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Everything posted by DeeplyShallow

  1. I wasn’t looking to you or anyone to validate my opinion. As someone also noted above, it’s not just what she said- she said it with malice and to shame. This is what is offensive and disgusting.
  2. Dorinda had a huge “fall from grace” when Richard died. She went from having money and hobnobbing with the elite to being a housewife dependent on the show and John to keep her in some kind of wealthy lifestyle. John supplied her with coke and clothes, but she was embarrassed to be with him and not someone of Richard’s caliber. I believe she wasn’t mourning Richard as much as the lifestyle she once had in more recent years. That’s also why she was such a nasty troll to Sonja- too many similarities and she couldn’t deal.
  3. Well, you aren’t offended on behalf of your sibling and nieces/nephews, and that’s fine. 2 of mine were IVF babies and I AM offended and will always be offended. Dorinda is trash.
  4. On IG, in the comments on the most recent post, he said they’ve been together 1.5 years and then people pulled up a “Happy Anniversary” post May 2019 from Caroline to Cem so now people are speculating that she cheated 🤔 I wouldn’t be surprised if they were both cheating on each other
  5. Noelle always had this “evil” aura about her; like she’s always plotting and never to be trusted. She just seemed like the kind of person who would do anything (and, anyone) to get ahead. I never bought that she loved Scot. They need to bring back this show! With Caroline x 2, Sophie, and Adela. Marissa is back in LA, I can do without Juliet and frantic Julie. I know Caroline S lives in Dubai, but who cares, she travels anyway and she’s got a new (hot) man
  6. It’s interesting, how people can have such different perspectives. I don’t believe for a second that she was moved by Brandi’s video. I fully believe she reconnected with Brandi with intention to cause issues for Denise. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kim spilled something and that got Kyle’s wheels spinning. Yes, I believe Kyle is guilty of doing the same thing she accused LVP doing over the years- manipulating and using people to do their bidding and to create storylines (while also taking attention away from her own problematic life). I also believe that anyone who is such close friends with snakes like Kris Jenner and Faye Resnick...well, it says a lot about them and it isn’t good.
  7. “Properly” She’s such a jackass. I can’t stand her.
  8. I never thought Megan was particularly nice and I couldn’t stand her but Vicki is so horrid and repulsive that the focus really shifted on her so much that Megan didn’t get as much negative attention. Vicki didn’t think Megan was nice because Megan was on to her 😉
  9. Surprised not to see the news here; Juicy’s final appeal was denied.
  10. I can’t see Tamra or Lynn for the first one. Further up north on the freeway doesn’t work for either of these OC-ers. Also, the way it’s written sounds like the housewife gave up the show for “love” and both Tamra and Lynn were dumped. I think it’s a former BH Ho...Taylor?
  11. Wow, I really see the (unfortunate) family resemblance to Kathy in this picture
  12. Considering that she’s walking around w a $6000 Cartier LOVE bracelet on, it’s probably her shawl
  13. Probably to prevent scratching (my 3 month old is constantly scratching his face, despite me constantly cutting his nails). But, they can at least take them off for pictures, especially bc these look like socks on her hands 😂 At this point, why wait this long to get married? They’ve been “engaged” how many years & now have a baby? Go to the courthouse & get it done. Plan a huge party for a milestone anniversary then if still saving up money.
  14. Really? I’m Jewish and I don’t know anything about this men in track suits thing. I get creeped out by Jackie’s father. Ick.
  15. Tamra is cunning and “street” smart. She knows what she needs to do to survive. She’s not smart in other ways, though. MO, of course.
  16. And, yet, you are incapable of not being blinded by your hate for Kate when she is clearly enduring hateful, mysogynistic, and dangerous attacks.
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