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Everything posted by Delphi

  1. I imagine their not involved because of the situation entirely. Plot wise they can't be involved or they'd be the focus, of all the shows its their job to stop stuff like this from happening, so if they aren't involved the big 3 plus Superman can be center stage and let the ugly stepchild sit this one out.
  2. So, it's September. I usually see myself out of spoilers by the end of July, just enough to get me excited. Yet, I have nothing except vague Roy-ness. This isn't a good sign to me.
  3. Just saw this the other day, I low key forgot it came out. I enjoyed it. Possibly more than the first, I'll be the voice of dissent in that regard. Though I was NTW was in it more... I loved Domino, possibly more than Wade. Luck is a superpower! And it's very cinematic. And her just mouthing noooo and walking away from juggernaut was the literal best thing ever.
  4. I just keep thinking about that wrestler who snapped and murdered his family and when they dissected his brain it turns out he had the brain of an 89 year old dementia patient. Like, dude, you already do stunts, we know you do stunts, stop trying to kill yourself.
  5. Ironically, Jessica Day is quoted in the tv tropes listing for it, but mentions that she doesn't qualify because she's a) the protagonist and b) her life is also crazy.
  6. Geta Hulu free trial for a week then cancel it?
  7. Yeah, bringing Lillith in as a foil to both Maze and Lucifer would have been a much more interesting option than having Eve show up.
  8. I mean, it's pretty spectacular that he seems to have absolutely no combat experience and always goes down first but still feels the need to call himself terrific and that the teams want him in the field.
  9. Good Lord, I don't wonder at all anymore. Teenage me had such high hopes for me but really... I'd sell the fuck out in a second. Full on Spice Girl sell out. Every and any company could pay me to promote anything. I don't knock any of these celebrities for doing this stuff. I would love to be the next Rowling. But that's not gonna happen, I'll claim my future where I can find it.
  10. I don't think Stephen and JH hanging out means he's not hanging with Emily at all. She seems to be doing her own thing atm. Em is also a bit more private than the rest of the cast and doesn't like being put on whatever social media app is currently trending constantly. Besides, isn't Colton in Vancouver too right now and he's not there. I don't think it's exclusion so much as I think him and Emily are fairly introverted and don't need to be out there constantly.
  11. Lol, that's how itfelt even I was in Los Angeles earlier in the year, bar, bar, cafe, clothing store, oh look those teenagers are defintely just buying edibles from the store.
  12. Why did commentaries stop being a thing? I wouldn't ever but a DVD set without commentaries, I already have Netflix.
  13. I'm more considering season 7 after Faith comes back and there still feels like judgement. Like Anya, Spike, Andrew, Willow are all killers. Yet, Faith, is somehow still in the dog house. At least Faith, who if we were frank had a complete mental collapse upon realizing she killed, Willow gets an English vacation.
  14. I'm unfamiliar with her, but she's pretty, that's for sure.
  15. I imagine the title is a more tongue in cheek thing for the fans than anything else.
  16. The way the gang ends up rallying against faith is possibly what tarnished my opinions of them for the rest of the series. Giles is the only one who was like "duh, accidents happen. " While everyone else was like "murderer!" Faith didn't murder anyone in this scenario, Willow was jealous of Faith, Buffy was self righteous as fuck. Xander... well was himself. Buffy never tried to help Faith as much as she claimed to. And in light of their later interactions with people and who the associate with it's honestly startling. Sure an argument could be made that they grew up and no longer see the world in black and white, but that was never stated. It just seems like they felt like Faith was in the way so they held her to a different standard as a reason to exclude and judge her.
  17. Hmm, I'm considering applying. I don't think having a more... upfront and less biased opinion could hurt. I'm just so apprehensive that I'd get a show that I have no interest in watching, let alone writing about.
  18. Well speaking as a skinny, fashionista who is just now out of my twenties and I hate it to. I get what tan is trying to do, in trying to fancy up the look. Some of the guys are out of shape and some will instantly revert to their previous lack of style but the French tuck isn't for everyone. Hell, it isn't for most.
  19. If revealed? But on another note, I'm not sure if Supergirl or Cat would be obligated legally to tell someone, it's not obstruction technically, it's just... doing nothing.
  20. Rofl. I just realized upon rewatch that while Zari and Jax were playing mortal kombat, Jax was playing Jax and that's hilarious to me.
  21. I could see Faith as a mother. Honestly, she was very jump at the call of being a slayer. I could see her being hesitant to the idea of her being a mother, but change her mind and decide fuck it, this is where we are. I guess I'm having a kid.
  22. I'd watch the fuck out of a Nikki wood show set in the 80s. Sure I know how it ends, but black female slayer, in the punk 80s of Manhattan being a single mom to boot. Sign me the fuck up for those stories.
  23. Ugh, I'm interested in not-AMaya at all. That's disappointing. I was hoping for a different earth Amaya or maybe different time period. This sounds dumb.
  24. I really liked Tru calling, but I defintely would have preferred Faith the vampire slayer. Not only was faith a lot more interesting, we probably would've gotten more than a season and a half.
  25. Ick. Ick to all of it. There's no way to recapture the magic of the original. There's no way the cast will be as awesome. And there's no way I'm giving joss whedon more of my time, devotion and energy.
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