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Everything posted by msani19

  1. I was happy to see that they are currently filming season 21.
  2. Love your name Lennie Briscoe, one of the very BEST TV detectives! "Law and Order" was never quite the same without him. I'm one my first rewatch of the show. I added another subscription to my life, so I could watch via BritBox. I really liked Tom Barnaby the first time I watched, but I never noticed the subtle, confident sexiness of DCI Tom Barnaby! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the episodes. It's always nice to hear what people watching for the first time think about the show and different episodes.
  3. Very disappointing. I feel like the show could really gain a steady and solid audience with a little more time which tv executives just don't do anymore. I'll continue to enjoy it while we can, and keep hoping for a renewal.
  4. Yes, you smart people called that the script would kill off Big. Congrats, and also thank you, Kim (#TeamKim) for turning this drivel down. Watching Carrie indulge in her own grief and making everyone else obsess over everything Carrie, wouldn't have been anything I would have watched. I had zero interest in a 3rd movie no matter what the storyline, but something that hyper-focuses on Carrie is a HARD PASS. I'd like to send Kim Cattrall a card, some flowers? Something as my sign of gratitude.
  5. Oh no, why do you guys think the show might be canceled? I haven't seen any info on ratings so I don't know if it's doing well or not, but I really enjoy it! I feel like it's starting to gel really nicely. The Cooper character started really weak to me but he's gotten better in recent episodes. I still feel like the premise overall is going to be difficult to maintain though. Damon Wayans Jr is a joy. Even when he does something predictable, like last night, I saw all the falling gags he did coming, but I still laughed like a maniac! He sells and commits to everything! He and Amber work really nicely together, and I've really started to like what her parents bring each episode. Please - no to a cancellation. The Neighborhood just isn't as funny to me.
  6. I couldn't help this snarky comment but what exactly is her strong suit? She's sort of ok in micro, micro-doses - which I guess means not at all, lol! I do admire her hustle, cause she keeps on trucking! Look forward to reading the comments on the movie. I was ASTONISHED that she was actually in a lead role of a movie, but sure why not. There certainly aren't any quality actors out there at all to cast in these movies /sarcasm Hallmark movies are operating in this really weird space to me these days. I mostly enjoyed the movies and had my fair share of issues with them which many posters have noted over the years. I think that maybe there are things that the executives are determined to never address that continue to be more and more glaring as time goes on.
  7. To be honest, I'm surprised that I have liked this. It made me actually laugh quite a few times, mostly because Damon Wayans Jr is a freaking gem! Loved him from Happy Endings (gone too soon) and New Girl. I was thrilled to see the actor who played Deacon on the King of Queens as well! I wasn't sure about Amber West who I thought wouldn't be able to hold her own playing off Damon Wayans but she's doing a great job! I think his strengths are improving her abilities, which were a little weak from the Carmichael Show. Her parents are hilarious! I'm least enjoying the pop star kid. It feels like things come to a screeching halt when he enters any scene. I don't know if it's the actor, the writing, the directing or what but I'm hoping that he settles into a good rhythm with the rest of a really solid cast.
  8. Based on all his shows, he seems incapable of seeing that all women aren't awful
  9. I think that the ubiquitous room for entertaining and guests line we keep seeing in this show and frankly every other house show in existence is purely a marketing ploy. It's designed to convince us that yes, in fact, everyone BUT you is entertaining and you, in fact, need a much larger house or to renovate your existing house and then buy all these items for the entertaining you will then do. It reminds me of when the holy trinity of hardwood floors, granite, and stainless steel was all over these shows and what did everyone rush out to do? Gut houses so that they could install hardwood floors, granite, and stainless steel appliances. There's a constant need for us to spend money to supply the economy so this taps into some insecurities that we are somehow falling behind or are not "in." The "fear of missing out" phenomenon. It's such a load of crap. People are busy! I would love to spend more time with my friends but everyone is busy with family and work and other obligations. It took 3 weeks starting in June for my friends and me to pick a date to go out to dinner, which is going to be in 2 more weeks! There were kids events and charity obligations and work conferences and weddings and family obligations and vacations etc etc etc. There is no real time for entertaining. It happens maybe 2-3 times a year. Weekends get booked up before we know it and there's really very little time. I suppose we can make time but even if I'm available, who am I entertaining if everyone else is already busy doing other things? I've had to limit watching these shows to only times when I need something mindless and I need some background noise, but I've actually started to listen to more podcasts so that's kept me away from these shows. Honestly, if I hear about people needing room for entertaining one more time, I'll lose it. It's not even a fun drinking game anymore!
