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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I don't like his voice either. I also don't think he and Lorna have any chemistry. Not sure this actor was the best casting for this role. It's been so long since I've seen the movie that I don't remember much except MM's smarminess. I like MGR as Mickey so much better. He is appealing and interesting. I wish Mickey hadn't been so easily manipulated by Lisa. I couldn't stand her from her first scene. Every time they show the view I'm blown away. It reminds me of Bosch. It almost distracts me from the scene. kickingnames, agree about Mickey and Lorna. I can't see them as once being a couple. I get more of a brother-sister vibe. I would definitely watch another season!
  2. Oh wow. So depressing. That sales conference was a glimpse into hell. I liked that the writing surprised me. I expected Glen to bite the dust and Shannon to be the whistle blower. Instead it seems to be going the other way with Glen possibly recovering.
  3. Excellent point! I didn't either! Wonder though... what is it about them that is so hard to look at? I was watching the new Justified the other day and they kept showing the male character in tight whities. He has a pretty good body (as does John Corbett), but I can't stand to look at him in these scenes. And there are multiple ones!
  4. Carrie was golden on SATC and is the same here. I remember how some of us used to snark about every man Carrie met instantly falling for her. It was over the top. Now they seem to be doing something similar, except it's more about Carrie having unlimited money. She's never been known for her work ethic. Things (and men) just fall at her feet. I noticed this too, especially at the dinner scene with the director. He almost seemed drunk. I don't remember the old Aidan being so amped up. He struck me as more chill. I prefer the previous version.
  5. Aidan (I looked up the spelling because I've been confused) is an attractive man in great shape, but I don't want to see any man on screen in tighty whities. Just... no. I thought this was a sweet moment and wondered if it was foreshadowing. Will Carrie realize she may have been retconning saying Big was a mistake? One thing I've noticed about SJP. It's all about her hair. I thought she didn't look her best in the scene where her hair was up. It wasn't as flattering to her features. But in the scene near the end in the pink and black dress and beret, she looked fantastic! I like the Wesleys but they don't seem integrated into the show. There also aren't enough scenes of the girlfriends out together, all of them. That's what I liked best about SATC. It's missing on this show. Speaking of foreshadowing, is that what was going on with the scene of Carrie and Aidan's ex? Agree. I know it's a liberal show but gosh... this is a little much for me. These shows with the super loud sex scenes. Realistic or a comedy trope? Would someone really do that knowing their friend was in the next room?
  6. Reminds me of Ally McBeal. Her skirts were ridiculously short. I remember a lot of discussion about it. Lorna has cleavage in just about every scene she's in.
  7. I was so nervous about him driving! I was yelling at the TV. Also the scene with the overhead car had me on the edge of my seat. This guy is a disaster. I guess we've reached the point where the pharmaceutical rep. is having a crisis of conscience like the male. rep in Dopesick. But he was more likable to me. I have little sympathy for Shannon and her trainer. They are both horrible.
  8. Is this show done? Haven't seen a new episode in two weeks.
  9. She and Big were a better match to me. He was more of a NYC guy like Carrie. I can't see her being happy living in Aidan's country farmhouse in VA, even if it's gorgeous. That kind if life is just not Carrie's thing. I think she's in the first blush of a rekindled romance and isn't thinking clearly about how different they are and what broke them up in the past.
  10. Totally agree. i didn't like any of this. They are rewriting Carrie's relationship with Big the same way they rewrote Miranda's relationship with Steve. It does a disservice to fans of the original show. When I watch her with Aiden, a picture a shoe dropping at some point.
  11. I'm surprised she wasn't embarrassed hearing she tells multiple people stuff when she's drunk that she doesn't later remember. She's in blackouts so often they've become a way of life. Whenever they show that "You'll all know the truth" clip of Shannon I'm struck by how different she looks now. It's hard to tell it's the same person. Even the shape of her face seems to have changed.
  12. I could do without ever seeing Mansell in his underwear again. Please. Enough. Not buying the Carolyn/Raylan relationship. I don't see chemistry between them and it it seems more of a plot device. I also don't understand Carolyn's character. Is she a corrupt attorney? She's compromised her role as his attorney. I know the guy is an evil scumbag, but she is his attorney so isn't she supposed to be on his side?
  13. Why is the guy always in his underwear? It skeeves me out. And I wondered the same thing--it looked like he had stuffed his shorts. I see little chemistry between Raylan and Carolyn. Seems forced. I loved it! I've watched the whole thing twice. Haven't heard of Patriot. Will need to check it out.
  14. Willa irritated me. I didn't like the character and the actress's voice drove me crazy. I'm glad she is gone and hope she doesn't return. I was worried during the scene that she would turn around and not get on the plane. I actually felt relief when she did! I kept thinking of Bosch and how much better a job the show did with the daughter character. When the show started she was around the same age as Willa and not annoying like Willa. I like Maddie and enjoyed watching her on the show. She and her dad also have good chemistry. I also think she's a much better actress.
