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Everything posted by Booger666

  1. I wish she would get some real therapy. So sad to hear that her mother constantly called her stupid and then force fed her large meals which she took as “love”.
  2. You could be right. Paige could say yes and Chris could say no.
  3. UO: I liked Haley’s dress. It was simple and elegant and will look good in the pics. Jake isn’t my type, but if a friend dated him I would say he is cute. His personality is so reserved. I hope he is like Austin of past season and is so nice he gets better looking as you get to know him. Paige is beautiful. I wonder if the preview of Virginia talking about her anxiety is tied to her drinking, ie self medicating. If yes I hope Erik can support her. Wonder if it will be like Ashley and Anthony cause she had a bit of anxiety as well. Popular Opinion: Everyone hates Chris. And deservedly so.
  4. Chris’ personality is horrific. I thought he was punking us with the way he was talking to Paige and her bridesmaids just wanting on the show for his 15min of fame. But in the previews it shows that he and Paige have sex. Ugh. Paige is going to need so much therapy after this. Did you notice his mother didn’t speak until the dad addressed her? And then her advice is “don’t spend months and weeks being angry”. WTFF?! I’ve heard of don’t go to bed angry, but to spend months that way??? Chris’ dad must be as big of an ass as Chris is. Watching Chris on this show is as entertaining as it would be to watch Harvey Weinstein on a dating show. I wish they would delete all of their segments. It is abusive and disgusting.
  5. Brandon is such a little shit. He could care less that Julia is absolutely miserable. He just wants a sexy little go go dancer who also likes to shovel pig shit. He and his parents deserve each other and shouldn’t bring anyone else into their toxic family.
  6. Me too. I wonder if some of the normal stuff was shut down because of covid. When James and Elizabeth went for drinks the place looked empty and sad.
  7. Thanks for the summary. I was interested in the updates on the couples, but couldn’t stomach the other content. Don’t care what those four D listers think about anything.
  8. Not to defend Jovi because he is a hot mess, but I believed his confusion when she brought it up. I wonder if the dr told her to she needed a D&C within so many days and the expectation was for her to return home to have that done (which would make sense) so he leaves Albania but her missing passport delayed her return home so she unexpectedly had to get a D&C in Albania. If true it is awful for her, but not Jovi’s fault. I was surprised it happened 1.5yrs ago and they are just discussing this now. The lack of communication and emotional connectedness does not bode well for their future.
  9. Yes!! I got a very creepy vibe from that guy. Not good. Plus, I get the feeling he is heavily in debt. The humble brag about the six figure job and then name dropping all those labels. He’s acting like a baller in the top 1% when he’s only middle to upper middle class.
  10. Thanks for the summary. Does the uncle provide evidence or is this a he said she said thing? Creepy they exhumed the grandma three years later.
  11. Ditto - especially the bold stuff. Me three. Well said, @film noire. Bethany has reached Farrah TM levels of stupidity and tone deafness with her post. Bethany and Farrah share porn and realityTV pasts, are “strong female entrepreneurs” and are raising emotionally damaged daughters. Perhaps they should get a show together. A Dumb and Dumberer of narcissistic famewhores. The cashier at my wine store always says “Having a party?” and I am always a little embarrassed to respond “no”. Jeez, he works at a wine store doesn’t he know how freakin delicious it is???
  12. Saw the new season First Look. Anyone know when the new season airs?
  13. Completely agree. Especially since she went on and on about how Mormonism appeals to her because it is all about the quest to be perfect. It’s obvious drinking alcohol would make her “imperfect” so she lost me with her BS.
