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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Surprised that I liked this episode more than the last one. The Miranda garbage scenes were funny. Still wish I could see her old character though and not this weak facsimile. Miranda was known for being smart and driven, yet we're supposed to believe she's content to pick up garbage while waiting for Che? Even the scene of her at the AA meeting was not authentic of her character at all. Please writers, send Stepford Miranda away and bring back the real one. I did enjoy the use of Hotel California and her scenes with the surfers though. Charlotte's kids irritate me, but Lily has a nice voice. Was that really the actress singing? Che was more tolerable than usual. Like this character better alone than with Miranda. I cringed at the sex scene as they have no chemistry. I did like the scene of Che and Tony Danza at the restaurant. Also thought Che's ex-husband was kind of hot. I'm not warming to Carrie, but I've never been a big fan of hers. The shut down of the podcast seemed random and sudden. I wonder what her next career move will be. I feel a little guilty saying this, but sometimes I wish things didn't come so easily for Carrie. Men, jobs, designer clothes and shoes. I wish I could see a more vulnerable side of her. I didn't even really see it when Big died.
  2. I had the same reaction. This seemed like a glimpse of the real Mary. I also wondered if she was drunk and that's why she fell. She was laughing but I did see the sadness and a faraway look in her eyes. I enjoyed some of this, especially the scenes of her on the two shows. But they glossed over a lot of serious stuff including her alcoholism. I wish they had more fully explored her family relationships more, her mother's alcoholism, her brother's alcoholism (I believe this was briefly mentioned) and Mary's alcoholism. She looked stiff and uncomfortable in the interview with Rona Barrett. It was only near the end that the real Mary behind the image was spoken of a little bit. And I know she was diabetic, but I didn't get a clear sense of what led to her death. I guess it was ongoing medical issues and at 80 her body just gave out? I remember her performance in Ordinary People. She was excellent. It's interesting that she said much of the Mary Richards' character--the sunny, upbeat person--was her while some people close to her implied she was more like Beth from Ordinary People. Even her best friend described her as "steely." Not a bad term but made me think of Beth, not Mary Richards. MTM was a great show. I understand her role was considered a breakthrough for women. I think I've seen every episode of the show. That aside, some of the comments about her seemed hyperbolic to me. One other thing: she was a beautiful woman. As Laura Petrie, she was so girl-next-door pretty. She looked like a beauty pageant contestant.
  3. I see Heather as a C-list actress at best. She was haughty and over the top in her conversation with Taylor. Agree with some of the comments here that she could've pursued an acting career while raising her family. She made a choice not to, which is fine, but I don't think that's the reason she didn't become a big star or even well known actress. Gina has lost a lot of weight. I like her hair makeover. Her make-up and clothes also look better. She looks great this season. I wonder if she hired a stylist. Jenna is setting herself up for a fall. Either that or the show is pushing the storyline that Ryan is going to break her heart. I'm not spoiled but all the comments about his serial cheating make me think they're going somewhere with this. Emily's daughter is pretty but didn't pose or photograph especially well during that session. She looked good in the photos she brought though. I hope this won't be Emily's main storyline. I'm not that interested in any of the kids. I was relieved there was no screaming this episode. I'm surprised Shannon's 18 year-old daughters need a babysitter. Perhaps it was more a guardian to make sure boys didn't come over though. I looked up the distance between Orange County and LA. It said 35 miles or 56 minutes. Not that far and certainly commutable for many people. My sister commuted 3 hours a day at her last job. I wouldn't do it though. Heather seems to be struggling with the beginnings of empty nest syndrome, even though only two of her kids have left. Perhaps that's why she's reconsidering her acting career, age, etc. It could also be menopause symptoms. In my experience, the physical symptoms were not good, but it also had a negative effect on my mood.
