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Everything posted by Delphi

  1. I think it's more likely that Barbara was staying at a hotel, it wasn't made clear but that's the impression I got. I was pleasantly surprised with Bruce and Selina. I don't think Bruce is too mature compared to some other posters. As a comic geek I think it's been pretty well established that Bruce began his training at around twelve and this episode did a good job of establishing him of someone furthering his education on his own terms and becoming the all around genius he becomes. Aside from all the scenes at the manor I felt the rest of the episode lacking. Honestly I want to see more of Falcone and Liza, but that doesn't seem all too likely which is a shame. Eta: Just because she's going be catwoman doesn't mean she needs to drink milk all the time. Though granted the healthy bones and teeth will be helpful in about twelve years.
  2. I have to agree with yellowfred, I seriously doubt when laurel went to the gym Ted was all, "Laurel Lance!? The disgraced detectives daughter who used to date Tommy Merlyn AND his best friend Oliver Queen!?" It really makes n sense, tell me the partners of some billionaires kids, who are Donald Trumps kids dating, I dunno. I doubt Ted knows and I doubt he cares. On a Diggle note I have to bring up ARGUS, the crazy former murderers with bombs in their heads to make sure they kill the right folk, the people that he works with when its convenient for him. Like really? Babymomma can do all the killing she wants if it's for a slimmed down psychopath but a forcibly drugged up kid with no control or memory goes to jail. Shut up Dig.
  3. That's correct, in the comics any skills in combat were taught to her by her mother's friend, Ted Grant. While she learned her detective/interrogation skills from her father. She has a natural aptitude for both but nothing metahuman.
  4. I thought laurel was being sarcastic there's, kinda like, "mind your own business, Ted."
  5. I liked the episode, it wasn't as Laurel focused as some people thought it would be. I find myself enjoying pretty much any seen with Felicity and Roy, which there was a few of. I think Emily's and Colton's friendship really translates on screen. Honestly the only people I couldn't stand for most the night were Oliver and Dig, completely out of character. Well not Oliver so much, he's known for occasionally being a douche to everyone. Plus he's murdered like thirty people and is suddenly better some other vigilante, you're not Batman, calm down Oliver
  6. Delphi

    S01.E08: The Mask

    I saw this on tumblr and Facebook, thought it was really interesting. http://www.humansofnewyork.com/post/101681390196/before-i-joined-the-marines-i-used-to-perform-in
  7. It may just be me reading too much into references but I think the Starro shirt might have been a hint that Cooper was being/going to be controlled by someone whether it be Myron or the nsa, I don't know. It also leads me to think that if Roy did kill Sara he is also being controlled, not necessarily by Starro but someone.
  8. Heyy, Long time lurker in twop, sometimed poster back in the Veronica mars days of old, figured I'd start contributing here.
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