  14. If Pollyanna grew up to be a hooker she would be Whitney. It’s ... something.
  15. I actually feel bad for Francesca. Watched this show for years and even when they have a good crew the work is exhausting. Francesca has been understaffed from the start. Remember Izzy took something like 30 min to pour a bowl of cereal for Lee? And now Elizabeth is constantly dropping the ball. Francesca has to do her own job and spends half her mental energy keeping an eye out for Elizabeth’s mistakes cause she knows she will have to clean up after her. And, I don’t see Elizabeth trying that hard. She’s been told she is falling short at the job, been given specific examples, and she still prioritizes flirting over paying attention to the chef and first stew during a 10 course dinner service. These charter guests were my favorite so far and I hope they come back in a future season. At a time when we are so limited with what we can do it was great to see them so enthusiastic and enjoy everything. And they were appreciative, too. Loved that the primary made it a point to tell Rachel how much they enjoyed her meals. So much more fun to watch than the a-holes who complain about everything and / or pass out drunk and miss out on the over the top experience they demanded.
  16. Her house is gorgeous. Ryan’s cousin is much better looking than Ryan. Must be awkward for these cougars with zero chance of getting pregnant to use condoms because no one is really expected to be faithful. It would be a lot cheaper and more fun to get a local hot pool boy than these ridiculous foreign “hospitality” workers.
  17. His parents look much older than their actual age. The house and family farm is a shithole. Always find it interesting when older people with a bunch of crap lord it over the younger generation about the “inheritance”. They are completely clueless that the “inheritance” will be unloaded on FB marketplace for cheap cause no one really wants their crap.
  18. I could be wrong, but think it is a dig at Lu from RHONY who has a nursing degree but has never worked as a nurse.
  19. I’m pretty sure Chess asked Elizabeth to freshen up the cabins and change the sheets in the master. There was footage of Elizabeth struggling putting clean sheets on all the beds and then delivering all the dirty sheets to Ashling for her to wash. As always, editing monkeys could be messing with us.
  20. If I were Elizabeth’s crew mate I’d be voting to get her fired. She is creating more work for others and is either oblivious or doesn’t care. Everyone messes up occasionally but most people clean up their own messes. If she’s done anything helpful to make up for Eddie’s additional tender run, Chess’ additional clean up work or Ashling having so much more laundry to do we haven’t seen it. Can they please bring back Josiah?
  21. I found it interesting that when Brandon told his mom that Julia said that they should move out if they can’t share a room, mom countered with “that wouldn’t be financially responsible, you want a wedding and reception, and you have to save up for that”. Based on Julia’s experience of living with last BF’s parents it sounds like she would be perfectly happy to skip a big wedding if it meant they could live on their own. Brandon is such a baby he doesn’t even know what he wants. He should be researching apartments and showing Julia what is available in their price range, talk through if that means a scaled back wedding or courthouse wedding, and make that decision as a couple. I don’t know how any of them think he is ready for marriage when he isn’t even ready to fold his own laundry.
  22. There is a 12/7 post by @Christina that provides the info.
  23. Totally agree. Especially the queen. A lot of posters liked her smack down of Charles, but I found it annoying. She admits to being an ostrich refusing to acknowledge the problem for a long time, doesn’t approach Charles or Diana directly but listens to third party comments (from likely jealous and bitter Anne / Margaret), and refuses to make herself available when they need to talk. When Phillip had a terrible time in the marriage she sends him off on a ship for months to be free of the marriage, it’s royal entrapments and the press. Diana got a few days in NY under a microscope after being humiliated about her mental health. I think the scene of Charles with 10+ people on one side of the table and Diana on the other with just 2 is why so many people side with Diana even though it takes 2 in a marriage - the power balance was always hugely in Charles’ favor and she was at a complete disadvantage.
  24. What is that? Looks like one of those face swap things. Farrah’s hair and mask on Sophia?
  25. I have a better understanding of Julia’s “Jekyll and Hyde” personality now. I’d get nasty too if my fiancé kept me in the dark about important matters and threw me under the bus with his parents. Brandon’s parents should’ve had the birth control discussion with HIM when he was in his teens, not with his adult fiancé who they don’t know very well. Sheesh. The way Brandon was saying Julia should be grateful for his mom paying for things has me wondering if Julia even knows about any of it. Brandon wasn’t honest about the living situation which is due to his poor financial situation. I have a feeling Julia has no idea Brandon is broke and mommy is paying for things. It’s obvious mommy is paying because there are strings attached and mommy is in control.
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