect for Liz's game. It's JMac and he could do anything but he will vote for Steve.


Vaneesa - likely a Liz vote, but has had a more meaningful personal connection with Steve. It's why I don't put her vote in the lock category with Austin and Julia. But she would probably vote Liz.

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 2

What's your breakdown on Steve/Liz? 


I'll note that it's foolish trying to predict jury votes, but I'll go on record to see how wrong I was about it later...


Shelli - has referred to Steve in jury footage as "my Stevie". I'd say she's a strong Steve lean.


Jackie - harder to handicap. Didn't have any relationship with Liz, but also wasn't very into Steve. I don't know which way she would vote. 


Becky - has noted in exit interviews that Steve is playing good under the radar game. Not much of a connection to Liz. Definite Steve lean.


Meg - Did have a relationship with Liz for a brief period of time, though it ended somewhat poorly. Did not like Steve and once said it was an insult they were considered peers in the game (LOL). Liz lean.


James - Did have a good relationship with Steve, but also hung out with Liz and is close to Austin. Total toss up. James-uhhh.


Julia, Austin - obviously will vote for Liz


John - Has stated in exit interviews that he has no respect for Liz's game. It's JMac and he could do anything but he will vote for Steve.


Vaneesa - likely a Liz vote, but has had a more meaningful personal connection with Steve. It's why I don't put her vote in the lock category with Austin and Julia. But she would probably vote Liz.


Pretty closely parallels my thinking.  i do think, however, Jackie and James would both be a definite Steve lean, for the simple reason that if Steve is in the F2, he got there by evicting Vanessa - and while J&J may both be ambivalent between Liz and Steve, they're both death on Vanessa and would reward the finalist who booted her.


ETA: Oh, I almost forgot - and then there's Meg.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 4

What's your breakdown on Steve/Liz? 


I'll probably only half watch. The real tension would be in a Vanessa/Steve showdown. 


Liz, I feel, played too shallow a game to be a real contender. I don't see how the jury, besides Julia and Austin would vote for her. She won some comps but that was her extent of playing. Beside being a twin, her biggest role was be Austin's true love. It even overshadowed her relationship with her twin IMO.


Jmac will not vote for her under any circumstances. He could barely suppress his disdain for the twin towards the end. His post eviction interviews also indicate he has no respect for her "game" Plus he had that whole nerdmance thing with Steve.


In her exit interview with Julie, Becky said didn't anticipated Liz would come out of the second half of the season as a gamer  but she surprised her by doing just that. She's also said Steve was playing an impressive game Between the two of them, she had a closer relationship with Steve. Steve was one of the sweetest to her her last week when her toe was hurting. Oh, she also thought it was cowardly of Liz to send Meg to tell her she was going home the last minute.


Jackie didn't care for Liz but Liz outright hates her. But Steve blindsided her. It could go either way if she votes personally. I don't think she would because she seemed like she had a good head on her shoulders. She will vote for Steve over Liz.  


Meg and James are a question mark. I don't know what James opinion of Steve was but he was willing to keep him over JMac even after Steve have proven to be a threat to him and his allies. It was all because of Austin's influence and Meg went along with it. If Austin still has a hold of James and meg still can't reason on her own, I am looking at two more votes in addition to Julia and Liz.


Vanessa should vote for Steve if she is as truly strategic as her fans make her out to be. Aside from Liz being the same gender as her, she had nothing much in common with Liz. As Austin was the bridge for Meg/James interactions with Liz, so was Julia and Austin where Liz and Vanessa are concern. They weren't as close as two people in an alliance would be. Vanessa would have cut her a long time if it weren't for Julia and Austin and Liz would have done the same to Vanessa. They don't seem to like each other than much.


Vanessa and Steve's relationship was a lot more familial than her and Liz. She often treated Steve like a little brother. She'd get angry and short with him and was real nice to him other times. She's had front row seat of his game and he's played a better one than Liz. She should vote him. 

  • Love 1

I personally have no doubt that Steve will beat Liz. I think in that case Liz would only get Julia and Austin's votes, maybe Meg's. I'd love to be wrong though because Steve winning final HOH, evicting Vanessa, and then losing to Liz is like a dream for me.

Edited by peachmangosteen

 She's had front row seat of his game and he's played a better one than Liz. She should vote him. 

Vanessa has had a front row seat to see both Steve and Liz play. The difference, I think, is that Steve really was Vanessa's bitch right up until the point when he jumped ship to get on board with Shelli, which Vanessa views as lack of loyalty. Vanessa has seen him win HOHs and nominate the people she planted seeds for him to nominate or nominate people she straight up told him to. I don't think Vanessa respects the way Steve has played the game at all, because she had to do all the work for him to make it as far as he did. She helped the twins out too, but they also had Austin protecting them, so she wasn't as big of an influence on them as she was on Steve.


I think Liz has a decent shot at beating Steve. I think no matter what way the F2 goes (Liz/Steve, Vanessa/Steve, Vanessa/Liz), the closest vote situation would be between Steve and Liz.

