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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Agree, but I’ve also seen problem drinking from Sonja, Ramona and TInsley. The exception are the ones who don’t seem to have issues with alcohol. What strikes me about Dorinda is how much repressed rage she has. It comes out when she drinks. I know many don’t like John, but I wish he’d dump her. She treats him horribly.
  2. I think she has a drinking problem, but she certainly isn’t the only one on this show who does! Lu and Leah, as they say in AA, if you “break out in handcuffs” when you drink, then consider that a red flag. Agree! I was surprised because normally they look better in the THs due to the professional makeup and lighting. Maybe the drinking has finally caught up with her? Meanwhile, Luann looks great to me. Kind of “refreshed.” Mini facelift perhaps? I don’t like Dorinda’s hair. It hardens her look to me but I realize I’m in the minority with this opinion. New woman is trying to do that best friend instead of mother thing with her daughter. She thinks it’s going well but her daughter is 12. Just wait. It will come back to bite her. Her daughter needs a mother and role model, not a best buddy parental figure. I could’ve done without the masturbation line and some of the other stuff she said which I guess was supposed to shock and titillate us. The wheels are coming off Dorinda. Don’t miss Bethenny at all! In fact, I think the show will be better without her. And I too really need this distraction right now.
  3. I liked it enough to watch again. Tim gave good advice to Martha about that awful dress. She ignored it so I hoped she’d be out. The dress looked like something I’d see at that Justice children’s store. Tim was right. It did look like the daughter’s dress! I didn’t like the white and red dress. It was just weird-looking to me and didn’t look like something many women could wear. Also thought the sneakers-type shoes looked bad with it and the black outfit. I liked Esther’s pants but the dress was a little too simple for me. I liked the green flowy thing but it should’ve been had a nude lining or leggings under it. Something. Maybe a fancy swimsuit cover-up? It’s too sheer to wear on its own. Loved the color though. I can’t remember the designer’s name but I thought the two black dresses were boring. Don’t understand why he was praised. The black leather-looking skirt was way too short and too tight. Love Nicole Richie’s outfit. Naomi Campbell remains gorgeous. The French Vogue judge scared me. I kind of liked hearing the judges react to the designs as model came down the runway, although it was a little distracting. Why did Heidi and TIm leave PR? Is there a thread that explains it?
  4. Yep. I noticed it awhile ago. Sad that her girls did that to themselves but look at their mother. She’s the “role model” (unfortunately). Who is the pregnant one on the far right? I don’t recognize her. All the pictures looks so touched-up!
  5. Me too! She is headed down a dark road... That photo of Luann and Bethenny looks like it’s Photoshopped to the max.
  6. I don’t understand why these young women are getting Botox. It gives them an unnatural, frozen look! They are young and not wrinkled yet, so why bother with it? It doesn’t make sense to me. I would love to still have the soft look and unlined skin of my 20s. No way would I mess it up with Botox!
  7. I just finished season five. Really like this show! I think TW is excellent as Bosch. Scrappy, tough yet real in a way that makes me able to identify with him even though we have nothing in common. I also like how reined in the show is with dialogue. There are so many short but meaningful conversations, no speeches which I can’t stand. There’s an understated quality to much of what Bosch says and I noticed his daughter does it too. Anyway, I’m not explaining it well. What I’m trying to say is the show expects a lot from its audience while at the same time never talking down to us. The writers let us fill in a lot of the blanks, which I appreciate. I enjoyed Mimi Rogers performance too. She’s no-nonsense like Bosch. Forgive me if this has been asked, but I don’t know much about TW. Is he a Brit? The first name doesn’t like an American.
  8. I thought it was strange too, and at the end it really looked like Erin and Jack were getting back together. They were sitting there making googoo eyes at each other. Erin’s daughter was oblivious, which also didn’t seem typical. I know Anthony can’t stand Jack and the family also doesn’t like him but I’m not clear why. What did he do? Did he cheat on Erin when they were married?
  9. Yes it’s a tough time for casting due to what’s going on with the virus. But maybe they will be available to find some older men who are at a different stage of their life, more settled into their careers and not as interested in being media stars. I hope so. If not, I wouldn’t be surprised if they ditched Clare and went with Hannah B.
  10. I saw a story on YouTube yesterday that they are recasting since they have more time before Clare’s season. They are looking for older bachelors. Apparently producers got flack from people over social media about how young most of the contestants are for their 38 year-old Bachelorette, such as what is the point of casting someone older? Clare also tweeted out something herself supporting them continuing to cast. The reporter wasn’t sure whether they’re going to toss the original cast in total or just swap out some for some older men. Either way I think it’s good news!
  11. I agree. I don’t understand Sandra’s popularity. She sat out most of the challenges and came across as arrogant to me. I was glad to see her go. The shock on her face was priceless. But I didn’t watch her seasons so maybe I missed something. Perhaps she came across better on those seasons. I also didn’t understand why Denise used her second immunity idol. Wasted move. Did she really think Jeremy would be picked or was she trying to make a splashy show of loyalty to him for the future? Tony looked like a wimp hiding in the bushes.
  12. Called it that Geoffrey would win due to his out there designs and good back story. I didn’t like any of them. In fact, I thought most were ridiculous, which Nina eluded to when she implied they’d have to be scaled down to sell. I don’t like Victoria but I liked her designs the best, especially the white dress at the end. I also liked a few of Sergio’s.
