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Everything posted by Delphi

  1. Happy holidays everybody, in a real life full of crazy at the moment I'm very grateful to have you guys here too bitch about fictional characters on my tv shows about.
  2. So far, not too bad, only on the second episode. I'm surprised Hulu isn't doing the weekly thing this time around.
  3. I'm more curious as to how he copied the Arrow skill set considering Oliver is just a regular human being who trained to get his skills.
  4. I get the urge to buy when they offer discounts. I do a lot of shopping on Novica. And they keep sending me emails and letters with discounts and I'm just like "... Well so and so could use a new necklace. "
  5. Mark Ronson is a British musician, who honestly has gotten a bigger name though producing for other artists, Adele, Miley, Bruno mars. Bruno Mars' Uptown Funk is actually Mark's song, featuring Bruno. And you're right, it's a strange time to try to be PC when a black guy writes racist jokes for a white guy to say... I don't have anywhere to go with this other than to say that SNL has always been an acception, and I laughed as well, so I'm terrible to.
  6. I'm so worried about Pete. I'm glad he seems to have a good support system in place. Michael making Collin read increasingly racist jokes was hilarious. I'm low key very jealous of Mark Ronson's glittery cardigan.
  7. Jesus, that is pretty dark for a finale, like far darker than I expected. I'm not sure whether I believe it's real or some sort of hallucination.
  8. Doing a rewatch... Why is Iris wearing Felicity's shirt...?
  9. See, I'm never fearful for legends. They will continue, or they won't, (which I would hate). But it's going to be what it's gonna be. I'm more fearful that they make crisis as a reason to get rid of Supergirl and spin some sort of Superman show. Not that I'm opposed, I've loved Tyler as Clark. I just don't want Kara dragged for him. I'm also fearful for Arrow because it, much like my pet beta fish is getting up there in years, easy pickings for a show that will end soon.
  10. Well now I appreciate your being grouchy... because lol.
  11. With the latter two, I'd imagine it's because their spouses are also actors presumably looking for work and it would be kind of a favour to keep them in Vancouver instead of heading off to LA to be constantly away from their spouses when they can't leave Canada for large chunks of the year. Cassandra...would just have to be a favour to the Amell's.
  12. So, that happened, yes it did. There were some good things. Olicity!!! I'm glad I was right earlier in the year that they were using Chicago for Gotham. It works. I liked Kara looking awkward when Oliver was telling Barry that Batman was a myth. Umm, so I guess Oliver's speech last year was riddled with holes because apparently Bruce Wayne has left Gotham. As well as Batman. It really bothers me that every time a show wants to use Gotham or it's roster they are forced to put Batman into some sort of self imposed exile. Yeah, I'm looking at you Birds of Prey. I enjoyed Kara talking to Kate and I like that Barry is naive enough to think Gotham proper has any good parts, no boy, you have to get to the estates and such. I also like that on every single earth Gotham is a dumpster fire on the verge of collapse. Not nearly as bad as the first episode, but it feels like a lot of it ended up on the cutting room floor.
  13. "Are you puffing out your chest?" "... yes. " I'm dead. As someone who doesn't watch the flash and only occasionally watches Supergirl, it was okay. Parts were fun and funny, but to enjoy it I have to consider it a elseworlds...elseworlds story. Like, completely isolated from actual canon, because the characters aren't acting like themselves.
  14. Wait... did Katie already get married? Is this an old photo? Either way, that dress is gorgeous.
  15. I'm very excited that Margo seems to be crucially important this season. I'm here for that.
  16. I'm thirty and during my recent attempts to get back in shape by doing insane workouts realized, holy fuck I don't move the same way I did at twenty. I went to do a toe touch, which is like a sit up, but different and my body was just like, "No, you don't do that anymore. "
  17. Of course the gay guy gets a cabernet, that's so perfect and I'm so tempted to actually try to get a bottle because I bet Colton's taste is fantastic.
  18. I can see the logic behind it, but the logic still feels kind of short sighted. I watch the mcu shows and I watch queer eye. I'm not exactly scrambling to watch other Netflix originals. I'm not going to pay money for the Disney plus streaming service. If anything I'm more likely to just cancel Netflix as it's not offering anything I'm interested in. And watch what I want to watch through YouTube or some other sight. At the end day, I pay for streaming services for the easy part of streaming, it's easier than dvds. But if I have to toggle between streaming services then I don't find it really convenient anymore.
  19. Yeahhh, but like a toddler werewolf, I don't think it was traumatic at the time.
  20. I'm going to be so upset when they cancel Jessica Jones after streaming season three.
  21. And Netflix cancelled Daredevil. The punches keep coming. The third season was actually very good.
  22. Rory is back! Hopefully to give Dinah and Curtis the boot. This makes me so happy.
  23. This bothered me so much, i was just so confused, like, there are cells here that you haven't blown up.
  24. I got some absolutely stunning sweaters and button ups for practically free. But talked myself out of new boots that I wanted but couldn't really justify spending the money on. Was going to do more but it's a bit of a crunch finance wise atm.
  25. I honestly feel like Jaime Foxx phones in every performance, he's got some talent to be sure but I don't think he tries anymore.
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