  10. This was genuinely hysterical, cause you can tell Jennifer Aniston is losing it during the scene and Lisa Kudrow shrieking whatever the hell she's singing leaves me in stitches.
  11. Yup to all you wrote! The HS reunion thing makes me nuts. Dorothy grew up in Brooklyn and even, just for the sake of the episode, they choose to have the reunion in Miami cause it was a nicer location, then why at Dorothy’s? Was it her idea? Did she volunteer to host it? I agree they just want us to watch and not think about it. Ugh. Dreyfus scene was beyond stupid.
  12. I also liked the part when Dorthy tells him that she hopes that if he's ever sick that he has a better doctor than he was to her or something to that effect. The shenanigans with the champagne was terrible and yet another reason I generally can't stand Sophie. I drink wine all the time and you can tell if it's turned. I'm not sure about champagne. Would salt in it ruin it that way? I thought that a sophisticated sommelier or maitre d' at an upscale restaurant would know better. Even if the price wasn't on the menu, that's a definite sign that you most likely can't afford it!
  13. Finally finished all 20 seasons! I had to sign up for BritBox to catch series 20 because that hasn't shown in my area yet. Overall, it was fine. I might be warming up to John Barnaby because he wasn't as annoying to be as he had been previously. Maybe he's started to dial down the smugness. The new medical examiner was a little annoying at first, but she improved over the course of the episodes. I mean I get it, she's funny and edgy and drives a sports car. I was glad to have less of the Barnaby baby, but more of the dog would have been welcome. I see that they are doing the same thing they did with original recipe Barnaby and having his wife have some connection with the mystery. Some of the mysteries are getting ridiculous, but they are really running out of ideas. It seems like they have moved past the awkward shoe-horning stage of expanding the diversity on the show. It feels much more organic to the storytelling, which I appreciate. I got a little defensive when I'd read comments (not here) that introducing people of color to the show was ruining it, as opposed to the fact that the show had been on for years and they were out of ideas. The stories are still a little lame, but at least I didn't feel like they were screaming at me "LOOK SHE'S INDIAN!" anymore! Did they change the way they filmed the show? I don't usually notice things like that but it did seem like the look itself was different. Midsomer must be located on some weird vortex of the planet. At times, it's a tiny little village and at other times, it's the size of London. Maybe Midsomer is like the Tardis, it's bigger on the inside (for other Doctor Who fans - just the David Tennant Doctor for me!). Any word on for the next series? The show still seems like it draws big numbers so I would suspect they will continue on. It's fun to watch and not too complicated. Sometimes I need my tv to be easy.
  14. I'd love to join that party! The mimosas and the laughs would be epic!
  15. I get that the point was that his family was intrusive, but as @cherry ames said, it's maddening! Why did they feel entitled to go through their mail? When Marie was all judgy Debra buying things from Victoria's Secret, I wanted to scream! The level of their meddling, presumptuousness, and interfering mean I have to take long breaks between watching the show for fear that I will lose my mind!
  16. Of course its totally the same! /sarcasm Unless Joy wrote something like the thoughts Roseanne chose to share the other day (what's the latest excuse/reason...was it due to Ambien? was it her cast members? was it the weather?), they are not even close to the same. But in the infuriating world we live in now, all things equivalent no matter what. It's baffling, the ones with the most power are always the most outraged and offended about everything, yet accuse those with the least power of being too sensitive. National level gaslighting and we are all slowly being consumed by the insanity. Do I choose to grant Joy a pass or grace because she's on my "team" or am I considering her current behaviors and words and actions as a marker of her current thoughts? There probably is a measure of us being on the "same team" by which I'm giving her forgiven/pass. but I'm not letting her off the hook at all. However, there are people who wrote/expressed really offensive things years ago and are STILL offensive today! If Joy was a rude, judgemental jerk years ago and grew up and learned to be better, and can recognize her past ignorance, I can take that at face value. Until and unless she shows a completely different face, I'm still team Joy.
