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Everything posted by Booger666

  1. Susan’s date is just as awful as she is so I’m surprised it wasn’t a match 😆 It cracks me up how many of these people want instant love (but not do any of the work involved with finding someone or being a good partner), to be treated like a king / queen, and require the person to leave their family / friends / job / only life they’ve ever known to move to the US; but make it very clear that what is theirs remains theirs - there will be zero sharing or treating their “love” like a king / queen.
  2. The guy on the flag was the primary and a guest brought it as a practical joke.
  3. I’ve heard this as well. The logic being that the child has a chance to meet kids and make a few friends to play with over the summer break vs having a lonely summer.
  4. With Ori I wish they did the “there are 100 people” thing with him. There are 100 women, 50 are Israeli, 15 of those are blond and blue eyes, and 5 of those have big boobs; now out of those 5 women who match his criteria how many want to date a middle age guy who: 1) lives at home, 2) is employed by his mom, 3) is of below average looks, and 4) wants 3-4 kids with 3-4 dogs despite having no maturity to raise kids or dogs and no money to support kids or dogs? A big fat ZERO. On the opposite spectrum we have Aron. His intellect, graciousness, and ability to connect with someone makes him incredibly sexy. That guy will have no problem getting dates in the future.
  5. As much as Beth and Jamie clashed, they seemed to have real chemistry and I also believe they were genuine. In fact, I would say they were more “real” than Shawniece and Jephte. S & J seem so sad and in a constant struggle.
  6. I lived in a town of a similar size and there was no Health Inspector. The cost was $60K annually and they tried to get other cities and counties to go in together to share in the cost, but never got any traction. A quick google search didn’t result in any restaurant inspection scores for restaurants in Parowan, and those are usually posted by the city, county or restaurant; so my guess is no inspection. Eat at your own risk ;)
  7. Vikash also didn’t like the woman who spoke with an Indian accent. Heard a theory that if they’ve worked hard to assimilate and become “American” they don’t want a partner that doesn’t sound “American” as it could be viewed as a set back of some sort. Agree with the previous poster that Vikash doesn’t want a wife, he’s just lonely. Really like Pavneet and hope she has found someone.
  8. Sad that Kwame’s mom didn’t attend. Despite that, she seems to have raised three good kids. Loved Kwame’s sister’s personality and style. His brother was charming as well. Ugh, Micah. I think she’ll look back on this in 5-10 yrs and cringe so hard. She and her friends are awful and hopefully she makes some changes in herself.
  9. To be a fly on the wall at Kody and Robyn’s house.
  10. The “beauty queens” had a bunch of dietary needs and the obnoxious guest demanding turkey sandwiches and not eating them. The guests were very happy w/ the Japanese menu. It looked like a tasting menu with a lot of courses but Rachel said she was following Sandy’s advice to do less. I thought Sandy basically told Rachel she can’t get more than 3 courses out on time so stick to that.
  11. I can’t believe how much I like Altman now compared to when the show started. Especially this season compared to Tracy and Flagg, who are both obnoxious and unpleasant AF.
  12. Believe this has changed and the standard today is to not have someone with a dirty plate in front of them. I prefer the old way.
  13. It looked like they are still in the tiny house. I will give them credit because the pics they shared of the baby were all of the back of the baby (I think it’s gross when low rent “celebrities” monetize and pimp out their kids - like Kail from Teen Mom). It was interesting bc the story was about how they want to make polygamy legal. The expert said that 1) there are no pending bills or laws about this (ie, it’s a BS news story) and 2) if you are in a plural relationship and want the legal rights of married people you can use contracts, wills/estates/trusts, and there are ways to give third parties rights for children (ie, the only thing you don’t get is a tax break so these polygamists are just trying to game the system). I liked the expert :)
  14. I thought Barb was supportive of the adoption route, but that Janelle refused so Barb getting custody (physical or legal, I can’t remember but it wasn’t a full adoption bc Janelle refused) was a better option than Janelle retaining custody and then disappearing to get high all the time.
  15. These guys were on the local news. They are all still together and Nick is a stay-at-home dad for the new baby while the other three work.
  16. I’m in total agreement. Think she’s a terrible chief stew and if I were on charter with her I would find a way to swim to shore. Ugh.
  17. Think Kate said that guest cabins can be used with the approval of the chief stew.
  18. Does anyone know the general area of the new house? I’ve spent time in MI and am curious. Am NOT asking for the address so please don’t post that.
  19. The black plague was spread by people, not rats so I’m blaming Deb for any and all future pandemics.
  20. I’ll have to go back and rewatch it. My memory is that the fight was around Bobby wanting it as a second / vacay home and Josh had tunnel vision looking at it as an investment. Josh reminds me of Bethenny Frankel in that they are both desperate to be with someone yet will always end up alone because they are completely self centered and emotionally vacant.
  21. I don’t think Bobby wanted to move to Palm Springs. He talked about it being a family home and a place for his parents to stay long term.
  22. I’m not sure that production pays for dinner. On the BD Med season with Lexi it was stated that the chief stew pays and then everyone settles up with the chief stew. It came to light because Lexi stated she was rich and then refused to pay her share so another crew member covered her share. Since most, if not all, of the crew hated Lexi it was a storyline.
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