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Everything posted by Booger666

  1. And if the rumors about Heather are true, she left because he was smoking pot. She was a flight attendant and subject to random drug tests. She was at risk for legal action and being terminated from her job if she tested positive due to his behavior. This would give her an out of any contract that may have been in place.
  2. Angela is educated and has a job, see linkedin profile below. Can’t believe she is wasting her time and money on Tony. She reminds me of a woman I worked with years ago. That woman was smart and a good worker who came from a rough background and rather than acclimate herself to a more professional demeanor she desperately hung onto the rough / redneck persona so management didn’t promote her because she wasn’t credible with customers or peers. That coworker married a man she had to support, similar to Tony. For their big day they decided to do a “surprise” wedding at the annual family potluck picnic because they didn’t want to pay for an event space or buy food and beverages for anyone. 🤦🏼‍♀️ https://www.linkedin.com/in/angela-ables-m-ed-cmht-93010662/
  3. Per their 23andMe genetic testing report they are 90% cockroach and 10% meth.
  4. Leah is so awesome! And Gary and Kristina for helping her put this together for school spirit week.
  5. Excellent point. Iris was more about “winning” than actually trying to understand Keith’s thoughts and feelings. That never works in a friendship or marriage.
  6. That might be how you like to roll but that doesn’t mean it works for everyone. Clearly Iris didn’t like the honesty of her attractive 27 year old husband being sexually active. She was petty and ridiculous acting like Keith should have been holding off just like she was.
  7. Iris is classy and I didn’t expect her to be crazy or super angry, but I would expect her to be hurt on some level. She barely seemed upset about the breakup and I wonder how emotionally invested she really was as she claimed to have a great match and wanted to stay married. I wonder if the sadness came after the cameras left or if she just had superficial feelings for Keith. It would be interesting to know if her other relationships didn’t work out because they weren’t compatible or if it was because she couldn’t get to a place of having a real connection with someone.
  8. I’m so glad Keith and Greg were good guys through the whole thing. It was refreshing after the disgusting and reprehensible Luke. LOL’d at Cal’s voice over at the end that the couples have the tools they need to be successful in marriage. Big Red and the human cue ball have no idea how to communicate in a healthy way. Loved Big Red being honest and direct with Matt about his bad behavior. This is the first time I genuinely liked her. I think Amber asked Matt about the photos because she was secretly hoping he would say “let’s each take one as a momento”. She still is desperate for any attention or validation from him even knowing how awful he was to her. Deonna looks so much happier than she did at the beginning. Looking forward to seeing her and Greg at the reunion. They seem to bring out the best in each other.
  9. She’s gotta be on a septic system where she lives since it’s so remote, right? So seeing all this flooding ... knowing what I know about septic systems ... aren’t they literally living in a cesspool? Add in all the animal excrement to the flooded septic system and there would be warm, poopy water breeding all kinds of bacteria. I would expect that they can’t use any running water because it has no where to go, too.
  10. I wondered if Akinyi was mad bc when they were leaving Fidel was talking to Ben like he is a toddler about how to say goodbye nicely to your host.
  11. I love the fact that Farrah said only ugly girls have to wait to get engaged and she’s the only TMOG to never, ever get a proposal. By Farrah’s own standards she is the ugliest bitch out there.
  12. Preach! With his face Kail needs to start dressing him cuter. Looks like Lincoln might have cut his own hair. 😆 Usually you see some features of the parent in the child, but I don’t think any of her boys look at all like her. Wonder if it is because she’s messed up her face or they just don’t favor her at all.
  13. They absolutely should be wearing life jackets! It looks like they are anchored. Doesn’t take much for a boat passing to make a wave and knock someone off their feet. Or, kids being kids playing around in a tight space bump into each other and one falls over. These girls are idiots.
  14. Leah might be, but Kail looks like she’s heading to a People of Walmart convention.
  15. It’s that time of year where friends and neighbors share their back to school pics. Apparently, where I live the schools aren’t well. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  16. Yes, inside and out. She has beautiful bone structure and I really like her hair. She has raised a great son. I loved the way she asked Keith if he was happy and told him that she wants him to be happy. Imagine if Amber had a relative asking her if she was happy and that her happiness is important to them; Amber might acknowledge she is anxious, stressed and miserable and leave Matt.
