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Everything posted by DeeplyShallow

  1. It really is a weird move right now. Why would you push something that has to be covered up when you’re around people?
  2. He said something like 90% of her family lives there or something. I get a weird vibe from this. They move a lot- granted, up until recently he was in the military, but I don’t know...
  3. I don’t follow her on SM but sometimes she pops up on IG and a click on a post out of curiosity. She definitely has her sycophants but she does limit comments. What indicates a dismal following (I’m lame, I really don’t know)?
  4. Not to defend her, bc I don’t like her, but are the boys under 2? Under 2 are not required to wear masks and even 2-4 is questionable, depends on the region and store (I don’t shop Walmart but likely they require 2 and up)
  5. Lisa’s personality lends itself to a sterile house. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s really her home and not a rental. Meredith, Jen, Whitney- that’s a whole other story.
  6. I’m interested to see how that went down bc my immediate reaction upon seeing that part of the preview was that she went out not out of concern but more to calm her down to get her back on stage.
  7. Agree with you except for one thing- Jews are not exempt from the minimizing of experiences and feelings either and we’re not a protected class. However, as most of us are White, there is privilege and that I wholeheartedly acknowledge. I was struck by “I believe you said it” and was surprised no one jumped on that. That, right there, proves to me that Brawnwyn was lying. I think what’s gotten Kelly unhinged is the fame and attention that Brawnwyn is getting. I actually agree with her that everything that woman does is contrived, but I think that if Brawnwyn toned it way down, Kelly wouldn’t be so intense about her reactions toward her. That said, I hate Brawnwyn and want her fired yesterday
  8. Word on the street is that the first production company fired her but when Shed took over, they decided to keep her as a housewife but no other group interactions with Mary were filmed.
  9. I’m the same age as Brawnwyn and while I’m not nearly as fit as she is and I always look tired (I have 3 young kids but no nannies!), she is a hard looking 42/43 and looks much older than I do. Botox, alcohol, & restrictive eating will do that to a person. Oh, and those shorty short dresses are ridiculous.
  10. I used to be a rehab counselor years ago and Step 9 in 6 months isn’t unheard of, BUT- Brawnwyn only said she was on Step 9, they certainly didn’t show her making amends. Let’s see- she remained dismissive and a total bitch to her wallet, er, husband, and she had a stank attitude from the minute she stepped foot on Elizabeth’s property. She said she was going to school to be a counselor, but that’s just talk. I doubt she has a sponsor. Basically, while I disagree with Kelly about almost everything and find her to be a terrible person, I do agree with her that everything that Brawnwyn does is contrived. I think all of her actions and words are performative and I just don’t buy a thing she says.
  11. I read something someplace where she said that’s exactly what she was going for- a 60s look. Why, I have no idea, but she seemed to get that it didn’t work out. If I were her, I’d fire her makeup artist and stylist.
  12. Maybe the orange face was her paying homage to Orange Cty Fail across the board
  13. Kelly is a beautiful woman and definitely knows how to dress well. Shannon always looks so dowdy; I usually love VCA jewelry (admittedly, I do have a “bougie” alhambra bracelet 😉) but she makes it all look so...old lady and blah. Also- she keeps saying how she was a “rocker” in the day. Maybe she means soft rock?
  14. I don’t know if she did, but RHONY Ramona did around the same age, or at least close to 60. It looks ridiculous but she’s also ridiculous.
  15. Right...how convenient. Right after the blowback she got about being “devastated” If he dated. Oh, and didn’t she say at that same time that Sean isn’t dating Bc it’s hard to date during COVID (though not hard for her, apparently)? How convenient he found someone so quickly after that...and they’re already at the heavy make out in public stage. These people are unbelievably stupid to think that they’re pulling any of this off convincingly.
  16. Of course they do. They have 2 very loving and very committed...nannies.
  17. I was thinking about that too. It would make sense- they seem committed to horrible Brawnwyn and it gives her a friend...and Tamra is already floating her potential storyline- fighting w Shannon. Blech.
  18. Definitely a long running trend; a large percentage of addictions counselors are recovering addicts. But, as you said, she’s been sober for like 10 min. as usual, she is full of shit. Everything that she does is performative and this is another example of it. Addictions counseling is not pretty work, it is not easy work. Most addicts don’t live a charmed Newport life either. She’ll get scared away almost immediately. If she actually put any work into it, I’d be shocked. Also, as if anyone wants a counselor who just got sober herself? I can’t stand her.
  19. I live in an area that is at least 30% Asian. There are children in my kids’school that were born here and literally learn English in school. They do not know a “lick of English”. My daughter was very good friends with a girl who only spoke Japanese until mid year. There are children who grow up in Spanish speaking homes and neighborhoods that do not speak English. ESL programs in schools are not only for those who immigrated from other countries. I say this with direct knowledge and experience. i am a daughter of Russian immigrants. Guess what? I was born here and did not speak English until I went to Kindergarten. Just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen. Just because Asians are “highly successful”, the “model minority” label is not complementary and is a form of racism, adding to distrust and fueling negative feelings and reactions from other minority races. Additionally, the hate directed to Asians after COVID started to impact us here in the US was intense. People were spit at, beaten up, lost business- this is a real thing. Making fun of someone’s eyes, BRANDI, is a form of racism. It diminishes a group of people, sends a clear message that they are “less than”, insulting, and paints people as a caricature. just because Asians are statistically successful in education and business does not mean that they don’t experience the pain, humiliation, and danger that racism brings.
  20. And when he was talking to her about what she should wear to the party and ends with “do what you want” in this tone. Ugh, he IS the worst.
  21. I read that they fired her at some point during filming, after her met gala thing, which is why we don’t see her in group scenes. They shot some pickups, I think, after production changed hands and I guess brought her back.
  22. She absolutely is a hypochondriac and histrionic. Not mean at all.
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