  15. Gosh, the hamburger scene was gross and hard to watch. I don't think the actress playing the young pharmaceutical rep. was well cast. They are raving about her beauty and she is average pretty at best to me. I wish the doctor hadn't succumbed to her. I like the doctor who threw her out of his office. The other rep. is insufferable.
  16. Just watched the latest two episodes. I'm losing interest in this show. The police officer and military one was the more interesting of the two IMO. I was not surprised they were fired. I worked for the state troopers in the 90s. I remember what it was like. I was a clerk, not a cop, but I remember the culture. I enjoyed my time there but ran into some trouble when I was writing a column for the local newspaper. One was about the opening of Hooter's in my town, pretty much mocking it and the whole "family restaurant" spin which was utter garbage. My sergeant got a call from the police commissioner about my column. He was not happy. They told me to change my byline, removing the part that said I worked for the troopers. I guess they didn't like that I was critical of the place because many of them went there. But didn't want their name associated with it. Interesting that the police officer got the cover but the military woman didn't get. I guess she was trumped by the Battle Star Galactica actress. It was a double standard that the male officer was on the cover of Playgirl and no one cared, even though Playgirl was never as big as Playboy, not even close. I didn't remember them featuring the woman in the wheelchair. I don't mean to be harsh but I don't think she was pretty enough for a centerfold. Her face isn't as attractive as the others to me. She was ok looking but seemed more appropriate for one of the compilation issues, not the centerfold. Maybe it was her hairstyle that wasn't flattering. I don't know. I have no idea how they're going to get several more episodes out of this season as they're scraping the barrel. And I could do without the reporter woman who was in Playboy. As others have noted, she's too close to the topic and some of her reactions are theatrical, not journalistic. I wish they could interview Pamela Anderson, Jenny McCarthy or maybe some of the big '70s centerfolds like Barbi Benton who had a good experience. It would be refreshing to her a different point of view.
  17. I liked the first episode but it’s very similar to Dopesick, which was excellent. Wonder why they made two series so much alike so close together in time. The scene where the guy got hurt was hard to watch. Tense as I could see it coming.
  18. Thanks for the info. I knew there had to be a back story about Shauna Sands and Lorenzo Lamas, but I couldn't remember what happened. I recall some stories about the marriage but not the details. I wasn't buying her vague description of how her marriage ended. I don't blame Hef for suing Victoria. He was trying to protect his brand. He always tried to position Playboy as the "classy" nude magazine and several tiers above the others. I guess she was ahead of her time with the website, because now Only Fans is a big deal and perfect for what she wants. Why do these women all go for the same look with the blonde extensions, huge breasts, plumped up lips, Botox and overall aging slutty Barbie persona? It is not attractive. Some of the close-ups startled me.
  19. I just watched the episode with Shauna Sand, Victoria Zdrok and the former Miss Teen. Wow, Shauna and Victoria had some bad plastic surgery. Both looked awful, especially Victoria. Why do women do this to themselves? I had a hard time feeling sorry for either of them. They both struck me as big-time opportunists. Also got the feeling we did not get the whole story from Shauna about why here marriage ended. Just finished the one about female athletes. I think this season is repetitive. It's the same story. "After I was in Playboy, I got backlash/shamed/fired/treated differently." Lather, rinse, repeat. Maybe that's why not many of people are watching. Not much activity on this forum about it either.
  20. I just watched the latest episode. I knew the schedule was very busy but didn't realize they were under as much pressure as was described. I remember reading about the Miss USA contestant's suicide right after it happened. I was shocked and dismayed. I didn't realize you could become Miss America before age 18, but the one contestant they featured won at 17. Wow. That is really young to be on the road a year without a parent. i can't believe they wouldn't let one of them have her mother with her the last two weeks of her term! So ridiculous and unnecessary to have a rule like that! It really does seem they were trying to break then down and control them to the nth degree.
  21. I had the same impression. This episode about Sonya was repetitive and unnecessary. We heard her full story last season. It's like they just added the daughter so they could put a new angle on the same story. Why didn't they look for other former Playmates? There are a ton of them. Surely some of them would've been willing to talk about their experiences in the magazine and at the mansion.
  22. Yes! The lighting makes a huge difference. Did Vicki get another nose job? Her nose looks different this season, especially from the side. It is such a different time we live in now. When I was a child, I would've been horrified seeing a picture like this of my mother. But wait.... I wouldn't have seen it! No Instagram then, no internet.
  23. That is weird. I wonder why they did that. The Morocco one won't be relevant with that long of a time span. I wish they had a quicker turnaround for all the HW shows.
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