Edited by Ceeg
  • Love 1

Vanessa has had a front row seat to see both Steve and Liz play. The difference, I think, is that Steve really was Vanessa's bitch right up until the point when he jumped ship to get on board with Shelli, which Vanessa views as lack of loyalty. Vanessa has seen him win HOHs and nominate the people she planted seeds for him to nominate or nominate people she straight up told him to. I don't think Vanessa respects the way Steve has played the game at all, because she had to do all the work for him to make it as far as he did. She helped the twins out too, but they also had Austin protecting them, so she wasn't as big of an influence on them as she was on Steve.


I think Liz has a decent shot at beating Steve. I think no matter what way the F2 goes (Liz/Steve, Vanessa/Steve, Vanessa/Liz), the closest vote situation would be between Steve and Liz.


I don't necessarily buy that argument against Steve because you can make the exact same one against Liz. And Vanessa and Steve were in sync on a lot of those moves -- the Jackie boot notwithstanding, though Steve didn't really have anyone else to target that week -- they had a lot of strategic conversations in private where Vanessa bounced ideas off of him. They both openly mocked the Austwins for voting out James over John.


Also, "jumping ship" to get on board with Shelli was a game move. Steve knew Vanessa was getting backdoored that week and wanted to protect himself moving forward. He even said in the DR that week that his heart sank when John told him Vanessa was the target, but that there wasn't anything he could do about it because he was also on the block. That's not lack of loyalty, that's smart gameplay.

  • Love 3

Also, "jumping ship" to get on board with Shelli was a game move. Steve knew Vanessa was getting backdoored that week and wanted to protect himself moving forward. He even said in the DR that week that his heart sank when John told him Vanessa was the target, but that there wasn't anything he could do about it because he was also on the block. That's not lack of loyalty, that's smart gameplay.


I agree. But I think Vanessa looks at it as a lack of loyalty because she gets pissed off when people lie to/betray her, even though she was doing it to them, too.


IMO Steve and Liz are equal in terms of gameplay, but I believe, for whatever reason, the jury will think Steve played a better game.

Edited by peachmangosteen

 Also, "jumping ship" to get on board with Shelli was a game move. Steve knew Vanessa was getting backdoored that week and wanted to protect himself moving forward. He even said in the DR that week that his heart sank when John told him Vanessa was the target, but that there wasn't anything he could do about it because he was also on the block. That's not lack of loyalty, that's smart gameplay.

Vanessa views it as a lack of loyalty, and if she wins the final HOH, she's going to boot Steve because of it. I honestly think that if Steve had never ~betrayed Vanessa (twice!) she'd be taking him to F2 rather than Liz. But


Vanessa has already said that if she wins that last HOH, her speech is basically going to be telling Steve that Liz has been loyal to her the whole game, while Steve schemed against her multiple times. I don't necessarily agree with her that lack of loyalty is a bad thing, but ultimately, if he doesn't win the HOH, his blatant moves against Vanessa will be what seals his fate.

I think during that Shelli/Vanessa week, Vanessa at least expected Steve to do what Austin and Liz did. Which is tell her that they'll vote for her if she can flip a Goblin. And then they actively worked together to flip said Goblins. Steve, meanwhile, was conspiring with Shelli and JMac about their future alliance. It would have been a great move for him if James and Meg hadn't turned. But, I think Steve jumped the gun just a little too quickly.


Having said that, it won't matter, because if he wins the Final HOH, he'll be F2 with a good shot at winning anyway. But no one wants to have to win out. 

Edited by Ceeg

Round table comes out today right? They try to ague both sides but we should get alliterate hint on they favor. 


I personally have no doubt that Steve will beat Liz. I think in that case Liz would only get Julia and Austin's votes, maybe Meg's. I'd love to be wrong though because Steve winning final HOH, evicting Vanessa, and then losing to Liz is like a dream for me.


Does Meg even like Liz? She was creeped out by Steve so there is that. Liz and Meg had that one week of playfulness which didn't end well by the time her and James were evicted. I think Liz/Becky are/were friendlier even one her last week. Meg only "played" with Liz by association - Austin/James.


I touched on part of reason why I think Liz will lose this game to Steve. Besides Austin and Julia, she had no one on one relationship to call her own. Vanessa and Meg, James bondage was precisely because of her association with Julia and Austin. She dropped the ball in the social aspect by being Austin's appendage.

Vanessa views it as a lack of loyalty, and if she wins the final HOH, she's going to boot Steve because of it. I honestly think that if Steve had never ~betrayed Vanessa (twice!) she'd be taking him to F2 rather than Liz. 


This kind of behavior is why I won't begrudge anyone who doesn't vote for Vanessa for "Reasons"


She herself is the definition of bitter.


Steve was good in her book as long as he was her lab dog. And maybe Steve should win over her because he wasn't her "Yes man" I wish if they end up together, she informs the jury herself how Steve had a mind of his own to "betray" her. 

