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Everything posted by Booger666

  1. I hope she NEVER has a little girl. She has nothing to teach her about how to love, value and honor yourself.
  2. If this was arranged by the lawyers I’m hoping that Janelle and David’s have a strategy to drop getting full custody back and “make nice” with the others and work out a visitation schedule - similar to what happened with Jace. While not ideal, I think there is a decent chance of them getting some sort of custody again and would rather they didn’t. So bizarre about Kaden being there.
  3. I don’t understand. Are they allowed unsupervised visits or does that get them all in trouble? If Barb is there where are the pics of Jace?
  4. Has she listed her current house for sale yet?
  5. The most honest moment I’ve ever seen on a HW show was Teddy admitting she was hungry despite just eating a multi course meal prepared by a personal chef. All she wanted was a single potato chip and Kyle acts like Teddy is holding plutonium yelling at her to PUT IT DOWN. Sheesh, Kyle. It’s just a chip.
  6. I think it was Tru (not a typo, she left off the “e”) Renewal.
  7. Farrah blew a .147 when the legal limit is .08. She said it was her sister’s fault because Farrah wanted to leave the club but her sister didn’t so Farrah drank because she was bored. She also said she wasn’t driving. In typical Farrah speak she was parking not driving because she drove around the block and parked. Then she claimed she was sick and the breathalyzer results were wrong due to coughing and shortage of breath. I think someone who drives at nearly double the limit and does not see anything wrong with it is likely to be suffering from addiction issues. YMMV and that’s cool.
  8. Maybe the guy was fidgety or talking loudly on his phone? Or had really good smelling fried chicken and Gary is hungry? 😂
  9. No idea if Farrah is abusing today, but in 2013 she had a DUI and blamed everyone else for it so I’m going to add her to your addiction issues list.
  10. Question for those knowledgeable about family law: at what point is Janelle guilty of criminal neglect? We haven’t heard anything about her physically abusing the kids (yet), but I would think she would be criminally negligent and not entitled to get the kids back even if she were to leave UBT.
  11. If Janelle isn’t supposed to have any contact with Ensley outside of supervised visits I sure hope someone shows the TMZ video to the judge.
  12. Unpopular opinion here, I think David and Janelle believe they are smarter than the system and will get the kids back. Just like he got full custody of Maryssa and visitation with Cayden (David’s son, I may have the name wrong) previously, these assholes know how to game an overworked and imperfect system. They will find a way to get those kids back, even though they absolutely do not deserve them. I just hope it takes many, many years. Do I think Barbara is mother of the year? No. When it comes to Jace do I think she is a better mom than Janelle, Leah, Farrah, Amber, Cate, and Brianna? Yes. She may even be a better mom than Kail. I don’t blame Barb for not cutting Janelle out of his life back when Jace was really young. There were times when Janelle appeared to be turning her life around so I can’t blame Barb for giving her a chance. Barb has used the courts to limit Jace’s visits with Janelle, even though it was very stressful and $$ for her. I always wondered if Mike (her BF way back when) left her because of the chaos of teenage Janelle and being saddled with an infant/toddler. Barb is imperfect and like most of us could always do a little better, but has made improvements in her parenting style and she tries to do right by Jace. I’m thankful Barb stepped up because otherwise Janelle would’ve been abandoning him in drug houses every chance she got.
  13. Love the weekly drug testing clause. I think these assholes could do everything else asked of them if they had the right backing (sadly there are assholes who would help them for the publicity) but they can’t stay sober. Such good news.
  14. I think this is likely. My personal experience in another state is that you put your deposit down and do a land loan (usually a small amount of $). Once you finalize your build plans and get approvals you and the bank then convert to a construction loan which is where things get $$$. I’m guessing she couldn’t qualify for the construction loan.
  15. I don’t know why TMZ or anyone is surprised Janelle chooses UBT over her kids. I remember when she first started with him Jace had a hard time being honest with Janelle that he didn’t feel comfortable around UBT and I was so proud of him for trying to tell her that. Janelle just forced “You like him, right? You like us fishing together, right?” on poor Jace. Janelle has made it clear for years that her kids come after her man, drugs, and partying. I’m not surprised she is standing by UBT because as awful as he is, he enables and emboldens her and she loves feeling powerful. I don’t think the Janelle who got into a fist fight over a hoodie is the Janelle of today who is always showing off her guns and chasing down a guy in a car with her kid right beside her in the front seat. In all honesty, I hope she doesn’t leave UBT because she would get her kids back and while I don’t think she would beat a dog to death, I 100% believe that she would put her kids in the same dangerous situation she did with Jace in the car and not think twice about it.
  16. Agreed, @Pixiebomb. I get that kids get dirty doing all the kid stuff, but when your kid is constantly dirty I question what kind of filthy environment the parents are making. Love seeing Kai cleaned up, dressed like someone took care to make sure he was comfortable and looks nice, and smiling.
  17. If they fled what happens to all those animals that need to be watered and fed? I hope Animal Control can go remove them since it sounds like they’ve been abandoned.
  18. I’m old and have old lady eyes. That pic is a little fuzzy and with the brand name being in cursive I read it as “stay nutzy” and had a WTF moment. With others like Terror Reign, TTM (Terrible Teen Moms) and Be Forever Hot it’s kind of believable that these fools would choose ‘stay nutzy’.
  19. Oh puleeze, Leah. This happened days ago and you didn’t want to be bothered with the messages. She’s only indignant now because someone told her she should be.
  20. This is odd to me. It’s like MTV called Nathan solely to stir up trouble and drama to film. If MTV was really concerned wouldn’t the smart call have been to the police, CPS or the Dept. of Animal Services? MTV calling Nathan, who will film about this when Janelle won’t, is making me think that there will never be any accountability for these people no matter what the new kid from The Hills says.
  21. Thanks for keeping us updated @druzy, but it’s a hard pass for me. Can’t support this crap anymore.
  22. Is there a way to know if her IG followers have dumped her. I realize a lot of those #s are bought and faked, but hopeful that she’s only getting pennies from her clickbait crap.
  23. And this is why MTV needs to fire her and tell her if she ever wants to get a RO for her and the kids they will pay for a lawyer and walk away. Enough already.
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