  17. That was hilarious and my local news anchor has made it into the local news segments more than a few times. Those terrible "British" accents were painful. Of course, all Brits say cheerio, tally-ho, 'ello governor, have a spot of tea, like all the time /eyeroll. They should have been deeply embarrassed. Those bathing suits were the stuff of nightmares. WHY did someone makes those, and more importantly WHO bought them! I found some of John's jokes during the first half of the show not quite that funny and they went just a tad bit too long. I had no idea how that rehab facilities have no regulations, standards or seemingly accountability. As I watched the segment, I just thought this explains why so many people end up in and out rehab. The insurance aspect is certainly not helping anything either.
  18. The other problem is that they have to cut the show off due to the number of commercials that are run today versus when the show originally aired. It drives me crazy when they are still talking but the music to go to commercial starts to play.
  19. Yes, Tom's twinkle versus John's smirk is sorely missed. The best thing so far is the dogs, Sykes and Paddy.
  20. So basically in each episode, when they have figured out who committed the crimes Barnaby does his long speech to explain all the twists and turns and get the suspect talking while Nelson slowly creeps around the back to subdue them. Sigh. Honestly, I think I like the home scenes more than the rest, mostly because of Sykes! Sykes is delightful and I don't generally even like dogs. Sarah makes John less annoying to me and the baby is fine, at least there's not too much focus on her. But I do agree that they are a little bit cutesy. I like Nelson well enough. I've gotten to the Kam as Forensic Pathologist episodes. Are they trying to set her and Charlie up as a romantic couple? Oh no, Sykes! The various murders are starting to repeat themselves and getting somewhat boring, I can miss large chunks of the show and not really care enough to rewind and catch up. I don't think the diversity really has changed much of anything in how the show is put together. There are like what, maybe 2 or 3, additional people of color in the episodes? I think that barely changes a thing. There's been more a decline overall. Welp. Totally didn't realize that Charlie was gone now. I guess I should be happy that they at manage to slip in a quick reference to where each DS has gone. Hopefully, I can find series 20 streaming someplace once I get through these series 19 episodes. This has become a show that I put on when I don't have anything else to watch but I kinda want to watch something.
  21. Amazon saves the Expanse! That’s where I watched the show to begin with and I had just finished season 2 when the news was announced that SyFy cancelled it. I almost couldn’t watch season 3 because I didn’t want to continue if we would never know what happened. This might even make the increase in my Prime account worth it after all! Happy weekend news and now I’ll start on season 3!
  22. Shows how little I was paying attention, didn't even realize that they just aired season 2!
  23. I really enjoyed that. I got a little choked up at the very end as the van was driving away and they were telling Winston that the prank was way too big. Ha. Lots of really good lines. Although I wasn't thrilled that the show came back, this really was a lovely way to send off the show. Loved the flash forward to them playing True American with their kids. Those kids will be SO weird and I love it and they will all have each other to be weird with as they grow up. I'll add the show had its issues during the run, with some very strong seasons and some not so strong seasons (Nick/Jess years). The 1st season was so enjoyable and it was a shame when they started to lose focus. This last season was a great way to tie it back to the show's strengths. I loved all of them, with Jess being my least favorite of the main crew. The rest of the cast really grew into their characters and it was delightful to watch.
  24. Question: has anyone figured out how many times the "girls" were engaged to some guy they just met? It felt like there was at least 1 or 2 every season. Hallmark just flipped back to the pilot (what's up Coco? Ha!) and Blanche has decided to marry Harry, the man she's known for a week. I was always amazed at how many men they were so crazy about they were going to get married. Then Harry turns out to be a bigamist. What police officer goes to a stranger's house to deliver a criminal's personal note? WTH! That was so ridiculous, but at least the show was preparing us for lots of things that wouldn't make sense in future episodes! Ugh, as many have noted the math in this show never adds up! Dorothy and Stan were married for 38 years and it was a "shotgun" wedding. Was Dorothy supposed to be in high school? Making her around 18? Wasn't Stan around that age as well? But Dorothy says Stan was a 65-year-old man with gout learning to windsurf. If they were married 38 years and Stan is 65 at that point, that would make Stan 27 when they got married. Was Stan that much older than Dorothy? Did I miss something? I know for sure that their ages were moved all over the place throughout the show. But the one piece of continuity was that Dorothy and Stan were married for 38 years (even though their child was distinctly NOT 38 years old, but that is for another post!) Argh, Sophia aggravates me.
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