  4. I barely recognize this Miranda. Where is the confident, droll Miranda I remember? This one is like a needy high school girl. SJP looks better this season than last. I wonder if she had some subtle work done. Her jawline looks pretty tight and I don't see as many wrinkles as last season, but she looks natural and good. I wish Kristin Davis had taken a cue from SJP. This episode was just ok to me. There were too many short scenes and too many characters. I didn't get a sense of continuity or of the bonding I remember from SATC. Where are the scenes of all of them having lunch or a drink together? I suppose that is gone. I need to remember this is a spin-off, not the same show.
  5. Mary should not be the manager. I agree with Chelsea on this. Someone who can't handle conflict and isn't willing to even try shouldn't be a manager. It comes with the job. But in Mary's defense, these women are catty and horrible. I wouldn't want to manage them either. And Chelsea's husband was correct. Jason is Gen X, not Millennial as Jason claimed. His girlfriend is Gen Z, so she's two generations from him. Not understand what Amanza was saying. Does she have cancer or not? Could it be fibroids? Just finished the last episode. Interesting they made the end mostly about Crishelle. They had a trailer for the next season. I wonder when it will air. Here Are the Age Ranges for Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha (mentalfloss.com)
  6. I've never thought she was one of the more attractive HWs, but she definitely looks better here without filler face.
  7. So true. Wasn't her part on one show being dragged across the floor after being killed? She is so full of herself! The inner scene looked staged to me.
  8. What's interesting is we used to make fun of Taylor's horribly fake-looking overfilled top lip. Now the rest of her face is so bad, we don't talk about the lip. What is scary to me is even young women in their 20s and 30s are getting their faces tweaked and filled with this garbage!
  9. I don't get it. Heather made such a big deal of having this mansion built for them, and then they sell it not long after?
  10. When will these women realize fillers are not making them look younger and more attractive? Most times, it's the reverse. I wish this trend would die. Taylor's hair extensions are also awful! In some scenes, her skin looks yellow. I wonder what happened to get her downgraded to a friend. I read she thought she'd be holding an orange this season.
  11. He is a far cry from Rip! 😜 Jeana does look great in that photo. I'm confused. Wasn't Taylor previously on Beverly Hills? Why is she on this show? When did she become an actress? Not trying to diss Heather but I wouldn't consider her acting credits that noteworthy.
  12. She did admit to a facelift but I think it was awhile ago unless she got another one? Seems soon for a repeat
  13. I believe she was in blackout. She looked hammered in the episode. A person can be in a blackout and still be walking around, talking and appearing somewhat normal. However, I don't think her drunkenness excuses her behavior.
  14. I thought the same thing. I was surprised at how basic the questions were.
  15. Taylor did not look good. And her hair extensions or wig, whatever it was, was AWFUL. Yellow and fake-looking. Ryan and Tamra's mother give me a low-rent vibe. Sorry. I know that doesn't sound great but it's the truth. They look like someone I would've seen on an old Cops or Live PD show when the police were responding. Shannon's face looked puffy and lumpy to me, and John didn't look good all. He had bags under his eyes and looked rougher than I remember him looking last season. Is it hard living? I can't believe he made her crawl over the driver's seat! I understand Gina's feelings. Jenn should've gotten a divorce first.
  16. I just finished the episode showing Chrishelle calling Nicole a drug addict. Wow. Quite nasty of Chrishelle. She seems less nice girl than she was last season. I don’t now what to make of Nicole going to get a drug test. And I feel bad saying this, but she does look a little rough sometimes. It doesn’t mean she’s on drugs but she’s not a hard living look to her compared to the others. Also noticed they glossed over the comments about others doing drugs at the bachelorette party.
  17. Yes the white bra feather thing of Chelsea’s was over the top. And the skirt she was wearing when she said she couldn’t sit down was the shortest one I’ve seen on this show. I understand they want to look sexy but this is ridiculous.
