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Everything posted by DeeplyShallow

  1. 😆 Brawny is my age (42/43) so if she did drugs in the 80s that would have been one messed up little kid. 90s is more likely but LA Gear still works for the first half of the decade
  2. Does anyone follow Caroline Stanbury on IG? She spent the year traveling all over the place, constantly getting tested for COVID. Always surrounded by friends, going to events left and right, hosting events...guess who got COVID. Shocker.
  3. And, again, lots of finger pointing at Shannon because we are only seeing her point of view, as the person who signed up to be filmed for a reality show. I believe you did mention hotel, which is why I responded this way
  4. Well... no...a Prada bag is a lot easier to get than a Birkin. Again, agree it was all for show, but the post also went on to talk about the exclusivity of the Birkin bags and waitlists. If she said Birkin it would actually have been more unbelievable.
  5. So, He should put them up in a hotel and knowingly put innocent people in harm’s way? Why should hotel employees have to be exposed x3? That’s ridiculous. Shannon is histrionic and an unreliable source. We are only hearing and seeing her side of the story because she is the one who signed up for the show. The kids were old enough to be on their own at home, Shannon had somewhere to stay. She had options. Why should he put his unborn child at risk? That’s a no win situation- he literally had to choose between his children in this case. The girls were not starving, had a nice place to stay, and were not seemingly experiencing severe symptoms- until the oldest one and Shannon was already home. I fail to see how it was all on Shannon.
  6. I agree it’s BS but I believe they were talking about a Prada bag, not a Birkin
  7. I loathe David, so I’m not into defending him, but I do think that he was in a no-win situation. The three girls were positive for COVID & he’s living with his pregnant wife. If he stayed with the girls or they were at his house, then they were exposing a pregnant woman to COVID. Too risky. He’s not going to put his new wife and unborn child above his neurotic ex-wife. We also don’t know if he was talking to the girls on a regular basis or sending meals to them. He isn’t signing up to be a part of the show so it’s not like we’d really have any window into what was going on with him and his involvement.
  8. What I noticed is that Elizabeth uses the same tactics any conman or woman uses when talking to people. Half saying something and leading the other person to actually feed them the actual words or information. Do I think something happened in the cult? Yeah, something. But, I think that she was being vague enough to lead the others to assume something and then ran with it. And, yes, I realize that saying this means that I’m casting doubt on a potential victim’s claims and that’s gross. I am always one of those screaming from the rafters to believe women. But, I’m also cynical when I’m watching the bullshit that is Bravo. We had disgusting Phaedra lie about an attempted drugging and rape plot against a coworker, Vicki and her cancer scam, Mary from SLC and her con game...Bravo is rife with immoral, lying pieces of trash. I still don’t buy Brawnywn’s thirsty stories and I side eye Elizabeth too.
  9. Monique just quit on IG Live. Said she’s putting her family first and they’re out.
  10. I’ve never liked her either. I have always found her to be dull, unpleasant, and judgemental.
  11. She does have an eating disorder; they talked about her anorexia last season I’ve only seen the 20 motif on her, which retails for around $15K. 60K would be something like an alternating pave necklace, but I’ve never seen that on her. She does have a lot of VCA though
  12. Mom also went out to dinner at Mastro’s straight from being discharged from the hospital, so she doesn’t get any pity from me. Kelly’s an asshole, but this asshole also raised her.
  13. Who didn’t see this announcement coming? I applaud and support anyone who is bravely and openly living their truth. I just seriously cannot stand this woman. Everything about her, everything, screams attention whore.
  14. Every time I see that scene with her in the mini car shrieking “coming in hot!” it feels like nails on a chalkboard.
  15. And when did Shannon become obsessed with tequila? Wasn’t she also a “vodka, soda, lots of lime in a tall” drinker?
  16. Interesting, why Shannon? OC is a very red county (known as the “orange curtain” around here). Shannon strikes me as just the person to vote Republican, along with Kelly, Elizabeth, Emily, Vicki, Tamra. The only one who I believe would vote Democratic is Brawny, and I’m unsure about Gina. Shannon is disgusting to me, for many reasons. Like Dorinda, I can’t stand watching her. Gina has completely grown on me, Emily is ok. Brawny, like someone said above, strikes me more of a binge drinker who opted for a storyline. I still don’t buy her addiction story. Elizabeth is incredibly annoying and a try hard. Kelly continues to be dumb as a rock and trashy.
  17. They were giving away samples at my local store years ago. I tried it, out of curiosity. Absolutely disgusting.
  18. Mary is a cult leader. She uses the money from her church to fund her luxury lifestyle and plastic surgeries (including skin lightening- look at her old pictures), while her parishioners live in poverty (became they give their money to the church). The information is out there now that she’s famous. She was horrid when she spoke of Jen’s aunt. She’s disgusting and a grandpa fucker. There are plenty of reasons to go after her and it has nothing to do with race.
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