  17. Yes, I’m a little concerned he might be the one being catfished. He actually thinks he is getting a woman who chose the same faith as him and is very devout when he’s really getting an immature girl chasing anything different to fool herself into thinking she’s special when she’s actually quite shallow and boring. Of course, we are only a few episodes in and by the end Omar may be shown to be awful, but I hope not.
  18. UO ... I like her outfit. I’m so sick and tired of all the peek-a-boo bullshit on adult women’s clothes that is a relief to see a young woman in something else. Maybe my bar is too low from Kail and Cate, boobs out rompers on MAFS, RH in sausage casings with boobs hanging out, and shoulder cut-outs on 90D Fiancé shows. On the shows I watch, which are crap TV no argument there, Chelsea could easily be in the top 5 best dressed.
  19. This one sentence says it all about Amber and Matt. I’m going to defend Greg a bit on the “just let it happen” approach. We are living in a time where young people are often told to ask if it’s what the other person wants multiple times along the way. I think if he just put the moves on Deonna there’s a real risk she could be offended which is the last thing he wants as he genuinely likes her. Plus, he has said he’s been through therapy. Praise be to little eight pound, six ounce baby Jesus in his golden, fleece lined diapers many, many women would love a man to talk about relationships issues, but Deonna doesn’t like to talk. I think he’s in a bit of a lose - lose situation because she doesn’t want to talk about it and if he sits back to let it happen it may be too infrequent for his needs, which matter just as much as Deonna’s needs.
  20. Anyone know if Karine and the baby are still here? How long can they stay on a visitor visa?
  21. Interesting. There was a contestant on Survivor who had this so maybe it’s the same thing? Can’t remember the medical name for what she had, but she was open about it. She was on with her then BF and later married him.
  22. Poor Keith looks exhausted. I think the loss of his grandma and dealing with this BS marriage is taking a toll on him. Iris thinks being a virgin makes her some sort of magical unicorn when all it does is make her inexperienced. Everyone is inexperienced about something, but the others are acknowledging it and trying to do things differently, like Deonna and showing affection and even Big Red is trying to be forgiving. But Iris refuses to change anything about herself because she think she is a special magical unicorn. Someone needs to get real with Iris about this. It’s perfectly fine to wait for someone special, it is not fine to make sex some unobtainable “prize”. Elizabeth is a mess and I would never be friends with her, but at least she is semi-decent to her spouse. Jamie goes for the jugular for every perceived insult. It’s interesting he fights this way and refuses to talk about his parents’ marriage. I wonder how toxic things were in his childhood home. He needs some real therapy if he thinks you can love someone and treat them this way and expect them to stay. In the beginning I thought Deonna and Greg were boring, but now I like their segments the most. It’s nice to see at least one couple genuinely like each other and have fun. Matt said he was committed while shaking his head “no” and stupid pastor Cal doesn’t even call him on it. Amber needs to be on her own for awhile. She has serious abandonment issues and needs to work through them (feel like I’m the 100th person saying this on these boards so no idea why the stupid experts didn’t pick up on this).
  23. The sales lady said it was a “lab stone” not diamond so I wondered if it was moissanite or something like that. It would be hard to get a gold setting like that for $200 so I wondered if the whole thing was made up for us viewers.
  24. Holy cow! I thought Kathleen Turner had kidnapped Kail’s kids. Kathleen Turner is 65 years old. All those fillers, veneers and Botox is doing Kail no favors.
  25. Me too! This was the first time I’ve seen Dr P give some good advice. In past seasons it felt like all the advice was “you’ve got to commit to the process” and “you choose love” - such BS considering some of the spouses. Dr P telling Big Red and Jaime that they have to work on their communication and fighting styles or this marriage or any future relationship will fail was spot on. I find it funny that I can’t even remember Big Red’s real name anymore. Y’all do a great job with the nicknames.
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