  18. Teresa is a narcissist who cannot accept responsibility for her behavior, admit fault or sincerely apologize to anyone. She is the most important person in her mind and everyone else must bow to her. It is exhausting and frustrating watching her. I grew up with a NPD mother and watching Teresa triggers me. I want to warn Melissa and the rest of them to stay as far away from her as possible. They will never win. It’s not possible when dealing with someone like this. If they don’t cut ties now, they are in store for more angst, heartache and stress. It will continue to be a push/pull relationship. Sometimes Teresa will be friendly and seem ok, and they’ll start to relax and feel hopeful things will be good. She will declare her love for them and say whatever is necessary to make them feel secure. Then suddenly something will set her off and she’ll turn nasty, and they will be on the outs with her. They’ll feel horrible and so anxious they’ll try to earn their way back. It’s an intense, vicious, soul-crushing cycle. Another HW who I think it just as bad as Teresa, maybe even worse, is Jen Shah on SLC. Please everyone, get out while you still have a remnant of your sanity. I don’t really like Andy but I felt for him on this reunion. The shouting and talking over each other was at an all time high. He didn’t have control of the situation and was disrespected, interrupted and ignored. I have empathy and sympathy for Teresa’s daughters. They will likely turn into narcissists themselves or they’ll go the other route and become codependent people-pleasers. I am saddled with the latter. Delores, don’t even talk about marrying him until he gets a divorce. A 14-year separation? Really? Something is off! My guess is it’s a money issue.
  19. I hear you. I think it’s incredibly irresponsible of Nick to have all these children with different women. I also question Bre’s judgment in choosing him for a partner.
  20. Agree. I enjoyed this show. I thought the whole cast was good but I especially liked Regina’s character. Those higher-ups were obnoxious pigs, except for the chief who stood up for her. I also love Jimmy Smits. I remember him from LA Law and NYPD Blue. I wish his role had been bigger. I’d like to see him be more of a presence here as the elder statesman, like Tom Selleck on Blue Bloods. I liked the camaraderie of the last season. I’m disappointed the show was canceled. I didn’t realize the writers were on strike. Why? Will have to research it.
  21. Dating myself but I immediately thought of this scene. Tamra is no Kelly Garrett! (Reveal at about 42 second mark.)
  22. I loved that show! His comments make me want to watch the whole thing again. I didn’t understand why Regina had to break up with the guy because he has a daughter. Yes, I know he didn’t tell her but I still don’t get it. I also was confused about a three year-old calling her dad. Wouldn’t his ex being calling him and giving the phone to his daughter? It’s weird that he’s stored the contact as his daughter’s name. It seemed like weak writing to manipulate us into thinking he was having an affair. I didn’t realize the show had been canceled. Bummer!
  23. This is interesting! I had no idea. You have a lot of information I haven’t heard elsewhere. I can’t believe that house was $10K a month. I remember it as being pretty basic in terms of movie star homes. The Guess ads made her up to look Marilynesque, but I never really bought it.
  24. One thing that’s always bothered me is the comparison between Ana Nicole Smith and Marilyn Monroe. I don’t think Ana was in the same league as Marilyn, not in looks, talent or stardom. The only similarities I see are they both had drug problems and bleached blonde hair.
  25. This bothered me too. I found it to be a big flaw in the writing. It also looked like Ellen was looking at Alex kind of suspiciously at one point, as if she knew the woman was not quite right. Yet she just lapped up her nonsense and held onto it for the rest of her life? Overall, this kept my attention but I don’t think I’d watch a second season about Ellen. I didn’t like her character or find her interesting. Agree that Amanda Peet looked much older in the scene with Alex. It was confusing to me. It was like modern-day Beth was meeting past-day Alex. I think part of the problem was the atrocious wig, especially the bangs. Not a flattering hairstyle for anyone, and Amanda doesn’t need bangs. I couldn’t figure out what they were doing with Arthur in the scene with the ibuprofen. Every time he checked on his wife I was afraid he was going to smother her or something. I wish I could see the 1987 film with the original ending before they changed it. That would be interesting. Even with the flawed ending, the original movie was much more suspenseful to me than this series, which dragged, especially with the jumping back and forth between timelines.
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