  13. Me too. I’m hoping now that filming is postponed perhaps they can find some men over 35. I think Chris just looks older without the magical Bachelor lighting and makeup. I saw him on an interview two days ago and he looked much better.
  14. I saw an interview with Chris Harrison and he said Madison was blindsided by Barb’s words, so I’m going to cut her some slack for her response. I think she was shocked and in that moment wasn’t able to respond well. Chris said he himself was shocked by Barb and that is was very uncomfortable for him being up there too.
  15. I saw an interview with Chris Harrison on YouTube. He spoke favorably about Hannah A, but it sounded like they’d already selected Clare when Hannah stepped up her game. He intimated that Hannah would be on BIP and is a welcome part of Bachelor Nation, so perhaps they’ll select her as Bachelorette for another season. Wow, I figured Peter and Madison wouldn’t make it but the break-up happened even quicker than I expected. I don’t think he has a chance at a healthy relationship with a woman until he moves out and distances himself from his overbearing mother. There’s some crossover in the two disorders, because these are also NPD traits. From mayocliinic.org: Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it Exaggerate achievements and talents Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations Take advantage of others to get what they want Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others Be envious of others and believe others envy them Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can: Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation
  16. I agree. I think Barb had issues with Madison long before this occurred.
  17. I agree! I have no sympathy for the social workers, especially because none of them seemed to take responsibility for their part in this. The one guy that kept saying “I did my job.” Really? You did your job in letting this little boy continue to be tortured and then killed? Same with the older woman who played the victim herself. She infuriated me! One thing I wondered that wasn’t addressed: were any of the other kids abused? When one child is abused in a home, doesn’t it usually extend to the others as well? I realize they were emotionally abused in having to witness what was happening to their brother, but were they ever also physically abused? The hotline comment was ridiculous. Another problem I have is that DCFS’s official stance is still that children are best off with the parents. Last year I applied to be a CASA volunteer in my area and was told the same thing. I had a problem with the statement then and still do, especially after what I just watched. Why is this assumption still in place when often the child is being ABUSED by the parents? I also didn’t like the social worker supervisor or whoever the blonde woman was that was making excuses for “the system” and how it’s not perfect. A boy was murdered. Stop throwing out cliches and admit something is seriously, badly wrong. The boyfriend and the mother are two of the most vile, evil and disgusting people I’ve ever heard about or seen. Pearl’s statement at the end was obviously prepared for her. She was about as emotional and sincere as a person reading a phone book. I don’t even know if she’ll be haunted by the memories of what she did while she is in prison, because the woman seems to completely lack a conscience.
  18. Yes. You do not stand up to, argue with, contradict or correct the narcissist. If you do, you will pay. And if anyone else backs you up, they will pay too. Just ask my mother. : (
  19. Agree and also think Barb has disdain (at a minimum) and possibly hostility towards Madison’s Christian faith. When she called Madison “religious” it sounded like a pejorative. She also referred to herself as “spiritual” and sounded like she was trying to one-up Madison. I also didn’t understand why Madison didn’t tell Peter sooner about not wanting to be intimate before marriage. I think she should’ve expressed her feelings about this before she discussed him possibly sleeping with the other women. Sterling my mother is NPD mixed with BPD. We have no contact. I lived (and still feel) your pain.
  20. Me too but I’m disappointed there aren’t more older contestants for her, which would’ve been a nice change. Most are 30 or under. I cannot believe Peter still lives at home! What is the deal? He has a full-time job. No wonder his mother has such a hold over him. I was also distracted by Madison’s mouth movements. I wonder if it’s a nervous habit? It certainly couldn’t have been easy for her sitting up there listening to Mommy Dearest castigate her. Yep,, in NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) land they’re called “flying monkeys.”
  21. So true! He is the ultimate mama’s boy. Run Madison! That was awkward to watch. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a parent so openly hostile to the Bachelor’s pick. I agree with the dad that they have their work cut out for them if it’s this tough in the beginning.
  22. I didn’t watch Sandra’s season and don’t know why she’s called the “queen,” but so far I’m not impressed. How is she able to keep sitting out the challenges and not be targeted by others? Also, I can’t remember her name but I wish the really skinny woman that’s on the EOE would put on some more clothes. It is hard for me to look at her and we’re only a quarter of the way in! Were all those treks up the mountain worth one fire token? Seems like so little for so much effort!
  23. Interesting how they tried to make her sympathetic and it didn’t work. I also noticed she gave no explanation about how or why the rumors started beyond the woman didn’t like her, just said they weren’t true. Sure honey. I agree. Nothing has changed. He slept with the other two women. A day later doesn’t make it different. Also agree the women were unusually easy on Peter compared to other bachelors on the WTA. Producers were probably trying to rewrite history and make Peter more desirable and interesting instead of the indecisive wimpy man-child we saw.
  24. Disagree. I’m glad they picked someone older, even if it’s nutty Clare. I think her season might be entertaining and a refreshing change. I’m in!
  25. Me too. I found it refreshing to finally see a contestant not gleefully agree to the fantasy suite. I don’t really understand why she’s on this show, but I admire her for not backing down. She deserves someone better than Peter though. Let Hannah and Victoria fight over him. Having said that, it was painful watching Madison and Peter’s conversation. Was it badly edited or was it that difficult for them to put sentences together?
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