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Everything posted by Booger666

  1. I didn’t understand what Michael was trying to say that he said when Meka kept insisting he was lying. Something about expectations. Did anyone else understand? UO, but I actually liked Cal last night. I’ve given all the “experts” shit over the years because of their idiocy. I thought Cal asked good questions, got the couples talking, and had a healthy dose of skepticism about Brandon and Zach’s BS. At the end of the day, if both people insist on staying in the marriage he is going to give them advice about how to move forward (obviously as long as there isn’t any form of abuse happening in the marriage. I thought Luke was toxic and emotionally abusive of Kate and the experts should’ve helped her get out of that marriage asap).
  2. I’m confused. I think she’s back on the land and people figured it out from her pics. Has she admitted to being back on the land? Admitted to being back with David?
  3. Say it ... you are amongst friends 😊
  4. I can’t remember Meka’s list for moving in together, but I didn’t think it was that bad. I remember pick up after yourself and if you get up early don’t wake the other person. I thought her list was more about basic consideration and got the impression at some point she has lived with someone pretty rude so feels she has to spell out the basics. Maybe I’m wrong. Does anyone remember what else was on the list?
  5. I blame Zach. He could’ve nicely told Mindy that 1) she is lovely and he wishes there was a spark but unfortunately he didn’t feel it, 2) he’s hoping to grow an attraction as he gets to know her better, and 3) it would help if they did fun dates / relationship exercises / sports activities / etc to try to grow a friendship first. Instead he doesn’t say anything nice, repeatedly tells her he finds her unattractive and it’s on her to fix that, and maybe if he spends time away from her he will find her attractive. It is utter bullshit.
  6. Yeah, if it weren’t for Katie’s diabetes causing her concerns about starting a family I think she would wait a lot longer to get married. She seems to enjoy the thrill of chasing new “fire” versus building a lasting relationship.
  7. Do you think the IG pic is photoshopped or does he really look that different now?
  8. What’s the status on the custody battle? Is it over or delayed?
  9. If your outfit needs multiple support garments just dress for your damn size. Not sure why she hates Kail since they are twinsies in the fashion fail department.
  10. Here’s my theory on Zach. I think he thought he would either get a 10 since he’s a model or a 5 that through his fitness coaching he could transform into a 7-8. I don’t think it occurred to him that he could get an attractive and athletic woman who is about an 8. He doesn’t want her because she isn’t a 10 and he’s pissed he can’t coach her and come out of this looking like a hero and using it to get clients. The low level rudeness he treats her with is awful (refusing to help her with her bag, calling her oily, condescending tone).
  11. Zach day 1: I want to make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the room. Zach day 2: I am not building an attraction to you. Zach every day: Asshat.
  12. I don’t know anything about TROs and didn’t realize they could be dropped. since they are temporary, wouldn’t they just be allowed to expire? Seems like a waste of court time and resources to get TROs just to drop them. How long do TROs last?
  13. This is the spoiler thread so it’s OK to post the spoiler here.
  14. Thank you for this. I think his features are attractive, but as a whole not so much. Even though he is this buff fitness guy, there is something mousy and not very confident about him. I think it’s because he often does this thing where he tilts his head down and then he is peeking up at you, reminds me of a young girl. Contrast that to Derek who looks you straight in the eye and has a sexy confidence. I’m sure I’ll get skewered for this, but Mindy reminds me of an early Amal Clooney (she’s been so made over now it wouldn’t be fair to compare her to a non-celebrity) in that she is very pretty in a non cookie cutter way. At least when she isn’t wrinkling her nose. She needs to find a way to stop doing that because it is unattractive.
  15. Meka is a very pretty woman and I wish she had a better makeup artist in addition to a dress that fit. I get bad vibes from Zach. He seems emotionally immature and very focused on being the prettiest person in the room. Plus I get a vibe that he is incapable of compromising and completely ignorant about that fact about himself. This is going to be a train wreck. I don’t know what to think about Brandon. He seems very different in his segments. I wonder how much he drank the day of his wedding and if that explains some of the erratic behavior. The previews for Kate and Derek look very ominous. You don’t pair someone who has lots of big dreams with someone who has one dream - to settle down. Sheesh. Can’t believe how much I like the awkward couple. They seem to really complement each other and I hope they make it.
  16. OMG! That is a LOL trainwreck.
  17. The show said she is a Nurse Manager so would likely have a nursing degree and an advanced degree. She’s probably really good at it because she seems organized and task oriented. She seems young to have reached Nurse Manager level so I remember being surprised when the show said that is her job.
  18. Teen Mom ... first you watch it, then you die. (whispers) Seven days.
  19. I hope Brandon’s awkwardness is because he is nervous because he isn’t coming across well.
  20. Not too unpopular as I agree with you. He has nice features and is attractive, but his features don’t work well together so I don’t think he is movie star handsome like Cal does. I actually think he and Mindy are well matched looks-wise. Whoever did Mindy’s hair and makeup for the wedding didn’t do her any favors as she looked prettier in the before scenes.
  21. Sam and David kissed during the show and David lied about it. I think at the reunion Kate was hung about David’s lie, not the kiss. Post show David and Sam slept together, again David lied about it. Sam also said she that she misspoke when she said Ashley and Casey slept together. Casey texted Sam that they “hooked up” and Sam assumed that meant sex.
  22. I too was floored Kate went back to David. I wasn’t impressed with Toneata on the island, so was surprised she figured David out pretty quickly after the show wrapped. Sociopath is right, David has no concern for anyone but himself and lies so easily. UO, but I’m on Gavin’s side. He was respectful on the show and she broke the no kissing and others in your room rule. At the bonfire he accepted her decision to leave with someone else and even mentioned being friends. Sounds like her lying about what really went on was the final straw and I don’t blame him. Plus, they seem like nice people but aren’t a good complement to each other so best they are done and can find a better partner. Ben is too mature for Ashley. I believe his version of events. I like Ben and would like to see him on reality TV again. I’m not a Rick fan like most of this board, but give him major props for calling out KB on his bad behavior towards Ashley. KB is a really ugly person on the inside and needs to be a hermit and not inflict his horrible personality on the rest of us. Wish they had done a post reunion update as I wonder about the above poster’s theory about Ashley and Casey continuing to hook up.
  23. It’s hysterical that in the beginning all the women were saying how they didn’t want to be the Kaci of season 2 and Casey is they one who turned out to be the whiny, crying, manipulative bitch - Kaci 2.0.
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