FWIW and I know I know I know that things change, jurors' minds change, etc. But this is a discussion based on assumptions of behavior, and I think it's important to note that in their exit interviews, both James and Meg were asked who they didn't want to see win/who they wouldn't vote for. Here's what they said:





Which two houseguests do you NOT want to see in the final two? 

I would say Steve because I feel like Steve has been floating through the game, and I would say Austin for the simple fact that he told everyone that he did not want to win the game and he used that as a strategy and that he would be the pawn every week.




Who will you not vote for in the final two?

Vanessa and Steve.

Obviously, James' mind could be changed about Steve being a floater, since he's won more HOHs since then, and if he's in F2 it will be because he won the final HOH and evicted Vanessa. But Meg just never liked him. I think Liz could potentially have 4 votes (Austin, Julia, Vanessa, Meg), and all she needs is one more.

I still think it would be hilarious if Steve evicts Vanessa and still loses. And also if Liz (LIZ!) is the first girl to beat a guy in F2.

I still think it would be hilarious if Steve evicts Vanessa and still loses. And also if Liz (LIZ!) is the first girl to beat a guy in F2.


This would be so beautiful in it's hilariousness. I would relish in it.


I said this over in the feeds thread, but I need to say it again, I had accepted that the only person I like had no chance of winning, but now the discussion here has my hopes up that Liz could beat Steve. Now I'm actually anxious about the finale again. Dammit!


But, as Cutty pointed out in the feeds thread, the finale will almost certainly be Vanessa winning final HOH and then the game because this never ends how I want it to.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I know Meg never liked him yet she chose to evict John over him.  I don't know. How Meg feels and how she acts have been in conflict this entire game. The finale vote might be the same.


If Jame's negative thoughts about Austin holds, Meg and James are more likely to vote Steve over Liz. They weren't lulled into a false sense of security by Steve like Liz/Austin did them. We all know how James in particular reacts when he feels betrayed. He is vindictive as hell.  

Yea, I mean when I look at everything, I feel pretty confident that Steve would win against Liz with every vote but Julia and Austin's. I'm just not sure which outcome sucks more for me, Vanessa winning or Steve winning. I've hated Vanessa with such fury this season though, so I really don't want to see her win. But then I hate Steve and his innocent act, too. Basically the odds are very good that I'll hate the winner. Just like every other season!

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I don't think Vanessa fully realizes how far to James and Meg's side Austin and Liz were. Going back to the jury buyback comp Vanessa won, if James had won that Austin/Liz would've been right back with him and Meg and relishing the opportunity to send Vanessa home. It's why I don't like playing the Steve wasn't loyal card. Everyone had turned against Vanessa at some point. Liz even mocked her in the DR - "She can go cry in jury."

Edited by Cutty
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I don't think Vanessa fully realizes how far to James and Meg's side Austin and Liz were. Going back to the jury buyback comp Vanessa won, if James had won that Austin/Liz would've been right back with him and Meg and relishing the opportunity to send Vanessa home. It's why I don't like playing the Steve wasn't loyal card. Everyone had turned against Vanessa at some point. Liz even mocked her in the DR - "She can go cry in jury."

Echo THAT. Liz wasn't more loyal than Steve - simply less imaginative about alternatives.

  • Love 5

It came up in one of the episode threads that we didn't get the counting veto this season, and it got me wondering what other recurring challenges we lost when the Takeover twist was scrapped and the guest-themed challenges had to be reworked or replaced. The other ones that come to mind are the before/after quiz (usually the F4 HoH challenge), the "stand on a rolling log" endurance challenge, the black box (which only started in BB15 but did turn up again in BB16 and seems like the sort of thing they'd run into the ground), and the "web of clues" challenge. Were there any others missing?


And I guess once that's done, hey, we'll have a thread for the competitions now. So that's a plus.

From that article:



When Austin came to the jury house last week, he seemed like he was gearing up to be particularly vicious. Was he pretty cutthroat at the roundtable?
Here’s the thing. When you say “cutthroat” or “vicious” that, in my mind, implies you’re logical. I think Vanessa evicted him, and he’s obviously super hurt by that. So he’s hellbent on turning the jury against her. The problem is, the jury doesn’t really like him, so that could easily backfire. If someone you don’t like gives you advice, why would you follow it? He somehow thinks that he’s this phenomenal public speaker and he’s this motivator, and he’s convinced himself that he’s going to convince the jury to vote which way he wants. But the jury was kind of rolling eyes at him when he was explaining what they should do.


  • Love 6
Everybody’s a Monday morning quarterback. I can’t tell you how many times someone will come up to me who’s unbelievably boring and go, “You know what, I’d be amazing on that show!” And I’m like, “You’re not even amazing here at the grocery store.” The truth is, most people are, like, unrelentingly boring.

LMAO. Will <3

  • Love 1

I'm so glad my instinct about that was correct. Though this swings the pendulum really hard for Steve in Steve v. Liz F2. Steve is almost certainly going to crush her if Austin is being that obnoxious. ::sigh:: Oh Liz I wish YOU had voted his ass out. 


It might be he is trying to mislead? He wouldn't spoil the most possible outcome, I don't think.

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